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为了明确我国不同地区马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵和精甲霜灵的抗性状况,2007-2009年从河北、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁和内蒙古马铃薯主产区采集马铃薯晚疫病菌,采用菌丝生长速率法和叶盘漂浮法测定其对甲霜灵的敏感性,采用叶盘漂浮法测定其对精甲霜灵的敏感性.结果表明:以菌丝生长速率法检测的380株晚疫病菌中和以叶盘漂浮法检测的222株晚疫病菌中对甲霜灵的抗性菌株分别占80%和73.5%;菌丝生长速率法检测结果显示,河北省对甲霜灵的抗性菌株所占频率从2007年的100%降为2008年的66.4%,2009年又回升至74.2%,而吉林和黑龙江两省对甲霜灵的抗性菌株分布频率呈上升趋势.叶盘漂浮法检测的95个菌株中对精甲霜灵的抗性菌株占54.5%,其中河北省40个菌株对精甲霜灵的中间型菌株占优势(62.5%),抗性菌株仅占34.9%,而其他4省55个菌株对精甲霜灵的抗性菌株占优势(69.1%).受检测的北方五省(区)马铃薯晚疫病菌群体中对甲霜灵和精甲霜灵的抗性菌株已占优势,马铃薯晚疫病菌已普遍对甲霜灵及精甲霜灵产生抗性.在对甲霜灵和精甲霜灵普遍产生抗性的地区,应优先选用与甲霜灵、精甲霜灵作用机理不同的药剂防治马铃薯晚疫病.  相似文献   

天津市番茄晚疫病菌生理小种的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从天津市9个区县的20份番茄晚疫病样上分离纯化出15个菌株。利用含有不同单显性抗番茄晚疫病基因的番茄材料TS19、TS33、W.Va.700、L3708和LA1033作为鉴别寄主,确定其生理小种。结果表明,天津市番茄晚疫病菌生理小种有3种类型,即T0、T1、T1,2其中T0小种占所测菌株的6.67%,分布在北部新菜区;T1小种占60.00%,各个区县均有分布;T1,2小种占33.33%,主要分布在近郊的老菜区。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵抗性机制的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 选取对甲霜灵敏感、中抗和高抗的马铃薯晚疫病菌(Phytophthora infestans)菌株各2株,采用电导率法和同位素掺入法,研究了甲霜灵对马铃薯晚疫病菌不同抗药性水平菌株细胞膜通透性和RNA聚合酶活性的影响,借助液相色谱分析方法检测了不同抗药性水平菌株对甲霜灵的降解作用。结果表明:甲霜灵对马铃薯晚疫病菌不同抗药性水平菌株的细胞膜通透性没有明显影响;随着甲霜灵浓度提高,敏感菌株的RNA聚合酶活性受到显著抑制,10μg/mL甲霜灵对敏感菌株RNA聚合酶活性的抑制率达到40%以上,而10和100μg/mL甲霜灵对高抗菌株的RNA聚合酶活性只表现轻微的抑制作用,抑制作用分别小于8%和21%,甲霜灵对中抗菌株RNA聚合酶活性的抑制作用介于对敏感菌株和高抗菌株的抑制作用之间。抗性菌株对甲霜灵有一定的降解作用,培养30d后高抗菌株HL105和SC1的降解率分别达到13.46%和16.14%。  相似文献   

2006-2008年在黑龙江省和吉林省共分离获得61株马铃薯晚疫病菌,测定了这些菌株对交配型、氟啶胺和甲霜灵的敏感性。交配型测定结果显示所有菌株都显示A1交配型。甲霜灵测定结果显示10个菌株(16.4%)显示为敏感性,11个菌株(18.0%)显示为中抗,40个菌株(65.6%)显示为抗性。这说明吉林省和黑龙江省发生的晚疫病菌已对甲霜灵产生抗性。氟啶胺敏感性测定结果表明,不同地区、不同年份分离的马铃薯晚疫病菌对氟啶胺的敏感性无显著差异, 其敏感性呈连续的单峰曲线分布, EC50在0.203 3~0.783 7 μg/mL之间, 最不敏感菌株是最敏感菌株的3.85倍, 平均值为(0.4781±0.0163)μg/mL, 未出现敏感性下降的抗药性群体, 因此可作为马铃薯晚疫病菌对氟啶胺的敏感性基线;83.6%的供试菌株对甲霜灵的敏感性下降, 甲霜灵与氟啶胺之间不存在交互抗药性。测定氟啶胺对马铃薯晚疫病的盆栽防治试验结果表明,氟啶胺可湿性粉剂、氟啶胺悬浮剂和烯酰吗啉能很好地控制晚疫病,防治效果分别为85.71%、87.00%、82.19%,而甲霜灵的为23.92%。  相似文献   

