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Luteinizing hormone (LH) has been reported to increase in plasma shortly after switching photosensitive turkey hens from short-day (SD) photoperiods (6 hr light: 18 hr dark) to long-day (LD) photoperiods (14 hr light: 10 hr dark). An experiment was conducted to determine the timing and nature of these changes in plasma LH concentrations after the photostimulation of photosensitive turkey hens. The turkey hens were cannulated (jugular vein) to allow serial bleeding every 15 min for 48 hr. One group (controls) was continued under the SD photoperiod, and one group (treated) was switched to the LD photoperiod by the addition of 8 hr of light to the end of the photoperiod. In the control hens, no changes were seen in the observed or calculated baseline concentrations of LH or in the frequency and amplitude of LH peaks during the 48 hr of serial bleeding. In the treated hens, the observed and baseline concentrations of LH increased during the first LD scotoperiod, with a further increase during the second LD scotoperiod. This rapid increase was due to an increase in the baseline LH concentration, whereas no consistent changes were detected in the frequency and amplitude of LH peaks.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in anestrous mares to characterize daily rhythms of cortisol in non-interrupted [ambient and 16 h light (L): 8 h dark (D)] and skeleton (10L:4D:2L:8D, 10L:6D:2L:6D and 10L:8D:2L:4D) photoperiods, and to determine if there exists a photosensitive phase for the secretion of prolactin. Neither peak or nadir concentrations of cortisol, nor the time of peak or nadir concentrations differed among photoperiod treatments. Highest concentrations (66 +/- 4.4 ng/ml, mean +/- SE) occurred between 0700 and 0900, whereas lowest concentrations (31 +/- 3.6 ng/ml) were found from 1900 to 2300. Mean daily concentrations of serum prolactin were significantly higher in mares housed under the 16L:8D and the 10L:8D:2L:4D photoperiods as compared with the remaining photoperiod treatments, and were lowest in the ambient photoperiod treatment. The mean daily concentration of prolactin in February among photoperiod treatments was inversely related to the number of days (from December 1) to first seasonal ovulation (r = -.92, P = .027). The results were interpreted to: 1) suggest that mares in the 10L:8D:2L:4D skeleton photoperiod do not phase-shift to interpret the 2-h light pulse as the beginning of their subjective day; and 2) provide further evidence that the photo-inducible phase for both prolactin secretion and the stimulation of seasonal reproductive activity occurs 8 to 10 h following the onset of the dark period (scotophase).  相似文献   

During the first 4 weeks of egg production, there were no differences in the plasma concentrations of prolactin and corticosterone, egg production, body weight and the consumption of food and water between turkey hens which were maintained in cages or in floor pens. The plasma concentration of prolactin increased to the same extent in both environments during the period of peak egg production. A further rise in concentration of prolactin occurred in association with the termination of oviposition in 15 of the 19 hens which stopped laying eggs. Prolactin appeared to be progonadal and then antigonadal, once a threshold concentration was exceeded. This threshold value was higher in caged turkey hens. After laying ended, high concentrations of prolactin in hens maintained in cages were not maintained in the absence of a stimulus or stimuli associated with the nests.  相似文献   

Incubation behavior in the turkey hen is associated with a large increase in prolactin secretion. Previous research using hourly sampling of incubating hens has shown that prolactin levels fluctuate widely throughout a 24-hr period, suggestive of pulsatile secretion. This study compared the prolactin secretory patterns of laying and incubating turkeys to determine if prolactin is secreted episodically and if the high prolactin levels characteristic of the incubating hen may result, at least in part, from a change in the amplitude or frequency of secretory pulses. Blood samples were collected from cannulated, unrestrained laying and incubating hens at 10-min intervals for up to 24 hr. Data were analyzed with the PULSAR program to determine baseline prolactin levels and to establish the magnitude, frequency, and duration of episodic secretory peaks. The results revealed that prolactin is secreted in a pulsatile pattern in both laying and incubating turkey hens. Incubating hens had ninefold higher mean and baseline plasma prolactin levels than laying hens. The prolactin pulses were of approximately 12-fold greater amplitude in incubating hens than in laying hens, but the duration and frequency of pulses were the same in both groups. Therefore, the high prolactin levels required for incubation do not appear to result from an increase in the frequency of lactotroph stimulation, but rather from an increase in the prolactin secretion rate.  相似文献   

