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油脂作为必需脂肪酸的来源,其能值高且有助于脂溶性维生素的吸收,在母猪营养及其饲粮中发挥重要作用.母猪妊娠后期和泌乳期饲粮中添加油脂能改善母猪繁殖性能和饲料利用效率.本文围绕母猪妊娠后期和泌乳期饲粮中添加油脂对母猪泌乳期采食量、产仔性能、泌乳性能、体重和背膘损失、乳脂含量及其能量输出量、乳中脂肪酸组成、下一个繁殖周期产仔性能、后代仔猪体组成的影响对近20年来国内外的研究进展进行综述,旨在阐述油脂对母猪的生物学作用及其机理.  相似文献   

<正>1母猪日粮对仔猪生长的影响母猪生长期日粮同母猪怀孕期日粮一样,都会对初生仔猪的成活率和断奶仔猪的生长性能产生一定的影响。因此,必须给后备母猪饲以营养均衡的日粮,以保证其繁殖系统发育良好和产仔性能优  相似文献   

郭照辉  曾艳 《饲料研究》2012,(11):52-54
胎儿及新生仔猪生长和健康直接受母猪营养生理状况的影响.由于妊娠期及哺乳期采食量的限饲,母猪处于分解代谢状态,旨在母猪妊娠期控制能量采食量的限饲方案容易导致胎儿及乳腺生长所需日粮蛋白的缺乏,哺乳期采食量的限饲也导致了大量母猪组织的动员,具有特殊功能的脂肪酸通过调控关键代谢途径可以提高妊娠及哺乳母猪的性能.功能性脂肪酸包括共轭亚油酸、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)和二十碳五烯酸(EPA),它们能提高受孕率、促进胚胎形成、加速血液流动、增强抗氧化活性、促进食欲、加快蛋白合成翻译启动、促进免疫细胞的增殖并有利于小肠发育.因此日粮中添加脂肪酸对优化母猪及仔猪营养、健康和生产性能具有重要意义.  相似文献   

冯占雨 《养猪》2007,(1):17-18
对于母猪群体来说,营养、饲养、基因、设施和繁殖管理等方面的合理措施是提高整体繁殖性能和利用年限的最重要手段。饲料添加剂不应只作为掩盖某一方面不足的措施,而应该作为单独手段来提高母猪繁殖性能。与应用在保育仔猪和生长猪上的传统玉米-豆粕型饲粮相比,繁殖母猪饲粮需要额外添加一些添加剂和原料才能取得最佳生产性能。本文将对L-肉碱在母猪饲粮中应用进行阐述。此外,哺乳母猪饲粮添加脂肪来提高能量浓度;妊娠母猪饲粮添加大豆皮和小麦麸来提高饲粮中纤维含量和稀释能量浓度;繁殖母猪饲粮中连续或阶段性添加抗菌剂来控制疾病已成为共识,这里也不再赘述。  相似文献   

哺乳仔猪及早期断奶仔猪的饲养管理措施与注意事项   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1母猪日粮影响仔猪生长母猪生长期日粮同母猪怀孕期日粮一样,都会对初生仔猪的成活率和断奶仔猪的生长性能产生一定的影响。因此,必须给后备母猪饲以营养均衡的日粮,以保证其繁殖系统发育良好和产仔性能优异。怀孕母猪一定要饲喂优质日粮,以保证胎儿的正常生长和发育。然而实际生产中生产者往往容易错误地认为,只要在母猪分娩前3~4周开始饲喂优质饲料就可以了,因为他们听说这个阶段是胎儿发  相似文献   

袁发 《当代养猪》2004,(1):22-23
1.母猪日粮影响仔猪生长母猪生长期日粮同母猪怀孕期日粮一样,都会对初生仔猪的成活率和断奶仔猪的生长性能产生一定的影响。因此,必须给后备母猪饲以营养均衡日粮,以保证其繁殖系统发育良好和产仔性能优异。怀孕母猪当然要饲喂优质日粮,以保证胎儿的正常生长和  相似文献   

研究选用膨化豆粕配制仔猪全价日粮,通过监测高温高压蒸煮对仔猪饲粮中抗营养因子活性和理化参数的影响,确定最适加工条件并进行仔猪全价饲粮加工,然后重点考察饲粮加工对仔猪断奶早期的营养效应,同时也考察饲粮加工对仔猪断奶后第2周生产性能的后续效应,旨在对能够有效缓解仔猪断奶应激的适宜加工方式和条件作初步探索,为新型仔猪开食料的研发提供参考资料.  相似文献   

