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鸡皮刺螨是一种吸血性体外寄生虫,是蛋鸡养殖中危害最为严重的寄生虫之一,给全球养鸡业造成巨大的经济损失。目前控制鸡皮刺螨最常用的手段是用化学杀虫剂来进行防治,但药物残留问题、耐药性问题迫使去寻找一些新的、有效的方法去控制鸡皮刺螨。文章对植物提取物、惰性粉、疫苗、生物防控、饲养管理、化学信息素和生长调节剂等新型防控方法在鸡皮刺螨防治中的研究进展进行了综述,以期为国内研究人员和广大养殖者提供参考资料。  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是家禽养殖业中危害最严重的体外寄生虫之一。为了控制禽舍中鸡皮刺螨的种群繁殖,目前最常用的方法是化学药物喷洒。但是,随着健康饮食观念的深入人心,人们越来越关注鸡蛋和鸡肉的农药残留问题。因此,需要探索化学农药的替代品,包括疫苗、生物防治、物理防治以及生态友好型的化学信息物质。本文综述了生态友好型的化学信息物质,主要包括聚集信息素、性信息素、报警信息素、利他素以及植物类化合物,在鸡皮刺螨防治方面的作用、应用及研究现状,为防治鸡皮刺螨寻找绿色无污染的方法提供理论基础。  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是寄生于鸡体表的体外寄生虫,不仅危害鸡的健康,降低生产性能,其体内还可携带有沙门菌、立克次体和螺旋体等病原体,传播一些重要疾病。在国内,防控鸡皮刺螨仍是以化学药物杀虫为主,但耐药性问题日益凸显。本文阐述鸡皮刺螨病的病原特点及流行情况,并介绍国外近年对皮刺螞的防控研究进展,为我国鸡皮刺螨的防控提供一定参考。  相似文献   

为了解河南地区鸡螨虫病中的常见感染种类,试验采集了河南10个地区阳性蛋鸡场样品,采用形态学鉴定及基于鸡皮刺螨的18 S rRNA基因序列进行PCR扩增。结果显示:新乡市、开封市、平顶山市等8个地区采集8个阳性鸡场的样品虫体呈椭圆形,前端有长的口器,后部稍宽,肛板呈圆三角形,符合鸡皮刺螨的形态特征;在新乡市原阳县和周口市商水县白寺镇采集2个阳性鸡场样品虫体细长,整体小于鸡皮刺螨,肛板位于腹部末端,呈泪滴状,符合林禽刺螨形态特征;河南地区流行的鸡皮刺螨与日本LC034951.1基因序列相似性达100%,林禽刺螨和法国的FN646503.1基因序列相似性达98.72%。表明鸡皮刺螨和林禽刺螨已经在河南省蛋鸡中出现感染和分布。  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是鸡的一种体外寄生的节肢动物,属皮刺螨科、鸡皮刺螨属。该病流行十分广泛,对种鸡养殖有较大危害。  相似文献   

阿维菌素对蛋鸡皮刺螨的驱杀试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用蛋鸡为试验动物,将伊维菌素预混剂按1mg/kg饲料的浓度混入饲料为对照药物,检测1.25,1.00,0.75mg/kg饲料的阿维菌素预混剂和400mg/kg体重的阿维菌素粉剂(分两次)对鸡皮刺螨的驱杀效果。结果表明:阿维菌素预混剂能驱杀鸡皮刺螨,与伊维菌素预混剂驱杀鸡皮刺螨的效果一致,而阿维菌素粉剂驱杀鸡皮刺螨的效果不如阿维菌素预混剂。阿维菌素预混剂和阿维菌素粉剂都能显著增加料蛋比,提高饲料转化率。  相似文献   

正产蛋鸡常见的体外寄生虫病主要是鸡皮刺螨病和鸡虱病,其病原分别为皮刺螨科的鸡皮刺螨和食毛目的羽虱。1病原生活特点1.1鸡皮刺螨其寄居于鸡、鸽、家雀等禽类的舍窝巢的墙壁、地面的缝隙、松土或杂草中,其发育过程需经过卵、幼虫、若虫和成虫4个阶段,其中若虫为2个阶段。雌螨每次在鸡体上吸饱血后  相似文献   

