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文章综述了研究水产动物微颗粒饲料加工工艺的必要性,提出了将挤出滚圆法用于微颗粒饲料的制备,对其制备工艺影响因素进行了分析,并经初步试验证明采用该方法制备水产动物微颗粒饲料是可行的。  相似文献   

为了延长水产动物颗粒饲料在水中的保形时间和防止营养成份溶失等问题,我们研制成功了一种新的造粒方法。它是在制粒时利用一种可食性物质,包裹颗粒的表面,形成一层薄膜,这层膜不溶于水,易消化,我们称其为包衣造粒技术。此技术适合各种饲料配方,适用于沉性颗粒、悬浮性颗粒;也适用于其它动物混合料的造粒;还适合医药工业制做8—80目的缓释丸剂。此技术制造成本及材料成本仅是原工艺的十分之一。1水产动物饵料生产现状目前水产动物饵料的物理结构存在很大的缺陷,经挤压而成的硬颗粒,密度大,尤其是喜食水面食物及悬浮食物的鱼类尚…  相似文献   

通过粉碎工艺,原料的膨化工艺,原料的混合、加水、喷油工艺,蒸汽调质工艺,制粒模具,后熟化、后喷涂工艺,干燥冷却工艺等对颗粒饲料的影响分析,阐述了对畜禽、水产各类颗粒饲料硬度的调控方法和要求。  相似文献   

国外配合饲料的生产,目前正向颗粒化发展。有些国家生产的颗粒饲料已占全部配合饲料产量的50%~60%。在美国55%以上为颗粒饲料其中饲喂肉用仔鸡的占95%以上。近年来,国内颗粒饲料生产逐渐扩大,在肉用仔鸡、兔、水貂、鱼等动物的饲养中的应用都取得了很好的效果。然而有关制粒过程对饲料的影响的研究还很少。为了更好地搞好颗粒料的生产,本文仅就这方面的国外研究进展情况作一综述。一、制粒工艺过程制粒工艺大体可分三类即干法制粒、蒸汽制粒和二次制粒。国内的颗粒饲料生产多采用蒸汽制粒工艺,干粉先通过螺旋给料器进入调质器,螺旋叶片将粉料搅拌均质并在搅拌过程中加蒸汽、水或糖蜜进行混合调质,  相似文献   

任宝成工程师发明的“包衣颗粒饲料生产新技术”是动物饲料的换代产品。它是在用混合粉料造粒的同时,将其表面包裹一层极薄的可食性薄膜,经过特殊工艺处理,这层膜易消化而不溶于水。此技术应用于水产动物颗粒饵料生产,效果尤其显著,颗粒饵料在水中  相似文献   

熊易强 《饲料广角》2006,(15):21-23
前言 关于颗粒饲料的优越性已经充分阐述过了,颗粒饲料使动物(包括肉鸡、猪、牛、蛋鸡等)的生产效能总体提高5%~10%。颗粒饲料加工成本在美国是4~15美元/t范围不等,因饲料种类、加工设备及生产管理而异,在中国可能略低一些。鱼类饲料,特别是虾饲料,颗粒饲料加工成本更高,但它带来的效益也更高,不论对水产养殖本身和环境保护制粒都成了“必要”手段。在美国为了更好地控制污染、节省劳力,从20世纪80-90年代的10年间,制粒加工的鱼类饲料几乎全被挤压加工的鱼饲料代替。然而在中国,仍然以制粒加工的鱼类饲料为主,鱼类饲料从制粒加工转为挤压加工可能要花长得多的时间。  相似文献   

乳猪饲料一般加工成颗粒饲料或碎粒料.因其含有乳清粉、较高水平维生素及微量元素等热敏原料,加工要求较高.除受配方成分影响以外,颗粒饲料质量受粉碎粒度、调质工艺参数、制粒工艺参数、碎粒工艺参数等的影响.制粒工艺参数包括制粒设备参数、模孔粗糙度、制粒机转速、供料速度、模辊间隙等[1,2].研究表明,小孔环模有利于颗粒饲料质量的提高[3],但是制粒成本较高.  相似文献   

