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进行了磁粉制动器动态性能研究,求出了传递函数和制动扭矩过渡过程的响应函数。设计了单片机控制系统,对单片机作为比例调节器进行了改进,求出了控制系统的传递函数和响应函数。通过改进控制系统和完善反馈程序,从外部改善了磁粉制动器的使用性能,提高了系统的加载精度和响应速度。  相似文献   

我国土壤质量及其评价研究的进展   总被引:42,自引:5,他引:42  
在阐述了土壤质量的内涵基础上,分析了土壤质量和土壤健康、土地质量及土壤服务功能的联系。重点对我国土壤质量的评价研究进行了回顾和概述,从指标体系的选取和评价方法入手,探讨了评价的发展过程,分析了我国土壤评价指标体系因子选择的范围,在论述了国际土壤质量最新进展的基础上,指出了生物学指标研究是需要加强的方向;同时着重分析了我国土壤质量评价方法研究的进展,对我国土壤质量评价的方法进行了概括,指出了空间化,过程化,应用化和综合化的发展方向,并讨论了我国土壤评价研究的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

本文阐述了生态旅游产生的背景,含义;介绍了我国的生态旅游资源状况;探讨了目前生态旅游发展中存在的问题;提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

南康市茶叶坳小流域和赣县枧田小流域水土保持综合治理为当地现代农业发展提供了生态保障、夯实了发展基础、培育了产业基地、催生了机制创新、造就了新型农民,取得了明显的生态、经济和社会效益,不仅改善了当地的生态环境,而且显现出现代农业的雏形,为现代农业发展做出了应有的贡献。提出了新形势下水土保持综合治理在更高层次上助推现代农业发展的对策。  相似文献   

对遂宁市社会主义新农村建设示范村鸡头寺村水利水保工程发挥作用的调研结果表明:水利水保工程在社会主义新农村建设中彰显了巨大的作用,它为抗旱减灾夺丰收提供了基本的保障,夯实了农村发展基础,增强了农业发展后劲,促进了现代农业、特色产业的发展,为调整农村产业结构、助农增收搭建起了平台,改善了生态环境和群众的生活条件,促进了村风文明。分析了水利水保发展不足给新农村建设带来的严重影响,提出了具体的对策。  相似文献   

解读新《中华人民共和国水土保持法》的法条体系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
新《中华人民共和国水土保持法》于2010年12月25日通过全国人大常委会的修订,其法条体系和突出特点可归纳为10个强化。包括强化了政府的水土保持目标责任,强化了水土保持规划的法律地位,强化了水土流失预防,强化了生产建设项目水土保持方案管理,强化了水土流失治理,强化了水土保持投入机制,强化了水土保持监测,强化了水土保持监督管理,强化了违法行为的处罚,强化了责任追究与代履行。  相似文献   

系统总结了40多年来东北地区旱地农业研究取得的进展,分析了当前东北地区旱地农业面临的问题,揭示了影响东北地区旱地农业生产的气候变化、水分供需、农田侵蚀和面源污染规律,重新制定了东北地区耕作制度区划,突破了一系列旱地农业生产关键技术,形成了多套适合东北不同区域的旱地农业综合技术模式,明确提出了现阶段东北旱地农业所面临的挑战,并指出了未来东北旱地农业的发展对策。  相似文献   

产学研结合 促进农业产业化发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
华南农业大学以技术入股的方式,与广东省温氏食品集团有限公司合作,实现了产学研相结合,促进了农业产业化的发展,由于有了高校的科技优势作依托,企业发展有了强大后盾,实现了决策科学化,管理科学化和生产科学化。与企业合作,学校走出了一条产学研相结合的新路,丰富了教学内容,开辟了科研新天地,建立了稳定的教学实践基地,巩固了学生的专业思想,改善了办学条件,提高了办学活力,实践证明这是一条成功的办学之路。  相似文献   

