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南极鱼类年龄与生长研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
朱国平  魏联 《水产学报》2017,41(10):1638-1647
南极鱼类生长相对缓慢,独特的生物学特性使其年龄鉴定较其他海区鱼类更为困难。但考虑到鱼类年龄鉴定是开展渔业资源评估的基础,因此过去一些年来,硬质部位,如鳞片、鳍条(棘)、脊椎骨以及耳石等仍成为南极鱼类的主要鉴龄材料。本文对南极鱼类年龄鉴定的方法和材料进行了总结回顾,将年龄鉴定的方法和材料进行比较,分析各自优缺点。结果显示:(1)对于具鳞的南极鱼类,因鳞片在鱼类生长过程中存在重吸收现象,因而利用鳞片及鳍条(棘)单独鉴龄所得出的结果通常小于耳石的鉴龄结果,缺乏精确性;(2)南极鱼类生活跨度较大,高龄鱼体长频次分布严重重叠,以致无法准确判断其年龄结构;(3)耳石重量法易受到特殊个体影响而误判年龄;(4)因鳍条易损坏,脊椎骨采集较为困难,且许多南极鱼类无鳞,目前大多数南极鱼类使用耳石鉴定年龄,其也成为目前最为精准的南极鱼类鉴龄方法,但同时利用鳞片和耳石重量等对鉴定结果进行验证;(5)南极鱼类尚存在无统一的鉴龄标准、人为主观性较强以及缺乏早期生活史研究等不足之处;(6)为了研究南极鱼类早期生活史,耳石微化学及微结构等方法将被广泛利用。  相似文献   

甲壳类年龄鉴定方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甲壳类特有的蜕壳现象,使其能够记录年龄信息的外骨骼周期性消失,因此甲壳类的年龄鉴定一直未得到较好的解决。年龄鉴定是评估甲壳类渔业资源的基础,鉴定甲壳类年龄的方法主要有饲养法、标记重捕法、体长频度法、脂褐素分析法、放射性同位素分析法和硬组织生长纹分析法。饲养法、标记重捕法和放射性同位素分析法较准确,然而由饲养法得到的数据不适用于实际野生环境,放射性同位素分析法花费较高,因此,这两种方法都存在较大的局限性。应用最广泛的标记重捕法和体长频度法也存在不足之处。相对于体长频度鉴龄技术而言,脂褐素分析法优势明显,但是对劳动强度和技术要求高。硬组织生长纹分析法是最近几年出现的鉴龄技术,也存在人为主观性较强等不足。本文对甲壳类年龄鉴定的方法进行了总结回顾,将不同鉴定方法进行比较,分析优缺点,以期为开展甲壳类资源评估与管理提供基础。  相似文献   

西江广东鲂的年龄鉴定及生长研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用鳞片、脊椎骨和背鳍条三种材料对肇庆自然保护区广东鲂(Megalobrama hoffmanni)的年轮特征进行了研究,并对广东鲂的生长情况进行分析。结果表明:1~4龄三种材料鉴定结果较吻合,5~7龄用脊椎骨鉴定较合适;广东鲂体重生长拐点年龄为4.7龄,5龄前后为合理的捕捞时期,渔获物中3、4龄鱼居多,说明目前捕捞强度过大,需要加强保护力度。  相似文献   

年龄与生长是渔业基础生物学研究的重要内容。体长频度法估算头足类的年龄并不可靠,而利用硬组织来研究头足类的年龄和生长是最为有效的方法之一。内壳作为头足类少数硬组织之一受到国内外学者的广泛关注。本文从内壳的提取、保存、制备、观察,生长纹的特征,生长纹周期性以及日龄鉴定等方面综述了其在头足类年龄和生长方面的研究进展。分析认为,柔鱼类内壳因其生长早期的生长纹不清晰而无法用来鉴定其整个生活史的年龄;乌贼类内壳因其生长受环境尤其水温的影响显著,因此并不适合用作年龄鉴定的材料;而章鱼类内壳在其年龄和生长研究中应用前景最广泛。今后的研究希望能够在年龄鉴定基础上,开展内壳时间序列上的微量元素与稳定同位素研究,为进一步分析头足类的种群结构、摄食生态、栖息环境以及生活史等内容提供基础资料。  相似文献   

