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随着科技的发展,人们对消化道内微生物的来源和分布、影响微生物组成结构的因素、微生物对宿主的益生作用及对消化道上皮结构的作用等有了更加明晰的了解.研究表明,经过漫长的生物进化,消化道的菌群与宿主形成相互依赖的共生关系;微生物与宿主间的自然选择过程是构建消化道微生物区系的决定因素;微生物与宿主间的黏膜免疫应答反应是菌群和机体发生各种信号传递并产生免疫调节作用的关键步骤.  相似文献   

益生菌是指在摄入量足够的条件下,可以对宿主产生有益作用的一类微生物。乳酸菌普遍生长于动物肠道中,可以改善肠道微生物菌群的平衡,增强免疫应答,抑制有害菌在消化道内的繁殖。近年来在畜禽生产养殖业中得到较为广泛的应用。  相似文献   

乳酸菌作为抗生素的潜在替代品在肉鸡养殖中表现出了很大的作用优势.不同于抗生素对肠道正常菌群结构的破坏,乳酸菌则可以改善肠道的菌群结构,促进肠道菌群的发育,在增加肠道有益微生物生长的同时,还可以抵御一些病原微生物的入侵,一定程度上保障了禽类的健康.乳酸菌还可以通过改善肠道结构、刺激肠道消化酶的产生,增加营养物质的消化吸收,提高肉鸡的生产性能.本文对乳酸菌在肉鸡养殖中的肠道益生作用进行了阐述,以期促进乳酸菌在养殖业中的合理应用.  相似文献   

花生是一种植物蛋白质资源,有很高的营养价值。花生蛋白中氨基酸种类齐全,比例合理,且富含VA、VB、VC、VE、等多种维生素以及Ca、Fe、Zn、K等多种对人体有益的矿物元素,因此它既是一种高营养食品,同时也是一种重要食品原料。乳酸菌在消化道内生长繁殖,其代谢产物能抑制或杀灭病原菌,解除有害微生物对人体的危害,并改善消化道内菌群间的平衡。乳酸菌及其代谢产物还能促进胃肠蠕动,有帮助消化食物、通便等作用。死体乳酸菌在体内分解后,其菌体成分也可为机体吸收利用,提高机体免疫力。乳酸菌食品的这一系列营养和保健效果已得…  相似文献   

消化道菌群对维持消化道机能有重要的调节作用。消化道菌群研究方法可分为两种,即微生物方法(分离培养)和分子生物学方法(基因分析),这两种方法各有利弊,分离培养仍然是基本和广泛使用的方法,但只能够检测生长在培养基上的细菌。对于整个消化道的微生物准确的定量和定性分析还有赖于基因分析方法。因此,这两种方法结合将成为了解消化道细菌的生态系统的关键。论文综述了消化道菌群的种类、分布、作用和研究方法,为消化道菌群研究提供参考。  相似文献   

“EM”是有益微生物的简称,是日本琉球大学的比嘉照夫教授于本世纪80年代初研制而成的微生物制剂。它是由80余种微生物复合而成的液体,其.中主要组成菌群为光合菌群、乳酸菌群、酵母菌群和放线菌群。EM目前已在泰国、巴西、美国、法国、印尼和我国台湾等10多个国家和地区进行研究、试验、示范和推广使用。EM有益微生物喂猪后,可以在猪的消化道内产生各种消化酶(如淀粉酶、蛋白酶、纤维分解酶)和维生素(如B族维生素等),有利于各种营养物质的消化、吸收,提高饲料的利用率,降低饲养成本,提高经济效益。EM在猪的消化道内还可以…  相似文献   

定植于家禽消化道的微生物菌群对家禽的生产和健康都具有十分重要的作用。概述家禽肠道微生物菌群的形成与分布,总结维持肠道菌群多样性对家禽营养、免疫、代谢和生产性能的作用,并综述饲粮、酶制剂、抗生素和益生菌对家禽肠道微生物多样性的调控机制,为进一步深入研究家禽肠道菌群提供参考。  相似文献   

乳酸菌作为微生态制剂的主要菌种之一,广泛应用于畜禽生产中。本文综述了乳酸菌的生理特性及乳酸菌维持肠道菌群平衡、肠道定植与免疫调节、促进食物消化吸收等益生功能,分析了乳酸菌制剂在养猪、养牛和家禽生产中的应用现状。  相似文献   

