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为检测牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)弱毒活疫苗在免疫牛体内抗体产生及其消长规律,评价弱毒疫苗的保护效力,并确定免疫持续期,本试验对免疫试验牛每头颈部肌肉接种BVDV SM株弱毒疫苗104.5TCID50,监测血清抗体效价,进行免疫持续期的确定。在疫苗免疫后的6个月、9个月和12个月,分别抽取5头免疫组和5头对照组牛,采用BVDV-JL强毒株进行攻毒试验,每头牛攻毒剂量为6×107.0TCID50/mL。结果显示疫苗免疫后12个月时血清中和抗体效价仍维持在1∶1048以上。攻毒结果显示,在3个不同时间点进行强毒攻击后,免疫组所有动物白细胞数量都没有下降也没有分离到病毒,而对照组动物白细胞数下降均超过30%,6个月和9个月时动物血清中均能分离到病毒,而12个月对照组动物由于年龄大,没有分离到病毒,因此暂定此疫苗的免疫持续期为9个月。  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻弱毒活疫苗免疫持续期的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为检测牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)弱毒活疫苗在免疫牛体内抗体产生及其消长规律,评价弱毒疫苗的保护效力,并确定免疫持续期,本试验对免疫试验牛每头颈部肌肉接种BVDV SM株弱毒疫苗104.5TCID50/头,监测血清抗体效价,进行免疫持续期的确定。在疫苗免疫后的6、9和12个月分别抽取5头免疫组和5头对照组牛采用BVDV-JL强毒株进行攻毒试验,每头牛攻毒剂量为6×107.0 TCID50/mL。结果显示疫苗免疫后12个月时血清中和抗体效价仍维持在1∶1048以上,攻毒结果显示3个时间点强毒攻击后,免疫组所有动物白细胞数量都没有下降也没有分离到病毒,而对照组动物白细胞数下降均超过30%,6和9个月动物均分离到病毒,而12个月对照组动物由于年龄大,没有分离到病毒,因此暂定此疫苗的免疫持续期为9个月。  相似文献   

利用微量血清中和试验和攻毒试验、牛传染性鼻气管炎弱毒活疫苗检测免疫后牛血清中牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒的抗体效价及其与保护效力的平衡关系。40头牛其中弱毒活疫苗免疫牛30头,对照牛(抗体阴性牛)10头,采用不同剂量免疫(10^3.5~10^6.5TCID50/mL),按抗体效价高低将实验动物分,并用IBRV LN01/08强毒株攻击,将攻毒保护结果与攻毒时抗体效价结果平行比较分析,结果显示,当IBRV抗体效价高于1:6时,疫苗免疫可以对牛产生良好的保护效力,保护率在80%以上,低于1:6但高于1:3时,免疫苗抗体阳性牛攻毒后保护率近78%。试验结果显示牛传染性鼻气管炎活疫苗的抗体水平于保护效力之间存在一定的平行关系。  相似文献   

本试验使用3~6月龄健康易感牛9头(牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(IBRV)和牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)抗原、抗体均阴性),共分3组,每组3头犊牛。第1组首免肌肉注射IBRV-LNM弱毒疫苗株种毒,接种1周后,每头牛接种BVDV-SM弱毒疫苗株;第2组只接种BVDV-SM弱毒疫苗株种毒,接种时间同第1组;第3组为对照组,接种MDBK细胞培养液。接种BVDV-SM疫苗毒后每周采血至疫苗毒接种后28 d,测定接种后BVDV抗体效价,并采用BVDV-JL检验用强毒进行攻毒试验。结果表明,第1组与第2组试验动物血清中牛病毒性腹泻病毒抗体水平无明显差异,能够抵抗BVDV-JL强毒攻击达到免疫保护的效果,说明牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒IBRV-LNM弱毒疫苗株接种后在牛体内对牛病毒性腹泻病毒BVDV-SM疫苗毒不产生免疫干扰作用。  相似文献   

为研制牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(IBRV)灭活疫苗,本研究以国内分离鉴定的IBRV LN01/08株为种毒,优化病毒增殖条件,获得病毒滴度达108.0TCID50/mL,将其灭活制备疫苗.为比较不同免疫佐剂的效果,分别以矿物质白油和Montanide ISA206佐剂配制灭活疫苗,进行牛体免疫试验.临床观察和血清中和抗体检测结果表明,Montanide ISA206佐剂乳化的疫苗在降低副反应和增强免疫效果方面优于矿物质白油佐剂.应用Montanide ISA206佐剂制备3批灭活疫苗,并对其安全性和免疫保护效果进行测定.结果表明该疫苗安全可靠,对强毒攻击可产生较好的抵抗力,攻毒保护率达80%.疫苗在2℃~8℃保存12个月后仍能保持良好的免疫效果.  相似文献   

