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杜超  曹永春 《猪业科学》2021,38(2):122-124
里岔黑猪是我国地方特色品种猪,素有"南太湖,北里岔"之称,是青岛市里岔当地养殖户长期择优纯繁、继代选育形成特色的地方品种,被誉为"国宝".其养殖历史悠久,具有腰身长,形体高,毛色全黑,瘦肉率50%左右,繁殖率高的特点.1985年被原农业部列为重点推广的优良地方猪种,现已被列为国家一类畜种资源重点保护.因此,对里岔黑猪的...  相似文献   

作者介绍了梅花猪的产区范围、产地自然生态条件、品种特点和种质资源现状,提出了梅花猪的开发利用策略,指出梅花猪是我国地方猪种中的一颗璀璨明珠,极具开发利用价值。  相似文献   

为了研究KIT基因的拷贝数与贵州地方猪毛色之间的关系,本试验以黔北黑猪、柯乐猪、糯谷猪、香猪4个地方品种为试验材料,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测基因组中KIT基因的拷贝数变异,并与荣昌猪和大白猪2个白毛色猪品种相比较.结果显示,4个贵州地方猪种中,全黑/全棕毛色个体的KIT基因拷贝数以缺失为主,黑色带白斑个体的KIT基因拷贝数全部缺失,而棕色带白个体的KIT基因拷贝数增加、正常各半.大白猪的KIT基因拷贝数显著增加,荣昌猪KIT基因拷贝数以正常类型为主.表明大白猪的白毛色由KIT基因拷贝数增加决定,但荣昌猪的白毛色可能与KIT基因的拷贝数变异之间没有直接的联系;4个贵州地方品猪的全黑/全棕色毛色与KIT基因拷贝数的缺失有关,但柯乐猪和香猪中带白斑个体的KIT基因拷贝数并未增加,提示贵州地方猪品种的白斑毛色的形成机制有一定的特殊性.  相似文献   

The Lanyu pig is an indigenous miniature pig breed on Lanyu Islet near Taiwan, with a mitochondrial DNA genetic lineage remote from Asian and European pig breeds. The unknown population genetic structure and increased inbreeding among the small population of conserved Lanyu pigs is now of great conservation concern. Additionally, the presence for more than a century of exotic pig breeds in Taiwan has made gene introgression from exotic pig breeds into Lanyu pigs very possible. The present study thus aimed to investigate nuclear genetic variation within the conserved Lanyu pigs and the phylogenetic relationship and possible genetic introgression between Lanyu and exotic pig breeds by determining the polymorphism of 19 microsatellite loci. In the neighbor-joining tree constructed from 7 pig breeds based on Cavalli-Sforza and Edward chord genetic distances, 3 major clades were recognized, in which the Asian and European breeds were separately clustered into 2 clades with a 93.0 and 99.9% bootstrap confidence value, respectively. All individuals of the Lanyu breed formed a unique subclade within the Asian clade based on the distance of the proportion of shared alleles, -ln(ps), suggesting that the Lanyu breed possesses a unique nuclear genetic structure and that no nuclear gene introgression from exotic breeds into the conserved Lanyu pigs has occurred in recent history. Fifteen of 19 microsatellite loci deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (by Wright's statistic), suggesting a significant loss of heterozygosity in the conserved population. The valuable nuclear genetic structure and phylogenetic information should assist future conservation and population management of Lanyu pigs.  相似文献   

对我国中南及华东六省区11地方猪品种(系)1171头猪进行的血清前白蛋白、后白蛋白、转铁蛋白以及铜蓝蛋白多态性实验结果表明,主要饲养于湖北省的通城猪、监利猪,湖南省的沙子岭猪,江西省的赣西两头乌猪、蒙山猪,广西壮族自治区的东山猪以及浙江省的金华猪Ⅰ系、Ⅱ系、Ⅲ系各两头乌猪品种(系)问存在着紧密的遗传关系;同样,4个血清蛋白多态位点的实验结果也表明了饲养于广东及广西二省区的广东小耳猪和陆川猪有着密切的遗传关系。  相似文献   

淮猪及杂交后代肌纤维直径变化及其与肉质关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对不同品种和杂交组合肥育猪(淮猪、长淮、大长淮)采用单因子试验设计,在相同条件下,研究不同血缘比例对淮猪肌纤维直径的影响。结果表明:淮杂猪的背最长肌和股二头肌肌纤维直径显著高于淮猪(P<0.05)。淮猪的肌纤维直径介于中国地方猪与国外瘦肉型猪之间。肌纤维直径与胴体性状(瘦肉率、眼肌面积、背最长肌全重、背最长肌率、脂肪)呈较强的相关性。淮杂猪肉质理化性状中(肉色评分、大理石纹评分、贮藏损失)3项指标明显变差(P<0.05),但pH值变化不显著。作者认为淮猪杂交后代的肌纤维直径较纯种淮猪粗,淮杂猪肉质也较纯种淮猪差。  相似文献   

