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藏獒作为犬类的一种,也受到犬类病毒感染的威胁。据调查,侵害藏獒的主要病毒有犬细小病病毒和犬瘟热病毒两大类。作者对青海某藏獒养殖户的病死藏獒进行临床症状观察,病理剖检及实验室诊断,通过病毒的分离培养及鉴定,确诊病死藏獒为犬细小病毒感染。鉴于养殖场中该病的存在及对养犬业的危害,建议加强对犬细小病毒的诊断及监控。  相似文献   

2007年4月,胶南市某养殖场发生主要危害幼貂的急性传染病,特征是病貂呈现双相热型、鼻炎、支气管炎及呼吸和消化系统严重障碍,少数病例出现神经症状.经流行病学调查、临床检查、病理剖检、实验室检查、敏感动物接种试验确诊为犬瘟热.  相似文献   

犬瘟热是危害犬、狐、貂最严重的烈性传染病之一。作者对某试验动物犬饲养厂的病死犬进行临床症状观察,病理剖检及实验室诊断,通过病毒的分离培养及间接免疫荧光鉴定,确诊为犬瘟热病毒感染。鉴于该病的危害程度,建议加强对犬瘟热病的诊断及监控。  相似文献   

2004年10月中旬,潍坊市某养殖场饲养的400只狐狸和360只貂发生一种以发热、呕吐、呼吸困难、咳嗽、下痢、神经症状及最后衰竭死亡为主要特点的传染病。根据临床症状、剖检变化和实验室诊断,确诊为犬瘟热与弓形虫病混合感染,采取防、治结合的措施,使疫情得到了控制。1发病情况及临床症状养殖场内饲养的未防疫犬最初表现为双相热,精神沉郁,拒食,呼吸困难,咳嗽,鼻镜干燥,流粘脓性鼻汁,有脓性眼屎等犬瘟热的典型症状。第二天,场内已注射犬瘟热疫苗15天的狐狸和貂开始发病,症状各有不同,大体表现如下:病初,多数体温升高至40℃~42℃,精神沉郁,食…  相似文献   

犬瘟热   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1犬瘟热及其危害犬瘟热是由犬瘟热病毒穴Caninedistempervirus雪感染引起的急性、热性、高度接触性传染病。对养犬业和毛皮经济动物的危害较大。病死率可高达80℅,雪貂高达100℅。易感动物感染的主要临床特征是双相热,白细胞减少,结膜炎、支气管炎、卡他性肺炎、胃肠炎、皮炎及神经症状,部分病例脚垫高度角质化,病的后期出现明显的神经症状。该病传染性强,病死率高,常造成严重的经济损失。2流行特征及诊断要点本病一年四季均可发生,但多见于秋、冬季节。在自然条件下,犬科动物中的犬、狐狸、豺、狼等和鼬科动物中的貂、雪貂、黄鼬、白鼬等…  相似文献   

水貂犬瘟热(又称貂瘟)是一种由犬瘟热病毒引起的急性接触性传染病。临床以表现体温升高,眼、鼻和呼吸道粘膜发炎并伴发神经症状和皮肤病变为特征。本病常呈地方爆发流行,成年貂死亡率为30~50%,幼年貂高达80~90%。并往往常出现空怀,流产和胚胎吸收。因而此病构成养貂业危害最大的疫病之一。自1980~1982年先后有天津、河北、山西和浙江等八个貂场发病,经我所诊断为犬瘟热。现以天津某貂场为例将  相似文献   

1病因 饲养管理不当,如吃腐败的饲料,饮水不洁,长期吃不上新鲜的肉类或粗纤维过多的谷物饲料等。目前,有很多养殖场(户)秋季留种貂时期,不重视肠炎预防接种,只重视犬瘟热疫苗接种。所以,造成一些养殖场(户)貂的传染性病毒性肠炎及消化系统疾病的发生。建议养貂场(户)要定期预防接种犬瘟热和病毒性肠炎疫苗。  相似文献   