Eleven multiparous Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred mares were used to determine the plasma concentrations of progesterone and prolactin during early pregnancy and to examine the relationship of plasma progesterone and prolactin to pregnancy loss prior to d 45 of gestation. Plasma samples were collected at two day intervals beginning on d 14 of pregnancy (d 0 = ovulation) and countinued to d 80. Ovulation and pregnancy status were determined by ultrasonography. Four mares experienced pregnancy loss between d 28 and 44 and plasma samples were collected for 10 days beyond the detected loss. Seven mares had successful pregnancies (Term group).Plasma progesterone concentrations peaked by d 28 in the Term group, with individual peak values ranging from 14.9 to 31.9 ng/ml. Values then declined until d 36, followed by a rise until d 80. Prior to d 45 of gestation 5 of the 7 mares had a peak in excess of 15 ng/ml and 3 of these had brief periods, ranging fron 1 to 8 days when progesterone dropped to less than 2 ng/ml. The other 2 mares had peak plasma progesterone concentrations of less than 7 ng/ml, but maintained concentrations in excess of 2 ng/ml during this period.Within the mares experiencing pregnancy loss, 2 mares had a decline in plasma progesterone concentrations prior to pregnancy loss, while the other 2 had typical progesterone patterns beyond the detected loss. Differences in individual patterns of plasma progesterone concentration were observed in both groups (P<.01).Plasma prolactin concentrations ranged from less than .32 to 4.58 ng/ml in the Term group and from .31 to 1.9 ng/ml in the mares experiencing pregnancy loss. Differences in the individual patterns of prolactin secretion were observed in both groups (P<.01).A correlation between progesterone and prolactin was observed in the Term group between day 14 and 37 (P<.01, r2=.88).  相似文献   

1. Plasma concentrations of prolactin, measured using homologous chicken or turkey prolactin radioimmunoassays, increased 2‐ and 9‐fold, respectively in somatically mature turkey hens transferred from short (6 h light (L) :18 h dark (D)) to long (14 L:10 D) photoperiods.

2. A further increase in plasma prolactin was observed in laying hens 2 to 3 weeks before the onset of incubation. This increase was detected using the turkey prolactin assay but not the chicken prolactin assay.

3. The onset of incubation was not always associated with the cessation of egg production. Egg laying stopped in incubating hens only after plasma concentrations of prolactin were approaching their maximal values. These were 10‐fold higher than the prolactin concentrations at the onset of lay.

4. The removal of clutches of eggs from incubating hens resulted in a decrease in plasma concentrations of prolactin, which was associated with the cessation of incubation in two hens which had been incubating for 52 and 47 d. The decrease was only temporary in two hens which had been incubating for 8 and 32 d. The latter two hens continued to show incubation behaviour although they were not sitting on eggs.

5. In four turkey hens which did not become broody, egg production ceased after 12 weeks exposure to 14 L: 10 D. The concentration of plasma prolactin, as measured using the turkey prolactin assay, increased 2‐fold during the 2 weeks before these hens stopped laying.  相似文献   