兴国县实施国家水保重点工程的成效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外调查的基础上,结合历史资料重点分析了兴国县实施国家水保重点工程的成效。1983—2005年,兴国县水土流失面积减少了60%,山地植被覆盖度上升了43.4%,年泥沙流失量减少了67.6%,河床普遍降低0.4 m,有林地面积净增5.4倍,土地产出率增长54.2%,农民年人均纯收入增加了17倍,贫困人口减少了12.9万人,水土流失恶化的趋势得到了有效遏制,生态环境得到了改善,昔日的穷乡僻壤,如今变成了绿树掩映的小康县。总结了管理上的成功经验与技术上的五大治理模式。在分析了治理成本后认为,国家的水保重点工程是极具前瞻性的,其出发点是正确的,是从根本上解决老百姓的贫困问题,与现在的新农村建设政策相一致。  相似文献   

进行了磁粉制动器动态性能研究,求出了传递函数和制动扭矩过渡过程的响应函数。设计了单片机控制系统,对单片机作为比例调节器进行了改进,求出了控制系统的传递函数和响应函数。通过改进控制系统和完善反馈程序,从外部改善了磁粉制动器的使用性能,提高了系统的加载精度和响应速度。  相似文献   

为克服舰船摇摆所带来的影响,拓宽电视跟踪设备的使用环境,该文提出了一种五自由度具有2层结构的自稳跟踪平台。上层为两自由度的跟踪平台,采用串联式U-U结构,即U型外框绕外环轴(铅垂)旋转,U形内框绕内环轴(水平)旋转;下层为三自由度的自稳平台,采用并联式3UPS/PU结构,3个UPS为驱动分支,中间PU为约束分支。分别建立了跟踪平台和自稳平台的数学模型,推导了跟踪平台引导算法和自稳平台运动学反解算法。试验结果表明:当选用0.5 Hz、5.1?幅值的正弦曲线作为目标跟踪曲线时,自稳跟踪平台跟踪精度优于0.02?;自稳平台的稳定频率优于1 Hz(双十,幅值1.5?);以频率0.1 Hz,幅值30?进行正弦摇摆时,动态自稳精度优于0.3?。该研究将跟踪功能和自稳功能相结合,可为渔船定点撒网、收网以及农作物精准种植、收割等设备的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

基于灵敏度分析的船式拖拉机机架结构优化设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为提高船式拖拉机的动态性能,针对机架与船壳可分离的船式拖拉机,对其机架进行多目标优化设计。通过模态分析确定优化响应,灵敏度分析确定设计变量,模型建立确定优化目标,多目标优化设计数学模型得到6组非劣解,并基于熵权的模糊物元模型得到最优设计方案。优化前后的对比分析可知,在机架体积只增加2.4%的基础上其第一阶模态频率提高35%,最大静应力减小35%,同时发动机的工作频率远离船式拖拉机机架的固有模态频率。结果表明,优化后的船式拖拉机机架动态性能良好。该研究可为船式拖拉机的设计研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为深入开展半喂入式花生摘果装置作业机理、结构参数和作业参数优化等研究,设计了自动喂秧平台、控制系统、参数调节系统和保鲜库,选配高速摄像系统,并与已有试验台进行技术集成,研制成半喂入式花生摘果试验台.该试验台具备关键参数调节和采集、作业过程图像获取和植株保鲜等功能,主要包括机架、自动喂秧平台、夹持输送装置、摘果装置、控制系统、传感器、变频电机和高速摄影系统等.试验台的主要技术指标为:摘果辊长度500,800,1000mm,摘果辊直径160,200,240mm,摘果辊后端中心与夹持输送链的距离100~150mm,摘果辊的转速200~1000r/min,夹持输送链的速度0.5~2.5m/s.在试验台上,对前期尚未涉及的供给株数、链辊夹角等因素、摘果辊功耗等进行了试验研究,开展了摘果过程高速摄影试验研究.结果表明:供给株数对未摘净率和破碎率影响较大;链辊夹角对未摘净损失影响较大,对破碎率影响较小;摘果功耗随着供给株数的增大呈递增规律;高速摄像系统能够揭示摘果叶片与花生果系的作用过程、果秧分离行为和内在机理.该半喂入式花生摘果试验台可为进一步深入开展摘果作业机理研究提供参考.  相似文献   

