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盘点中国土地上孕育的世界名犬   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国辽阔的土地上孕育出了许多优秀的犬种,其中有10个品种已经通过了两大养犬权威机构的认证并注册.它们是:京巴犬、松狮犬、藏獒、沙皮犬、冠毛犬、八哥犬、西施犬、拉萨犬、西藏狮子犬、西藏梗.此外,还有许多目前没有被认证的优秀犬种,如中华田园犬、中国福犬等,这些更是值得我们开发和保护的珍贵犬种.介绍了起源于中国的犬与读者分享.  相似文献   

<正>目前,肉用犬在我国的饲养越来越普遍,所用公犬大多数为体型较大的圣伯纳犬、藏獒、高加索犬等品种。由于公母犬之间体型差异太大,以及犬择偶性较强,影响了肉用犬的繁殖。为了提高肉用犬的受胎率和繁殖率,笔者进行了36例犬的人工授精试验,  相似文献   

简要介绍了仔犬、幼犬、妊娠母犬、哺乳期母犬、种公犬和老龄犬6种处于不同生长阶段犬的饲养与管理方法,使养犬者系统地了解和掌握不同阶段犬的饲养管理方法,以保证犬的健康,提高效益.  相似文献   

简要介绍了仔犬、幼犬、妊娠母犬、哺乳期母犬、种公犬和老龄犬6种处于不同生长阶段犬的饲养与管理方法.使养犬者系统地了解和掌握不同阶段犬的饲养管理方法,以保证犬的健康,提高效益。  相似文献   

据资料记载人类养犬已有近万年的历史,在这漫长的岁月中,驯养培育了各种类型、用途各异的品种犬,其中,宠物观赏犬最为名贵,如松狮犬、阿拉斯加犬、哈士奇犬、铁包金獒王犬等。  相似文献   

犬的分类标准很多,本文依据犬的性格特点等,大致捋出了行业公认的前十名猛犬,以供读者茶余饭后消遣.它们分别是:西班牙加纳利犬、美国比特犬、日本土佐犬、巴西菲勒犬、阿根廷杜高犬、中国藏獒犬、英国牛头(粳)犬、意大利卡斯罗犬、意大利纽波利顿和罗威纳犬等.  相似文献   

8例犬尿石症的诊治体会   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
犬尿石症是犬泌尿系统常见疾病之一,该病对犬的危害严重,多发生在老年犬。本文对8例犬尿石症病例进行了总结,并详细讨论了其病因、诊断、治疗方法及其防治措施。  相似文献   

犬用品即指犬在日常生活中所需的各类产品,最常见的有犬服饰、犬食品、犬玩具等等.通过对犬用品行业市场现状分析,中国是犬类附属用品出口国之一.目前生产的犬类附属用品主要出口美国和北欧.但在中国犬用品行业市场中,国外品牌产品占据了大多数的市场份额,国内品牌只占了少量的市场份额,随着国产品牌的崛起和犬用品行业国产化,国内企业拥...  相似文献   

本文立足于当前训养家庭护卫犬的需要,从训练犬建立对主人高度的服从性、加强犬胆量和扑咬训练、保证犬有充分的自信、训练犬拒食以及因犬施教、掌握每头犬的特殊性进行有针对性的训练等几个方面阐述了自己的认识和体会,以期达到为更多需要训养家庭护卫犬和养犬爱好者服务。  相似文献   

犬展不但是专业养犬、训犬人士的最爱,也是一般养犬爱好者喜爱的活动。那么,犬展是什么?犬展比什么?什么人带犬参赛居多?本文将和您说说犬展那些事。犬展是什么?当人们聚集在一起利用犬进行狩猎活动,夸赞起自己的犬如何的美丽、强壮,寻找到的猎物多的时候,犬与犬之间的竞争就开始了。在这样的前提下,举行犬展,就是一种展示和检验。  相似文献   

对 30只肉用犬和护院犬以及 2 5只伴侣犬体表犬弓首蛔虫虫卵的污染情况进行调查 ,结果表明 ,肉用犬和护院犬的污染率为 30 % ,伴侣犬的污染率为 1 6% ,并以丙硫咪唑对患犬或带虫犬进行了驱虫试验 ,效果为 1 0 0 %。  相似文献   

獒本杂交犬繁育性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对獒本杂交犬与当地土种犬发情时间、配种时间、产活仔数、幼犬初生重等的对比研究,发现獒本杂交犬发情时间集中在9~11月份,发情受胎率与母犬年龄及养殖条件有关,常规养殖下3~4岁獒本杂交母犬发情率为100%,2~4岁獒本杂交母犬受胎率达到100%。獒本杂交犬产仔力和哺乳性能等繁育性能指标明显高于本地土种犬,1~5岁龄杂交母犬的平均活产仔数显著高于当地土种犬(P(0.05);仔犬平均初生重显著高于当地土种犬(P(0.05);仔犬断奶平均个体体重显著高于当地土种犬(P(0.01);仔犬断奶平均窝重显著高于当地土种犬(P(0.05);幼犬断奶成活数比土种犬高14.3%。  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma of the patella was diagnosed by biopsy in a 9-year-old, male dog of mixed breeding. The dog was originally examined because of intermittent lameness of the left hindlimb; there were minimal palpable abnormalities of the stifle. After the diagnosis, the owner refused further treatment for the dog. The dog was reexamined 13 months later because of a marked swelling of the stifle. The dog was euthanatized and necropsy findings confirmed the diagnosis.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old golden retriever dog was evaluated for polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, and elevated serum thyroxine. Targeted questioning revealed that the dog was coprophagic and routinely ingested the feces of a dog that was treated with twice-daily levothyroxine. Clinical signs resolved and serum thyroxine decreased to normal levels in the affected dog with prevention of coprophagy.  相似文献   