为了开发针对牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)流行毒株的新型疫苗,试验采用以BVDV-1b亚型毒株(SC株)和白油为疫苗株和佐剂,制备了BVD油乳剂灭活疫苗,并通过抗体消长规律和免疫攻毒保护试验对灭活疫苗的免疫效果进行了研究。结果表明:该疫苗具有良好的安全性;用该疫苗给牛免疫1.0 mL和2.0 mL后的第21天中和抗体效价达到峰值,在免疫4.0 mL后的第30天中和抗体效价达到峰值,其中4.0 mL的免疫剂量在免疫后第180天中和抗体效价仍维持在6.0 lb以上;该疫苗在免疫2.0 mL后的21 d内均能够有效保护BVDV-1b强毒株的攻击,保护率达100%。说明BVDV油乳剂灭活疫苗具有良好的安全性和免疫原性,为我国研发具有自主知识产权的BVDV疫苗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

将传染性法氏囊病病毒 ( IBDV) JD1 、JD2 、NB变异毒株直接适应于鸡胚成纤维细胞上致弱。 3个毒株2 1代和 3 5~ 3 8代细胞毒分别连续回归鸡体 5代。结果表明 ,IBDV JD1 株 2 1~ 3 5代、JD2 株 3 7代、NB株 3 8代细胞毒对雏鸡已基本失去致病力 ,是毒力相对稳定的弱毒株。 IBDV JD1 、JD2 、NB变异株弱毒以 3 0 0 0TCID5 0 、50 0 0 TCID5 0 、1 0 0 0 0 TCID5 0 、1 50 0 0 TCID5 0 4个不同免疫剂量免疫 SPF鸡后的攻毒试验结果表明 ,JD1 、NB毒株的免疫效果明显优于 B87、Bursine3毒株疫苗 ,具有优良的免疫原性。JD1 、NB毒株的最佳免疫剂量分别为 50 0 0 TCID5 0 、3 0 0 0 TCID5 0 。抗体消长规律表明 ,JD1 株疫苗一次免疫后的有效保护期为 2 1 4d,最低有效中和抗体保护效价为 1∶ 4 0 71。  相似文献   

牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒攻毒方式的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本试验旨在建立牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒的攻毒模型,明确病毒在牛体内的分布及确定最佳攻毒方式,建立牛传染性鼻气管炎的发病标准,用来评价IBRV LNM弱毒疫苗的保护效力。试验共使用健康断乳牛9头,设鼻内喷雾组、滴鼻组和对照共3组,每组3头牛。将实验室分离保存的IBRV LN01/08强毒株采用鼻内喷雾和滴鼻两种方式接种试验组动物后,连续14 d,每日观察临床症状,监测体温及采集鼻拭子,对收集的试验数据进行对比分析。选取临床发病不同时期剖杀动物,采取主要脏器进行病毒分离。结果显示,所有动物攻毒后有不同程度的临床表现,以鼻内喷雾组临床表现最为严重,剖检可见肺部病变明显。病毒主要分布在呼吸道和眼结膜组织中。研究结果显示,采用IBRV自然感染方式攻击动物,喷雾方法攻毒临床效果明显强于滴鼻方式,保证了临床发病模型的建立,可以用来IBRV疫苗免疫效果评价,为研制IBR疫苗提供前提基础。  相似文献   

分别采用猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)CH-1R致弱毒疫苗株和变异毒株灭活疫苗免疫接种40日龄~45日龄仔猪,免疫接种后4周,用高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(HP-PRRSV)HuN-4变异株强毒攻毒,攻毒后21 d剖检,取主要器官作病理组织学观察和病毒抗原定位.结果显示变异毒株灭活疫苗免疫攻毒后导致的病理变化和病毒抗原分布程度均明显高于CH-1R弱毒疫苗免疫组.免疫病理学研究结果表明CH-1R 弱毒疫苗对HU-4株强毒免疫保护效果好于变异毒株灭活疫苗.  相似文献   