为了初探小型无人直升机航空喷施雾滴在水稻冠层沉积分布规律,主要通过不同的飞行参数研究了不同喷雾作业参数对水稻冠层的雾滴沉积分布的影响。该试验以HY-B-10L型单旋翼电动无人机搭载北斗定位系统UB351绘制作业轨迹,以质量分数为5‰的丽春红2R水溶液模拟生长调节剂喷施沉积情况,以图像处理软件DepositScan来分析靶区和非靶区的雾滴沉积参数得出雾滴的沉积分布结果。结果表明:3次试验中的雾滴沉积分布趋势均相似,且飞行高度和飞行速度对靶区内采集点上雾滴平均沉积量影响均显著,对雾滴沉积均匀性影响并不显著。3次试验中靶区的雾滴沉积量随着高度的增加而减少,总雾滴沉积量分别为2.380、1.905、1.156μL/cm2,采集点的平均沉积量分别为0.198、0.159、0.064μL/cm2;在作业高度为1.92 m时雾滴沉积平均均匀性最佳,且非靶区的雾滴漂移总量最少,为0.174μL/cm2。另外,第1、2条采集带上靶区内的雾滴沉积量均明显多于作业速度较大的第三条采集带上的雾滴沉积量,3次试验中,第一、2条采集带上雾滴沉积总量的平均值分别高于第3条采集带上雾滴沉积总量的184.27%、53.51%、72.31%;且由于外界风场的影响,作业航线下风向的雾滴沉积量和漂移距离均大于作业航线上风向的雾滴沉积量和漂移距离;以及由于飞行速度的影响,非靶区航线下风向第3条雾滴采集上的雾滴漂移量均大于第1、2条雾滴采集带上的雾滴漂移量。该结果较好地全面揭示了作业参数对航空喷施雾滴沉积分布结果的影响,并从风场因素方面推测了对雾滴沉积的影响,对药液的合理喷施、提高喷施效率具有十分重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

目前国内柑橘育苗钵装填转运基本靠人工作业,生产效率低下。为了解决这一问题,该研究提出了一种可一次装填105钵的间歇式柑橘育苗钵机械装填转运机,采用EDEM对装填转运机基质分流过程进行分析,确定了基质分流部件分流板偏移量及高度的最佳参数组合,设计了卸料机构的连杆传动方案,计算了各杆长度,分析了车架结构的强度,确定了车架结构的尺寸参数,并设计了整机的控制电路。加工试验样机,在搅拌机设定转速下,重复装填转运试验10次。试验结果表明,样机运行稳定,单次基质装填平均量330.5 kg,单次装填钵数105钵,平均装填时间约60 s,转运装置行走速度可达1.2 m/s,苗钵卸载下落可靠,排列整齐;单个育苗钵的平均最大装填量3.23 kg,最小装填量3.03kg,平均装填量3.15 kg。样机结构设计合理,装填效率高,能够实现均匀装填、稳定转运的作业要求。研究结果可为后续柑橘苗钵装填转运设备的研制和优化提供参考。  相似文献   