<正>鸡外寄生虫病是养鸡业中很常见、危害很较重的疾病。鸡外寄生虫的种类很多,但常见及危害较大的是鸡皮刺螨、北方羽螨、虱子、臭虫、跳蚤和鸡软蜱等。根据与宿主关系的密切程度可分成永久性体外寄生虫病和暂时性寄生虫两大类。永久性体外寄生虫是从卵到成虫整个发育过程全部在鸡体上完成,如北方羽螨等。暂时性寄生虫是仅在吸食时才爬到鸡身上,如鸡皮刺螨等。1流行特点在适宜的条件下鸡外寄生虫可迅速繁殖,并通  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨又称血螨、红螨或栖架螨,是寄生在鸡体表的体外寄生虫,由于虫体可以离开鸡体,在环境中长期存活,一般消毒药较难杀灭,所以会在一定区域内长期流行发生。鸡皮刺螨引发鸡骚动不安,采食减少,出现贫血症状,生长、产蛋等生产性能下降。鸡螨虫可以携带传播多种病原,威胁人类健康,因此对鸡螨虫的防治意义重大。本文对北京地区5个养鸡散户进行现场调查,通过临床检查、样品采集、显微镜观察及标本的制作,确定样本为鸡皮刺属螨虫,可采用口服驱虫药、体外环境杀虫、切断传播途径的防控措施。  相似文献   

鸡皮刺螨是一种影响家禽业的重要的寄生虫之一,可导致严重的经济损失和影响家禽福利。当前部分研究都是针对如何控制,而对于其在媒介传染疾病中的作用还不甚了解。先前的研究指出鸡皮刺螨可能会传播病毒性和细菌性病原体(通过体外和直接分离的方法鉴定)。英国新堡大学的科研人员最新的研究显示,在鸡皮刺螨体内发现了分支杆菌。  相似文献   

The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer) is a serious ectoparasitic pest of layer hens that can survive for long periods in the poultry house sub-structure without taking a blood meal from its host. The research undertaken in this study found that 'time since last blood meal' had a notable effect on how toxic a selection of plant essential oils were to D. gallinae under laboratory conditions. In general, the essential oils had a greater toxic effect on D. gallinae if mites had been starved of a blood meal for around 3 weeks, than if they had been more recently fed 3-13 days prior to tests. This result was consistent across the four essential oils used (thyme, palmarosa, caraway and juniper leaf). This suggests that plant essential oils may be of use in management schemes for D. gallinae, particularly if used to sanitise houses between flocks, when mites will have been starved.  相似文献   

The poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae is a major pest and widespread ectoparasite of laying hens and other domestic and wild birds. Under optimal conditions, D. gallinae can complete its lifecycle in less than 10 days, leading to rapid proliferation of populations in poultry systems. This paper focuses on developing a theoretical model framework to describe the population dynamics of D. gallinae. This model is then used to test the efficacy and residual effect of different control options for managing D. gallinae. As well as allowing comparison between treatment options, the model also allows comparison of treatment efficacies to different D. gallinae life stages. Three different means for controlling D. gallinae populations were subjected to the model using computer simulations: mechanical cleaning (killing once at a given time all accessible population stages), sanitary clearance (starving the mite population for a given duration, e.g. between flocks) and acaricide treatment (killing a proportion of nymphs and adults during the persistence of the treatment). Simulations showed that mechanical cleaning and sanitary clearance alone could not eradicate the model D. gallinae population, although these methods did delay population establishment. In contrast, the complete eradication of the model D. gallinae population was achieved by several successive acaricide treatments in close succession, even when a relatively low treatment level was used.  相似文献   

The efficacy of ivermectin on females of a laboratory strain of Dermanyssus gallinae was tested. Ivermectin produced a noticeable systemic effect on the mites when inoculated intra-abdominally into infested chickens at rates greater than 0.6 mg kg-1. The concentrations efficacious against D. gallinae (1.8-5.4 mg kg-1) were unfavourably close to those causing toxicity in experimental birds (greater than or equal to 5.4 mg kg-1). Ivermectin administered at 5.4 mg kg-1 was active for 70 h post inoculation.  相似文献   

The development, viability, and life cycle parameters of Dermanyssus gallinae at five different temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 degrees C), and at relative humidity 70-85% were evaluated. Life cycle duration was 690.75 h (28 days) at 15 degrees C, 263.12h (11 days) at 20 degrees C, 164.63 h (7 days) at 25 degrees C, 140.69 h (6 days) at 30 degrees C and 172.04 h (7 days) at 35 degrees C. The optimal development temperature for D. gallinae was 30 degrees C, with the greatest survival in all stages and the shortest development time. High mortality at 35 degrees C indicated that this temperature had adverse effects on development of D. gallinae, and that in field conditions D. gallinae populations may decrease or even disappear due to the negative impact of high temperature on development. There were no significant differences in the pre-oviposition period among the four temperatures 20-35 degrees C, indicating that temperature did not affect this part of the life cycle.  相似文献   

