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马属动物破伤风病1次性用药治疗和护理是将破伤风抗毒素30~35万单位、乌洛托品80~100 ml分别混合到500 ml 5%葡萄糖内1次缓慢静注;用药后将患畜用吊马器或绳索,保定在清洁温暖避光安静的厩舍内,使之免受任何不良刺激;畜前摆放水料,精心护理;护理期间用蝉蜕300~400 g分4次煎汤,连饮4 d效果更好。20年的研究结果表明,1次用药采取严格护理治疗的131例全部痊愈。  相似文献   

鹌鹑沙门菌的分离鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对病死鹌鹑的肝脏和心血进行了细菌分离培养、生化鉴定及动物接种试验,确定为沙门菌。在水井、禽舍输水系统处采取的两处水样中,同样分离鉴定出了上述细菌。动物试验结果表明,从脏器中分离到的沙门菌比从水样中分离到的沙门菌致病力更强。药敏试验结果表明,从脏器中分离的沙门菌对强力霉素、多黏菌素B敏感,水样中分离的沙门菌对卡那霉素敏感。  相似文献   

Concerns exist that some uses of antimicrobials in cattle may lead to the emergence, proliferation, dissemination and persistence of resistant pathogenic bacteria in animal agriculture, which in turn can infect humans via the food supply. The degree of perceived risk varies with the clinical indication for which the antimicrobial in question is used. In this study, four uses of antimicrobials are considered, including in acutely sick, chronically sick, at-risk, and high-risk cattle, contrasting the degree of risk among these uses. Using a random sample of 103 feedlot cattle veterinarians and variables drawn from the theory of planned behavior, we predict differences in risk perception by clinical indication with differences in perceived efficacy of antimicrobials, social pressures to use antimicrobials, and moral obligations to use antimicrobials. In most models, veterinarians who perceived that others in the feedlot industry (i.e., other feedlot veterinarians, nutritionists, feedlot clients, and retained owners of cattle) were more likely to expect them to use antimicrobials in one situation versus another, the less likely those veterinarians perceived the risk of antimicrobial risk to be greater in the former versus the latter situation. Only two of these contrasts contained influences outside the immediate feedlot relationships. This exception involves the 'downstream' public: meat packers, retailers, and consumers. Veterinarians who believe that using antimicrobials for acutely sick cattle is more beneficial than using antimicrobials for chronically sick cattle were more likely to believe that antimicrobial resistance was a less probable outcome in acutely sick cattle than in chronically sick cattle.  相似文献   

Serum acute phase protein concentrations are used as diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic markers in human and, less frequently, in animal medicine. The aim of this study was to determine how the health status and signalment of the cat are associated with concentrations of acute phase proteins. Generally, medians of the positive acute phase proteins appeared to be higher in sick cats compared to healthy cats. In multivariable regression models, log-transformed serum amyloid A concentration was higher in older cats, in sick and in female cats, while log-transformed α1-acid glycoprotein and haptoglobin concentrations were higher in older cats and were associated with interactions of health status (sick/healthy) and gender (male/female). The data from healthy cats in this study contribute to the limited knowledge of normal reference ranges for this species. This study highlights the potential of acute phase proteins as diagnostic markers in sick cats, but also emphasises that the signalment of the cat needs to be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

几种肌酸激酶的检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肌酸激酶(creatine kinase,CK)是动物细胞代谢过程中非常重要的一种激酶,有4种同工酶。根据亚基和分布位置的不同,CK同工酶可分为:肌肉型(MM)、杂化型(MB)、脑型(BB)以及线粒体型(MiMi)。人和动物发生疾病时,机体内的CK通常会有显著提高并能被检测到,因此经常被应用于人和动物疾病的早期诊断。对几种常用的CK检测方法的原理进行了概述,并对不同检测方法进行了比较.以期为今后CK检测方法的改良和创新提供一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

Dogs and cats that are ill with febrile diseases usually are depressed and anorexic. When viewed from the standpoint of the wild ancestors, it is apparent that the behavior of sick animals is adaptive and not necessarily a reflection of debilitation. A wild animal that is acutely ill with an infectious disease often is at a life-or-death juncture, and its behavioral mode may be seen as putting the animal's resources into facilitating the fever response in combating the pathogens.  相似文献   

复方泛菌克是一种新型高效复方抗菌、抗病毒药物,能迅速消除动物的肠毒素和内毒素,增强胃肠吸收能力,提高机体免疫力。犬细小病毒病是犬常见的一种病毒性疾病,易引起溃疡性肠炎和腹泻。现用复方泛菌克对30只患犬细小病毒病的病犬进行治疗,治愈28只,死亡2只,治愈率为93.3%,治疗效果好。  相似文献   

通过镜检、培养、琼扩试验、生化鉴定及动物回归等试验,从临床表现为神经症状、眼观主要病变为肝肿大、肝表面和切面有灰白色坏死灶为主要特征的病鹅体内分离出禽多杀性巴氏杆菌,其主要病理组织学变化为部分肝小叶内含有一个或多个凝固性坏死灶;大脑皮层血管周围有多量的中性粒细胞浸润,形成明显"血管套"现象,呈化脓性脑炎变化.通过电镜观察、SPF鸡胚接种和血凝抑制试验等排除了禽流感、新城疫等病毒感染的可能性,为禽巴氏杆菌病的诊断提供了资料.  相似文献   