In the Mexican state of Yucatan the Pelón pig breed has been identified as being endangered. The gradual disappearance of this indigenous breed that is able to survive well in an extreme environment and under low-input conditions undermines food and livestock security for Yucatan’s rural poor. This study uses contingent valuation to identify those backyard pig producers who require least compensation to conserve the Pelón breed. Understanding the conditions under which livestock keepers most committed to the use of the indigenous breed would be willing to participate in different conservation scenarios allows for a comparative analysis of alternate conservation schemes, in terms of cost and breed population growth. The findings suggest that establishing a community-based conservation scheme could be sufficient to ensure that the Pelón pig reaches a ‘not at risk’ extinction status. Alternatively, establishing open-nucleus breeding schemes would result in a higher effective population size, but at relatively greater cost. We conclude that for the specific case of the Pelón pig in Yucatan, Mexico, if effectively designed, the cost of conservation and sustainable use strategies may be little more than the cost of facilitating access to the animal genetic resource for those most reliant upon it.  相似文献   

MyoD基因在不同猪种中的分布及群体遗传结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用RFLP法检测了MyoD基因在10个中外猪种及部分杂交群体中的分布情况,分析了各群体内MyoD基因的遗传分布、遗传变异、群体杂合性等群体遗传信息,并进一步以各群体基因频率为基础,计算出群体间遗传距离和进化距离,根据进化距离对群体进行聚类,重建了系统发生树。结果表明:MyoD基因内含子1的DdeI酶切位点上不同基因型的分布在多数群体中都服从Hardy-Weinberg平衡,但在杜洛克和DLY群体中发生偏离。总体上讲,各试验群体的遗传多样性较丰富,群体遗传变异性较高,进化过程中受到自然选择压的作用,选择潜力较大。在系统发生树上,10个群体被分为4个分枝。分别是长白猪血缘、原始地方品种、杜洛克血缘和高原藏猪分枝。这一结果与各猪种的育种过程有较高的吻合性。说明部分功能基因的RFLP数据可用于近缘物种间的遗传分化研究。  相似文献   

本试验是出于三江白猪的保种计划所做的研究。利用RAPD技术,在前期研究的基础上,利用已筛选出的15条10bp的随机引物,在已经优化的RAPD反应条件基础上,对三江白猪及其亲本长白猪与东北民猪组织DNA进行PCR分析。从中筛选出三江白猪相对于亲本的特异性条带,找出三江白猪相对于亲本的基因组变异情况,为三江白猪种间特异性条带的确定奠定基础。  相似文献   

中国地方猪种利用现状及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国地方猪种除作为杂交母本在商品生产中直接利用以外,近年来作为基本育种材料,导入不同比例的国外猪种血统,选育出一批瘦肉型新品系。新品系的选育和推广利用既促进了地方猪种资源的保护,也给保种工作带来了挑战。优质猪肉生产为未来地方猪种的利用提供了广阔的市场。  相似文献   

对中南及华东地区二头乌猪及小耳猪(金华猪Ⅱ系除外)的10个品种(系)群体近4万个数量性状数据进行多元遗传分析。结果表明,小耳猪系统内的两个猪种不仅具有紧密的遗传关系,而且有着相似的体型和生产性能。在二头乌猪系统中,华中两头乌猪各群体也有着相似的体型和生产性能,但金华猪却在繁殖性能和胴体品质上表现特殊,独聚一类。 与生化遗传标记的研究结果结合,作者认为可将我国中南及华东地区的二头乌猪及小耳猪系统11个品种(系)归并为3个同种异名地方猪种,建议将华中两头乌猪统一划分为“江西系”、“湖广系”及“湖北系”3个选种目标各有侧重又相互协调的品系,在中南地区的适当省份建立“二头乌猪种猪中心”。  相似文献   

在生猪养殖中,决定其生产性能的不仅品种自身遗传因素,还取决于周围生长环境条件。猪舍作为猪生长、活动及生产的主要场所,养殖户应进一步加强对猪舍的科学合理标准化设计。该文对肉猪舍的设计及环境控制方面的问题进行综合分析,以期为生猪养殖大户及养殖专业和重点户的猪舍设计提供帮助。通过标准化设计,推动云南省陇川县整个生猪产业的发展。  相似文献   