为评价H9N2亚型禽流感病毒HF株灭活疫苗对流行毒株的免疫保护效果,将禽流感病毒HF株灭活疫苗和商品化鸡新城疫、禽流感(H9亚型)二联灭活疫苗分别以0.3 mL/只接种21日龄SPF鸡,3周后采血测定HI抗体效价,并用2018年-2019年分离的4株H9亚型禽流感病毒分别进行攻毒。结果显示,免疫后21 d, HF株灭活疫苗免疫组HI抗体效价达到9.1 log2以上,商品化疫苗HI抗体效价几何平均值则为6.3 log2以内。4株H9亚型禽流感病毒流行毒株以10~(7.0)EID_(50)的剂量静脉攻毒后,HF株灭活疫苗免疫组可抵抗流行毒株的攻击,保护率为100%;而商品化疫苗对流行毒株的攻毒保护率仅为40%~60%。说明H9N2亚型禽流感病毒HF株灭活疫苗具有较强的免疫原性,能使免疫鸡抵抗流行毒株的攻击。  相似文献   

牛传染性鼻气管炎活疫苗安全性和免疫保护效果研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冷雪  郭利  张淑琴  武华 《中国畜牧兽医》2011,38(10):181-184
本试验使用牛传染性鼻气管炎弱毒活疫苗进行安全性和免疫保护效果研究,将该疫苗分别接种1月龄犊牛、6~8月龄牛及后备母牛,接种剂量为2 mL(10头份),检验疫苗安全性。将疫苗接种6~8月龄牛,接种剂量为1 mL(1头份),疫苗接种后28 d使用检验用强毒进行攻毒,检验疫苗对攻击用强毒的保护效力。结果表明,不同月龄牛接种疫苗后体温正常,无任何临床可见异常,后备母牛接种疫苗后精神状态及食欲均良好,无流产、死胎及木乃伊胎出现。疫苗接种牛对强毒攻击可产生较好的抵抗力,攻毒保护率达5/5。 研究结果表明,该疫苗对牛安全,且免疫保护效果良好。  相似文献   

Calves not vaccinated with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV) became latently infected when challenge exposed and treated with dexamethasone (DM). Calves that shed IBRV after DM treatment were considered to be latently infected. Vaccination with a temperature-sensitive intranasal vaccine or with formalinized IBRV in Freund's complete adjuvant (IBRV-FCA) protected some, but not all, calves against latent infection--indicating a role for the immune response in preventing latent infection. That all latently infected calves were not detected after DM treatment was indicated by the fact that after a 2nd DM treatment of 3 calves treated 6 months previously and not found to shed virus, 1 of the calves was latently infected. Latently infected calves were inoculated with successive doses of IBRV-FCA and treated with DM. Nonvaccinated calves shed virus, whereas vaccinated calves similarly treated did not shed virus. Because both groups had a comparable cell-mediated immune response, as determined by blastogenic response to IBRV, but the vaccinated group had significantly higher virus-neutralizing antibody titers, a role for humoral antibody in preventing viral shedding was indicated.  相似文献   

Efficacy and safety of components of an IM-administered vaccine for prevention of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV), parainfluenza type-3 (PI-3) virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections and campylobacteriosis and leptospirosis were evaluated in cattle, including calves and pregnant cows. Challenge of immunity tests were conducted in calves for IBRV, PI-3 virus, or BVDV vaccinal components. All inoculated calves developed serum-neutralizing antibodies and had substantially greater protection (as measured by clinical rating systems) than did controls after challenge exposure to virulent strains of IBRV, PI-3 virus, BVDV, or RSV. In in utero tests, IBRV or bovine RSV vaccinal strains were inoculated into fetuses of pregnant cows. Histologic changes or abortions did not occur after fetal inoculation of the RSV vaccinal strain, and 10 of 14 fetuses responded serologically. Of 9 fetuses, one responded serologically to the IBRV vaccinal strain after in utero inoculation and was aborted 3 weeks later. In an immunologic interference test, 10 calves vaccinated with 2 doses of the multivalent vaccine, containing the 4 viral components and a Campylobacter-Leptospira bacterin, developed serum-neutralizing antibodies to IBRV, PI-3 virus, BVDV, and RSV without evidence of serologic interference. Under field conditions, 10,771 cattle, including 4,543 pregnant cows, were vaccinated. Vaccine-related abortions did not occur.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare antibody responses, feedlot morbidity and mortality rates, feedlot performance, and carcass value for calves vaccinated with 1 of 2 vaccination strategies and for unvaccinated control calves. DESIGN: Randomized controlled clinical trial. ANIMALS: 451 beef steers and heifers. PROCEDURES: Calves were vaccinated with a modified-live infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV), bovine viral diarrhea virus types 1 (BVDV1) and 2 (BVDV2), parainfluenza type 3 virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus vaccine and Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida bacterin-toxoid at approximately 67 and 190 days of age (group 1; n = 151) or at approximately 167 and 190 days of age (group 2; 150) or were not vaccinated (control; 150). Serum antibody titers were measured at approximately 2, 67, 167, 190, and 232 days of age. Morbidity and mortality rates, feedlot performance, and carcass value were recorded for 361 calves shipped to feedlots. RESULTS: Percentages of calves seroconverting to IBRV, BVDV1, and BVDV2 were significantly higher for groups 1 and 2 than for the control group. Mean treatment costs were significantly lower for vaccinated than for control calves, and mean mortality rate was significantly higher for control calves than for group 1 calves. Feedlot performance and carcass value did not vary significantly among groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that vaccination of beef calves with a 5-antigen modified-live virus vaccine at 67 and 190 days of age was as effective in terms of immunologic responses as was vaccination at 167 and 190 days of age.  相似文献   

