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The advances in the treatment of heart failure with Yangxinshi tablet are reviewed in this paper.Yangxinshi tablet has effects of nourishing myocardia,improving myocardial metabolism,reducing myocardial oxygen consumption,dilating coronary artery,improving cardiac blood supply,reducing blood viscosity and improving microcirculation,and it can improve the functions of heart and curative effect of heart failure.  相似文献   

分析指出,玉米出口有望重新启动,有利于支撑季节上涨行情;国内淀粉加工利润逐渐好转,深加工需求有望逐步复苏;北方港口玉米库存压力增加,广东玉米价格持续低迷;美国玉米面积有望大幅增长,芝加哥玉米价格开始走弱;国内CPI价格连续上涨,粮食价格仍在可承受范围之内;后期玉米价格走势看好.  相似文献   

桂花坛焖鸡,其历史悠久,起源于明朝洪武年间.明代的开国皇帝朱元璋,到晚年想延年益寿、长生不老,命御厨挑选2个月~3个月的鲜活童子鸡宰杀后,配用20余种能调理人体功能的中草药浸泡到12 h后,把鸡放入写有“桂花“两个字的陶制坛子里,用文火焖熟.味道鲜美风味独特,具有清心健脑、滋阴壮阳、延年益寿之功能,特别是老年人十分喜爱的具有美容保健功能的营养性食品.……  相似文献   

洋葱也叫圆葱、葱头、玉葱,原产中亚(伊朗、阿富汗)和西亚(地中海沿岸),属于百合科葱属,为二年生草本植物.食用部分是肥大的鳞茎,含有较多的蛋白质、糖类、维生素以及多种矿物质,具有特殊的辛辣味.不同的洋葱品种其耐贮运性差异较大.……  相似文献   

疣枝桦别名疣桦、疣皮桦、垂枝桦、垂序桦,属桦属桦木科.玛纳斯平原林场1981年引种疣枝桦,在很少灌溉的条件下胸径生长量最大达34.5 cm,高达18 m.在乌鲁木齐市郊农科院良种场栽培的疣枝桦,15年平均胸径生长量达25 cm.由于树型优美.树干高大挺拔、树皮洁白光滑,现被广泛用于城市绿化.  相似文献   

不同养分组合对高粱吸收氮磷钾养分的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验,研究不同蕉园土壤条件下不同养分及组合对高粱吸收氮磷钾养分的规律。研究表明:在OPT基础上,(1)不施N,极显著降低高粱对N的吸收,但提高了高粱对P的吸收,且极显著提高了高粱对K的吸收;不施P,严重降低高粱对P的吸收,却提高了高粱对K的吸收。(2)不施Mg、施S或施B均有助于提高高粱对P和K的吸收。(3)施Fe、施Mn或施Cu均有助于提高高粱对K的吸收。  相似文献   

在河北沧州和保定的乳饮料厂家中, “都益“四连袋装乳饮料除了在保定市及部分县有一点知名度外,在河北廊坊的知名度为零. “都益“由起初的10万元资产开始运营,到在当地作为专门经销的第一个品牌.在此过程中从不能进大型超市,到能做到一定的销售量,再到在保证不亏本的情况下,接其他新的产品,这一发展过程值得中小企业的借鉴.……  相似文献   

天然干酪成熟过程中营养成分与风味变化的研究分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对不同品种干酪的综合分析,系统地阐述了干酪在成熟过程中营养成分与风味的变化,乳糖、脂肪、蛋白分别在风味变化中所起的作用以及产生风味变化的来源,并简单介绍了干酪的种类与适于中国人口味的干酪的发展前景.  相似文献   

This study discussed the development and evolution of Chinese royal gardens from the initial generation period (Zhou,Qin and Han dynasties) to the late mature period (middle Qing Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty).Through the specific analysis of the typical royal gardens in different periods,the development and changes of the gardening skills and overall layout of the royal gardens in each period were obtained,and the development characteristics of the whole historical period of the Chinese royal gardens were summarized.  相似文献   

从我国花卉生产现状、育种现状及花卉市场发展趋势等几方面入手,分析了我国花卉种子业的形势和存在问题,并结合对国际花卉业形势的思考,提出了我国花卉种子业发展的对策。  相似文献   

介绍了运用冷冻干燥技术进行速溶蛋花汤的加工,研究了生产工艺、特点以及影响产品质量的主要因素。试验表明,采用冷冻干燥技术加工的速溶蛋花汤,具有营养丰富、风味独特、方便快捷等特点。  相似文献   

A new definition of inertia,i.e. the momentum is the measuring of inertia of matter, is proposed. The article through and etc., subjects, the correctness of the new notion of inertia:The monentum is the measuring of inertia has been demonstrated, and the unsolved contradictions of the traditional definition of inetia. And the mass is the measuring of inertia has been revealed.  相似文献   