“Wicked” problems are those that are complex and that change when solutions are applied. Many conflicts in conservation fall into this category. The study approached the problem of how to constrain the apparent wickedness of a problem in the conservation management of a species by using simple empirical indicators to carry out iterative assessment of the risk to a population and to document how this risk evolves in relation to the addition of new data and the implementation of management actions. Effects of high levels of uncertainty within data and also concerning population structure were examined through stochastic simulation and by exploration of scenarios. Historical trends in the example used, the Steller sea lion, showed rapid declines in abundance in some regions during the 1980s. The current total population is 130,000-150,000 Steller sea lions through Alaska and British Columbia and this number has been stable since about 1990 in spite of regional differences in population dynamics. Regional differences in the sequence of changes in the number of pups and non-pups, suggested that an internal re-distribution of juveniles could have happened between 1980 and 1990. Current productivity also appears close to the long-term mean. Stochastic population projection using various scenarios showed that, based upon this history, the risk of extinction for the population has declined and is below reasonable thresholds for considering the population to be endangered. The trends in risk suggest that management actions taken since 1990 have probably been effective. Consequently, the conservation management objectives for the Steller sea lion are probably being met. The approach provides a mechanism, based upon experience and scenario analysis, for exploring future policy options and may help to constrain the debate amongst stakeholders about the cost-benefit trade-offs associated with different options.  相似文献   

气流改善泡沫树莓果浆微波干燥均匀性提高能量利用率   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为满足浆果低能耗、高品质的生产过程的需要,采用理论分析、数值模拟与台架试验相结合的方法,研究气流与微波协同作用对泡沫果浆干燥均匀性和微波能利用率的影响规律。结果表明:在气流与微波协同干燥中由于物料的介电特性指标及表观导热、气体渗流、气相导热、液相导热等系数变化,从而影响泡沫果浆料层中传热、传质过程。泡沫果浆传热及传质系数变化,影响泡沫果浆内部热传导及水分传递,温度及含水率直接影响泡沫果浆介电特性指标,进而影响物料微波能吸收。气流在料层边界热对流量及料层内的热传导量是表征气流、微波协同作用的主要指标,当料层边界热对流量与内部热传导量比值低于27.79时,气流与微波协同作用产生正向效应,提高微波能利用率;当料层边界热对流量与内部热传导量比值高于27.79时,此协同作用产生负向效应,降低微波能利用率;气流携带泡沫果浆中蒸发出的水蒸气,降低物料表层湿空气压力,导致泡沫果浆气泡的产生和破裂,强化传热传质过程,进而提高料层内温度及含水率分布均匀性。当气流速度小于1.5m/s时,气流速度与干燥均匀性呈显著正相关;当气流速度大于1.5m/s时,气流速度对物料干燥均匀性影响不显著;在气流速度为1.5m/s时,干燥时间短,微波能利用率最高,相比无通风时提高了17.57%,微波能吸收量、温度及含水率分布的均匀度分别提高了20%、19%及27%,符合低能耗、高品质的浆果干燥生产要求,研究结果为浆果微波泡沫干燥工艺优化提供依据。  相似文献   

Influence of temporary stockpiling on the initial development of restored topsoils Due to increasing construction and open‐cast mining activities on fertile agricultural land, excavation, stockpiling, and restoration of soils have become important issues in soil protection. In this study, we performed a restoration experiment to investigate how the conditions during stockpiling may influence initial soil development and plant growth on a restored site. Four topsoils, which originated from two depths (with uninhibited and inhibited aeration) of a nontrafficked and a trafficked topsoil deposit, were repacked in strips and sown with three meadow‐seed mixtures in strips perpendicular to the soil strips. During stockpiling as well as during the first 2 years after restoration, we assessed the physical and mechanical properties of the topsoils and (after restoration) also plant growth. None of the investigated properties of the topsoils was influenced by the depth in the deposit. In contrast, the coarse porosity and compression index were lower, whereas the bulk density and precompression stress were higher in the trafficked than in the nontrafficked topsoil deposit. However, these differences largely disappeared already in the course of soil restoration. Contrary to our expectations, the plants grew better on the soil of the trafficked topsoil deposit than on the soil of the nontrafficked topsoil deposit in the year of restoration. This might be attributed to the extremely dry and hot summer of that year. In the course of the 2 years following restoration, also the differences in plant growth tended to disappear. The remaining differences in bulk density and plant growth could not be attributed to differences in stockpiling conditions. The results suggest a re‐examination of current soil restoration guidelines. The maximum permitted stockpiling heights for topsoils might be increased in order to reduce the areas required for temporary stockpiling.  相似文献   