鲨鱼类年龄和生长特性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴小杰  高春霞 《水产学报》2012,36(10):1624-1632
鲨鱼是海洋生态系统的重要生物类群。鲨鱼的年龄与生长作为基础的生活史特征,是资源评估所需的关键种群信息。鲨鱼的年龄与生长研究需要解决样本的选择与处理、年龄鉴定的方法和校正、生长模型的运用和参数估计等基本问题,否则难以得到可靠的结果。总结分析了两大类年龄鉴定方法及3种年龄校正技术的优缺点和应用局限性,比较分析了各种生长模型的应用差别,并对常见大洋性鲨鱼的生长参数进行了总结。研究认为,第一背鳍上部的脊椎骨是鲨鱼年龄鉴定的最佳硬质,硬质的处理需要借助化学方法,以提高轮纹清晰度;对年龄鉴定的校正是避免或减少系统误差的关键,校正方法的选择需要考虑鱼种的寿命;生长曲线的拟合需要选择多种备选模型,建议通过AIC信息准则筛选最优模型,为鲨鱼年龄与生长的进一步研究提供方法和技术上的参考,也可以为有关种类的资源评估提供生长参数。  相似文献   

软骨鱼类(鲨、鳐和银鲛类)多位居海洋食物网的顶端或近顶端, 通过下行效应调控海洋生态系统结构和功能, 多为生态系统中的关键性物种。脊椎骨是软骨鱼类支撑身体的重要硬组织, 其生长贯穿整个生活史, 主要应用于鉴定年龄。随着微化学技术的兴起, 并结合脊椎骨轮纹的特殊结构, 可进而掌握鱼类整个生活史中摄食及洄游信息。目前, 国内外基于脊椎骨的微化学研究主要集中在稳定同位素和微量元素分析, 并已取得一定的进展。本文在归纳国内外应用脊椎骨在软骨鱼类生长、摄食及洄游中的应用案例基础上, 着重分析了脊椎骨应用于年龄鉴定及校正、摄食及洄游等核心问题上的研究现状和发展前景, 以期为今后学者展开基于软骨鱼类脊椎骨的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

杨干荣 《淡水渔业》1977,(11):23-25
在鱼类生物学基础的研究和水产资源调查等工作中,对鱼类年龄的研究是必不可少的一个项目,因此准确地鉴定和划分鱼类的年龄组显得极为重要。  相似文献   

黄鳝的年龄鉴定和生长   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈慧 《水产学报》1998,22(4):296-302
用黄鳝的耳石,脊椎骨和舌骨三种材料相对照,对其年龄进行了鉴定。认为舌骨是黄鳝年龄鉴定比较理想的材料,并首次提出尾舌骨也可以作为年龄鉴定的材料。分析了体长,体重的分布,分别用幂函数关系和直线回归方程计算体长与体重的关系式,并进行比较。  相似文献   

林康生 《淡水渔业》1979,(12):20-23
了解某种鱼类生长率上的一种比较好的方法,是通过鱼类年龄和体重(或体长,以下同)的联系方程进行分析。众所周知,某个水域中任何一种鱼,每年生长率不一样。因此,鱼类年龄和体重的联系方程(为了简便,如下简称鱼类联系方程)也不尽相同,需要每年实测样品鱼的年龄和体重值,进行计算,以供分析。  相似文献   