香蕉是热带亚热带发展中国家重要的粮食作物和碳水化合物来源。但近年来,香蕉生产受到严重的病虫危害。大多数香蕉栽培品种是三倍体,生长周期长,而且不孕。由于没有种子,给繁殖和育种带来一定的困难。遗传转化技术的发展为香蕉品种的改良提供了一种有效的手段。香蕉的遗传转化方法有电激法、基因枪法、农杆菌介导法等。农杆菌介导法的应用是香蕉品种改良的一个重大突破。香蕉遗传转化的外植体也发展到多种,有原生质体,胚性细胞悬浮系,分生组织,以及横切薄片等。近几年,随着分子生物学的发展,出现了转化效率更高,重复性更好的香蕉遗传转化技术。如农杆菌和基因枪结合法,离心辅助农杆菌介导法、真空渗透技术等。这些新技术新方法的出现,必将推动香蕉产业高速发展。  相似文献   

Automobile comfort dynamic simulation is necessary when we predict and evaluate the comfort of a automobile or optimize performance of automobile. The nine DOF vibration model of automobile is established , which acts root mean square value of body in multiple work conditions as comfort evaluation indices. Based on the comfort simulation, the Hongyan 1160 is predicted in the way of comfort. The programmes can be used in many different automobiles . The computational result indicates that the model can simulate vibration of automobile truly. It is significant to research automobile comfort evaluation to optimize performance of automobile and comfort simulation .The computational program can be applied to optimize or simulate which has some reference value.  相似文献   

壳聚糖对石榴果汁澄清效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用壳聚糖的絮凝作用对壳聚糖在甜石榴汁澄清中的应用效果进行了研究,试验结果表明,壳聚糖用量为0.3g/L、澄清时间为60min、温度为35℃时,甜石榴汁透光率可达85%以上,且通过对壳聚糖处理前后可溶性固形物、总酸、VC等营养成分含量的比较,确定以上工艺参数为甜石榴汁澄清的最佳选择。  相似文献   

以生长6~9 d的酸枣种子幼根为试验材料,0.7 mol·L-1甘露醇作为渗透压稳定剂、pH值5.5~6.0、28℃恒温水浴条件下,以光学显微镜观察的水解总时间、初始产生原生质体的时间、原生质体产量及细胞碎片量为指标,研究通过酶水解来制备酸枣幼根原生质体的方法。结果表明,在含1%果胶酶+4%纤维素酶R-10+3%纤维素酶RS组合的酶解液中,保温4 h可制得产量较高、细胞碎片量较少的原生质体。  相似文献   

南瓜降糖功能及其系列食品加工技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了南瓜在糖尿病辅助治疗方面的功能特性,介绍了南瓜降糖主要制品南瓜全粉、南瓜脆片、南瓜果酱和南瓜肉汁的工艺流程和操作要点。  相似文献   

母猪繁殖障碍成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
繁殖障碍是导致母猪淘汰的最主要因素,直接造成母猪非生产天数延长,繁殖猪群生产效率降低,严重影响猪场的经济效益。本文作者对引起母猪繁殖障碍的多方面因素,包括营养因素(如饲养水平、饲料品质、断奶日龄)、环境因素(如温度、湿度、通风、光照)、疫病因素、生产技术及管理因素进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

The growing number of candidate varieties presented every year at each national Plant Variety Protection Office and their decreasing genetic variability forces strategies to be adopted that will reduce costs without losing rigour when deciding about the acceptance or rejection of a candidate variety. Molecular markers have been envisaged as a reliable tool to establish differences, but can molecular markers be used for assessing distinctness? A comparison between a molecular and a morphological characterization of 41 seed samples belonging to 36 cucumber varieties and including several external controls has been carried out to investigate the applicability of molecular markers in the context of distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) tests and the protection of new varieties. Both types of character indicate the same relationships among main groups, Dutch and Beth‐Alpha types, and Gerking and Slice types, the correlation between distance matrices being only 0.6489. Varieties considered uniform for morphological traits proved not to be so for molecular markers. Therefore, molecular characterization is not offering the same estimates of uniformity and relatedness between varieties as does morphological characterization. External controls were used to establish distinction limits with morphological and molecular dendrograms to focus on those varieties, which were suspiciously similar. The results with cucumber show that molecular identity could be used to assess any lack of distinctness and so corroborate the morphological assessment of candidate varieties. The morphological trait ‘type’ provides distinct characterization of varieties and the molecular characterization of candidate varieties could be used to design better field experiments to assess distinction within each group of morphological cucumber type.  相似文献   

用试剂盒法提取了5种枣树品种的总DNA,使用RAPD技术对其进行了品种鉴定.选出12种扩增较稳定的引物,来扩增5种枣树品种总DNA,共扩增出34条带,每种引物扩增出1~5条带;多态性条带共2条,多态性比例为58.82%.利用DPS软件所做的聚类分析结果表明:5个品种间可聚成2类:优系99-1(1号)、婆枣(3号)、赞皇大臻(2号)可聚为A类;优系97-4(4号)、梨枣(5号)可聚为B类,同一类品种间体现了一定的相关性.  相似文献   

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