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温度对漠斑牙鲆幼鱼生长与存活的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据温度实验,对漠斑牙鲆幼鱼的生长及存活的影响进行了探讨。结果表明:漠斑牙鲆幼鱼适宜生长温度范围为15—30℃,最适温度范围为18~27℃。在适宜温度下,漠斑牙鲆幼鱼生长快,存活率高。过高或过低的温度对幼鱼的生长发育均有一定的抑制作用。在生产上,当培育水体温度低于15℃时应进行人为加温,对促进幼鱼的生长发育与存活有积极意义。  相似文献   

漠斑牙鲆幼鱼和成鱼对盐度的耐受力试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盐度是影响漠斑牙鲆生长发育和繁殖的重要因素之一。试验证实,漠斑牙鲆在盐度0~60的环境中能够生存,生长的最佳盐度为5~35,对盐度的适应性广,这一点很有利于该鱼种在我国南、北方的海域和内陆广大地区进行大范围推广。莱州市大华水产有限公司、莱州市海洋水产研究所在“漠斑牙鲆规模化养殖技术研究”项目中,进行了漠斑牙鲆幼鱼和成鱼对盐度的耐受力试验。  相似文献   

研究了漠斑牙鲆仔鱼、稚鱼和幼鱼对低盐度的耐受力和漠斑牙鲆的淡水驯化技术。初孵仔鱼在盐度为5的水中最多存活5d,5d以后全部死亡。30日龄稚鱼在4h10min淡水组全部死亡,对淡水的耐受力较低,而盐度为5~25的各组72h的存活率都在95.00%以上。90日龄幼鱼经缓慢淡水驯化9d后存活率可达98%以上,对漠斑牙鲆幼鱼进行淡水驯化的最佳年龄为90日龄。淡水驯化影响幼鱼初期的摄食,以后则逐渐趋于正常;急性淡水驯化对幼鱼的伤害比缓慢淡水驯化大;漠斑牙鲆对低盐的耐受力随生长和发育逐渐增加,年龄是影响幼鱼对低盐度耐受力的主要因素。  相似文献   

盐度对漠斑牙鲆幼鱼存活、生长及摄食的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
盐度对漠斑牙鲆幼鱼的存活的影响较小,将漠斑牙鲆幼鱼从盐度为32的海水直接放入盐度为24、16、8、0的水中观察48 h存活情况,仅盐度0组成活率为75%,其他盐度组均为100%.在盐度为32、24、16、8、0各试验组中,经1个月饲养,生长速度和饵料系数均无显著差异.盐度越低越有利于漠斑牙鲆白化个体康复正常体色.  相似文献   

为了解在不同水色下漠斑牙鲆(Paralichthys lethostigma)幼鱼体重和全长增长以及生长效率和存活率的情况,找到适合漠斑牙鲆幼鱼生长的最适水色,在漠斑牙鲆幼鱼生长最适温度25℃下,采用人工色素调节水色的方法设定五个水色组,即黄褐色A、蓝色B、绿色C、黑色D、红色E水色组以及对照组F,试验分三个阶段进行,分别研究在这五个不同水色下漠斑牙鲆幼鱼体重和全长增长、生长效率、存活率的情况。结果表明,当水色是黄褐色A时漠斑牙鲆幼鱼体重增长和全长增长最快。在第二阶段试验中发现漠斑牙鲆幼鱼最大生长效率出现在黄褐色A水色中。在第三阶段试验中发现在黄褐色A水色中漠斑牙鲆幼鱼存活率最高。综合三个阶段结果得出,黄褐色A色对漠斑牙鲆稚、幼鱼的影响效果明显,且不会降低成活率,是适合漠斑牙鲆幼鱼生长的最适水色。  相似文献   

盐碱水池塘养殖漠斑牙鲆试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
漠斑牙鲆(Paralichthys lethostigma) 俗称南方鲆,原产于美国大西洋沿海,2002年引入我国进行养殖.漠斑牙鲆具有生长快、品质优、适应性广(最适宜盐度范围5‰~35‰,适宜养殖水温范围7~35℃)、抗逆能力强、耐低溶解氧等特点,且肉质细腻,营养丰富,是人们公认的水产养殖良种.2005年沧州市水产技术推广站首次利用盐碱水,通过水质改良,进行了漠斑牙鲆池塘养殖试验,取得了成功.  相似文献   