余传忠 《饲料工业》2000,21(9):9-10
目前,我国大多数饲料加工厂生产工艺中的制粒工段均为单一制粒机配套冷却机、破碎机、分级筛的颗粒饲料生产工艺,这种生产工艺对国内饲料加工厂来说是一种较为普遍的制粒工艺。但是,随着配合饲料生产品种的扩大和许多系列饲料产品的增长,尤其是需要满足幼畜(乳猪、牛犊)饲料、特种水产(鱼、虾)饲料、毛皮动物(水貂、狐狸)饲料、宠物饲料(狗、猫、白鼠)等多种多样特种饲料的需求,为扩大应用廉价的非常规饲料资源需求的增长,降低原料成本,获得优质的饲料产品,许多生产厂家也日益重视制粒工艺前道工序调质处理对于饲料营养价值…  相似文献   

饲料加工工艺中的调质问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在整个饲料加工工艺过程中,制粒工艺是重要的工序之一,制粒效果的好坏直接影响颗粒饲料的质量,而其中调质质量的好坏又会影响制粒效果。  相似文献   

制粒工艺对司料质量影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自1930年首次引入颗粒饲料生产工艺后,制粒已成为饲料加工中最为普遍的工艺之.颗粒加工是饲料加工中的一个深加工过程,由于加工过程的复杂性以及人们对加工产品质量追求,在这方面的研究比较多,从调质、制粒机部件改进、膨化机、膨胀剂,到冷却器的设计、制粒后颗粒稳定、液体添加系统,这些研究都是为了获得高质量颗粒饲料.与粉料相比,颗粒具有营养因素和非营养等两方面的优势:如减少粉尘,防止饲料组分在运输等过程中再分级现象的发生,进而保证动物对养分的平衡摄食和防止挑食;通过提高饲料的适口性提高动物采食量,同时节约动物采食所需要的时间及能量的消耗;通过制粒的高温处理,可杀灭病原微生物;此外减少包装运输费用或储藏空间等.但是,如果在制粒过程中不注意各方面因素的话,就会造成对颗粒质量的严重影响.  相似文献   

为了全面了解肉牛饲料营养的最新研究进展,作者查阅并总结了2015年关于肉牛饲料营养的国外文献报道,主要从精饲料、粗饲料以及精、粗饲料搭配3个方面进行了综述。精饲料主要包括蛋白质饲料和能量饲料,其中蛋白质饲料的营养研究主要侧重于不同蛋白质饲料对肉牛消化性能、生产性能、酮体特性和肉质以及瘤胃发酵的影响;能量饲料的营养研究侧重于不同类型及加工工艺对肉牛的生产性能、胴体特性以及瘤胃发酵特性的影响;粗饲料的营养研究主要集中于粗料来源及粗料的加工工艺对肉牛生产性能和消化性能两个方面的影响。另外,对精、粗饲料的搭配比例对肉牛生产性能、胴体特性、瘤胃发酵以及采食行为的影响也进行了综述。通过总结和分析肉牛饲料营养的国外研究成果,为中国肉牛业的快速发展提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have documented the use of surrogate organisms for the evaluation of pathogens in human food, reports on the use of such organisms for similar studies in animal feed are limited. In the current study, dry feed inocula of Salmonella Typhimurium cells or Bacillus stearothermophilus spores were prepared and used to evaluate the efficiency of sterilization during feed extrusion. The inocula were placed in sealed stomacher bags and kept under 4° C refrigerated storage, where they remained stable for the 8-wk study period. Test feed batches were inoculated with the dry feed inocula of Salmonella Typhimurium or B. stearothermophilus spores, and the batches were then extruded by using a single-screw extruder set to various processing stringencies according to a designed experimental protocol. Only thermophilic B. stearothermophilus could be recovered from the test feed samples over the entire range of extrusion processing stringencies used (245 to 345 g of moisture/kg of feed; 3 to 11 s of feed retention time in the extruder barrel; and 77 to 110° C extruder barrel exit temperature). It was concluded that B. stearothermophilus is a suitable surrogate organism for evaluating the sterilization efficiency of feed extrusion and for identifying the optimal processing conditions to use during feed extrusion to eliminate, or at least minimize, the incidence of mesophilic and thermotolerant pathogens in feed.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究同一饲料配方条件下,高效调质低温制粒工艺对颗粒饲料加工质量及维生素E保留率的影响。对照组(A组)饲料采用普通畜禽饲料加工工艺,试验组饲料分别选用3种调质器,即双层调质器(B组)、调质保持器(C组)及膨胀器(D组),对饲料配方中大料混合料进行湿热处理,经湿热处理后的大料混合料与添加剂和其他饲料原料混合后经低温(50、55、60和65℃)调质后制粒。结果表明,大料混合料经双层调质器处理后淀粉糊化度显著低于调质保持器及膨胀器处理后(P0.05)。D组淀粉糊化度显著高于B组及C组(P0.05),C组颗粒硬度显著高于B组及D组(P0.05),C组颗粒耐久性指数显著高于B组及D组(P0.05),B组颗粒成型率显著低于其余3组(P0.05),B组、C组及D组维生素E保留率显著高于A组(P0.05)。65℃组淀粉糊化度显著高于50、55及60℃组(P0.05),65℃组颗粒硬度显著高于50、55及60℃组(P0.05),65℃组颗粒耐久性指数显著高于50、55及60℃组(P0.05),65℃组颗粒成型率显著高于50及55℃组(P0.05),65℃组维生素E保留率显著低于50、55及60℃组(P0.05)。由此可见,大料混合料经调质保持器加工熟化,采用65℃低温制粒能有效保护维生素E热敏性成分,且饲料加工质量与普通畜禽饲料加工工艺制得的饲料无显著差异。  相似文献   