介绍了成都动物园凹甲陆龟的人工饲养情况,主要阐述了引种、检疫、人工填食及诱导开食、性别鉴定及编号、常见疾病防治等几个饲养关键技术,对龟类(尤其是陆龟)的人工饲养有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

为更好地指导乌兰察布市优质育肥羔羊生产体系建设,进一步了解在相同的饲养管理条件下,“杜蒙萨”三元杂交羔羊与当地蒙古羊羔羊在养殖效益方面的对比情况,进行了“杜蒙萨”三元杂交羔羊产肉性能试验。试验分为试验组(“杜蒙萨”三元杂交羔羊组)和对照组(蒙古羊羔羊组)2个组,每组采取随机取样方式选择试验用羊。经过体重测定与屠宰试验测定,统计试验数据,通过分析试验数据进行经济效益对比。试验结果显示,在自然环境和饲养管理条件完全相同的条件下,经过对生长及产肉性能测定数据的整理、统计和分析,“杜蒙萨”三元杂交组羔羊平均初生重、断乳重、5月龄出栏活重、5月龄平均日增重均高于对照组蒙古羊羔羊。试验充分证明了在牧区推广“杜蒙萨”三元杂交羊生产体系建设,是实现牧区草原生态高效养殖和促进农牧民养殖户提质增效的有效途径之一。  相似文献   

Infestations with the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae represent a major ectoparasite problem in poultry and can affect egg layers worldwide. There is presently a lack of an ectoparasiticide in Europe for poultry which can assure a 0-day withholding period for eggs. In this study, ByeMite (phoxim 50%, Bayer HealthCare, Animal Health Division) was administered to treat a D. gallinae infestation in a poultry house stocked with egg-laying hens kept in a cage system. A layer house was sprayed twice within a 7-day interval using a solution containing 2000 ppm phoxim and a similar layer house was used as an untreated control unit. Specially developed D. gallinae traps made of cardboard were used to assess the mite density in both layer houses during a 49-day period after the treatment. In order to collect mites, the traps were placed on days--1, 2, 6, 9, 13, 20, 34 and 48 and always removed after 24 h. The collected mites were counted and differentiated according to their developmental stage (mite eggs, larvae, nymphs, adults). Three days after the first spray treatment, the efficacy against all mite stages (larvae, nymphs, adults) was 96.1%, and from day 7 post-treatment until the end of the trial (day 49) the efficacy exceeded 99%. In contrast, in the untreated layer house (negative control group) the mite population showed a 400% increase. No treatment-related side effects in chickens were detectable. It is concluded that two administrations of ByeMite within a 7-day interval are highly effective against D. gallinae infestations in a stocked poultry house.  相似文献   

The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer), is the most important ectoparasitic pest of layer hens worldwide and difficult to control through 'conventional' synthetic acaricides. The present study aimed to identify a suitable predator of D. gallinae that could potentially form the basis of biological control in commercial poultry systems. From four selected predatory mite species (Hypoaspis miles (Berlese), Hypoaspis aculeifer (Canestrini), Amblyseius degenerans (Berlese) and Phytoseiulus persimilis (Athias-Henriot)), Hypoaspis mites demonstrated the greatest potential as predators of D. gallinae. Experiments were also conducted to assess the effect of environmental (temperature and dust), physical (presence of harbourages) and biological (presence of alternative prey) factors on the predatory efficacy of H. miles. Predation of D. gallinae per se was observed under all conditions tested, though was found to be temperature-dependent and reduced by the presence of alternative prey.  相似文献   

青贮饲料是反刍动物养殖广泛应用一种饲料。不同原料制作的青贮饲料的营养价值和饲喂效果相差很大。我国养牛生产中应用的青贮饲料主要为带穗玉米全株青贮和去穗玉米青贮,而国外养牛业发达的国家除使用玉米全株青贮以外,还有大麦、燕麦等各种青贮。为了给我国青贮饲料资源的开发和应用提供借鉴,本文就非玉米全株青贮的种类、主要产区、饲喂效果和加工调制技术等进行了综述。  相似文献   

Information about the annual variation of trichomoniasis in mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) may be important in understanding mechanisms affecting mourning dove populations. The objectives of this study were to monitor the presence and annual variation of Trichomonas gallinae for 6 yr in a local mourning dove population using hunter-killed doves. During 1998-2003, 4052 hunter-killed doves were sampled for the presence of T. gallinae; 226 (5.6%) tested positive (4.4%-10.6% range). Results of the monitoring effort were relatively consistent during the 6-yr period, with the presence of T. gallinae being within the range of previously reported estimates for mourning doves. Asymptomatic carriers in one segment of the dove population may provide a mechanism for spreading the disease to other segments of the mourning dove population.  相似文献   

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