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何人 《猪业科学》2002,19(1):62
绿壳蛋鸡,皮、毛、肉、血、内脏为黑色,所产蛋为绿色,已引起国内外行家的高度重视和关注.绿壳蛋,属纯天然,蛋白浓厚,蛋黄呈桔黄色,含有大量的卵磷脂、维生素A、B、E,微量元素碘、锌、硒,属于高维生素、高微量元素、高氨基酸、低胆固醇、低脂肪的理想天然保健食品.  相似文献   

矿物质需要盈及其毒性目前,有15种元素被认为是动物日粮中的必需元素,动物所需的常量元素变化范围大,包括钙、磷、镁、钾、钠、氯、硫;其余的8种需要量少,在活组织中量也少,称微量元素,它们是铁、锌、铜、锰、钴、碘、钼、硒。Meiske 等(1985)总结了肉牛的矿物质需要量(NRC,1984)、缺乏症,检测缺乏的方法及防止钙、钴、铜、碘、铁、镁、锰、  相似文献   

3 柃属蜜源在各省区具体分布情况云南种类最多,共有43种,分布在全省60多个县。在南部的西畴、屏边、麻栗坡、马关、文山、河口、金平等县种类最多,每个县都有20多种,其次是南部的蒙自、勐腊、景洪,西部怒江流域的德钦、贡山、维西、碧江、泸水、腾冲、龙陵,东北部的盐津、绥江,西南部的景东、双江、耿马、镇康等每个县都有多种柃分布。广西全区有39种,主要分布在东部、东北部和西南部。种类较多的县有桂林地区的龙胜、临桂、灌阳、资源等,南宁地区的南宁、凭祥、宁明、邕宁,钦州地区的上思、防城,玉林地区的容县、南平、桂平,苍梧地区的贺…  相似文献   

以沙为栽培基质,南迪诺白三叶为指示植物,开展了氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、铜、锌、锰、硼、铁、钼十二种必需元素肥的沙培肥效试验。结果表明,南迪诺白三叶对氮、磷、钾、锌、镁的缺乏较敏感,其次为硼,对钙、硫、铜、锰、铁、钼的施用不敏感,所以在单一地种植南迪诺白三叶时,除了考虑土壤的肥力和各种矿质元素含量,一定要重视磷、钾、锌、镁、氮肥的供给,其次为硼肥,可不考虑硫、铜、锰、钼元素肥的施用。  相似文献   

我国的特种经济动物资源非常丰富,目前已开展养殖的有以下几大类:①提供裘皮的毛皮动物,如银狐、蓝狐、彩狐、貉子、水貂、黄鼬、麝鼠、海狸鼠、旱獭、毛丝鼠等,这些高中档裘皮,以皮毛丰厚,美观,保暖性好、结实耐用而久负盛誉;②提供贵重药材的动物,如鹿、麝、熊、蛇、蝎子、土元、蜜蜂、鼯鼠、穿山甲、蚂蚁等;  相似文献   

中草药大多是植物的根、茎、叶、花、实、皮,以及禽、兽、虫、鱼的肢体、内脏或躯壳,还有一部分矿物质,含有丰富的有机物和无机物。实践证明,将药渣拌在饲料中喂猪,有明显的助长、保健、催肥作用。如虎杖、菝葜、胡枝子、马尾松等不但能清热解毒,还兼有驱虫、催肥、补血、生肉的功效;乌药、莎草、虎杖、钩吻、木防已、菝葜等,能促进仔猪消化器官的生长发育,提高饲料利用率;琴叶、榕、崖头藤、杜鹃等,可使猪发育骨架,为长肉增重打好基础;稀莶  相似文献   

·科技汉语与公文、文学语言·科技论文是报道自然科学研究和技术开发创新性工作成果的论说文章,是阐述原始研究结果并公开发表的书面报告,其语言特点为准确、简练、平实、生动和清晰。公文语言的本质是指导命令的语言,凭证依据的语言,法规约束的语言,宣传教育的语言,因而主要特点是严肃、准确、质朴、简明、规范、富于逻辑;文学语言的本质是塑造形象的语言,艺术加工的语言,传达情感的语言,审美独创的语言,因而主要特点是生动、形象、创新、优美、飞扬、富于情感。  相似文献   

