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2008年4月初在广东省饶平县对2006年5月人工孵化和培育的2龄条石鲷( Oplegnathus fasciatus)成熟亲鱼进行激素诱导,研究和观察条石鲷亲鱼初次性成熟的繁殖生物学。结果显示,在南海区全人工养殖的条石鲷亲鱼初次性成熟年龄为2龄,成熟亲鱼的最小型为全长245 mm、体质量610 g,最大个体为全长300 mm、体质量1450 g;产卵季节为4月10日~7月15日,产卵盛期为4月中旬至6月下旬;为升温产卵型鱼类,产卵温度为20.0~28.8℃,适宜的产卵温度为20.7~27.6℃;雌、雄亲鱼发育同步,个体大小和成熟年龄差别不大;雌鱼属于一年一次分批产卵类型,产卵期超过3个月;24尾初次性成熟雌性亲鱼的总产卵量为3180.0×104粒,日最高产卵量为341.5×104粒;其产卵量和受精卵质量与水温的变化关系密切,受精卵的浮卵率随温度的变化而变化,在水温相对衡定时,浮卵率相对稳定并维持在80%~95%的较高水平;受精卵平均卵径为(0.860±0.023)mm,油球径为(0.191±0.009)mm。  相似文献   

为满足工厂化养殖绿鳍马面鲀(Thamnaconus septentrionalis)对苗种的需求,利用体质量250 g以上人工养殖的绿鳍马面鲀作为亲本进行了规模化人工繁育试验。结果显示:采用沙蚕和牡蛎对亲鱼进行营养强化培育,培育水温20~22℃,经过20 d左右,亲鱼能自然产卵;将收集的受精卵均匀泼洒到育苗池中孵化,采用轮虫-丰年虫无节幼体-配合饲料的饵料系列,育苗成活率约为10%。试验结果表明:亲鱼培育前期投喂沙蚕,开始产卵后改投牡蛎,培育效果较好;要提高苗种成活率,繁育时饵料应选用高品质的丰年虫卵或及时换用鲜活桡足类。  相似文献   

为了开发利用河南省花鲤骨资源,2015-2017年对采自宿鸭湖和南湾水库的花鲤骨进行亲鱼培育和人工繁殖实验。结果显示,经过驯化培育花鲤骨可以摄食人工配合饲料,怀卵量为10773-31897粒;雌鱼性腺成熟系数GSI为12.6%。用DOM+LRH-A2催产,可以产卵和授精。研究结果将为河南省花鲤骨亲鱼培育和人工繁殖提供基础资料。  相似文献   

植物雌激素促进暗纹东方鲀性腺发育的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对完全在淡水中人工饲养达到初次性成熟的暗纹东方鱼屯 (FuguobscurusAbe)亲鱼越冬后采用日粮中添加一种植物雌激素的方法强化培育 ,在温室中饲养亲鱼 10天 ,经一次注射催情激素 (雌鱼每千克PG2mg +LRH -A2 60 μg ,雄鱼减半 ) ,2 2℃水温条件下效应时间 4 8小时 ,湿法授精。结果 ,产卵率 70 % ,出苗率 3 6%。结论 :家养的暗纹东方鱼屯性成熟最小年龄提前一年 ;日粮添加植物雌激素强化培育亲鱼可以显著促进亲鱼性腺发育并顺利产卵 ,并提高出苗率  相似文献   

岱衢族大黄鱼室内人工育苗技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑美芬 《河北渔业》2006,(10):40-42
介绍了大黄鱼亲鱼室内常温越冬、提温培育促熟、人工催产与自然产卵成功,获得受精卵320万粒。优质受精卵在控温、增氧、控光照等条件下,孵出仔鱼288万尾,孵化率90%。仔鱼在室内水泥池培育,通过投喂强化的轮虫、卤虫幼体等活生物饵料;控制水温、水质等人工育苗条件,培育出体长2.1~2.6cm大黄鱼苗77.7万尾,育苗成活率达27.5%。并对大黄鱼人工育苗的关键技术进行了探讨。  相似文献   

胡宾  唐玉华 《科学养鱼》2016,(11):10-11
正草鱼、青鱼、鲢鱼、鳙鱼是我国广泛养殖的淡水鱼类,享有"四大家鱼"之美称,一直深受人们的青睐。加强秋季四大家鱼亲鱼培育管理,可促进其积累脂肪和性腺发育,增加怀卵量,以提高来年亲鱼的产卵量和苗种培育产量。一、草、青鱼亲鱼培育1.投喂管理秋季由于气温降低,青绿饲料来源也日趋减少,草亲鱼的投喂以小麦、豆饼、配合饲料为主,日投喂量为2%~3%。水温高时隔天投喂1次青绿饲料,水温  相似文献   