Eight Holstein cows were utilized to examine the effect of prolactin on lactational performance prior to peak milk production (day 21–34 postpartum) and after peak milk production (day 60–73 postpartum). During each 14 day period, cows received daily intramuscular injections of pituitary-derived bovine prolactin (120 mg; 13.0 IU/ mg protein) or excipient. Cows were housed in a controlled environment at 18.1C, 47.8% relative humidity and a 15 hr light: 9 hr dark cycle. In cows administered exogenous prolactin, circulating prolaction concentrations increased within one-half hr post injection, peaked within 2 to 6 hours and declined through the remainder of the day. Average prolactin concentration in the plasma was increased 2 to 5 fold over the 24 hr period in response to prolactin treatment. Yields of milk and milk components (fat, lactose and protein) were not affected by prolactin treatment in either period but the concentration of -lactalbumin in milk was significantly increased (P<.10) in both periods. Circulating concentrations of somatotropin, triiodothyronine, thyroxine, glucagon, nonesterified fatty acids and glucose were not altered. In prolactin-treated cows, the milking-stimulated prolactin release was decreased at both the PM milking, when circulating concentrations of prolactin were high, and the AM milking, when prolactin concentrations had returned to baseline. Concentration of prolactin in milk tended to increase but was not significantly altered by administration of exogenous prolactin. However, prolactin concentrations in plasma were correlated (r=.56) with milk concentrations. It is clear that postpartum administration of exogenous prolactin during the period of lactation prior to peak milk yield or after peak milk yield does not alter lactational performance in high producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the influence of photoperiod on growth hormone (GH) secretion in rams and its possible influence on body weight. Twenty young adult rams were divided into two groups. One was subjected to an annual (AR) and the other to a semestral (SR) light regime during the same 18-month period. In both groups, daylength (DL) varied gradually between 8 to 17 hr. Plasma prolactin (PRL) and GH profiles consisting of 6 hr samples were determined and animals were weighed throughout the course of the experiment. Maximal PRL secretion was observed with largest DL. In contrast, GH secretion increased during increasing DL but it began to decrease before maximal DL was reached in both light regimes. Mean GH secretion was maximal when the DL was about 11 hr in SR and between 8 to 12 hr in AR. Similarly, body weight increased when DL increased and plateaued during decreasing DL in both AR and SR animal groups. Significant (P less than 0.05) differences were observed throughout the course of the experiment according to the effects of decreasing or increasing DL in each group. Analysis of variance showed that the effect of DL on plasma PRL and GH levels and weight velocity (WV) was significant (P less than 0.05) in both light regimes. This suggests that in SR, plasma PRL and GH levels and WV vary according to a six month period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The independent effects of age and body weight (BW) on photostimulatory response in turkey breeder hens were studied by measuring changes in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH; ng/mL) before and 3 d after photostimulation. The study was conducted with hens from two BW groups at 24–25, 27–28, and 31–32 wk of age. There was approximately a 1-kg difference in BW between groups within an age. Six hens per BW and age group were cannulated (jugular vein) and serially sampled during each of two 6-hr periods. Samples were collected at 10-min intervals. The two sampling periods were the last 6 hr of the short-day photoperiod (SD) and the same period during the third long day after photostimulation (LD). The photostimulatory response (PR) or difference between the SD and LD baseline LH concentrations was greatest in the 24–25-wk-old hens. The PR was unaffected by hen BW at any age. The baseline LH concentration during the SD photoperiod declined as hens aged. After photostimulation, baseline LH and LH peak amplitude concentrations were higher in 24–25-wk-old hens compared with the older ages. The number of LH peaks increased after photostimulation, but there were no significant effects attributable to age or BW within an age. In conclusion, the PR was affected by hen age but not hen BW or BW within a particular age.  相似文献   