默铧 《北方蚕业》2010,31(2):69-69
·修辞手法的使用·修辞手法的运用,可以使语言变得生动形象,是记叙文、文学作品常用的写作方法。科技论文也提倡使用修辞手法,但修辞的使用要符合“明确、通顺、平匀、稳密”的原则,以消极性修辞手法为主,即主要使用调整结构、选择词句、处理详略的修辞方法,很少使用比喻、设问、对偶、排比、引用、对照等积极性修辞方法,不适用借代、比拟、夸张、双关、移就等修辞方法。  相似文献   

金银花等5种中药对猪源大肠杆菌抗菌活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为观察金银花、五味子、黄连、赤芍、鱼腥草对猪源大肠杆菌体外抑菌效果,测定其最小抑菌浓度,本实验采用平皿打孔法测定各中草药的抑菌圈直径,梯度稀释法测定各中草药抑制病原菌生长的最小抑菌浓度,结果表明,金银花、五味子、黄连、赤芍、鱼腥草对猪源大肠杆菌的抑菌圈直径分别为23.6、20.2、22.1、15.3、17.1 mm,最小抑菌浓度分别为0.2、0.3、0.2、0.6、0.5 g/mL,金银花、五味子、黄连、赤芍、鱼腥草对猪源大肠杆菌体均有体外抑菌效果,其中金银花,黄连,五倍子的抑菌效果最好,赤芍和鱼腥草抑菌效果不明显。  相似文献   

为研究湘沙猪配套系肉质的营养特征,选择体重28 kg左右、生长发育正常的配套系母本、父母代猪及商品猪各30头,分3组,每组3个重复,每个重复10头猪,3组饲喂相同饲粮,试验结束后,每组选择6头屠宰,测定肌肉常规营养成分、脂肪酸、氨基酸含量并建立湘沙猪配套系的氨基酸模式。结果表明:湘沙猪配套系母本、父母代猪、商品猪鲜肉样中粗蛋白质含量分别为23.46%、23.47%、23.12%,背最长肌脂肪酸均以油酸含量最多,分别为40.92%、39.40%、41.41%,富含不饱和脂肪酸。蛋白质中含有人体8种必需氨基酸,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸比例分别为48.26%、47.50%、48.25%,氨基酸的结构与组成比例较为合理,是理想的膳食肉类蛋白质来源。湘沙猪配套系母本、父母代猪、商品猪可消化氨基酸模式分别为赖氨酸100、100、100,苏氨酸41、42、42,缬氨酸48、50、49,异亮氨酸41、42、43,亮氨酸69、75、72,蛋氨酸31、32、33,组氨酸62、60、61,苯丙氨酸34、36、39,精氨酸55、64、54,色氨酸15、15、15,苯丙氨酸+酪氨酸65、67、72。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of various clinical tracks within the veterinary medical clinical curriculum at Texas A&M University on clinical diagnostic proficiency as determined by pre- and post-training assessment. We expected that the clinical track chosen by the student would impact their measured outcome with bias toward higher scores in their chosen field. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. STUDY POPULATION: 32 students from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University. PROCEDURES: By use of standardized, written case scenarios, clinical reasoning was assessed twice: once prior to the clinical (fourth) year of the curriculum and again at completion of the clinical year. Students demonstrated their abilities to collect and organize appropriate clinical data (history, physical examination, and laboratory findings), determine clinical diagnoses, and formulate and implement acceptable treatment modalities. Data from clinical assessments were compared for a given cohort and correlated with other measures (eg, grades, standardized test scores, and species-specific curricular track). RESULTS: Differences were detected in clinical diagnostic proficiency among students in different clinical tracks and for different species groups in the case scenarios. Tracking by species group in the clinical veterinary curriculum appeared to affect development of clinical reasoning and resulted in differential proficiency among cases for differing species groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differences in clinical experiences between small animal tracks and all other track opportunities (large animal, mixed animal, and alternative) influenced the development of clinical proficiency in fourth-year veterinary students during their clinical training period.  相似文献   

