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我国从2020年7月1日起,开始停止生产含有促生长类药物饲料添加剂(中药类除外),此前已生产的商品饲料可流通使用至2020年12月31日,也开始迈入禁抗后的"后抗生素时代".这就要求养猪业采取一系列的"替抗"措施,实施健康养殖、福利养殖技术或方法,新的健康养殖相关技术和"替抗"措施有助于将抗生素的使用水平维持在最低水平.美国比我国略早几年开始全面禁止在牲畜饲料中预防性使用抗生素.  相似文献   

李建建 《当代畜牧》2023,(11):69-71
随着“替抗”产品的出现,畜牧业更加追求安全、绿色、健康的可持续发展。中药解决了抗生素滥用及药残超标等乱象。而血根碱在“替抗”产品中的关注程度很高。  相似文献   

蛋鸡进入产蛋期后要做好无抗养殖,禁止使用抗生素等化学药品,可使用一些代替抗生素的物质进行疾病的治疗,最常见的替抗物有中兽药、生化制品、有抗菌功效的提取物、微生态制剂等.这些替抗物实际抗菌效果表现不如抗生素,但使用后不会发生食品安全问题,养殖场需要了解不同种类替抗物的优缺点,结合自身实际情况科学选用.  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于食品药品安全“四个最严”要求,全面提升畜禽绿色健康养殖水平,府谷县以《全国兽用抗菌药使用减量化行动方案(2021—2025年)》为契机,与西北农林科技大学畜禽无抗养殖技术团队合作,签订“府谷县畜禽减抗替抗养殖技术示范推广”项目合作协议,在府谷县全面开展抗生素减量化示范推广,得到了府谷县委县政府和榆林市科技局的大力支持,从饲料端禁抗、养殖端减抗替抗和粪污端无抗三个方面遏制抗菌药的使用,经过2年的技术示范推广,取得了一定的经验和成果。  相似文献   

<正>从饲料“禁抗”到养殖“无抗”,很多企业都在寻找和创新替抗产品。作为我国独特的医药资源,中兽药成为较好的替抗产品,在响应国家“禁抗、限抗、无抗”战略中起到主力军作用。在中兽药发展的同时,植物提取物也同时备受关注,在养殖过程中大量使用植物提取物来部分替代抗生素以及促进动物健康生长。很多养殖户也把植物提取物与中兽药等同,认为都是来源于中草药。其实这是一个很大的认识误区,需要厘清二者之间的区别。  相似文献   

上期回顾养猪过程中的“减抗”“替抗”方案近几年,养殖业由于抗生素的误用、滥用导致细菌耐药性,受到各界广泛关注。畜牧业要实现可持续发展,抗生素在饲料中的限用和禁用成为必然趋势。因此,饲料减抗、替抗逐渐成为了畜牧业关注的焦点。饲料添加剂的筛选至关重要。其中植物提取物添加剂以其效果明显,缓解应激,预防疾病,提高动物免疫力等特点,受到广大科技人员和畜牧生产者的青睐。  相似文献   

为了解促生长类药物饲料添加剂禁用对江苏省肉鸡养殖现状以及治疗用抗生素和替抗产品应用状况的影响,对全省肉鸡养殖主产区6个市(区)376个不同养殖规模肉鸡养殖场的出栏量、养殖品种和饲养方式、禁抗后临床主要问题、抗生素和替抗产品使用情况等进行问卷调查与分析。结果显示:江苏省黄羽、白羽肉鸡养殖各占一半,主要饲养方式为地面平养;促生长类药物饲料添加剂禁用后肉鸡消化道疾病增多,占比50.9%,其次为消化道疾病+呼吸道疾病(41.0%),且不同养殖品种肉鸡养殖中疾病发生率存在显著差异;肉鸡养殖场治疗用抗生素涵盖β-内酰胺类、氨基糖苷类等9大类,且偏向使用中草药制剂(44.83%)及其组合产品(33.33%);85%以上的肉鸡养殖场抗生素和替抗产品使用成本控制在1元/只以内。研究表明,促生长类药物饲料添加剂禁用后肉鸡养殖中消化道疾病发生率最高,治疗用抗生素使用类别多,且偏向使用中草药制剂及其组合产品,抗生素和替抗产品使用成本在1元/只以内。  相似文献   

正2018年农业农村部发布的《农业绿色发展技术导则(2018—2030)》的主要任务是研制绿色投入品,重点研发高效植物提取物、新型中兽药,集成示范畜禽水产无抗环保饲料产品,推广应用绿色饲料添加剂、中兽医药。1减抗替抗的几个认识误区1.1减抗替抗=无抗?减抗替抗不等于无抗。减抗即减少抗菌药物(或抗生素)的应用,是指治疗使用的抗生素,  相似文献   

在畜牧业发展的早期,由于技术水平和养殖条件的限制,动物生产性能较低,发病率和死亡率偏高,影响了畜牧业的发展。Moore等在1946年首次报道了在饲料中添加抗生素,能明显提高肉鸡的日增重,随后,1950年美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)首次批准抗生素用作饲料添加剂,我国原农业部于1994年首次发布了饲料药物添加剂允许使用品种目录。抗生素作为猪只的促生长添加剂在国内外被广泛应用,先后经历了人畜共用、人畜分开和饲用抗生素3个发展阶段,实践证明,其抗菌、促生长效果显著,为养猪业的发展做出了巨大贡献。然而,在抗生素的长期使用过程中,由于一些猪场不严格遵守停药期,发生了抗生素超量添加、滥用等现象,引发的问题越来越严重,如耐药性、畜产品中抗生素残留和环境污染等。因此,不同国家相继出台法令,限制和禁止抗生素促生长药物添加剂在饲料中使用(见图1),我国也于2020年7月1日实施饲料“禁抗”条例。从国外禁抗后的养猪实践说明,猪的肠道健康和免疫力的提升是替抗的关键,必须采取综合的替抗措施,才能保持猪只的生产性能。人们要关注猪只的精准营养需要,并适当优化饲料的营养结构、优化原料和添加剂选择、优化组合与加工,提升饲养管理水平,改善饲养条件,保障生物安全等多措并举,现在欧洲各国的养猪业的效益已重回世界巅峰。文章主要就无抗饲料的营养与饲料关键技术进行阐述,旨在为处于“禁抗”时代的我国猪场提供养殖建议。  相似文献   