李志  杨丕东 《猪业科学》2002,19(7):56-57
微生物添加剂也称活菌制剂,国外一般称为益生素或促生素,也有人给定义为:可通过改善动物肠道菌群平衡而对动物起有益作用的活性微生物添加剂.美国食品与药物管理局(FDA)和美国饲料公定协会称此类产品为"可直接饲喂并且安全的微生物制品".并于1989年列出了42种微生物品种.但应用于微生物添加剂的品种主要有:乳酸杆菌属、粪链球菌、芽孢杆菌及酵母菌属等.目前推广使用的微生物添加剂大多数是复合制剂.微生物添加剂最基本的作用是其进入动物消化道后,可在消化道内生长繁殖,抑制、排除有害菌类,同时使乳酸菌等有益菌增值,从而达到维持肠道内微生物群的生态平衡.目前其作用机制尚不十分清楚.主要有以下观点:  相似文献   

复合益生菌是由动物肠道分离出的具高粘附能力的乳酸菌组成,乳酸菌在调整肠道生态系统朝有利于宿主动物健康方向发展的同时又提高了动物的生产性能。益生菌被定义为活的微生物饲料添加剂,提高肠道微生态平衡或改善肠道固有菌群的性能。此外,益生菌可以提高消化道的健康水平,主要作用机理为刺激免疫系统、同有害菌竞争营养物质、同有害菌竞争肠壁的粘附位点、产生抑菌素等,  相似文献   

张晓勇 《饲料工业》2012,33(17):48-52
试验通过研究不同酸度的乳酸菌添加剂对6月龄梅花鹿的采食量、氮平衡、消化率以及小肠微生物氮流量的影响,确定乳酸菌添加剂在梅花鹿饲喂中的适宜酸度。结果表明:添加不同酸度的乳酸菌可明显提高梅花鹿对DM、OM、CF、CP以及氮采食量(P<0.05),其中以未调酸的乳酸菌组各种营养成分采食量最高;DM、OM、CF采食量,各组间差异显著(P<0.05),氮的采食量,除调酸组与未调酸组间差异不显著外(P>0.05),其余各组间差异显著(P<0.05)。不同酸度的乳酸菌饲料添加剂可提高梅花鹿DOM、DCF、氮沉积以及小肠微生物氮流量,未调酸组的DOM、DCF、氮沉积以及小肠微生物氮流量显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are suitable for rice straw silage fermentation, but have been studied rarely, and rice straw as raw material for ensiling is difficult because of its disadvantages, such as low nutrition for microbial activities and low abundances of natural populations of LAB. So we investigated the effect of application of LAB and chemical additives on the fermentation quality and microbial community of wilted rice straw silage. Treatment with chemical additives increased the concentrations of crude protein (CP), water soluble carbohydrate (WSC), acetic acid and lactic acid, reduced the concentrations of acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF), but did not effectively inhibit the growth of spoilage organisms. Inoculation with LABs did not improve the nutritional value of the silage because of poor growth of LABs in wilted rice straw. Inoculation with LAB and addition of chemical materials improved the quality of silage similar to the effects of addition of chemical materials alone. Growth of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria was inhibited by this mixed treatment and the LAB gradually dominated the microbial community. In summary, the fermentation quality of wilted rice straw silage had improved by addition of LAB and chemical materials.  相似文献   

乳酸菌属于兼性厌氧性革兰阳性菌,可产生乳酸、酶等多种活性因子,具有维持肠道内菌群平衡、提高机体免疫力、促进营养物质吸收等多种功能,是当前作为动物饲料添加剂最受关注及应用最广泛的益生菌之一。概述了乳酸菌的生物学特性及其在动物营养中的应用,旨在为动物营养的试验研究和生产实践提供一定的科学理论依据。  相似文献   