简述了鱼类性别的决定,受遗传、环境因素共同影响;介绍了鱼类性别鉴定方法:表观观测法、组织切片、超声鉴定法、血液生化指标及激素判别法、染色体形态以及染色体带型差异判别法、分子标记法、单细胞测序技术等。分析了各种方法的优缺点及其实际应用范围。提出,今后对于鱼类性别鉴定方法,应着重研究性别特异位点,创新筛选技术,并加大性别分化机制和性别控制的研究力度,进一步开发单细胞测序技术在鱼类性别鉴定中的应用,对于鱼类,尤其是具有明显性别二态性的鱼类研究和渔业发展,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为确定鉴定滇池鲤(Cyprinus carpio)年龄的适宜材料,对4种年龄鉴定材料(耳石、鳞片、胸鳍条和鳃盖骨)的形态和年轮标志进行了描述,并对这4种钙化组织鉴定鲤年龄的一致性进行了探讨。2013年5、6、8-11月以及2014年3-7月,使用拖网采集云南滇池鲤584尾,体长范围7.5~50.5 cm,体重范围17.2~3 211.3 g。其中耳石采集于584尾样本,鳃盖骨和鳞片分别采集于276尾样本,胸鳍条采集于274尾样本。微耳石磨片轮纹清晰,在反射光下呈明暗相间的条纹,年龄标志明显。同一鉴定者2次年龄读数的吻合率,微耳石磨片轮最高(88.0%),鳞片次之(84.1%),胸鳍条和鳃盖骨则分别为73.7%和72.1%。2次读龄的平均误差百分比,微耳石磨片和鳞片较小,分别为2.6%和2.9%;胸鳍条和鳃盖骨较高,分别为4.7%和5.9%。以微耳石磨片年龄读数为基准,鳞片年龄读数与其吻合率最高(77.5%),平均变异系数最低(6.14%);鳃盖骨和胸鳍条与其吻合率分别为61.9%和56.2%,平均变异系数均超过12%。综合分析认为,耳石是滇池鲤年龄鉴定的最佳材料,鉴定4龄以下个体年龄时可使用鳞片,鳃盖骨和胸鳍条则不适于滇池鲤的年龄鉴定。  相似文献   

In the upper Chattahoochee River basin, where some populations of shoal bass, Micropterus cataractae Williams & Burgess, are imperilled, age and growth data are lacking. Age and growth of shoal bass in this basin were assessed with non‐lethal means using scales and mark–recapture. Mark–recapture data allowed for estimation of accuracy and determination of effects of any scale‐based inaccuracies on growth models. Scale‐based age estimates were accurate for 57% of the samples, and errors of 1 to 3 years included equal numbers of over‐ and underestimates of age. von Bertalanffy growth models based on scale ages were similar to those based on mark–recapture ages for ages 3–8 but noticeably divergent for younger and older fish. Scales provided estimates of longevity up to 12 years of age, and growth models produced from mark–recapture suggest scale ages underestimated age, especially for older fish. These populations of shoal bass live longer and grow slower than other populations, suggesting regional management strategies may be needed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Age determinations of whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus (L.)) were compared in two different tests. In the first test, the readers determined the age of each individual from one calcified structure (scale, otolith, or opercular bone) at a time. The samples from three populations, 50 specimens in each, were mixed so that the readers did not know which population each calcified structure was from. A sample of known-age whitefish was used in the second age determination test, where information such as time of catch, length, weight, and sex was available to the readers. In each of the 50 envelopes the reader got scale impressions and two otoliths, one of which had been burned and ground. In the first test, the precision of the readers was low both between readers and between different structures. In the samples of slow-growing populations, the determinations made from the otoliths showed older ages than the determinations from the scales. In the second age determination test the results were better; 73-90% (average 82%) of the determinations were correct. The use of two calcified structures and the knowledge of the material were considered to improve the accuracy. Age determination bias may occur that affects the age distribution: even though 80% of the fish were aged correctly, an exceptionally strong or weak year class could remain unidentified. The estimation of growth rate seemed less sensitive to incorrect age determination than age distribution.  相似文献   