猪的膳食纤维营养与应用概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膳食纤维对不同生长阶段猪营养作用表现不同。日粮中添加膳食纤维有助于仔猪肠道发育并维持肠道健康和微生态平衡,减少仔猪断奶应激,缓解仔猪断奶腹泻。肥育猪日粮中添加膳食纤维,可增强后肠发酵,减少粪氮的排放量,降低环境污染,也可节约常规原料。妊娠母猪日粮中添加膳食纤维可减少限饲应激和便秘的发生,并且能改善母猪的繁殖性能,促进哺乳仔猪生长。本文主要综述了膳食纤维的定义、理化性质、分析体系及其在猪营养上的应用,以期为实际生产提供一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

仔猪断奶后受到心理、营养、环境等多方面的刺激,导致应激反应,影响仔猪的采食量。固体饲粮代替母乳是最大的应激源,通过在母猪饲粮中添加香味剂对仔猪产前和产后进行香味剂印迹训练,使仔猪逐渐喜欢这种气味,降低其对添加相同香味剂饲粮的应激反应,并对有相同气味的饲粮有采食偏好,从而提高仔猪的采食量。本文对产前和产后香味剂印迹训练对仔猪断奶后采食偏好的影响及其机理进行综述,为养猪业相关试验研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

营养对母猪的繁殖性能有重要影响。配种前营养调控对母猪繁殖有基础性作用。本文从母猪限饲、能量、蛋白质、矿物质、维生素等角度简述配种前调控饲粮营养提高母猪繁殖性能的研究,为提高母猪繁殖性能,指导生产提供参考。  相似文献   

When sows and their litters are kept outdoors, much of the responsibility for the litter is shifted from the herdsman to the sow compared to when the sows are kept indoors. Therefore, the maternal ability, including maternal behaviour, is believed to be important in outdoor piglet production. The aim of this study was to describe maternal traits in conventionally bred first-parity sows kept outdoors. Nursing behaviour, sow activity, sow body reserves, litter size and piglet growth were studied in 40 first-parity sows during a seven week long lactation. The sows were kept in groups outdoors. Sow activity (lying down or active) and nursing behaviour (nursing frequency, nursing duration and nursing terminator) were recorded on videotapes at four days post partum (pp) and directly observed at four and six weeks pp. Cross suckling was observed at four and six weeks pp. Sows were weighed and measured for backfat depth five days before farrowing, two weeks pp and at weaning seven weeks pp. Piglets were weighed at four days pp, at two weeks pp and at weaning. We concluded that sow nursing behaviour and activity are individual characteristics repeatable within sows' late lactation. Less active sows are more available for suckling. Light and thin sows have an earlier and more progressed weaning process than heavier, fatter sows. A significant positive relation was found between sow appetite in early lactation and piglet growth until weaning. Sow nursing behaviour is not important for piglet growth when sows and piglets are held in groups, piglets have access to sow feed and piglets are weaned as late as at seven weeks of age.  相似文献   

Sows in modern pig industry are often housed individually in farrowing crates a few days before farrowing until weaning. These farrowing crates limit movements of the sow and therefore also limit them in expressing their behavior. These limitations may lead to distress with the sow and can result in stereotypical behaviors. Because it is possible that the general behavior of the mother sow also influences her piglets, the hypothesis of the present study was that there is an association between the general behavior of sows and the behavior of their piglets. Our results showed that there was indeed an association between the postures and activities of sows and the behavior of their piglets, not only for nursing–suckling behavior. Results also indicated that piglets prefer resting when sows are resting. When sows were standing up, piglets were running around more. Although there were indications that piglets were more at ease when sows were bar biting compared with when they were sham chewing, a specific relationship between sow stereotypical behavior and piglet behavior could not be demonstrated in the present study. Though, it should be taken in mind that relatively low frequencies of stereotypical behaviors were observed. Furthermore, it could be that not only the prevalence of a specific stereotypical behavior is important but also a specific threshold of that specific behavior should be exceeded to induce effects on the suckling piglets. Alternatively piglets could coinduce stereotypical behavior of the mother sow.  相似文献   