地下深井水室内养殖漠斑牙鲆试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋常权 《河北渔业》2006,(12):32-33
漠斑牙鲆属于广盐性种类.成鱼生活于河流或盐度较低的水域,繁殖季节洄游到深海,幼鱼经60~80d生长发育变态后,进入淡水或半咸水水域生活,其适温范围在4~30℃,能在盐度0~36‰的盐水、半盐水、淡水中生长.该品种具有生长快、品质优、适应性广、抗逆能力强、耐低溶氧、易运输等特点.在我国北方地区已经繁育成功,是一种推广前景较好的名贵养殖品种.2004年6月,警卫局固安生产基地从北京引进4cm左右漠斑牙鲆5 000尾进行试验养殖,经过7个月的饲养,漠斑牙鲆生长效果较好,成活率较高.为廊坊地区及周边渔业养殖生产单位提供了一个新的养殖品种.  相似文献   

漠斑牙鲆低盐度室内——苗种培育试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
漠斑牙鲆,又名南方鲆(Paralichthyslehostigma),隶属鲽形目,鲆科,牙鲆属。其肉质鲜美,并具有食性杂、适盐范围广等特点,经变态后的幼鱼可直接在淡水中养殖,喜聚群、生长快,在适宜条件下当年可达500克左右。漠斑牙鲆最佳适盐范围5~30,最佳水温适应范围18~30℃,pH最佳为7郾0~8郾2  相似文献   

以新疆伊犁河生态渔业中心漠斑牙鲆循环水养殖系统为实验平台,在生产规模上研究了闭合循环淡水养殖条件下养殖密度和个体大小对漠斑牙鲆幼鱼生长的影响。结果表明:漠斑牙鲆池底覆盖率低于34%时,养殖密度对漠斑牙鲆生长的影响不显著(P〉0.05);养殖密度对个体大小的分化具有显著影响(P〈0.05),加强养殖管理可以降低该影响;漠斑牙鲆全长120mm时,性别分化基本完成,雄鱼规格和生长速度明显低于雌鱼。  相似文献   

漠斑牙鲆养殖研究的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
漠斑牙鲆肉质细腻,味道鲜美,幼鱼经驯化后可在淡水中生长。这些特点使养殖经营者对它十分关注,尤其是在美国。自1997年第一篇研究漠斑牙鲆催产方法的论文问世以来,有关漠斑牙鲆养殖的研究越来越多,但目前离大规模生产还有一定距离。为了引起国内养殖业界对漠斑牙鲆养殖研究的关注,本文报道了漠斑牙鲆人工养殖方面的研究成果,以飨读者。  相似文献   

根据漠斑牙鲆(Paralichthys lethostigma)适广温、广盐和较强的抗逆性等优良生态习性,采用地下卤水、盐碱地渗水,通过合理淡水配兑使其适合漠斑牙鲆生理生长需求,在我国中纬度地区利用盐碱地低盐水养殖过洋、暖温性漠斑牙鲆。2004-2005年,利用盐碱地低盐水池塘虾池设置网箱套养漠斑牙鲆349.5m2,产鱼3.749t,产虾55.065t,其中2005年虾池设置网箱套养漠斑牙鲆306m2,产鱼3.245t,平均10.6kg/m2,平均全长34.0cm,体重527.4g,养殖成活率为90.5%,产虾49.003t,平均408.4kg/亩,平均规格11.9cm,养殖成活率为71.23%。虾池设置网箱套养漠斑牙鲆,可充分利用水体空间,促使池塘高产高效,提高养殖经济效益。  相似文献   

温度变化对斑点鳟鲑仔鱼存活与生长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了温度变化对斑点鳟鲑仔鱼存活与生长的影响。结果表明,温度变化对斑点鳟鲑20日龄仔鱼存活与生长有明显的影响,20日龄仔鱼在水温10~26℃范围内均能存活、生长。最适水温为14~22℃,在适温范围内幼鱼具有较高的存活率和生长率,温度过高或过低均对其生长发育有抑制作用,在(18±0.5)℃时生长率达到峰值,为0.93mm/d。  相似文献   