Annual sex hormonal profiles, gonad development and age determination of 18 (13–14 kg body weight) and three (145–226 kg body weight) Mekong giant catfish (MGC) (Pangasianodon gigas, Chevey) reared in earthen ponds in Chiang Mai and from the Mekong River in Chiang Rai, Thailand, respectively, were investigated. The hormonal profiles were determined from blood samples of the fish by electrochemiluminescence immunoassay during May to August in 2000. The highest testosterone levels of 0.06 ng mL?1 in both sexes and the highest oestradiol of 47.8 and 14.23 pg mL?1 in females and males, respectively, were observed in May. The gonadosomatic index was found to be 0.07 for males and 0.38 for females from ponds in comparison with 2.27 for males and 8.29 for females from the Mekong River. Higher development stages of spermatocytes and oocytes of the cultured fish in May than in February and November were demonstrated. No mature germ cells were obtained from either the males or females, indicating no sexual maturity. The average age of fish was determined from the annual rings of the cross‐section of the pectoral fins by a stereomicroscope. The average age of fish in earthen pond determined from the annual ring was 8 years, which agreed with the actual culture records, while those from the Mekong River were 21 years. This information will be beneficial for the breeding programmes and conservation of the MGC.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The blackspot snapper Lutjanus fulviflammus is one of the most common Lutjanus species landed and consumed on Okinawa Island, Japan. Using 901 fish (29.9–304.2 mm in standard length; SL) obtained from fish markets or caught by angling, the age, growth, maturation size and maturation age were estimated. Each opaque zone formed on the otolith every year correlated with their spawning and was thought to be an annual ring. The main spawning season was estimated to be from April to July, which peaked in May and June, with a few mature fish collected in August and September. Maximum ages were observed as 24 years for both sexes and L (mm SL), K and t0 (years) of the von Bertalanffy growth formula were estimated to be 276, 0.144 and −5.22 for females and 247, 0.227 and −3.18 for males, respectively. First maturation size and age were estimated to be 175 mm SL and 2 years for both sexes. A faster growth rate up to 2 years will allow reproduction at a young age and provide many chances for spawning throughout their long life. Furthermore, the possibility exists that populations would easily recover if regulations were established.  相似文献   

基于2016年3月至2017年3月采自沅水支流無水的137尾样本,使用耳石和鳞片为年龄鉴定材料,对银鮈(Squalidus argentatus)的年龄结构和生长特征进行了研究。结果显示:研究样本体长范围为40~115 mm,优势体长组为60~100 mm(占86.1%);体重范围为1.1~23.6 g,优势体重组为3~12 g(占77.4%);共4个年龄组,1龄和2龄为优势年龄组(占93.2%)。体长和耳石半径为直线正相关,L=-9.062+258.896×R(n=132,r2=0.773);体长-体重关系方程为:W=8.557×10~(-6)×L3.134(r2=0.974,n=137),银鮈为异速生长鱼类;以退算体长拟合的von Bertalanffy方程为:Lt=177.7(1-e-0.235(t+0.193))(r2=0.909),Wt=96.1(1-e-0.235(t+0.193))3.13。估算的拐点年龄为4.7龄,对应的体长体重分别为120.9 mm和28.7 g。研究表明耳石是银鮈较好的年龄鉴定材料。沅江银鮈的年龄结构趋于简单,面临较大的捕捞压力,渔业主管部门应为保护其种质资源制定相应的措施。  相似文献   

利用2014年采自湖北长湖的378尾短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)样本,去除包膜和黏液的矢耳石于55℃烘箱中烘烤24 h,电子天平称重(精确至0.001 g),成对t检验结果表明,短颌鲚左右矢耳石重量之间无显著差异(P0.05),数据分析以左右矢耳石重量的平均值计为矢耳石重量;采用直线、幂函数和多项式3种回归方程研究了其耳石重量与年龄的关系。结果显示,长湖短颌鲚的耳石和鳞片均可用于鉴定其年龄,且两者鉴定年龄的吻合度达到75.8%;根据222尾耳石与鳞片年龄一致的短颌鲚样本数据,发现耳石重量与个体的年龄呈显著相关(P0.05);按年龄组以耳石重量与相应的体长作图,可以初步判断所观测年龄的可靠性;利用建立的耳石重量-年龄关系函数估算得到的个体年龄,与直接读取耳石磨片获得的年龄结果无显著差异(P0.05),表明利用矢耳石重量直接推算其个体年龄,可以作为辅助短颌鲚年龄鉴定尤其快速鉴定的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

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