饲料经原料接收进料、输送、吸风、粉碎、配料、混合、调质(均质)、制粒冷却、膨化干燥、包装和储存等工序会使饲料中的水分损耗(亦称减湿、解湿)或增加(亦称增湿、吸湿),少则0.1%,多则1.0%,总损耗可达1.5%~2%。水分过多的损耗不仅影响饲料的适口性,而且严重影响饲料加工企业的经济效益。一个年产20万吨饲料加工厂,年因水分损失可造成的经济损失达300~400万元。本文对饲料在加工过程水分损失或增湿的机理及主要水分损失或增湿的影响因素进行了分析。并对如何使饲料在加工过程中减少水分损失和如何使饲料安全增湿,提出了看法和建议,指出饲料加工厂的工艺设计及饲料加工厂管理应是精细化的,这样才能获得较好的经济效益并在激烈的市场竞争中处于有利地位。  相似文献   

玉米是奶牛舍饲的主要能量饲料来源之一,而蒸汽压片技术是一项目前较为成熟的日粮加工技术,主要通过机械的湿热加工方法改变原料物理形态和营养物质的化学结构,广泛应用于反刍动物日粮中。蒸汽压片处理工艺中的蒸汽压力、温度和处理时间会影响压片产品的容重和淀粉糊化度,进而影响其饲喂效果。研究发现,经蒸汽压片处理的玉米可有效提高其淀粉消化率,加快瘤胃内的发酵速度,改变瘤胃发酵模式,促进瘤胃微生物蛋白合成,有利于维持瘤胃pH及瘤胃内环境的稳定。也有研究表明,蒸汽压片玉米饲喂奶牛后,对其采食量没有明显影响,但可以提高产奶量,改善乳成分,从而提高奶牛的产奶性能。作者对蒸汽压片玉米技术及其在奶牛生产中的应用研究进展进行综述,以期为蒸汽压片玉米在中国奶牛生产中的合理使用提供参考。  相似文献   