Four separate studies were done on Southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma larvae during first feeding and metamorphosis to determine the effects of stocking density, salinity, and light intensity on growth and survival. One study used stocking densities of 10, 20, 40, and 80 fish/L during first feeding; the second study compared the growth and survival of larvae stocked at 20 and 33 ppt; and a third experiment evaluated stocking densities of 1/L and 3/L under two different light intensities (1,600 lux vs 340 lux) during metamorphosis. The fourth experiment tested the effects of different salinities (0, 10, 20 and 30 ppt) on larval growth and survival during metamorphosis. Growth and survival (overall 6.9%) were not significantly different ( P > 0.05) for stocking rates up to 80/L. Larvae placed into 20 ppt salinity had survival through first feeding similar to that of larvae raised at 33 ppt. During metamorphosis, light intensity had no effect ( P > 0.05) on growth or survival, but fish stocked at 3/L had significantly lower ( P < 0.05) survival than fish at 1/L. Complete mortality of larvae occurred at 0 ppt. Growth and survival past metamorphosis were not significantly different ( P > 0.05) at 10, 20 and 30 ppt, but unmetamorphosed fish did not survive to day 60 at 10 ppt. Based on these results, practical larviculture of Southern flounder may require a two-step process with high stocking rates (80 fish/L) through first feeding and lower densities (1/L) through metamorphosis. Fingerling production in fertilized nursery ponds might he possible at salinity as low as 20 ppt.  相似文献   

Effect of rearing salinity on the performance of juvenile golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus (Linnaeus 1758) was studied under a laboratory condition. Fish growth, survival, RNA/DNA ratio, pepsin activity, α‐amylase activity and FCR were used as evaluation criteria. The growth and RNA/DNA ratio were significantly affected by the rearing salinity. High growth rate and RNA/DNA ratio were observed when fish were reared at the salinity of 34‰. The pepsin activity of fish was not significantly affected by the rearing salinity. However, the α‐amylase activity of fish was significantly affected by the rearing salinity. The α‐amylase activity of fish reared at the salinity of 10‰ was significantly lower than fish cultured at the salinity of 34‰. Rearing salinity can significantly affect the FCR of juvenile golden pompano. The FCR of fish cultured at the salinity of 10‰ was 5‐times higher than the FCR of fish reared at 34‰. Results from the present study indicate that juvenile golden pompano can be reared above 26‰ without affecting fish performance, and the salinity of 10‰ may be too low to rear juvenile golden pompano as fish growth, RNA/DNA ratio and α‐amylase activity were reduced.  相似文献   

本文分析了漠斑牙鲆人工育苗过程中出现的死亡高峰期,并分别从饵料、分苗、温度、盐度、光照等生态因子以及日常管理等方面探讨了旨在提高漠斑牙鲆人工育苗成活率的措施。  相似文献   