2009年黑龙江和吉林省马铃薯晚疫病菌表型结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确2009年黑龙江和吉林两省马铃薯主产区晚疫病菌的表型特征,本研究对所采晚疫病菌的交配型、甲霜灵抗性及生理小种分别进行了测定.结果表明:被测黑龙江(46株)和吉林(48株)两省的菌株均为 A1 交配型.黑龙江省被测菌株甲霜灵高抗、敏感菌株各占50%;吉林省被测菌株中高抗、敏感菌株分别占70.8%、29.2%;两省均未发现中抗菌株.其中采自吉林敦化菌株均为高抗菌株,采自吉林榆树的菌株均为敏感菌株,甲霜灵抗/感比例地区间差异明显.在被测33个黑龙江菌株中发现24个生理小种,而吉林49个菌株中发现19个生理小种,其中9个生理小种两省共有.另外,两省被测菌株中还发现了18株“超级毒力小种”.因此,建议加强种薯监测,防止 A2交配型传入;在生产上使用甲霜灵类药剂防治马铃薯晚疫病应该以菌株的抗性监测数据为依据;进一步加强生理小种监测,合理布局抗病品种.  相似文献   

致病疫霉抗药性、交配型和适合度   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
 在离体条件下,我国马铃薯和番茄上62株致病疫霉中对甲霜灵和恶霜灵抗性菌株占11.29%,平均抗性水平15022倍和24733倍,未发现抗霜脲氰菌株和抗烯酰吗啉菌株。在活体条件下,比利时马铃薯上66株致病疫霉中对甲霜灵和恶霜灵抗性菌株占27.3%,河北省围场、崇礼马铃薯上217株中对甲霜灵和恶霜灵抗性菌株分别占29.0%和32.7%,河北省徐水番茄上88株中仅发现1株抗甲霜灵和恶霜灵。比利时马铃薯上的66株中4株为A2交配型,占6.1%,1株交配型为A1A2,抗甲霜灵。围场、崇礼马铃薯上的73株中6株为A2交配型,占8.2%,6株A2交配型中3株抗甲霜灵和恶霜灵。徐水番茄上的4 4株中3株A2交配型占6.8%。致病疫霉对甲霜灵和恶霜灵具有交互抗性,而2药与霜脲氰或烯酰吗啉之间无交互抗性关系。由于抗性菌株的产孢能力明显较高,田间抗甲霜灵和恶霜灵菌株明显比中间型菌株和敏感菌株的适合度高。  相似文献   

为明确我国云南省宾川县、湖北省公安县和山东省烟台市葡萄产区霜霉病菌对甲霜灵的抗性发生态势,采用叶盘漂浮法测定了这3个产区共127株葡萄霜霉病菌对甲霜灵的抗性频率及抗性水平。结果显示,不同区域间病菌的抗性频率和抗性水平均存在差异。其中,湖北省公安县霜霉病菌的抗性频率和抗性水平均较高,抗性频率达92.0%,高抗菌株占76.0%,低抗菌株占16.0%,敏感菌株占8.0%;山东省烟台市霜霉病菌的抗性频率为74.0%,低抗菌株占64.0%,高抗菌株占10.0%,敏感菌株占26.0%;云南省宾川县霜霉病菌的抗性频率和抗性水平均较低,抗性频率为29.6%,敏感菌株占70.4%,低抗菌株占29.6%,无高抗菌株。  相似文献   