After 8 wk exposure to 8 h of light per day, prolactin (PRL) averaged 18.3 ng/ml of serum in eight male calves. Four calves then received 16 h of light per day; 6 wk later (age 14 wk) PRL averaged 93.8 ng/ml of serum, whereas PRL averaged 36.9 ng/ml of serum in four calves maintained under 8 h of daily light. By wk 20, PRL was not different in calves exposed to 16 or 8 h of daily light, averaging 34.7 and 17.2 ng/ml serum. Testosterone averaged .43 ng/ml of serum at wk 8 but was greater at wk 14 in calves receiving 16 h of light daily when compared with controls receiving 8 h of light (1.92 vs. .97 ng/ml of serum). Testosterone concentrations were not different between photoperiod treatments at wk 20. Luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were unaffected by photoperiod. In a second experiment, four male calves were castrated at approximately 2 wk of age while four similar controls were left gonadally intact. After 8 wk exposure to 8 h of light per day, PRL averaged 12.3 ng/ml of serum in all calves. After 6 wk exposure to 16 h of light per day, PRL in serum increased in castrates to 48.0 ng/ml and in controls to 59.8 ng/ml. We conclude that serum concentrations of PRL and testosterone, but not LH, increased in bull calves receiving 16 h of light daily relative to calves receiving 8 h of light, and that the PRL response to photoperiod is independent of the testes. However, 16 h light-induced stimulation of serum concentrations of prolactin is not maintained indefinitely.  相似文献   

Four pubertal (25 wk) crossbred boars were used to evaluate the role of the photoperiod in the organization of secretion of cortisol and melatonin throughout a 24-hr period. Boars were exposed to a 16-hr photoperiod in an environmentally controlled room and temperature was kept constant at 22 C. For the first 15 d, the onset of the photophase (light phase) and scotophase (dark phase) was 0200 hr and 1800 hr, respectively (ON2). During the final 15 d, the onset of the photophase and scotophase was advanced by 6 hr (0800 hr and 2400 hr, respectively; ON8). Samples of serum were obtained from catheterized boars at hourly intervals for 24 hr between the 14th to 15th d in both ON2 and ON8 photoperiods. Samples of serum were frozen and later assayed for cortisol and melatonin. The data were normalized to the clock time of onset of the photophase, fit to polynomial equations, and the profiles of cortisol and melatonin in ON2 and ON8 were tested for heterogeneity of regression. A circadian rhythm of cortisol was observed in both ON2 and ON8 and the fitted profiles were parallel, suggesting that the rhythm had shifted with the 6-hr shift in lights-on, lights-off. Generally, higher concentrations were observed during the late subjective evening and scotophase, whereas lower concentrations occurred about 6 to 10 hr after onset of the photophase. Although the profiles of melatonin did not differ in ON2 and ON8, there was no evidence of a nocturnal rise in melatonin in either treatment. It is suggested that some characteristic of the photoperiod organizes the circadian rhythm of cortisol in boars, but melatonin is not secreted in a rhythmic fashion in long photoperiods.  相似文献   