在项目实施前、后对肉猪适度规模标准化养殖场(户)进行了肉猪肥育性能观察试验,结果表明:外种猪(配套系)的杂种肉猪、内三杂肉猪、内二杂肉猪在项目实施前的平均日增重分别为730.67g、631.60g、566.40g,项目实施后分别为792.42g、697.30g、611.80g;项目实施前的平均耗料指数分别为3.04、3.31、3.49,项目实施后分别为2.91、3.20、3.40;项目实施前的胴体瘦肉率分别为63.18%、56.86%、49.18%,项目实施后分别为64.02%,58.02%、50.73%.对其结果进行分析比较,表明我省肉猪生产的品种组合外种猪(套系)的杂种肉猪肥育性能明显优于内三杂肉猪、内二杂肉猪,且项目实施后各品种肉猪肥育性能均比项目实施前有较大提高。为此,在全省生猪生产中,应进一步加快母猪良繁体系建设和提高育肥猪养殖技术,大力推广以外种猪(配套系)的杂种肉猪为主的肉猪生产品种组合,提高肉猪生产性能和质量。  相似文献   

To reveal the relationship between inhibin-α(INHA) gene and the reproductive traits of Congjiang Xiang pig, INHA gene was cloned and sequenced taking the genomic DNA of Congjiang Xiang pigs as templates by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) method.The polymorphisms of INHA gene were tested in Congjiang Xiang pig populations with high-litter size and low-litter size using allele-specific PCR(AS-PCR) method.The expression profile of INHA gene in ovaries was detected from Congjiang Xiang pigs with high-litter yiled or low-litter yiled by Real-time PCR method.The complete coding region of INHA gene was 1095 bp in length, which coded for 364 amino acid residues.Compared with the known sequence, two candidate sites, G359A and A373G, were found out from exon 2 region of INHA gene in Congjiang Xiang pig.After investigation for the two sites in a large population, the frequency of alleles between two populations was not significant and without obvious relativity with the litter yiled of Congjiang Xiang pig.However, the INHA mRNA level in the ovary of Congjiang Xiang pig with high-litter yiled was higher than that with low-litter yiled.It suggested that INHA gene was much conserved, INHA gene expression level might be concerned for the regulation of ovary growth and follicle development in Congjiang Xiang pig breed.  相似文献   

为了探索抑制素α基因(inhibin-α,INHA)与从江香猪繁殖性状之间的相关性,试验采用特异性聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术克隆从江香猪INHA基因,测定其核苷酸序列,通过等位基因特异性PCR(allele-specific PCR,AS-PCR)方法检测从江香猪低产群与高产群之间INHA基因的多态性变化,以实时荧光定量PCR技术检测高产、低产从江香猪卵巢组织中INHA基因的表达量。结果表明,从从江香猪基因组中成功克隆了INHA基因,编码区完整,全长1095 bp,编码364个氨基酸;经比对发现, INHA基因外显子2序列中存在2个候选SNPs位点(G359A和A373G)。经大样本检测,从江香猪高产群与低产群之间2个候选SNPs位点的基因频率没有明显差异;相比之下,高产从江香猪卵巢中INHA基因的表达量较高。研究结果提示,从江香猪INHA基因结构保守,可能主要通过基因的表达量变化调节从江香猪卵巢的生长和卵泡的发育。  相似文献   

吴买生 《猪业科学》2021,38(8):117-121
文章简要介绍了沙子岭猪优良遗传特性,总结了湘潭坚持持续保种的成功经验,重点分析了利用沙子岭猪和引入品种进行杂交优势利用和新品种配套系培育所取得的种质创新成果。提出了应持续保护沙子岭猪种质资源;利用现代生物育种技术创制新品种;健全繁育推广体系,加快育种成果转化;强化疫情防控,确保育种生物安全的观点。  相似文献   