为实现鸭绿江茴鱼全人工繁育,选择人工繁殖的3龄鸭绿江茴鱼进行了繁育试验。在水泥池中,投喂鲑鳟鱼配合饲料进行亲鱼培育。当亲鱼达性成熟后,采用激素诱导、等渗液洗卵以及浸卵授精等方法获得受精卵;之后将受精卵放在玻璃钢平列槽中进行孵化;在玻璃钢槽中进行稚鱼培育,其间投喂卤虫无节幼体;在室外水泥池进行幼鱼培育,其间投喂海溞和配合饲料。试验结果:亲鱼培育成活率为95.0%;共采卵3 711万粒,采卵率为96.7%;共获得受精卵3 210万粒,受精率为86.5%;发眼积温为110~121℃·d,发眼率为93.0%;出苗积温为175~221℃·d,孵化率为90.6%;仔鱼上浮积温为235~242℃·d,共获得上浮仔鱼2 623万尾。经过101 d的培育,共获得体质量0.5 g的稚鱼2 544万尾,稚鱼培育成活率为97.0%;经158 d培育,共获得体质量3.0 g的幼鱼2 379万尾,幼鱼培育成活率为93.5%。  相似文献   

将野生型和红色斑马鱼经过产前培育待性腺发育成熟后,雌雄配对自然产卵,平均每尾雌鱼产卵150~250粒,在水温(28±0.5)℃时经过38.5 h孵化出无色透明仔鱼,以草履虫、轮虫、甲鱼饵料投喂仔鱼,经过三个月后培育出体长1.5~2.5 cm的两种幼鱼176尾。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎工厂化人工育苗工艺技术研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
对半滑舌鳎(Cynoglossus semilaevis)采取控温控光和营养强化培育等措施,使67尾经过驯养的野生亲鱼性腺全部发育,并自然产卵和受精,其中,32尾雌鱼产卵14350 mL,包括浮卵4635 mL,浮卵率32.5%。在水温(23±1)℃,盐度30±2,pH 8.0~8.2的孵化条件下,32~36 h孵化出仔鱼,初孵仔鱼约350万尾,总孵化率82.6%。90尾2 龄人工亲鱼中,部分亲鱼性腺发育成熟,其中,雌鱼占13.2%,雄鱼占30%,但均未产卵或排精。12个鱼苗培育池先后放入人工初孵仔鱼199万尾,在(23±2)℃水温条件下,经过70 d的培育,共培育出全长30~50 mm的商品苗种61.5万尾,成活率30.9%,平均出苗量2050尾/m3,实现了半滑舌鳎的工厂化人工苗种繁育。  相似文献   

双斑东方鲀全人工繁殖试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张胜利 《海洋渔业》2004,26(2):122-125
对野生双斑东方鲀(Takifugu bimaculatus)人工繁殖的子一代进行人工培育,雌鱼须经三年性腺成熟,成熟系数为17.55%,雄鱼性腺成熟为两年。产卵前一个月,雌亲鱼经强化培育、催熟后,成熟系数可达到25.00%。对7组亲鱼注射LRH-A_2激素,共获鱼苗1.2048×10~6尾,其中全人工繁殖鱼苗9.592×10~5尾,对照组获鱼苗2.456×10~5尾。并就双斑东方鲀性成熟年龄等进行讨论。  相似文献   

异齿裂腹鱼人工规模化繁殖技术研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张良松 《淡水渔业》2011,41(5):88-91,95
2010年4~6月,对野生异齿裂腹鱼(Schizothorax o' connori)人工规模化繁殖技术进行研究,并初步进行产后亲鱼恢复培养技术研究.对108尾雌鱼进行干法人工授精,共采卵104万多粒,孵出仔鱼62万多尾.其中45尾雌亲鱼自然成熟,共采卵46.8万多粒,平均受精率和孵化率低于人工催产雌鱼卵.人工催产83...  相似文献   

真蛸为福建省近年来新兴的海水养殖优良种类,具有较高的营养价值、商品价值和产业化养殖前景。本文报道了福建省水产研究所2008年-2011年真蛸人工繁殖及受精卵孵化结果:127头雌亲蛸经强化培育,共有77头产卵,获卵194×10^4粒,孵出143.4×10^4头浮游幼体。雌亲蛸获产率46.2%~86.7%,卵子受精率75.6%-91.8%,受精卵孵化率77.9%~95.0%。在20.0~22.5℃水温条件下,真蛸受精卵经21~36d开始孵出,孵出后4~6d为孵出高峰,每窝卵开始孵出至孵化结束维持10—16d。  相似文献   