The possibility that egg production in broiler breeder hens may be increased by selection for reduced oviposition interval under continuous light was investigated by comparing the pattern of pre-ovulatory releases of plasma luteinising hormone (LH) and the associated ovipositions in the same broiler hens maintained under normal cycles (15.25 h light/d) or continuous light. The lighting conditions had no effect on plasma concentrations of LH before and at the pre-ovulatory LH peak in first, mid-sequence or terminal ovulatory cycles. Plasma LH concentrations were similar during first, mid-sequence and terminal ovulatory cycles. Mid-sequence oviposition intervals and the interval between a mid-sequence LH peak and its associated oviposition were longer under continuous light than under normal lighting. Pre-ovulatory releases of LH occurred during a restricted period of day in both lighting conditions. Under continuous lighting they were probably entrained by the daily pattern of restricted feeding. Any selection programme for reduced oviposition interval under continuous lighting in broiler breeder hens should take into account the entraining effects of the daily pattern of feeding.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine 1) the effect of acute feed deprivation on leptin secretion and 2) if the effect of metabolic fuel restriction on LH and GH secretion is associated with changes in serum leptin concentrations. Experiment (EXP) I, seven crossbred prepuberal gilts, 66 +/- 1 kg body weight (BW) and 130 d of age were used. All pigs were fed ad libitum. On the day of the EXP, feed was removed from four of the pigs at 0800 (time = 0) and pigs remained without feed for 28 hr. Blood samples were collected every 10 min from zero to 4 hr = Period (P) 1, 12 to 16 hr = P 2, and 24 to 28 hr = P 3 after feed removal. At hr 28 fasted animals were presented with feed and blood samples collected for an additional 2 hr = P 4. EXP II, gilts, averaging 140 d of age (n = 15) and which had been ovariectomized, were individually penned in an environmentally controlled building and exposed to a constant ambient temperature of 22 C and 12:12 hr light: dark photoperiod. Pigs were fed daily at 0700 hr. Gilts were randomly assigned to the following treatments: saline (S, n = 7), 100 (n = 4), or 300 (n = 4) mg/kg BW of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG), a competitive inhibitor of glycolysis, in saline iv. Blood samples were collected every 15 min for 2 hr before and 5 hr after treatment. Blood samples from EXP I and II were assayed for LH, GH and leptin by RIA. Selected samples were quantified for glucose, insulin and free fatty acids (FFA). In EXP I, fasting reduced (P < 0.04) leptin pulse frequency by P 3. Plasma glucose concentrations were reduced (P < 0.02) throughout the fast compared to fed animals, where as serum insulin concentrations did not decrease (P < 0.02) until P 3. Serum FFA concentrations increased (P < 0.02) by P 2 and remained elevated. Subcutaneous back fat thickness was similar among pigs. Serum IGF-I concentration decreased (P < 0.01) by P 2 in fasted animals compared to fed animals and remained lower through periods 3 and 4. Serum LH and GH concentrations were not effected by fast. Realimentation resulted in a marked increase in serum glucose (P < 0.02), insulin (P < 0.02), serum GH (P < 0.01) concentrations and leptin pulse frequency (P < 0.01). EXP II treatment did not alter serum insulin levels but increased (P < 0.01) plasma glucose concentrations in the 300 mg 2DG group. Serum leptin concentrations were 4.0 +/- 0.1, 2.8 +/- 0.2, and 4.9 +/- 0.2 ng/ml for S, 100 and 300 mg 2DG pigs respectively, prior to treatment and remained unchanged following treatment. Serum IGF-I concentrations were not effected by treatment. The 300 mg dose of 2DG increased (P < 0.0001) mean GH concentrations (2.0 +/- 0.2 ng/ml) compared to S (0.8 +/- 0.2 ng/ml) and 100 mg 2DG (0.7 +/- 0.2 ng/ml). Frequency and amplitude of GH pulses were unaffected. However, number of LH pulses/5 hr were decreased (P < 0.01) by the 300 mg dose of 2DG (1.8 +/- 0.5) compared to S (4.0 +/- 0.4) and the 100 mg dose of 2DG (4.5 +/- 0.5). Mean serum LH concentrations and amplitude of LH pulses were unaffected. These results suggest that acute effects of energy deprivation on LH and GH secretion are independent of changes in serum leptin concentrations.  相似文献   

The wild South American camelids developed a strategy of seasonal reproduction during spring and summer with singleton birth. The photoperiod is one of the factors that may modulate this seasonality where light would be translated into a hormonal signal. This study evaluated the influence of changes in daily light intensity on melatonin concentration in captive guanacos under a long‐day photoperiod (16 hr light/8 hr dark; 33 ‘28′S). Mean melatonin concentration was 28.3 ± 20.3 pg/ml, with a maximum of 52.14 ± 17.19 pg/ml at 23:30 and minimum of 14.29 ± 6.64 pg/ml at 08:30 (p < .001). There was a negative association between light intensity and melatonin concentration (r = ?0.57; p < .001). The results indicate that guanacos respond to variation in daily environmental light with a hormonal response and point to a circannual rhythm as a function of the photoperiod.  相似文献   