Thirty-three colostrum-deprived Holstein bull calves (initial BW of 131 ± 4 kg) were used to determine the effect of timing of anthelmintic administration relative to vaccination on antibody titer response to vaccine component antigens. When calves were at least 3 mo of age, they were sorted randomly into individual pens and assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups, treatments consisted of 1) dewormed 2 wk before vaccination (DPV), 2) dewormed at the time of vaccination (DV), or 3) control, vaccinated but not dewormed (CONT). All calves were inoculated with infective larvae of brown stomach worms (Ostertagia ostertagi) and intestinal worms (Cooperia spp.) on d 1, 7, 10, 14, and 18 for a total dose of 235,710 infective larvae per calf. Calves (DPV and DV) were dewormed on d 21 or 35 with a 10% fenbendazole suspension at 5 mg/kg of BW. On d 35, all calves were vaccinated with a modified-live virus respiratory vaccine containing IBRV (infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus), BVDV-1 (bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 1), BVDV-2 (BVDV genotype 2), PI-3 (parainfluenza-3), and BRSV (bovine respiratory syncytial virus). During the 103-d experiment, weekly fecal egg counts, blood, and rectal temperatures were collected and health status was recorded daily. Blood samples were obtained weekly to determine serum neutralizing (SN) antibody titers to IBRV, BVDV-1, BVDV-2, and PI-3 and cytokine levels for IL-4, IL-6, TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α), and IFN-γ (interferon-gamma). There was a tendency (P < 0.09) for CONT calves to have greater IL-4 concentrations. By design, control calves had greater (P < 0.01) fecal egg counts during the experiment. All calves developed antibody titers to IBRV, BVDV-1, BVDV-2, and PI-3 by d 15 postvaccination. On d 88, all calves were challenged with IBRV and blood samples were obtained on d 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 98, 99, and 103. All calves had increased rectal temperatures during the final 7 d of the IBRV challenge. However, the CONT group had greater (P < 0.01) rectal temperatures on each sampling day except d 90 compared with the DPV and DV treatments. Therefore, deworming before or at vaccination reduced parasite burden and decreased rectal temperature increase after an IBRV challenge. Deworming strategy had no effect on antibody response to vaccination or IBRV challenge.  相似文献   

Four immunisation protocols based on inactivated and attenuated commercially available marker vaccines for bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV-1) were compared. The first group of calves were vaccinated with an attenuated vaccine administered intranasally and an inactivated vaccine injected subcutaneously, four weeks apart; the second group were vaccinated twice with the attenuated vaccine, first intranasally and then intramuscularly; the third group were vaccinated twice subcutaneously with the inactivated vaccine; and the fourth group were vaccinated twice intramuscularly with the attenuated vaccine. A control group of calves were not vaccinated. The cellular and humoral immune responses were highest in the two groups which received at least one injection of the inactivated vaccine. Virological protection was observed in all the vaccinated groups after a challenge infection and reactivation by treatment with dexamethasone, but the calves which received one dose of the inactivated vaccine as a booster or two doses of the inactivated vaccine excreted significantly less of the challenge virus than the calves which were vaccinated only with the attenuated preparation.  相似文献   

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