Effects of salinity on the growth, survival, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and sodium‐potassium adenosine triphosphatase (Na+K+‐ATPase) activities of juvenile golden pompano Trachinotus ovatus were studied under a laboratory condition. Experimental fish were reared at the salinities of 10‰, 18‰, 26‰ and 34‰ for 30 days. Growth and survival of juvenile golden pompano were significantly affected by the rearing salinity. Fish reared at 34‰ achieved the highest specific growth rate, while the highest survival was obtained when fish were cultured at the salinity of 26‰. The highest GPX activity was obtained when fish were cultured at 26‰, and the lowest GPX activity was observed when fish reared at 34‰ salinity. The SOD activities of fish reared at 18‰ and 34‰ were significantly higher than those reared at 10‰ and 26‰. The lowest of Na+K+‐ATPase activity was obtained in fish reared at 34‰, while the highest Na+K+‐ATPase activity was obtained when fish reared at 18‰. Results from present study indicate that juvenile golden pompano can be reared above 18‰ without sacrificing fish survival, and the best growth can be achieved when fish is reared at the salinity of 34‰. The salinity of 10‰ may be too low for juvenile golden pompano as the growth, survival and SOD activity were reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract.— In South Carolina, studies have been conducted to develop rearing techniques for southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma a candidate for aquaculture development and stock enhancement programs. To help define environmental tolerances, a variety of salinity studies were conducted with the early life stages of this species. Eggs were buoyant at 32 ppt and sank at 29 ppt with salinities of 30–31 ppt providing varying levels of suspension in the water column. Eggs incubated at 0 and 5 ppt all died, whereas 82.5% hatched at 10 ppt but larvae died shortly thereafter. At 63 h post-fertilization, there were no differences in hatch level for eggs incubated at salinities of 15 to 35 ppt (mean hatch level 98.5%). In a 72-h study, fish 3 wk post-metamorphosis (13.7 mm TL, 50-d-old) were acclimated to seven salinities ranging from 0–30 ppt. Fish held at 0 ppt salinity exhibited a statistically (P < 0.05) lower survival (20.0%) than those exposed to 5–30 ppt salinity concentrations. No differences were detected in survival (mean 99.1%) among fish held in the higher salinities. A second study examined the tolerance of older juveniles to lower salinities. Juvenile flounder (95.2 mm TL, 220-d-old) were acclimated to 0, 1,5 and 10 ppt salinities and reared for 2 wk. Results showed that fish could tolerate salinities of 0–10 ppt (100% survival). These data indicate that salinity tolerance of southern flounder increases with age. In addition to the short duration studies, a replicated 11-mo duration tank grow-out study was conducted at mean salinity 5.4 ppt and mean temperahue 22.6 C with an all male population. Flounder grew from a mean length of 100 mm to 213 mm TL and weight from 8.9 to 104.3 g. Growth of the cultured fish approximated that observed among male flounders in the wild.  相似文献   

微生态制剂对提高漠斑牙鲆育苗成活率的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对漠斑牙鲆育苗过程中添加微生态制剂以提高育苗成活率进行了比对实验。结果表明:采用育苗水体中添加微生态制剂的方法,能明显提高漠斑牙鲆育苗的成活率,改善水质,降低育苗用水量约30%~40%。在初孵仔鱼1×104ind/m3密度的条件下,添加微生态制剂的育苗池中不同阶段的仔稚鱼成活率高于对照组5%~10%;但随密度增加至2×104ind/m3时,实验组和对照组相互殘杀增加,仔稚鱼成活率都呈下降趋势;密度增加至3×104ind/m3时,实验组与对照组之间差异不显著(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

以云纹石斑鱼(Epinehelus moara)为母本、鞍带石斑鱼(Epineheluslanceolatus)为父本进行种间杂交,观察比较了不同盐度(5、10、15、20、25、30、35、40、45)条件下受精卵的孵化率、初孵仔鱼畸形率,以及仔、稚、幼鱼的生长发育及形态变化;测定了盐度为30时,正常初孵仔鱼的不投饵存活系数(SAI)。结果显示,受精卵孵化的最适盐度范围是35–37,初孵仔鱼最适生存盐度为20–30。盐度为20–35时,仔鱼不投饵存活系数值较高(均在30以上);盐度为5、10、45时,仔鱼的SAI值较低。胚后发育根据卵黄囊的有无、第2背鳍棘和腹鳍棘的伸长与收缩、鳞片及体色的变化,分为仔、稚、幼鱼3个时期。在本研究条件下,初孵至2日龄为前期仔鱼,初孵仔鱼全长为(1.959±0.152) mm,主要特征为卵黄囊和油球未被吸收消化;3–30日龄为后期仔鱼,3日龄仔鱼全长为(2.765±0.108) mm,主要特征是第2背鳍棘与腹鳍棘的绝对长度已达到仔、稚鱼阶段的最大值;31–45日龄为稚鱼期,31日龄稚鱼全长为(18.130±1.565) mm,主要特征为内脏器官发育完善、鱼体呈透明状;46日龄后进入幼鱼期,此时全长为(39.850±2.565) mm,体色形成、开始被鳞、体表布满细小的棕色斑点。  相似文献   

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