水貂犬瘟热(义称貂瘟),是犬、鼬等科动物的急性传染病,是当前危害我国养貂业最严重的疫病之一。长期以来国内外在诊断上一直应用临床症状、检查包涵体及接种动物的综合方法诊断本病,但这种方法既缺乏特异性,又耗时较长,使疫情  相似文献   

犬温热是一种由犬瘟热病毒引起的高度接触性传染病,除危害犬及犬科动物外,还危害多种食肉动物和观尝动物,如貂、鼬、水獭、熊狸、浣熊、大小灵猫等.近年来,国内外陆续有大小熊猫犬瘟热自然病例报道,至于猫科动物家族成员中的云豹犬瘟热尚未见报导.现将我国云豹发生的疑似犬瘟热病介绍如下:  相似文献   

精制犬瘟热免疫血清研制成功犬瘟热在全国毛皮动物(狐、貂、貉、犬、黄鼬等)养殖业密集地区经常暴发流行。由于缺少有效的治疗药物,常造成大批发病死亡,给养殖场和专业户带来巨大经济损失。解放军农牧大学(原兽医大学)科技开发部组织有关科研人员,应用生物蛋白工程...  相似文献   

Distemper vaccination of farmed fur animals in Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The most important farmed fur animal species in Finland are the American mink (Mustela vison), blue fox (Alopex lagopus), silver fox (Vulpes vulpes) and raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides); all are susceptible to canine distemper. The only distemper vaccines currently available are for mink, although they also have been used for fox and raccoon dogs in emergency situations. The efficacy in eliciting neutralizing antibodies and the safety of three mink-distemper vaccines were studied under field conditions with mink and silver fox. Two of the vaccines were also studied with raccoon dogs and blue fox. All three vaccines elicited a satisfactory antibody response in mink, whereas the response varied in the other species. No side effects were observed in any species tested. One of the vaccines was safe and immunogenic in all four species.  相似文献   

水貂犬瘟热流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了调查山东省水貂犬瘟热的流行病学情况,对2010年8月-2012年8月期间由诸城、文登等地养貂场送诊的996份水貂病例进行了临床诊断和病原学检查。结果显示,共检出犬瘟热病毒阳性病料223份,阳性率为22.39%。其中,犬瘟热病毒与其他病原混合感染136例,占阳性病例的60.99%;阳性样本中未免疫病例116个;诸城检出阳性病例数最多,为147例;3月龄水貂发病率最高,占阳性病例的43.0%;水貂感染犬瘟热病毒主要症状为眼、鼻黏液性分泌物增多、脚垫增厚、呼吸困难;主要病理变化为肠、脑部出血。结果表明,犬瘟热依然是危害水貂养殖的重要疫病,且犬瘟热病毒易与其他病原混合感染;免疫接种能有效预防水貂犬瘟热,且宜在3月龄以前进行。  相似文献   

水貂和狐犬瘟热病毒F基因的克隆与序列分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探寻免疫失败的原因,对山东某养殖场免疫后的发病水貂和狐犬瘟热组织病料分别提取RNA进行RT-PCR扩增。将PCR得到的部分F基因克隆到pMD18-T载体上测序,并与疫苗株ND进行序列分析。结果表明,水貂和狐的CDV与OND的核苷酸同源性为98.6%9、8.6%,氨基酸同源性为98.0%9、8.0%。水貂和狐两者核苷酸同源性为98.0%,氨基酸同源性为95.9%。  相似文献   