The Iberian pig is an autochthonous breed of the Mediterranean area, reared extensively in the central and southern areas of Spain and Portugal and that is known worldwide for the production of Iberian ham. The characteristics of the Iberian ham are related to its abundance of intramuscular fat, owing to the high capacity of the pig to accumulate fat under its skin and between the muscular fibres. This ability to store excess fat enables survival during periods of scarcity and it has been found in other antique animal breeds and even in humans, being named as the thrifty genotype. The reproductive management of the Iberian pig, in spite of a lack of accurate information unlike in other swine breeds, is based on the assumption of lower reproductive precocity and efficiency than the modern commercial breeds. The current study characterized and compared the onset of puberty in gilts of Iberian breed and meat commercial crosses (Large White × Landrace) reared in the same conditions by assessing weekly plasma progesterone profiles. At the end of the experimental period, when the gilts became 180 days old, the percentage of Iberian females that had reached puberty was 72.2%, with a mean age and weight of 160.5 ± 2.6 days and 92.9 ± 4.7 kg, respectively. The percentage of Large White × Landrace cross‐breed females reaching puberty at 180 days was only 15% (p < 0.05). The mean age and weight were 165.0 ± 4.1 days and 107.8 ± 2.2 kg (p < 0.05), respectively. Thus, converse to the traditional assumption, onset of puberty was advanced in Iberian gilts. These results are important for the reproductive management of the Iberian pig but, at the same time, may set the basis for future studies on the metabolism–reproduction link and, specifically, on the possible relationship between earlier accumulation of fat and attainment of puberty.  相似文献   

小梅山猪种质指标测定与杂交利用分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
小梅山猪是我国优良的地方品种猪,纯种小梅山猪体型小而紧凑细致、繁殖力高、杂种优势明显,为了更好地保护与利用这一优秀种质资源,本试验对小梅山猪育种中心纯种小梅山猪的种质指标进行测定,并分析其杂交利用情况。结果表明:该猪场现有猪群的群体近交系数为0.1953,头胎平均总产仔数为(13.57±3.70)头,头胎平均产活仔数为(12.75±4.23)头;2胎及2胎以上平均总产仔数为(14.09±4.17)头,2胎及2胎以上平均产活仔数为(13.39±3.92)头,后肢畸形率为0.40%,黑脚为0.60%,杂毛为0.20%,驼背为1.40%;纯种小梅山猪日增重、饲料转化率、胴体瘦肉率分别为324.4g/d、4.01∶1、46.23%,而培育的长白×小梅山二元杂交猪和大约克×长白×小梅山三元杂交猪日增重、饲料转化率、胴体瘦肉率分别为553.7 g/d、3.31、53.33%和622.3g/d、3.18、57.83%。  相似文献   

Susceptibility to clinical scrapie is associated with polymorphisms in the PrP gene. The 'ARR' allele of this gene reduces susceptibility to clinical disease caused by all known strains of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agent. The British government proposes to use a ram-genotyping scheme to breed genetic resistance to clinical scrapie into the national sheep population. We considered how best to target limited genotyping resources to achieve the maximum rate of genotype evolution. We created a metapopulation model of the British sheep industry, which includes the major pure-breeds of sheep and the cross-breeds produced by crossing these pure-bred animals. The main criterion for assessing the efficacy of different strategies was the time taken to increase the prevalence of the ARR allele in the slaughter-lamb population. Our model predicted that the most-effective strategy would be to target genotyping to those rams used for pure-breeding (i.e. mated with the same breed of ewe). This strategy was compared to two further strategies, in which the proportion of rams genotyped in each breed depended on the prevalence of the ARR/ARR genotype in that breed. A policy in which the proportion of animals genotyped is reduced as the ARR prevalence in that breed increases is efficient. The most-effective policy was targeting the hill sector in the early years and gradually switching to genotyping more terminal-sire and longwool rams as the resistance of the hill sector increases.  相似文献   

本研究旨在分析环腺苷酸应答元件结合蛋白H(cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 3-like 3,CREB-H)在猪不同组织中的表达谱及其在马身猪和大白猪肝脏中的发育性表达规律。采用实时荧光定量PCR和Western blotting技术检测1日龄猪12个组织(心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、胃、小肠、小脑、下丘脑、背最长肌、股肌和腰肌)中CREB-H基因的表达谱,以及CREB-H在1、30、60、90、120、150和180日龄马身猪和大白猪肝脏中的表达规律。结果显示,CREB-H基因mRNA在马身猪的12个组织中广泛表达,其中在肝脏和小肠中高表达;CREB-H蛋白在肝脏组织中的表达量显著高于其他组织(P<0.05),在心脏、脾脏和小脑中不表达。猪肝脏CREB-H基因mRNA和蛋白的发育表达受日龄、品种、品种与日龄相互作用的影响(P<0.01)。马身猪和大白猪肝脏中CREB-H基因mRNA和蛋白的表达量均在1日龄时达到最大值。在各发育阶段,马身猪CREB-H蛋白的表达量均极显著高于大白猪(P<0.01),且CREB-H主要在猪肝脏中表达。CREB-H在两猪种肝脏中的表达存在时空差异,可能与猪在不同发育期的脂质代谢能力有关,本试验结果为研究猪的脂质代谢调控机制提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

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