《兽医临床诊断学》课程改革的几点思考   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
<兽医临床诊断学>是从临床实践出发研究疾病诊断方法和理论的一门科学,是,临床防治工作的前提和基础.介绍了在临床教学中,通过教学方法的改革让学生掌握基本理论知识的同时,能将所学知识应用于临床实践,从根本上提高<兽医临床诊断学>的教学效果.  相似文献   

Background: The Education Committee of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology identified a need for improved structure and guidance of clinical pathology resident training in clinical chemistry.
Objectives: The committee's goal was to develop learning objectives and competencies in knowledge, abilities, and skills in clinical chemistry; provide options and ideas for training activities; and identify clinical chemistry resources useful for clinical pathology faculty, training program coordinators, and residents.
Methods: Guidelines were developed and written with the input of Education Committee members and peer experts.
Results: The primary objectives of clinical chemistry training are: 1) to accrue a thorough, extensive, and relevant knowledge base of the types, principles, and properties of clinical chemistry tests and concepts of pathophysiology in animals; 2) to develop abilities to reason, think critically, and exercise judgment in clinical chemistry data interpretation, investigative problem-solving, and hypothesis-driven research; and 3) to acquire technical and statistical skills important in clinical chemistry and laboratory operations.
Conclusions: These guidelines define expected competencies that will help ensure proficiency, leadership, and the advancement of knowledge in veterinary clinical chemistry and provide a useful framework for didactic and clinical activities in resident training programs. The learning objectives can readily be adapted to institutional and individual needs, interests, goals, and resources.  相似文献   

The accuracy of clinical observations was estimated using Bayesian latent-class models with two or more independent tests. Four veterinarians carried out systematic independent clinical examinations on 155 pigs in three herds. Based on the results of binary recordings of clinical observations on dullness, poor body condition (PBC), skin lesions, lameness, respiratory disease, and diarrhea, a latent disease state for each clinical disease was estimated using Gibbs sampling.

The accuracy of the clinical observations differed for the four observers and for different clinical signs. Population parameters were estimated from a Bayesian hierarchical model, and the accuracy of a random observer was calculated. We concluded that the accuracy of the veterinarians in this study substantiated the need to pursue more-precise definitions of the clinical findings and that larger sample sizes would be needed to provide reasonable variance estimates. Finally, we concluded that the uncertainty in the clinical decision-making process (starting with the clinical examination) needs to be represented fully.  相似文献   

The ability to translate a clinical problem seen in practice into a focused and well-formed answerable clinical question is one of the hardest steps in practicing evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM). Asking answerable clinical questions that relate to your patient is the first evidence-based skill a veterinarian needs to learn, and it forms the cornerstone of the practice of EBVM. Like other clinical skills, the more you practice and work on refining clinical questions, the more precise these questions are and the easier the EBVM process becomes. This article reviews the different aspects of an answerable clinical question, its structure, and how to formulate questions better to get needed answers to clinical problems.  相似文献   