Five adult pasture-bred French Friesian cows were used to qualify the circadian profile and characterized pulsatility of plasma melatonin, and to estimate melatonin secretion rate, around the summer solstice. Plasma concentrations of melatonin were low (5 pg/ml) during the photophase, began to rise at sunset (light intensity less than 20 lx) and reached a maximum (about 90 pg/ml) in the middle of the scotophase. The mean amplitude of peaks was 48.67 +/- 23.01 pg/ml, their mean duration was 32.30 +/- 21.50 min and the frequency was 1.5 +/- 0.3 peak/hr during the secretory period (537 +/- 42.3 min). The plasma clearance (ClB) was 0.0247 +/- 0.0013 1/kg per min, the steady state volume of distribution (Vss) was 1.404 +/- 0.225 1/kg, the elimination half life (t1/2 beta) was 66.66 +/- 11.30 min, the mean residence time was 51.37 +/- 9.92 min and the mean production rate was 399.9 +/- 57.37 ng/kg per 24 hr. These results support the concept of linearity for melatonin kinetics in cattle and the plasma clearance value suggest a first-pass hepatic effect.  相似文献   

1. Adult White Leghorn hens showing short or long tonic immobility reactions were classified as low-fear (LF) or high-fear (HF) responders, respectively. Following cannulation, their adrenocortical responsiveness to ACTH administration and the effects of chronic frustration induced by thwarting of feeding on plasma corticosterone concentrations and heterophil/lymphocyte (H/L) ratios were measured at regular intervals. 2. ACTH injection elicited significant and similar mean increases in circulating corticosterone concentrations in both the LF and HF groups. 3. Absolute H/L ratios were higher in HF than in LF hens after cannulation, although both groups showed similar proportional increases from pre-operation ratios. 4. Plasma corticosterone concentrations and H/L ratios were significantly increased at 20 h and 44 h respectively after the frustration of feeding regime began. Thus, adrenocortical activation preceded increases in H/L ratios but, whereas the elevated plasma corticosterone concentrations found after 20 h remained virtually constant thereafter, H/L ratios rose progressively throughout the 68 h frustration period. 5. There were no significant differences between groups in their plasma corticosterone and H/L responses to frustration. However, a consistent trend towards greater adrenocortical activation was observed in the HF than in the LF hens.  相似文献   

Yorkshire boars were used to evaluate the influence of duration of photoperiod and hemicastration on growth and testicular and endocrine functions. At 10 wk of age, 5 hemicastrate (HC) and 5 intact (I) boars were assigned to either 8 or 16 hr of light daily until 6 mo of age. Body weights were recorded biweekly throughout the experiment. Venous cannulae were placed in all boars at 6 mo of age, and serum was collected at 30 min intervals from 0800 to 2000 hr. Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) was infused at 2000 hr (50 micrograms) and at 2030 hr (250 micrograms), and samples of serum were collected until 2400 hr. The following day, all boars were castrated, and the weights and sperm content of the testes and epididymides were determined. At castration, all pigs were given implants containing testosterone. Two weeks later, pigs were again canulated, and serum was obtained at 15 min intervals for 2 hr. Growth of boars was not significantly affected by duration of photoperiod or number of testes. Duration of photoperiod did not affect weight or sperm content of testes or epididymides. Hemi-castrated boars had greater testicular (P less than .01) and capita-corpora (C-C) epididymal weights (P less than .05) and more testicular and C-C sperm (P less than .01) per testis. Neither average concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) nor number and amplitude of pulses of LH were affected by photoperiod treatment. However, HC boars had greater average concentrations of LH (P less than .05) than I boars (.71 +/- .05 vs .52 +/- .05 ng/ml). Hemicastrated boars in 16 hr light daily had greater concentrations of FSH in serum (P less than .05) than 8I, 8HC, and 16I boars. Intact and HC boars had similar concentrations of prolactin (PRL) and testosterone. Similarly, concentrations of PRL and testosterone were not affected by duration of photoperiod. Secretion of LH and testosterone after treatment with GnRH was not significantly affected by duration of photoperiod. In general, HC boars released more LH in response to GnRH treatment than I boars. Concentrations of LH were greater (P less than .05) in HC than I boars at .5, 1, 2, and 3 hr after GnRH and tended (P less than .10) to be elevated at 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4 hr after GnRH. The FSH response to GnRH was greater (P less than .05) for 16HC than 8I, 8HC, or 16I boars.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the effect of photoperiod on nighttime secretion of growth hormone (GH) in goats. Adult female goats were kept at 20°C with an 8 h or 16 h dark photoperiod, and secretory patterns of GH for 8 h in the dark period were examined with the profile of prolactin (PRL) secretion. GH was secreted in a pulsatile manner in the dark period. There were no significant differences in pulse frequency between the 8‐ and 16‐h dark photoperiods; however, pulse amplitude tended to be greater in the group with the 16‐h dark photoperiod (P = 0.1), and mean GH concentrations were significantly greater in the same photoperiod (P < 0.05). PRL secretion increased quickly after lights off under both photoperiods. The PRL‐releasing responses were weaker in the 8‐h than 16‐h dark photoperiod. The secretory response to photoperiod was more obvious for PRL than GH. The present results show that a long dark photoperiod enhances the nighttime secretion of GH in female goats, although the response is not as obvious as that for PRL.  相似文献   