Pseudorabies (PR) is caused by the Pseudorabies virus (PRV). It is an acute and hot highly contagious disease infecting livestock and a wide range of wild animals. In order to investigate the relationship between latent infection of Pseudorabies virus and sow production performance,this study collected production parameters of first-parity sows with wild virus gE positive and negtive in a Pseudorabies positive stable intensive farm, including total litter size, healthy litter size, weak litter size, stillbirths, mummified fetus, litter weight, number of weaning live, number of weaning qualified and weaning weight. And compared the production performance of PRV gE antibody negative and positive sows in the same intensive pig farm. The study showed that each PRV gE antibody negative sow could produce 11.96 live piglets per parity. Additionally, PRV gE antibody negative sow could provide more alive, weaning and weaning qualified piglets per parity than infection sows, which were 0.63, 0.18 and 0.28, respectively. Although the average birth weight and average weaning weight of piglets produced by PRV gE antibody positive sows were higher than those produced by negative sows, the weaning qualified rate of antibody negative sows was higher than that of antibody positive sows, indicating that the weaning live piglets produced by antibody negative sows had higher uniformity. In summary, the production performance of PRV gE antibody positive sows was lower than that of the negative sows. Eradication of PR can bring higher profit to the pig farm. Pig farm should actively eradicate the PR.  相似文献   

伪狂犬病(Pseudorabies,PR)是由伪狂犬病病毒(Pseudorabies virus,PRV)感染多种野生动物及家畜引起的急性、热性的高度接触性传染病。为掌握PRV隐性感染对头胎母猪生产成绩的影响,本研究跟踪调查某一PRV野毒阳性稳定万头母猪场中野毒gE抗体阴性和阳性的头胎母猪总产仔数、健仔数、弱仔数、死胎数、木乃伊胎数、仔猪初生窝重以及断奶活仔数、断奶合格仔数、仔猪断奶重等不同生产成绩指标,探索相同饲养条件下伪狂犬病对头胎母猪各生产指标的影响。结果发现,每头PRV野毒gE抗体阴性头胎母猪每窝平均可产11.96头活仔猪,比gE抗体阳性母猪每胎次多产活仔0.63头,以及每胎次可多提供0.18头断奶活仔,每胎次多提供0.28头断奶合格仔。虽然PRV野毒gE抗体阳性母猪所产仔猪初生均重及断奶均重均高于gE抗体阴性母猪所产仔猪,但gE抗体阴性母猪所产仔猪断奶合格率高于gE抗体阳性母猪,表明其断奶活仔整齐度更高。综上,PRV野毒gE抗体阳性的头胎母猪生产成绩低于gE抗体阴性母猪,伪狂犬病的净化可为猪场带来更高的经济效益,表明伪狂犬病的净化至关重要。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of infection with porcine circovirus-2 (PCV-2) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) through a longitudinal study in an integrated swine production system (7 farms) experiencing postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). Risk factors for PCV-2 infection and for PCV-2 and PRRSV coinfection were also evaluated. Fifteen sows from each herd and 4 non-cross-fostered piglets from each sow were randomly selected at farrowing and ear-tagged at birth. Serum samples were analyzed for antibodies to PCV-2 and for detection of the PCV-2 and PRRSV genomes. Statistical analyses involved 2 approaches. The 1st approach characterized the dynamics of PCV-2 infection and their relationship with PRRSV infection. The 2nd approach analyzed the probability of being infected by PCV-2 or by both PCV-2 and PRRSV through a generalized linear mixed model incorporating sow and farm characteristics. At the 1st sampling time (1 wk of age), there was a significant relationship between sow PCV-2 infection and piglet PCV-2 infection (P < 0.0001). The risk of PCV-2 and PRRSV coinfection was 1.85 times greater in piglets from a sow with low titers of PCV-2 antibodies than in piglets from sows with medium to high titers (P = 0.03) and was 2.54, 2.40, and 2.02 times greater, respectively, in piglets from primiparous sows, PCV-2-infected sows, and farms in an area of high pig density than in piglets from sows of higher parity (P = 0.004), noninfected sows (P = 0.04), and farms in a low-density area (P = 0.09).  相似文献   

母猪饲养是养猪生产中最重要的环节之一。母猪的营养尤其是蛋白质和氨基酸营养不仅直接影响仔猪的生长性能,而且也对母猪的使用年限和繁殖性能会产生很大影响。母猪蛋白质及氨基酸营养受品种、胎次、母猪体况、产仔数、泌乳量、采食量、哺乳期长短等诸多因素影响,增大了母猪氨基酸营养的研究难度。同时母猪个体较大、研究成本高、试验群体偏小、数据采集困难以及试验误差较大等问题也限制了母猪蛋白质及氨基酸营养的系统研究。本文对母猪的氨基酸营养进行综述,旨在为养猪生产实践中母猪日粮的合理配制提供参考。  相似文献   