Before weaning, dairy calves are susceptible to many pathogens which can affect their subsequent performance. The use of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) has been identified as a tool to maintain the intestinal microbial balance and to prevent the establishment of opportunistic pathogenic bacterial populations. However, a consensus has not been reached as to whether probiotics may be effective in reducing the prevalence of gastrointestinal diseases in young calves. The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the effect of probiotics on diarrhea incidence and the intestinal microbial balance. LAB supplementation has been shown to exert a protective effect and to reduce the incidence of diarrhea (relative risk, RR=0.437, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.251-0.761). In the subanalysis, this protective effect of the probiotics against diarrhea was observed only in trials that used whole milk (RR=0.154, 95% CI 0.079-0.301) and trials that used multistrain inocula (RR=0.415, 95% CI 0.227-0.759). Probiotics did not improve the fecal characteristics (standardized mean difference, SMD=-0.4904, 95% CI -1.011-0.035) and were unable to change the LAB:coliforms ratio (SMD=0.016, 95% CI -0.701-0.733). Probiotics showed a beneficial impact on the LAB:coliforms ratio in the subanalysis that included trials that used whole milk (SMD=0.780, 95% CI 0.141-1.418) and monostrain inocula (SMD=0.990, 95% CI 0.340-1.641). The probability of significant effects (probiotic positive effect) in a new study was >0.70 for diarrhea and fecal consistency. Whole milk feeding improved the action of the probiotic effect on the incidence of diarrhea and LAB:coliforms ratio. The probability to find significant effects in the diarrhea frequency and LAB:coliforms ratio was higher (P>0.85) if the new studies were conducted using whole milk to feed calves. This paper defines the guidelines to standardize the experimental designs of future trials. LAB can be used as growth promoters in calves instead of antibiotics to counteract the negative effects of their widespread use.  相似文献   

Four ruminally cannulated dairy cows were used to examine the effect of diet on the AA composition of rumen bacteria and protozoa, and the flow of microbial and nonmicrobial AA entering the omasal canal. Cows were offered grass-red clover silage alone, or that supplemented with 5.1 kg DM of barley, 1.9 kg DM of rapeseed meal, or 5.1 kg DM of barley and 1.9 kg DM of rapeseed meal according to a 4 x 4 Latin square design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. During the first 10 d of each period, cows had free access to silage and, thereafter intake was restricted to 95% of ad libitum intake. Postruminal digesta flow was assessed using the omasal canal sampling technique in combination with a triple marker method. Liquid- (LAB) and particle- (PAB) associated bacteria were isolated from digesta in the reticulorumen and protozoa from digesta entering the omasal canal. Microbial protein flow was determined using 15N as a microbial marker. Flows of AA entering the omasal canal were similar in cows fed silage diets supplemented with barley or rapeseed meal. However, rapeseed meal increased nonmicrobial AA flow while barley increased the flow of AA associated with LAB and protozoa. Diet had negligible effects on the AA profile of microbial fractions. Comparison of AA profiles across diets indicated differences between LAB and PAB for 10 out of 17 AA measured. Rumen bacteria and protozoa were found to be different for 14 out of 15 AA measured. For grass silage-based diets, energy and protein supplementations appear to alter postruminal AA supply through modifications in the proportionate contribution of microbial and nonmicrobial pools to total protein flow rather than as a direct result of changes in the AA profile of microbial protein.  相似文献   

付域泽  焦帅  张乃锋 《畜牧兽医学报》2022,53(12):4148-4158
复杂和多样化的肠道微生物群落对宿主健康发挥着重要作用。产丁酸菌代表了宿主肠道微生态一个重要的功能性群体,多数为革兰阳性厌氧菌。人们发现,该类菌和微生物失调引发的消化道炎症等现象息息相关,因此产丁酸菌成为行业研究热点。产丁酸菌能够利用食物(饲料)中不易消化的碳水化合物合成丁酸,通过调控肠道菌群结构、为肠道上皮细胞供能、增强肠黏膜屏障功能等维护肠道健康,发挥对宿主健康的有益作用。本文从产丁酸菌的生物学分类、消化道产酸机制、肠道炎症调控作用及应用进展等方面做了系统综述,旨在阐明产丁酸菌与宿主健康的互作机制,并提出产丁酸菌的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

为探讨不同复合乳酸菌对全株玉米青贮及有氧暴露后青贮饲料中微生物数量及其发酵品质的影响,进一步筛选出可提高青贮饲料品质和有氧稳定性的复合乳酸菌接种剂,共设置3个不同组合乳酸菌分别添加全株玉米进行青贮,并设空白对照,测定青贮3、7、15和30 d,开袋有氧暴露1、3、7、15和30 d时微生物数量、发酵品质和营养成分的变化情况。结果表明,分别添加异型乳酸菌组合(Hetero)、同型乳酸菌组合(Homo)和同型+异型乳酸菌组合(Homo+Hetero)的各处理组均能有效地增加青贮过程和有氧暴露后饲料中乳酸菌的数量、乳酸(LA)和乙酸(AA)的含量,减少好氧细菌、酵母菌和霉菌数量,降低pH和氨态氮(NH3-N)含量,减少粗蛋白(CP)损失,显著改善青贮饲料发酵品质,抑制青贮饲料有氧暴露后的二次发酵,其中Homo+Hetero效果最好,Homo处理组好于Hetero处理组。  相似文献   