Successful natural spawning of Pomacanthus semicirculatus in captivity from 11 September to 18 October, 2006 is described for the first time. Each female laid an average of 230 000 eggs during the spawning period. Fertilized eggs were spherical, transparent and buoyant and had a mean diameter of 0.61 ± 0.03 mm (mean ± SD). Embryonic development lasted 18–21 h at 28.5 °C. Newly hatched larvae were 1.35 ± 0.02 mm in total length (TL) with 27 (12+15) myomeres and had an oil globule in the ventroposterior area of the yolk sac. Larvae completed yolk absorption within 3 days post hatching at 2.37 ± 0.05 mm TL. Larvae were fed either 100% microalgae ( Nannochloropsis sp.), 100% s-type rotifers ( Brachionus rotundiformis ), 100% dinoflagellates ( Gonyaulax sp.) or different combinations of the three (50%:50%:0%, 30%:35%:35%) to determine the effect of live feed on the survival rate. The survival was significantly ( P <0.001) better in larvae fed a combination of diets (30%: 35%: 35%) than others. These results indicate that P. semicirculatus is a potential species for captive-breeding programmes and the use of a combination of diets (microalgae plus s-type rotifers and dinoflagellates) may be a suitable first food for fish larvae.  相似文献   

Commercial intensive fry production of Atlantic cod will be dependent on production of viable eggs independent of season. This can only be done by manipulation of maturation by photoperiod, but little is known about potential effects on egg characteristics and larval viability. In two cod broodstocks, maturation was successfully advanced or delayed 6 months compared with normal spawning season (March–April) by manipulation of photoperiod. The advanced broodstock spawned both in spring and autumn the same year. In two of the spawning tanks during autumn, ambient temperature was reduced after reaching 13.7°C during the first half of the spawning period. Egg quality and viability were monitored, and several egg batches were incubated, hatched and start‐fed for examination of growth and survival. Temperatures above 9.6°C resulted in significant reductions in fertilization and normal egg development. Concurrently, fractions of dead and unfertilized eggs increased with elevated temperature. Actual relative fecundity was not affected by temperature. Egg characteristics improved when temperature was controlled and lowered below 9.6°C. Occurrence of irregular spawners suggests that handling of broodstock fish should be avoided during maturation and spawning. Cod larvae originating from eggs of the advanced or delayed broodstocks were successfully reared beyond metamorphosis. Survival was 9.0–46.6% and 29.3% in green and clear water respectively. Survival correlated with both initial and average feeding conditions, but growth rate did not correlate with either of survival and feeding conditions. Specific growth rates (8.3–13.6% day−1) is comparable with other intensive rearing trials with cod, but were lower than reported from nature‐like systems.  相似文献   

2008年10月,在福建宁德水产技术推广站进行了大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea,♀)×黄姑鱼(Nibea alb-iflora,♂)杂交,观察了杂交子代胚胎发育。大黄鱼和黄姑鱼亲鱼平均体质量和体长分别为405 g、27.9 cm和390g、24.8cm,采用干法人工授精。受精卵浮性,为单油球端黄卵,卵径1060~1500μm,油球379.8μm左右。在水温25.8~26.2℃,盐度26的条件下,经18h55min半数受精卵破膜,胚胎发育分为卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、肌节出现期、心跳期、肌肉效应期、出膜前期和出膜期,初孵仔鱼全长2.75~2.98mm,受精率约为14.4%,孵化率约为31.9%,畸形率约为30%。共培育杂交初孵仔鱼5万尾。3日龄仔鱼开口摄食轮虫,7日龄开始摄食小型挠足类。  相似文献   

2008年10月,在福建宁德水产技术推广站进行了大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea,♀)×黄姑鱼(Nibea alb-iflora,♂)杂交,观察了杂交子代胚胎发育。大黄鱼和黄姑鱼亲鱼平均体质量和体长分别为405 g、27.9 cm和390g、24.8cm,采用干法人工授精。受精卵浮性,为单油球端黄卵,卵径1060~1500μm,油球379.8μm左右。在水温25.8~26.2℃,盐度26的条件下,经18h55min半数受精卵破膜,胚胎发育分为卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠期、肌节出现期、心跳期、肌肉效应期、出膜前期和出膜期,初孵仔鱼全长2.75~2.98mm,受精率约为14.4%,孵化率约为31.9%,畸形率约为30%。共培育杂交初孵仔鱼5万尾。3日龄仔鱼开口摄食轮虫,7日龄开始摄食小型挠足类。  相似文献   