The possible effect on pig protection after vaccination pregnant sows and their piglets against FMD at various age was examined using the SN test. Three experiments were conducted with three sow in each (8-9 piglets each). In the first experiment sows were not vaccinated but their piglets were vaccinated on 10th, 20th and 60th day of age. In second experiment sows were vaccinated at the end of rest period and in the middle of pregnancy. Pigs from one sow were vaccinated on 10th, from second sow on 20th and from the third sow on the 60th day of age. Pigs which were vaccinated on the 10th and 20th day of age were revaccinated on the 60th day of age. In third experiment sows were vaccinated at the end of the rest period and in the middle of pregnancy. Their piglets were not vaccinated. The conclusion may be drawn that if the epidemiological situation requires, systemic vaccination of all pigs then, on large farms (where pig production is planned) all sows should be vaccinated at the end of the rest period (first vaccination) and on the 55th-60th day of pregnancy. The next vaccination should be done in the middle of the next pregnancy. A vaccination program of piglets, according to our results, should depend on the vaccination program used for their dams.  相似文献   

In the recent past, pig performance and sow management on smallholder farms in the Southeast Asian Massif have been extensively researched. But the objective of this study was to investigate the lifetime efficiency of breeding sows of the local Vietnamese Ban (n = 89) and Mong Cai (n = 131) breeds in a production system context. The impact of sow longevity was considered in particular. In addition, predictors of early pre-weaning mortality in piglets were investigated. In total, nine villages of Son La province, situated in the uplands of north-western Vietnam, were selected, differing in access to markets, production intensity, and pig management level. Data was collected over a period of 10 years through an on-farm performance testing system. It was shown that sows of both breeds that achieved five or more parities farrowed and weaned significantly more piglets per life year compared to sows with only one or two parities. The conception rate (Spearman’s rho = 0.374) and age at first farrowing (Spearman’s rho = ?0.424) were significantly correlated with the number of weaned piglets per life year of stayable (≥4 parities) Mong Cai sows. The risk of early pre-weaning death of piglets born to Mong Cai sows was affected more by litter size, while for piglets born to Ban sows, the risk was influenced more by the season. Therefore, interventions to improve the sow lifetime efficiency and piglet survivability must match the sow breed and management level.  相似文献   

Performance measures were evaluated for 125 outdoor sows and litters of two crossbred genotypes (Camborough-15 and 25% Meishan) and in two farrowing hut designs (American-style and English-style hut). Contemporary breeding groups of second-parity sows were evaluated in an intensive, outdoor research unit. Sow genotype and hut designs were arranged factorially. Seven complete blocks were evaluated over a 21-wk period. No interactions between environment and genotype were identified for sow and litter productivity. Litters farrowing in the English-style huts weaned 1.5 more (P < .05) piglets per sow (because of a lower preweaning mortality, P = .05) than did litters in the American-style huts. The 25% Meishan weaned 1.7 more (P < .01) pigs per sow than Camborough-15, because of a greater number of piglets born alive. The effects of hut style and genotype were additive and 25% Meishan sows in English-style huts weaned an average (+/- SEM) of 11.1 +/- .83 piglets per sow. The English-style arc hut design may improve outdoor pig production and increase competitiveness of the intensive, outdoor system. The 25% Meishan genotype has potential for increased pigs weaned per litter that must be considered in light of other features of this genotype such as body composition.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to compare Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh) colonization and serologic status on Mh vaccinated and non-vaccinated sows and to assess the effect of sow vaccination on colonization and serologic status of their piglets at weaning as well as presence of enzootic pneumonia (EP) lung lesions at slaughter. Fifty sows (25 vaccinated and 25 unvaccinated) as well as five of their piglets were included in the study. Blood samples and nasal swabs from sows at 7 weeks pre-farrowing and 1 week post-farrowing and from piglets at 3-4 weeks of age were taken. Nasal swabs and sera were tested by a nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) to detect Mh DNA and by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test to detect antibodies to the pathogen, respectively. Finally, at 23 weeks of age, pigs were sent to the slaughter where the extension of EP-compatible gross lesions was assessed. Vaccination with two doses of Mh vaccine resulted in a significantly higher (p<0.05) percentage of seropositive sows than in the non-vaccinated group at 1 week post-farrowing. On the contrary, no statistical significant differences were found in the number of nasal nPCR positive sows among different treatments (p>0.05). At 3-4 weeks of age, a significantly higher percentage (p<0.001) of seropositive piglets came from vaccinated than from non-vaccinated sows. Although the number of Mh infected piglets coming from non-vaccinated sows was higher than the one from vaccinated sows, the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Overall, piglets from vaccinated sows had a significant lower (p<0.05) mean of EP-compatible lung lesions (1.83+/-2.8) than piglets from non-vaccinated sows (3.02+/-3.6). Under the conditions described in this study, sow vaccination did not affect sow or piglet colonization but increased the percentage of seropositive sows and piglets at weaning and reduced significantly the mean EP-compatible lung lesion scoring at slaughter.  相似文献   

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