为研究乳酸菌及丙酸钙对全株玉米和燕麦青贮饲料发酵品质、营养品质、微生物数量、霉菌毒素含量及有氧稳定性的影响,利用蒸馏水(CK组)、复合乳酸菌(LAB组,添加量为5×105CFU·g-1鲜样)、丙酸钙(PACA组,添加量为鲜草重的0.4%)以及乳酸菌和丙酸钙复合(LAB+PACA)分别添加进全株玉米和燕麦原料中青贮120 d。结果表明:全株玉米青贮饲料发酵品质优良而萎蔫后的燕麦青贮丁酸和氨态氮含量较高。添加剂在不同青贮饲料中表现不同。所有添加剂均显著提高了燕麦青贮饲料的乳酸和乙酸含量,降低了pH值、氨态氮、丁酸含量和酵母菌数量(P<0.05)。而PACA和LAB+PACA组则显著提高了玉米青贮饲料中的淀粉和可溶性碳水化合物含量和有氧稳定性并且降低了霉菌和酵母菌数量(P<0.05)。LAB和LAB+PACA的使用有效降低了玉米青贮饲料中的黄曲霉毒素B1含量(P<0.05)。在两种青贮饲料中丙酸含量只有PACA和LAB+PACA组能够显著增加。因此,添加剂尤其是LAB+PACA的复合添加对于提高玉米和燕麦青贮饲料的青贮品质和安全性...  相似文献   

The effects of using effluent bacteria (EB) and solid- (SAB) and liquid- (LAB) associated bacteria and diaminopimelic acid (DAPA) or purine bases (PB) and partially substituting alfalfa hay (AH) by a concentrate including olive cake on the microbial N flow (MNF) and amino acids (AA) flow were investigated with continuous culture fermenters fed AH and a mixture of AH and a concentrate containing barley grains and two-stage olive cake (2:1 ratio) without (AHCO) or with polyethylene glycol (PEG) (AHCOP). The MNF was not different among diets with SAB or LAB (p = 0.302 and 0.203, respectively) and DAPA, but differed with PB (p = 0.021 and 0.014, respectively). With EB both markers detected similar differences, AHCOP showing a higher value (p < 0.05) than AH and AHCO. The MNF was higher (p < 0.001) with PB than DAPA. Daily flow of non-essential AA was not different (p = 0.356) among diets but essential AA flow was higher (p < 0.05) for AH and AHCOP than for AHCO. The SAB presented lower (p < 0.05) total AA than LAB and higher total AA (p < 0.05) for diet AH than AHCO. The AA profile of EB was similar to that of LAB, but alanine and leucine were higher (p < 0.05) in EB than in LAB. Microbial contribution to AA flow was 45.4%, 55.6% and 58.1% for diets AH, AHCO and AHCOP respectively. With both markers, microbial AA flow was higher (p < 0.05) for diet AHCOP compared with AH (451 and 355 mg/day, respectively), but not different (p > 0.05) for AHCOP and AHCO (389 mg/day). The results would indicate that olive cake could be used in the practical feeding of small ruminants without negatively affecting microbial AA N supply.  相似文献   

使用微生态制剂来替代抗生素用于动物疫病防制是未来的发展趋势,而乳酸菌是目前微生态制剂最主要的成分。试验旨在筛选弯曲杆菌中具有高抑菌活性并耐受动物胃肠道环境的乳酸菌。从广东不同地区采集家禽粪便样品,对分离的乳酸菌进行生化鉴定、PCR鉴定及16S rDNA测序。同时,对分离菌株进行鸡源空肠弯曲杆菌、鸭源空肠弯曲杆菌和鹅源结肠弯曲杆菌的抑菌试验,以及模拟胃肠道环境的耐酸、耐胆盐和耐胰蛋白酶试验。结果表明,唾液乳杆菌R3对不同禽源的弯曲杆菌都具有高抑菌活性和耐受能力。因此,唾液乳杆菌R3为开发防控家禽弯曲杆菌疾病的微生态制剂提供了候选株。  相似文献   

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