利用金头鲷亲鱼202尾,获受精卵39900万粒,选取产卵盛期受精卵583万粒,孵化初孵仔鱼462万尾,平均孵化率78.2%,培育出3—4cm的幼鱼34.2万尾,平均成活率7.4%,最高达18.4%。  相似文献   

Investigations concerning spawning, hatching, and grow-out of gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) were conducted in 0.08-ha, brackish-water ponds at Alabama's Claude Peteet Mariculture Center during 1979. Adult gulf killifish stocked at 88,750 fish/ha and a 1:1 sex ratio in 3 spawning ponds deposited 499,777 eggs on 1,001 Spanish moss mats placed around pond margins between 1 March and 13 August. Rate of egg deposition was highest in March (4,103 eggs/day/pond) and lowest in July and August (36 eggs/day/pond). A total of 293,467 eggs and 416 mats transferred to 3 hatching ponds between 13 March and 8 May produced 219,921 juvenile killifish (75% survival) averaging 0.5 g at harvest on 6 June. Production and feed conversion in hatching ponds averaged 413.90 kg/ha and 1.9, respectively. Stocked on 6 June in 4 grow-out ponds each at either 250,000 or 370,000 fish/ha and fed either 2 or 3 times daily, the juvenile gulf killifish reached marketable size (2.4 g and 57 mm total length) in 49 days. Production in grow-out ponds averaged 658 kg/ha with 93% survival and 2.4 feed conversion. Analysis (2 × 2 factorial) of grow-out data indicated no significant differences for effects of densities and feeding on mean weights of fish at harvest.  相似文献   

Successful natural spawning of Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis in captivity from 19 March to 11 May, 2008 is described for the first time. A single male dominates a harem of two females, spawning with each at dusk, from 10 min before to 20 min after sunset. Each female laid an average 119 × 103 eggs during the spawning period. Fertilized eggs were spherical, buoyant and had a diameter of 0.83 ± 0.02 mm (mean ± SD). Embryonic development lasted 15–18 h at 28.1 °C. Newly hatched larvae were 1.60 ± 0.07 mm in total length (TL) with 27 myomeres. Larvae completed yolk absorption within 3 days post hatching (ph) at 3.01 ± 0.08 mm TL. Ten days ph, the larvae had attained 3.95 ± 0.12 mm TL. Larvae were fed either 100% s‐type rotifers (Brachionus rotundiformis), 100% copepods (Microsetella sp.), a combination of the two (50%:50%) or without live feed (starved control) to determine the effect of live feed on the survival rate. The survival was significantly (P<0.001) higher in larvae fed a combination of diet than the others. These results indicate that C. septentrionalis is a potential species for captive breeding programs and the use of a combination of diet (s‐type rotifers and copepods) may be a suitable first food for the larvae.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to clarify further the relationship between dietary keto-carotenoids (canthaxanthin and astaxanthin) and reproductive performance in female rainbow trout. Three experiments were undertaken in three successive breeding seasons. In addition to a control diet, fish were fed a canthaxanthin-supplemented diet (200 mg canthaxanthin kg−1 feed, designated as 6mC200) for 6 months prior to spawning (experiment A); the same diet as in A but for either 3 months (3mC200) or 6 months (6mC200) before spawning (experiment B); diets with one of two levels of astaxanthin supplementation, 50 mg (6mA50) or 100 mg (6mA100) kg−1 feed, or a diet with 100 mg canthaxanthin kg−1 feed (6mC100) fed for 6 months (experiment C).
There was no significant influence of carotenoid supplementation on either the frequency of maturing females or the date of maturation. The number of ova per kg of female body weight averaged 2700 and did not vary significantly among fish fed the different diets. Across experiments A, B and C there was no significant difference in egg and larval survival among fish fed carotenoid-supplemented and control diets. In experiment A, 6mC200 females produced smaller eggs than controls but this result was not confirmed in experiments B and C. In general, eyed egg yield appeared partly dependent upon egg size. Alevin weight was also correlated with egg weight. The growth test conducted on fingerlings from experiment B failed to provide any evidence of an effect of feeding carotenoid supplemented diets to the female parent. Pigment analyses conducted on alevins revealed that canthaxanthin fed to the female parent was transferred into the eggs and therefore to the larvae, although canthaxanthin was metabolized within a few weeks after hatching.  相似文献   

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