Exposure to marijuana was believed to be responsible for clinical signs consistent with allergic inhalant dermatitis in a dog. The dog had facial and pedal pruritus associated with bilateral ocular discharge. Clinical signs resolved when the dog was kenneled, but returned when the dog was returned to its home. The results of intradermal skin testing, using a standard tray of 51 inhalant extracts, did not adequately account for the dog's clinical signs. Later, the owners indicated that previous residents of the owners' home had cultivated marijuana intensively inside and outside of the home. Intradermal skin testing with a source of marijuana pollen extract was performed, yielding a positive reaction in the dog and a negative reaction in another dog without clinical or historical evidence of allergic inhalant dermatitis. The affected dog was treated successfully and exclusively by hyposensitization with marijuana pollen extract.  相似文献   

In most European countries, registration and identification of dogs is compulsory. In Italy, the national dog registry is composed of regional dog registries. Although dog registries have been established for many years, the issue related to completeness of data has not been addressed so far. The objective of this study was twofold: first to assess the completeness of data of the dog registry through telephone interview of a sample of dog owners drawn from the dog registry, then to estimate the total owned dog population in 4 boroughs of Rome. For the second objective, a capture–recapture method was applied using data from the dog registry and data from a face-to-face questionnaire submitted to people waiting in the sitting room of 5 points of access for booking and payment of primary and specialist care. Different scenarios are proposed to verify the assumptions of the estimation procedure and potential biases are discussed. The completeness of data of the dog registry was 88.9% (95% CI: 85.8–91.9%) and the owned-dog population was estimated at 26,244 dogs (95% CI: 24,110–28,383). The dog registry is an important source of information especially when it is properly updated and completeness of data is known.  相似文献   

通过提取猪、犬旋毛虫成虫抗原,制备成虫油佐剂免疫原,在小鼠体内进行同源特异性免疫试验和交叉免疫试验。试验得到猪旋毛虫成虫抗原同源免疫减虫率为55.80%,其对犬旋毛虫的交叉免疫减虫率是35.11%;犬旋毛虫成虫抗原同源免疫的减虫率为39.00%,其对猪旋毛虫的交叉免疫减虫率是24.96%。试验结果揭示,猪、犬旋毛虫成虫具有一定的免疫原性,其交叉免疫减虫率低于同源特异性免疫。猪旋毛虫成虫抗原对犬旋毛虫的交叉免疫与犬旋毛虫自身的同源特异性免疫差异不显著。  相似文献   

将猪、犬旋毛虫新生蚴制备成免疫原,在小鼠体内进行免疫试验,免疫1周后攻击感染肌幼虫,35日蝗检查肌幼虫的减虫率。结果表明,猪旋毛虫新生蚴的同源免疫和其对犬旋毛虫的交叉免疫减虫率分别为83.11%和79.39%,犬旋毛虫新生蚴的为81.37%和80.69%。结果揭示,旋毛虫新生蚴具有良好的免疫原性,同源免疫的减虫率比交叉免疫的高,猪旋毛虫新生蚴抗原对犬旋毛虫的交叉免疫与犬旋毛虫新生蚴抗原的同源免疫在减虫率上差异不显著。  相似文献   

Intestinal malabsorption and cryptosporidiosis in an adult dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Chronic intestinal cryptosporidiosis was diagnosed as the cause of chronic diarrhea and weight loss in an adult dog without obvious signs of immunosuppression. Results of tests for digestive function suggested that the dog had impaired intestinal absorption or bacterial overgrowth. The nutrient malabsorption might have resulted in or have been caused by the cryptosporidiosis. Temporary clinical improvement without reduction in fecal oocyst concentration was noticed following treatment with clindamycin. The dog was euthanatized. At necropsy, the dog was found to have chronic lymphoplasmacytic enteritis and cryptosporidiosis. A veterinary student that worked in the ward where the dog was kept developed cryptosporidal diarrhea.  相似文献   

Chylous ascites was diagnosed in 3 dogs. Mesenteric lymphangiography was performed in 2 dogs and helped delineate abnormalities of the lymphatic system. The cause of chylous ascites in each dog appeared to be different. In 1 dog, a ruptured mesenteric lymphatic was identified at surgery. Evidence of abdominal lymphatic obstruction was found in another dog. Chylous ascites in the third dog appeared to be a complication of mesenteric lymphangiography for chylothorax.  相似文献   

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