Diurnal and oviposition patterns of heart rate (HR), deep body temperature (BT) and locomotor activity (LA) in conscious and unrestrained Rhode Island Red hens were studied by a radiotelemetry system. Behavioral observations were also made on diurnal changes and during the pre‐ and post‐laying period. Heart rate, BT and LA showed characteristic diurnal changes synchronized with a photoperiod of 15 h light and 9 h dark. In the light period, HR, BT, and LA levels were significantly higher than in the dark period (P < 0.001). Furthermore, the highest levels of these parameters were recorded just after they were fed (08.30 hours), while the lowest level was measured after lights‐off and remained stable throughout the dark period. Behavioral observations indicated that during the light period the hens spent most of their time in very active movement, exhibiting various behavioral patterns. However, in the dark period the hens spent almost all their time resting. The present results suggest that performing various behavioral activities cause heat generated by muscle exertion, which plays a significant role in daily HR, BT, and LA in laying hens. However, during the 60 min before and after oviposition, LA appeared to have increased steadily toward the moment of laying, and then regressed gradually in the post‐laying period to a level significantly lower than in the pre‐laying period (P < 0.001). Furthermore, the pre‐laying behavior of hens indicated extreme restlessness and more activity, whereas the post‐laying period is characterized by less activity and increased relaxation. Consequently, laying behavior has a profound but transitory effect on HR and BT, suggesting that oviposition was probably associated with intense LA.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the effect of photoperiod on secretory patterns of growth hormone (GH) in male goats. Adult male goats were kept at 20°C with an 8‐h or 16‐h light photoperiod, and secretory patterns of GH secretion were compared. In addition, plasma profiles of prolactin (PRL), insulin‐like growth factor‐I (IGF‐I) and testosterone (T) were also examined to characterize GH secretion. GH was secreted in a pulsatile manner. There was no significant difference in pulse frequency between the 8‐h and 16‐h photoperiods. However, GH pulse amplitude tended to be greater in the group with the 16‐h photoperiod (P = 0.1), and mean GH concentrations were significantly greater in the 16‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). The GH‐releasing response to GH releasing hormone was greater in the 16‐h than 8‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). Plasma PRL and IGF‐I levels were higher in the 16‐h than 8‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). In contrast, plasma T levels were lower in the 16‐h photoperiod (P < 0.05). These results show that a long light photoperiod enhances the secretion of GH as well as PRL and IGF‐I, but reduces plasma T concentrations in male goats.  相似文献   

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