The goal of this article was to characterize the clinical evolution of scrapie in naturally affected sheep. Eighteen sheep with scrapie diagnosed by examination of 3rd eyelid biopsy and 12 control ewes were studied throughout the duration of their disease. Diagnosis was confirmed postmortem by histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and Western blot analysis of nervous tissue. Complete clinical examinations were performed every 2 weeks for each animal, of which 3 clinical examinations per animal are reported. Those clinical signs that showed a significant frequency within the corresponding clinical examination were considered representative of each stage of the disease (ie, early, middle, and late). The representative clinical signs for the early stage were hypoesthesia in the limbs, alteration of mental status, and a body condition score <3. Remarkably, hypoesthesia in the limbs was one of the 1st signs appearing during the early clinical stage in the affected animals, even before the appearance of other signs. For the middle stage, representative signs were the same as those for the early stage, together with hyporreflexia in the limbs, cardiac arrhythmia, pruritus/wool loss, and the appearance of the nibbling reflex. Representative clinical signs for the late stage were the same as those for the early and middle stage, together with head tremors, hyperexcitability to external stimuli, ataxia or gait abnormalities, and teeth grinding. On the basis of these results, we propose the calculation of an objective clinical index that allows the differentiation among clinical stages and that could be useful for further studies. The usefulness of 3rd eyelid lymphoid tissue biopsies for sequential clinical studies in naturally scrapie-affected sheep is demonstrated.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the prevalence of clinical mastitis in spring-calving dairy herds in the Waikato Region of New Zealand and to identify factors associated with variation in the prevalence of clinical mastitis between herds. METHOD: A total of 799 quarters from 595 dairy cows from 38 dairy herds were diagnosed by herd owners as having clinical mastitis between 8 July and 21 August 1997. Quarters diagnosed with clinical mastitis were sampled for bacterial culture and somatic cell count, and the presence of clots in the milk and the presence of udder oedema were assessed by a technician or veterinarian. RESULTS: Clinical mastitis was diagnosed in an average (+/-s.e.m.) of 9.9% (+/-0.8%, range 0.9-21.4%) of calved cows within the herds. Bacteria were not cultured from an average of 12.4 % (+/- 2.0%, range 0.0-45.5%) of cows and 22.3% (+/- 2.4%, range 0.0-54.0%) of quarters diagnosed as having clinical mastitis. There were significant differences between herds in the proportion of cows diagnosed with mastitis and in the proportion of clinical mastitis cases from which bacteria were not cultured. A decreased prevalence of clinical mastitis (p<0.001) was associated with an increased percentage of the herd treated with dry cow antibiotics. An increased prevalence of clinical mastitis (p<0.0001) was associated with both an increased percentage of cows treated in the previous season with lactating cow antibiotics and an increased percentage of heifers in the herd. Herds that were fed supplements before or during lactation had a higher prevalence of clinical mastitis than herds that were not fed supplements (p<0.001). An increased proportion of quarters diagnosed with clinical mastitis that did not culture bacteria was associated with an increased prevalence of clinical mastitis (p<0.001). The proportion of quarters that the technician or veterinarian found with evidence of clinical mastitis (i.e. a somatic cell count >500,000 cells/ml and the presence of either clots or udder oedema) within a herd was inversely related to the proportion of quarters within a herd from which no bacteria were isolated. CONCLUSION: There was a large variation in the prevalence of clinical mastitis and in the proportion of clinical quarters from which no bacteria were grown between herds. Management factors such as the use of dry cow therapy, feeding regimes and heifer replacement rates all affected the prevalence of clinical mastitis. Herd owners appear to differ in the sensitivity and specificity of their diagnosis of clinical mastitis, with bacteria not isolated from up to 50% of quarters diagnosed with clinical mastitis in some herds. Improvements in the specificity of herd owner diagnosis of clinical mastitis may reduce the use of antibiotics for mastitis during lactation and hence may reduce the risk of antibiotic contamination of milk supplied for human consumption.  相似文献   

Clinical ketosis     
A diagnosis of primary ketosis is based on clinical signs, clinical pathology, and ruling-out disorders that cause secondary ketosis. Various treatments can be used alone or in combination during the management of clinical ketosis. A treatment should be based on drugs with a mechanism of action that will eliminate the pathogenesis of the clinical signs observed.  相似文献   

动物医学专业不仅要求学生掌握扎实的理论知识,还需要具有丰富的临床实践经验。为了实现该目标,除了要求授课教师对专业知识融会贯通,更需要拥有大量典型的临床病例资料。以安徽农业大学动物医院和畜禽疾病诊断中心为平台,收集大量宝贵的临床病例资料和最新的临床诊疗技术,构建了动物医学临床教学数据库,使得诊疗动物种类多样化,案例信息全面化、系统化。该数据库的建成和应用,为临床教师提供了丰富的教学素材和资料,亦提升了学生的学习兴趣,促进了动物医学专业的教育教学发展。  相似文献   

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