 2003-2004年在内蒙古和黑龙江省共分离获得100株马铃薯晚疫病菌,并测定了这些菌株对烯酰吗啉和甲霜灵的敏感性。结果表明,不同地区、不同年份的马铃薯晚疫病菌对烯酰吗啉的敏感性无显著差异,其敏感性呈连续的单峰曲线分布,EC50在0.0631-0.2206μg/mL之间,最不敏感菌株是最敏感菌株的3.1倍,平均为(0.1153±0.0308)μg/mL,未出现敏感性下降的抗药性亚群体,因此可作为马铃薯晚疫病菌对烯酰吗啉的敏感性基线;64%的供试菌株对甲霜灵的敏感性下降,甲霜灵与烯酰吗啉之间不存在交互抗药性。采用紫外线诱变菌丝的方法仅从3个菌株中的1个菌株获得了3%突变频率的抗烯酰吗啉突变体,抗性倍数为1.5-1.9,没有获得高抗药水平的突变体。这些突变体与氟吗啉之间具有正交互抗药性,而与霜脲氰或嘧菌酯之间无交互抗药性;与野生亲本菌株相比,抗药突变体的生长速率和产孢子囊能力显著下降,不利于抗药群体的发展。但由于马铃薯晚疫病菌被杀菌剂抗性行动委员会认为是高抗药性风险病原菌,建议生产上应将烯酰吗啉与其它无交互抗性的药剂交替使用或混合使用,以避免或延缓抗药性的产生。  相似文献   

2011年研究结果表明:嘧菌酯(阿米西达)250g/L悬浮剂在武陵山区应用于马铃薯及番茄晚疫病化学防控,无论是速效性还是持效性,均显著优于甲霜灵锰锌58%可湿性粉剂,且对作物安全,可应用于大面积生产上替代产生抗性的甲霜灵系列杀菌剂。  相似文献   

建立马铃薯晚疫病菌抗甲霜灵SCAR(sequenced characterized amplified region,序列特征扩增区域)标记,以马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵高抗菌株HD01-3和对甲霜灵高感菌株DK98-1为亲本,通过无性单游动孢子分离和有性杂交获得菌株HD01-3无性后代群体、菌株DK98-1无性后代群体以及F1代分离群体,以此为试验材料,利用BSA法(bulked segregant analysis,分离群体分组分析法)构建抗感基因池对后代菌系的甲霜灵抗性进行RAPD(random amplified polymorphic DNA,随机扩增多态性DNA)分析。从178条RAPD随机引物中找到一条特异性引物S2054,其可以扩增出一个与晚疫病菌对甲霜灵抗性相关的遗传标记,将该特异条带回收、克隆、测序,发现此标记大小为457bp,根据测序结果设计特异PCR引物,用于扩增抗感基因池,成功地将特异RAPD标记转化为SCAR标记。初步建立了马铃薯晚疫病菌抗甲霜灵SCAR标记,辅助监测晚疫病菌对甲霜灵的抗性。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵和霜脲氰的敏感性检测   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
2003 ~2004年从内蒙古和黑龙江省共采集分离了127株马铃薯晚疫病菌Phytophthora infestans,并在离体条件下测定了这些菌株对甲霜灵和霜脲氰的敏感性。结果表明:在2003年分离的内蒙菌株、2003年及2004年分离的黑龙江菌株中对甲霜灵敏感(MS)的菌株频率分别为86.2%、13.8%、17.8%;虽然霜脲氰在这些地区使用近10年,但病菌群体对该药剂的敏感性没有下降,EC50值分布于0.10 ~0.35 μg/mL之间,平均EC50值为0.20(±0.06)μg/mL,不同敏感性的菌株频率呈连续的单峰曲线分布,未出现敏感性下降的抗药性亚群体,可作为马铃薯晚疫病菌对霜脲氰抗药性监测的敏感性基线;此外,马铃薯晚疫病菌对甲霜灵和霜脲氰之间没有交互抗药性,霜脲氰对抗甲霜灵和野生敏感菌株具有相同的活性。  相似文献   