The search for antigens capable of causing immune-complex-mediated glomerulonephritis continues. Modified live-virus vaccines commercially available for veterinary use are a possible source. In this study, repeated vaccination of mink with live-virus vaccines was investigated as a model for vaccine-induced glomerular injury. Three groups of 10-wk-old mink, 15 per group, were vaccinated once with 4-way vaccine against distemper, Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, botulism and mink viral enteritis. Subsequently, all mink in each group each were vaccinated either with the 4-way vaccine, a monovalent canine distemper vaccine, or saline. Glomerular function was assessed at 2-wk intervals by determining the urinary protein:creatinine (P:C) ratio. Kidney sections taken at necropsy, 20 wk after the 1st vaccination, were examined by light and immunofluorescent microscopy for deposition of immunoglobulin and complement. There was no statistically significant difference between the treated and control groups based on average urinary P:C ratio medians. Light microscopic changes were detected in glomeruli, but Fisher's exact test showed no significant differences between any of the treatment groups. Deposition of immunoglobulin but not complement was significantly more frequent (P < 0.05) in the glomeruli of animals that received multiple injections of the 4-way vaccine than in the glomeruli of those given only the monovalent canine distemper vaccine or saline. These findings suggest that repeated vaccination may increase the glomerular deposition of immunoglobulin. Further studies are required to determine if the increased deposition of immunoglobulin contributes to the development of glomerular damage and to identify the antigens driving production of the deposited immunoglobulin.  相似文献   

为了解山东地区水貂犬瘟热病毒(CDV)遗传变异特征,采集水貂养殖场的发病水貂病料,通过RT-PCR鉴定为CDV阳性,将阳性病料接种Vero/Dog SLAM细胞进行病毒分离,通过间接免疫荧光、电镜负染、测序等方法鉴定,得到4株犬瘟热病毒,分别命名为WD1株、WD2株、WX1株和WX2株。分离株H基因测序结果显示,WD1株、WD2株、WX1株均为Asia-Ⅰ型,其中WD1和WD2与近几年仅在水貂和狐狸养殖场流行的新犬瘟热毒株核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为97.5%~99.2%和97%~99%;WX-1型与国内犬源HL001株的同源性最高,核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为99.6%和99.5%;WX2与疫苗株同属于一个分支,与疫苗毒Lederle株核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性高达99.5%和98.8%。结果表明,水貂养殖场存在多株犬瘟热病毒混合感染的情况,提醒养殖场应注意防控,该结果也为犬瘟热病毒分子流行病学积累了资料。  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of IgM antibodies against canine distemper virus (CDV) in canine and mink serum is described. The diagnostic potential of this technique was evaluated by analyzing sera from natural or experimental infections in dog and mink and negative control sera. These results were compared with results obtained in the developed CDV IgG ELISA and in the virus neutralization test. The IgM test, which requires only a single serum specimen, is a useful method for diagnosing current or recent CDV infections in dog and mink.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical (IHC) assays were developed and tested for the detection of 3 viral infections in archived paraffin-embedded mink tissue. Specimens had been obtained from mink with diagnoses of acute Aleutian disease (AD), mink parvoviral enteritis (MVE), or canine distemper (CD) made by means of routine diagnostic procedures. To improve the efficiency and reduce the costs of IHC analyses, tissue microarray (TMA) technology was used. Representative cores 2 mm in diameter from each tissue specimen and from positive- and negative-control specimens were collected in a TMA block. Immunohistochemical reactions to viral antigens were assessed and graded. Positive reactions were found in 91% of the 32 specimens from mink with AD, 53% to 80% of the 60 specimens from mink with MVE, and all 66 of the specimens from mink with CD. To validate the use of TMAs, the IHC methods were applied to whole-mount paraffin-embedded sections of 10 of the positive specimens for each disease, together with whole-mount sections of small intestine and lung tissue from 2 healthy mink. The IHC grading of the TMA cores and the whole-mount sections from the same animal corresponded completely. These results suggest that IHC demonstration of viral antigen allows rapid and reliable diagnosis of the 3 viral infections in mink and is a potential supplement to histologic diagnostic procedures. The TMA technique proved useful for screening large numbers of samples for expression of specific viral antigens, while reducing overall costs.  相似文献   

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