水稻秸秆收集与连续打捆复式作业机设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对单体打捆机捡拾联合收获后田间滞留的水稻"站秆"及"残茬"收净率较低,以及圆捆打捆机绕线卸捆时需停机导致作业效率低等问题,该文将现有水稻联合收获机的脱粒清选和粮箱等装置与圆捆打捆装置置换,在输送槽出口与打捆装置集料口处设置集料装置作为缓存区,采用自动控制技术控制各功能部件连续作业,最终研发出集切割、捡拾、收集、打捆、集捆等功能于一体的田间水稻秸秆收集与连续打捆复式作业机。田间性能试验表明:在作业档的工况条件下,作业速度越快,成捆效率越高,但圆柱规范度程度越差;经测定,整机以中速档(1.1 m/s)连续作业3.4 h后,其成捆率为98%,生产率为0.4 hm2/h,秸秆收净率为95%。该研究为机械化收获后有效提高秸秆利用率以及实现农业生产中农机具的一机多用提供了参考。  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope   In the former mining area of Northern France, the number of diseases (cancers, malformations, backwardness...) is about ten times above the national average. Environmental surveys conducted by the Ministry of Health have showed that more than 10% of children living around a lead smelter located in this area had lead levels higher than 100 μg L-1 of blood (25% in the closest city). Two main factors contribute to the population exposure: the ingestion of plants produced in the contaminated area, and also the ingestion or the inhalation of contaminated dust or soil. It is usually known that these particles are key routes of exposure to lead for younger children, in particular via hand-to-mouth transfer. For a better understanding of this problem, researchers investigated different exposure sources like soil and vegetable contamination. Materials and Methods: All these parameters that contribute to the assessment of environmental and health risks of metal contamination have been measured. About 170 composite samples of soils around the smelter or from reference areas have been analysed, mainly from fields (70), kitchen gardens (60) and lawns (38). Total contents of Cd and Pd were measured in the organo-mineral layer (0-25cm) of soils. Composite grass samples were also taken on the lawns. Crops and vegetables were sampled from fields and kitchen gardens and then, parts of the plant intended only for consumption were washed and analysed. Results: For the organo-mineral horizon of the studied sites and located in various environmental contexts (contaminated or reference), we found a very broad range of metal concentrations. Generally, the data showed a strong variability of the physicochemical parameters of the urban soils (kitchen gardens, lawns), in particular with regard to lead. This work showed that cultivated plants (agricultural or kitchen garden) or lawn grass are also significantly contaminated by heavy metals, especially lawn grasses, cereal grains (wheat, barley) and lettuces sampled around the smelter. Moreover, the proportion of lead present on lawn grasses could reach 50% of the total contamination of the plants because of the deposition of contaminated dust. Discussion: The values of pollution in agricultural field and kitchen garden soils located near the smelter were respectively about 20 and 30 times above the agricultural regional reference values, probably due to the atmospheric emissions from a smelter that significantly increases the concentrations of metals in the upper horizons of the neighbouring soils. This pollution results in a high level of contamination of plants grown of these soils. Conclusions: The results showed that heavy metals in soils, particles (dust and soil) or plants of kitchen gardens, lawns or playgrounds could be potentially transferable to the users, and in particular to young children, and could then contribute, to a considerable share, to the exposure of the population living in a contaminated area around a smelter brought about through inhalation, direct ingestion of particles or consumption of plants. Recommendations and Perspectives: These results highlight that the consumption of home-grown vegetables can constitute a risk of exposure, in particular for cadmium, and especially in children. This work also underlined the role of the contaminated soil particles in the Pb contamination of the human food chains and their environment. Because of the complexity of the various methods of population exposure, it will be necessary to complete the data base, in partucular in urban areas. The main objective of this future work will be to relate the degree of environmental contamination with the lead level in child bood, and to integrate other environmental compartments like outdoor and indoor dust of the dwellings into the model of pathway exposure.  相似文献   

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