Three metalaxyl-sensitive (MS, wild type) and three metalaxyl-resistant (MR) field isolates of Phytophthora infestans were compared, in the absence of metalaxyl, for non-competitive and competitive fitness on potato leaf and tuber tissues. When inoculated singly onto intact plants MR isolates produced larger lesions in leaflets than MS isolates, but no significant differences were recorded in infection frequency or sporulation capacity. When mixtures of MS and MR isolates were inoculated onto intact plants, all MR isolates exhibited a strong competitive ability: their proportion increased in the sporangial populations from 10 to 100% after eight to 10 sporulation cycles. In contrast, when mixtures were inoculated onto detached leaflets or tuber slices in a moisture-saturated atmosphere, only MR2 was a strong competitor; MR1 was a weak and MR3 a moderate competitor. The results showed that in intact plants all MR isolates were able to compete successfully with their MS partner isolates, because of the larger lesions they produced and the unlimited availability of host tissue. However, in detached tissues only MR2 was able to compete successfully with MS2, because of its higher infection and sporulation capabilities compared to MS2. The results explain the severe MR-induced late blight epidemics in potato crops in Israel.  相似文献   

In The Netherlands in 1980 a severe late-blight epidemic involving metalaxyl-resistant strains of Phytophthora infestans did considerable damage to the potato crop. As a consequence metalaxyl or metalaxyl-containing products were withdrawn from the Dutch fungicide market for the control of potato late blight. In 1981 the majority of the P. infestans isolates obtained from various parts of the country were sensitive to metalaxyl. In three areas where metalaxyl mixtures were used on a relatively large scale metalaxyl-resistant strains dominated the population. Incidental use of metalaxyl mixtures in 1982 and 1983 showed adequate late-blight control and, when in 1984 an early and in some areas severe epidemic developed, a metalaxyl/mancozeb mixture was reintroduced for curative application in combination with conventional fungicides. Although disease control was adequate, resistant strains were present in a small number of fields. Whether resistant strains will increase in frequency and threaten the usefulness of mixtures of acylalanines will heavily depend on how well potato farmers adopt strategies involving a limited use of mixtures of acylalanines in a spray schedule with conventional late-blight fungicides.  相似文献   

Phytophthora infestans was isolated from potato leaves and tubers collected from different parts of Finland in 1990–96 and Norway in 1993–96. Isolates were assessed for mating type, resistance to metalaxyl and virulence phenotype. In Finland 15% of 200 isolates tested and in Norway 25% of 642 tested were A2 mating type. Differences in the A1/A2 ratio were evident among regions and A2 was not found in northern areas. In Finland the frequency of metalaxyl-resistant isolates, among 1834 tested, decreased from 59% in 1990–95 to 2% in 1996. In Norway 59% of 491 isolates tested were resistant to metalaxyl in 1996. Among 269 Finnish and 105 Norwegian isolates, all known virulence genes were found in both countries and race was the most common (resistance gene R9 was not included in the differential set). Oospores were observed in potato leaves from three locations in the southern part of Norway. The implications of the 'new' populations in the Nordic countries are discussed.  相似文献   

棉铃疫病菌对甲霜灵的抗药性风险研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
在实验室条件下,对分离自安徽省芜湖、无为、宣城、望江、肥东、寿县、滁州等7个地区的棉铃疫病菌(Phytophthora boehmeriae Sawada)对甲霜灵的抗药性进行了测定。结果显示,甲霜灵对各供试菌株的EC50分布为0.008 3~0.079 1μg/mL,平均为0.026 1 μg/mL,远小于1 μg/mL,且供试菌株在含甲霜灵质量浓度为1μg/mL的LBA平板上菌丝生长几乎完全被抑制,表明各供试菌株对甲霜灵十分敏感,但其敏感程度地区间存在较大差异。通过室内药剂直接诱变,获得抗甲霜灵菌株,经抗性测定结果表明,抗性菌株的抗性水平较其敏感亲本菌株高13 000倍以上,提示安徽省棉铃疫病菌对甲霜灵具有潜在的抗药性风险。  相似文献   