The Community Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) system has been promoted as an alternative solution to providing animal health services in marginal areas. Yet, access to quality animal health services still remains a fundamental problem for livestock dependent communities. This paper uses the concepts of accessibility, affordability, and transaction costs to examine the perceptions of livestock keepers about the various animal health service providers. The empirical analysis is based on a survey of 120 livestock-keeping households in the Tolon-Kumbungu and Savelugu-Nanton districts in the Northern Region of Ghana. A multinomial logit model was used to determine the factors that influence households’ choice of alternative animal health service providers. The results show that the government para-vets are the most preferred type of animal health service providers while CAHWs are the least preferred. Reasons for this observation include high transaction costs and low performance resulting from limited training. In areas with few or no government para-vets, farmers have resorted to self-treatment or to selling sick animals for consumption, which has undesirable health implications. These practices also result in significant financial losses for farmers. This paper finds that the CAHWs’ system is insufficient for providing quality animal health services to the rural poor in marginal areas. Therefore, market-smart alternative solutions requiring strong public sector engagement to support livestock farmers in marginal areas and setting minimum training standards for animal health service providers merit policy consideration.  相似文献   

作者等在2005~2007年期间,对在整村推进中引进的1 168头良种奶牛进行了布鲁氏菌病血清学检测,结果被检测阳性牛3 头,阳性率0.26%,从当地引进的良种奶牛未检测出布病,应对引进的项目牛加强布病的检测,进行严格实行检验、检疫、隔离制度,并对整村推进牛羊养殖项目工作提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

框镜鲤嗜水气单胞菌的分离鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以患病濒死的框镜鲤为材料,得到1株细菌,动物回归试验证明其具有较强的致病性,然后对病原菌的形态学、培养特性、理化特性、16SrRNA序列分析等生物学特性进行了鉴定与分析。结果表明,该菌株为嗜水气单胞菌。  相似文献   

在养殖业生产过程中,动物疾病防控是非常重要的工作,防控工作做得成功与否,事关养殖业成效,直接影响养殖户经济收入,做好动物疾病防控就显得尤为重要了,本人认为要做好动物疾病防控工作,就从平时日常管理做起,建立一整套完善的饲养管理制度,为畜禽提供优异的圈舍环境和优质的饲草料,做好防寒防暑措施,落实动物疫病防控措施,增强动物个体抗病能力,就会有效地降低动物疾病的发生,尤其是传染病发生都可以避免;即使发生传染病,也能及时得到有效控制。在大规模养殖过程中,我们要把重点放在做好饲养管理,确保各项生理指标健康,增加个体抗病能力,从而增强群体抗病能力,而不是忙于治疗个别病畜,否则会因小失大,会使动物疾病防控工作完全陷入被动局面。为此不难看出,动物饲养管理和疾病防控工作有着密切关系,本人通过调查研究、查阅资料,对动物饲养管理与疾病防控的关系进行探讨。  相似文献   

Year after year over 300,000 animals are being brought into the more than 500 German animal shelters. The majority of these (70%) are lost or confiscated animals which will be kept there for a short time. The animal shelter takes care of animals which are not their own property. Legally, the communities are responsible for the accommodation of lost and confiscated animals. For lack of sufficient public animal shelters, the communities regularly assign private animal shelters with the accommodation of these animals. In this matter, problems arise when it comes to realising the reimbursement of expenditures because specific regulations concerning the duration of such duties and the amount of refunding do not exist. Even the differentiation between lost animals and ownerless animals does not go undisputed. Recently many communities have begun refusing the payment of costs for accommodating cats because they are of the opinion that these animals were neither lost nor are in a state of emergency. As regards feral or ownerless animals, communities are responsible for these in order to maintain public security if such animals endanger individual persons or the public at large. The accommodation of confiscated animals, especially dogs which are dangerous, is very demanding on private animal shelters in terms of personal and financial resources. Often the owner of the confiscated animal cannot pay the reimbursement of costs or the animal shelter has no chance to rehome the animal, because it is sick, old or dangerous. Saving costs by killing such animals is forbidden by ethical and legal provisions.  相似文献   

质粒介导的超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)和AmpC酶广泛传播和扩散,导致全球范围内肠杆菌科细菌对超广谱头孢菌素类的耐药性发展迅速,引起人们高度重视。食品动物源大肠杆菌可作为耐药基因储库,对细菌耐药性在动物、环境和人之间的传播起着非常重要的作用。本研究从2009年患病的食品动物,包括鸡、鸭、鹅和猪,分离鉴定了315株大肠杆菌,调查ESBLs和AmpC酶在患病食品动物中的流行分布。经双纸片协同扩散实验筛选出61株ESBL阳性菌株,PCR检测共检测出8种blaCTX-M基因,分别为blaCTX-M-14/14b、blaCTX-M-79、blaCTX-M-65、blaCTX-M-27、blaCTX-M-15、blaCTX-M-24、blaCTX-M-98和blaCTX-M-13,其中检出率最高的为blaCTX-M-79,其次为blaCTX-M-14/14b。本研究还检测出1株新的SHV型酶,命名为SHV-135;PCR共检测出5株大肠杆菌携带质粒源CMY-型AmpC酶,其中2株鹅源大肠杆菌携带1个新型CMY酶,命名为CMY-64。本研究表明患病动物分离的大肠杆菌中ESBLs和AmpC酶存在复杂性和多样性,而且新型β-内酰胺酶检出日益增多,提示兽医临床应慎用β-内酰胺类抗生素。  相似文献   