调质是饲料加工过程中的重要工段,饲料调质效果直接影响饲料产品加工质量,进而影响畜禽对营养物质的消化吸收及生长性能。调质温度、蒸汽类型等是影响调质效果的主要因素,但调质过程中原料特性及结构变化同样对调质效果有较大程度影响。了解调质过程中饲料原料成分结构的变化对提高颗粒饲料加工质量及畜禽生长性能具有十分重要的意义;控制好调质参数将提高饲料配方中热敏性饲料原料的保留率,为热敏性抗生素替代产品在日粮中的应用提供技术支撑。本文综述了饲料调质过程中淀粉及蛋白质的变化对颗粒饲料加工质量的影响,以期为调质过程中的自动化控制提供思路。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conduced to quantify the potential negative effect of fine particles (<0.5 mm diameter) in the feed on fast- and slow-growing broiler growth performance. In the first experiment, chickens were fed mash or pellets of 2.5 and 4 mm diameter between 15 and 35 d of age. During this period, fast-growing broiler fed pelleted feed had a 19% higher final BW, a 12% higher feed intake, and a 12% lower (improved) feed conversion ratio than those fed mash. Feed form had no significant effect on feed intake, BW gain, or final BW of slow-growing chickens. Feed conversion ratio, however, was 6% lower with pellet than mash. In the second and the third experiments, fast and slow-growing chickens weighed 1.2 kg at the beginning of the experiment. In the second experiment, the effects of a transition from pelleted feed to mash or a mixture between the 2 feed forms on the short-term feed intake and growth was investigated. After the transition from pellet to mash or the mixture, both fast- and slow-growing chickens adapted their feed intake in less than 10 min. The mixture between mash and pellets led to a 25% higher feed intake and an 18% lower feed conversion ratio for fast-growing chickens. There was no significant difference between mash and the mixture on slow-growing feed intake, but feed conversion ratio was 9% lower. In the third experiment, the effect of fine particles concentration in the feed on short-term growth response was measured. Increase in the concentration of fine particles in the feed linearly reduced feed intake and BW gain of both fast- and slow-growing chickens. However, the slope was 5 times greater for fast-growing chickens than for slow-growing chickens. These 3 experiments showed that fast-growing chickens are more sensitive to feed form than slow-growing chickens. Therefore, physical form of the feed can be a major limiting factor of performance.  相似文献   

Mash feed preparation is the widely practiced method of preparing and presenting feed to laying hens in the egg industry due to its economics, flexibility, and simplicity. However, this form of feed presents a wide range of particle sizes that are likely to segregate (i.e., large particles may separate from the small particles during feed delivery through either auger or drag-chain delivery systems). Two predominant segregation patterns were observed, including sieving and side-to-side segregation, during feed delivery. These segregation patterns promoted ingredient selection activities by the hens (mainly larger particles) that modified the nutrients in the feed and influenced the hens’ ability to meet their daily nutrient requirements. This observation was quantified through a systematic study of the relationship of feed nutrients, feed particle size distribution, and hen performance, including BW and egg quality analysis. To minimize the feed segregation effect on hen performance and egg quality, 3 recommendations are proposed to improve feed fabrication and the feed delivery system.  相似文献   

Application of feed processing methods and use of exogenous feed additives in an effort to improve nutrient digestibility of plant-based feed ingredients for swine has been studied for decades. The following review will discuss several of these topics, including: fiber characterization, impact of dietary fiber on gastrointestinal physiology, energy, and nutrient digestibility, mechanical processing of feed on fiber and energy digestibility, and the use of exogenous enzymes in diets fed to growing pigs. Taken together, the diversity and concentration of chemical characteristics that exists among plant-based feed ingredients, as well as interactions among constituents within feed ingredients and diets, suggests that improvements in nutrient digestibility and pig performance from mechanical processing or adding exogenous enzymes to diets fed to swine depends on a better understanding of these characteristics, but also relating enzyme activity to targeted substrates. It may be that an enzyme must not only match a target substrate(s), but there may also need to be a cocktail of enzymes to effectively breakdown the complex matrixes of fibrous carbohydrates, such that the negative impact of these compounds on nutrient digestibility or voluntary feed intake are alleviated. With the inverse relationship between fiber content and energy digestibility being well described for several feed ingredients, it is only logical that development of processing techniques or enzymes that degrade fiber, and thereby improve energy digestibility or voluntary feed intake, will be both metabolically and economically beneficial to pork production.  相似文献   

我国饲料业从20世纪70年代发展伊始,由于养殖业、畜牧业蓬勃发展,刺激了饲料加工行业的生产效能,大量需求缺口也对饲料业的生产能力提出了更高的要求。目前我国饲料业已历经了40余年的发展变革,我国饲料业正向着正规化、科技化、自动化迈进,如今的饲料加工业已成为我国主要的生产加工行业之一,饲料生产加工质量直接影响畜牧业、养殖业的发展壮大,而饲料质量安全更关乎畜牧养殖业的命脉。现行的饲料法律已不能满足新经济环境下的饲料生产监督,我国亟需在立法、监督、执行等方面开拓饲料法律监管的新局面。  相似文献   

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