Characterization of some Asian isolates of Phytophthora infestans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A total of 401 isolates of Phytophthora infestans were collected from eight Asian regions (Korea, India, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal, China and Japan) between 1992 and 2000 – 318 from potato and 83 from tomato. The isolates were analysed for mating type, metalaxyl resistance, RG57 fingerprinting, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype and the polymorphism of three allozyme loci, i.e. glucose-6-phosphate isomerase ( Gpi ), peptidase ( Pep ) and malic enzyme ( Me ). The isolates were multilocus-genotyped based on RFLP (RG57) fingerprint, dilocus allozyme genotype, mtDNA haplotype and mating type. Twenty multilocus genotypes were identified among 125 isolates. Of these genotypes, 14 had not been previously reported. Some of the multilocus genotypes were common to isolates from several geographical regions, suggesting migration. The metalaxyl-resistant isolates belonged to the multilocus genotypes JP-1, JP-2, and JP-3. Multilocus genotypes coexisting in a single field were found in following regions: Thailand (1994), central China (1996), Nepal (1997) and Japan (1998 and 2000). The possible origins of certain genotypes are discussed, including the possibility of sexual recombination within the P. infestans populations in Nepal and perhaps Thailand.  相似文献   

Each of six pairs of metalaxyl-sensitive (MS) and metalaxyl-resistant (MR) field isolates of Phytophthora infestans was inoculated as a mixture of 90% MS sporangia with 10% MR sporangia onto fungicide-free potato plants (cv. Alpha) in six walk-in plastic tunnels in each of 2 years. In both experiments, late blight killed the crops in 26-31 days. In all tunnels, the frequency of MR sporangia increased during the logarithmic phase of the epidemic to 70-85% of the population. Later, however, the frequency of M R sporangia decreased to 7-38% in six tunnels but continued to increase to 94-100% in the other six. The increased frequency of MR during the logarithmic phase was attributed to the shorter latent period and larger lesion size of MR compared to MS isolates and to the unlimited availability of uninfected host tissue. The later decrease in the frequency of MR in six tunnels was attributed to the lower sporulation capacity and the shorter infectious period of MR compared to MS isolates, and to the limitation of uninfected host tissue. The data showed that the population dynamics of P. infestans was dependent not only on fitness components of isolates, but also on the availability of uninfected host tissue.  相似文献   

A total of 204 isolates of Phytophthora infestans from Northern Ireland, almost all from commercial potato crops, were collected over 5 years (1998–2002). Phenotypic diversity was assessed using mating type and metalaxyl resistance; genotypic diversity was assessed using two allozyme loci (glucose-6-phosphate isomerase, Gpi, and peptidase, Pep ), mitochondrial DNA haplotype and the multilocus RFLP probe RG57. All isolates were A1 mating type and Gpi 100/100 . The majority were Pep 100/100 , but four Pep 83/100 and six Pep 96/100 isolates were identified. Three mtDNA haplotypes were detected; haplotype IIa was the most common, but each year up to 2001 its frequency declined, with a concomitant increase in Ia isolates. Three isolates had the rare haplotype IIb, but this was only detected in 1998. Metalaxyl resistance and mtDNA haplotype were markedly associated: most haplotype Ia isolates were metalaxyl-resistant, whereas haplotype IIa was more commonly associated with metalaxyl sensitivity. Analysis of a subsample of 91 isolates revealed nine RG57 genotypes, three associated exclusively with haplotype IIa and six exclusively with haplotype Ia. The most common RG57 genotype (51% of isolates) comprised both metalaxyl-resistant and -sensitive haplotype IIa isolates. However, of haplotype Ia isolates, all metalaxyl-resistant phenotypes belonged to one of four RG57 types, one of which was the second most frequent overall (29% of isolates), while all metalaxyl-sensitive isolates belonged to one of two other types. The P. infestans population in Northern Ireland appears to consist of a limited number of clones related to, but differentiated from, the populations in mainland Britain and elsewhere in Europe.  相似文献   

In a survey of 1864 isolates derived from samples of Phytophthora infestans obtained from potato and tomato collected in England and Wales between 1985 and 1988, the A2 mating type was identified in approximately 10% of samples. There was no evidence for an overall increase in the frequency of the A2 mating type over this period. In agar culture, A2 isolates exhibited a distinct lumpy-colony morphology. Lumps were made up of intensely dichotomously branched hyphae. The incidence of resistance to metalaxyl among samples increased from 41 to 60% between 1986 and 1988. Some of the A2 isolates were resistant to metalaxyl and like other A2 isolates gave rise to progeny from in vitro matings with Al isolates. Except in one case, Al and A2 isolates were uniformly homozygous at an isoenzyme locus for glucosephosphate isomerase but isolates exhibited some variation at a peptidase locus. The source of the A2 isolates could not be established from these data.  相似文献   

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