口蹄疫诊断技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口蹄疫是一种重要的人畜共患传染病,可使世界范围内的畜牧业遭受严重的经济损失,阻碍畜牧业、畜产品加工业的发展,并危害人体健康。各国都采取了多种措施控制该病的发生。而防制口蹄疫的重要环节是要作出及时、准确的诊断。作者对口蹄疫诊断技术研究进展,包括ELISA诊断技术研究以及分子生物学诊断技术研究进展进行了综述,并对口蹄疫诊断技术进行了展望。  相似文献   

2018年12月内蒙古农业大学动物医院接收一病犬,其外阴异常增大,生殖道口有淡红色液体流出,触诊阴门内有一肿瘤硬物,表面光滑,呈淡粉色,不规则形状,初步诊断为阴道肿瘤。手术切除后经组织病理学检查,证实为未成熟的畸胎瘤。  相似文献   

Awareness of animal influenza and its prevention and control is important for ensuring livestock health, production and welfare. In China, a country stereotyped as a major source of emerging zoonotic infectious diseases, research on the public understanding of animal influenza is limited to the Han, the main ethnic group. The present qualitative study in Southwest China investigated awareness of animal influenza among the Dai, an ethnic minority. The participants (15 men and 10 women, ages 18–83) were smallholder farmers of pigs and poultry in rural areas of Jinghong, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province. A mixture of interviews and group discussions took place in homes and villages. The participants were asked about their knowledge of avian influenza (H7N9), swine influenza (H1N1), precautions taken to protect against influenza, procedures when animals were sick and perceived risk of animal influenza. The data were analysed following coding and thematic analysis. The findings demonstrated a limited understanding of animal health and welfare among participants. Specifically, they were largely unaware of animal influenza (H7N9, H1N1) including its causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment. The farmers were also uninformed of the risks they faced and unknowingly engaged in behaviours which increased direct or indirect exposure to infected animals, a risk factor for human infection. They also reported poor usage of veterinary services. In order to guarantee the health, welfare and production of their livestock, immediate action is needed to enable Dai smallholder farmers to prevent and respond to animal influenza effectively and timely.  相似文献   

Perioperative mortality in small animal anaesthesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anaesthetic complications have been studied intermittently in small animal practice. Current estimates suggest that approximately 0.1–0.2% of healthy and 0.5–2% of sick dogs and cats die of an anaesthetic-related death. This is substantially greater than the risk of mortality reported in human anaesthesia. Recent work has identified the post-operative period as the highest risk period and has documented a number of risk factors for mortality. Knowledge of factors associated with anaesthetic-related death and high risk peri-operative periods could aid patient management and reduce complications.  相似文献   

Caprine strains of staphylococci show strong and early results in carbohydrate fermentation tests. Their ability to produce DNase and acetoin is weak but they possess a reasonably high degree of phosphatase activity. All the 82 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from clinically healthy and sick goats produced acid from D-(+)-glucose aerobically at 37 degrees C within 24 h, 98.8% fermented both D-mannitol and maltose, 98.7% fermented sucrose, and 81.7% fermented D-(+)-xylose with acid production, but none fermented L-sorbose. Of the ten coagulase-negative staphylococci characterized to be of animal origin, three produced DNase, but none fermented dulcitol and L-sorbose. All fermented D-(+)-glucose, maltose and D-mannitol, eight fermented D-(+)-xylose and D-sorbitol with acid production. Whilst other coagulase-positive and coagulase-negative staphylococci showed different antibiotic susceptibility patterns, the ten coagulase-negative staphylococci characterized to be of animal origin showed similar antibiotic susceptibility patterns.  相似文献   

本试验研究不同剂量犬瘟抑制蛋白对犬瘟热的疗效,将犬瘟热试纸检测阳性的病犬24只,随机分为4组,每组6只,分别为对照组、试验1组、试验2组、试验3组。对照组治疗为犬瘟热单克隆抗体、犬干扰素及其对症输液治疗,试验1组为犬瘟抑制蛋白(20IU/kg)、犬干扰素,并结合输液(抗生素和能量合剂等)对症治疗。试验2组为犬瘟抑制蛋白(40IU/kg)、以下同上。试验3组为犬瘟抑制蛋白(60IU/kg)、以下同上。结果表明对照组与试验2组、试验3组其疗效比较明显。试验2组与试验3组的剂量不同,但其疗效一致,故试验2组为犬瘟抑制蛋白(40IU/kg)最佳使用剂量。  相似文献   

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