随着国家养殖业“减抗、无抗、替抗”政策的不断推进,无抗养殖逐渐成为当今肉鸡产业的发展趋势。基于此,本文从抗生素的危害、目前常用的抗生素替代品的优势、白羽肉鸡无抗养殖技术要点三个方面进行概述,以期为养殖场户提供相关的理论依据,促进我国肉鸡产业的发展。  相似文献   

中美欧兽用抗菌药与细菌耐药性管理政策对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过跟踪研究欧盟、美国与我国兽用抗菌药“禁抗、限抗与减抗”等管理政策,分析中美欧遏制耐药性风险效果及管理趋向,提出综合提升遏制细菌耐药性能力,改善饲养环境,科学使用兽用抗菌药、精准施策,研发兽医专用抗菌药,发挥中国技术优势。  相似文献   

吕宁  刘长仲 《草地学报》2014,22(6):1385-1388
为明确不同抗生素处理方式对红色型豌豆蚜(Acyrthosiphon piusm)生长发育和繁殖的影响,将利福平、盐酸金霉素、氯霉素、盐酸土霉素、青霉素G 钾盐和硫酸链霉素6种抗生素分别进行同时喷洒蚕豆(Vicia faba)植株和蚜虫虫体、只喷洒蚜虫虫体和只喷洒蚕豆植株3种处理,获得了各处理下红色型豌豆蚜发育历期和平均产蚜量生物学参数.结果表明:对其生长发育和繁殖影响最大的抗生素是利福平;影响最大的处理方式是同时喷洒植株和虫体.4种组合处理影响大小顺序为:利福平同时喷洒植株和虫体处理>利福平喷洒植株处理>利福平喷洒虫体处理>土霉素同时喷洒植株和虫体.  相似文献   

为探究西藏自治区山南市某地农户饲养的绵羊大批死亡的原因,采集病死羊心脏、脾脏、小肠、肺脏、气管等病料,进行细菌培养、分离鉴定、PCR检测、血清型鉴定、毒力基因检测及药敏特性分析。结果显示:从病死羊肺脏病料中分离出一株溶血性曼氏杆菌,血清型为2型;特异性PCR检测为阳性,证明分离菌株为溶血性曼氏杆菌;药敏试验结果显示,分离的溶血性曼氏杆菌对大多数临床常用抗生素敏感;主要毒力基因lktA检测为阳性。该研究首次从西藏绵羊分离出溶血性曼氏杆菌,并研究了其药敏特性,为该病的诊断与治疗提供了参考。  相似文献   

Blood samples were taken from 18 healthy horses (Group A), 15 horses clinically diagnosed to have "haysickness" ("farmer's lung") (Group B), 10 closely related horses (Group C) and 14 inbred horses (Group D). Precipitins in sera were measured by double gel diffusion test against Micropolyspora faeni, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Aspergillus fumigatus, Alternaria, Penicillium and Rhizopus species. In Group A, all the horses were precipitin negative except one with a faint reaction to Rhizopus species. In Group B all had precipitin against M faeni. One horse also had precipitins against Rhizopus species and another against A fumigatus. In Group C, seven of the 10 horses had precipitins against M faeni. Of these, five had a history of respiratory signs, but two horses with a faint reaction had no such history. In Group D, four out of 14 horses had positive precipitin tests against M faeni. Of these four horses, three also had a faint reaction to A fumigatus and one a faint reaction to Alternaria species. All were asymptomatic. These results indicate that "farmer's lung" in man and "haysickness" in horses are of the same origin. However, further studies are necessary to substantiate the diagnostic or prognostic value of these precipitin tests in equine practice. The question of whether hereditary factors play a role in causing this disease also warrants further studies.  相似文献   

A 1-mo-old reticulated giraffe had progressive anorexia and died at the Ordos Zoo. Autopsy revealed necrotic stomatitis with severe bilateral necroulcerative lesions at the base of the tongue and of the cheeks near the commissures of the mouth. There was also severe bilateral confluent bronchopneumonia with a pronounced bronchial pattern and multifocal fibrinous pleuritis. Histologically, there was serofibrinous-suppurative bronchopneumonia with necrosuppurative bronchiolitis and necrotic arteritis. Filamentous bacteria with morphology consistent with Fusobacterium necrophorum were observed at the advancing edge of the necrotic tissue in the tongue and cheeks, as well as in the affected alveolar spaces and bronchioles. Aggregates of slender, gram-negative, rod-like or filamentous bacteria were identified in the lung impression smear. PCR results of 16S rDNA of the tongue and lung lesions had 100% homology to the F. necrophorum subsp. funduliforme B35 sequence (EF447425.1). The gross, histologic, Gram stain, and PCR product sequencing features in our case were consistent with oral and pulmonary necrobacillosis in ruminants, a rare disease of giraffes.  相似文献   

乳酸菌与中药合生元对肉鸡生长性能及饲料利用率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验分别向肉仔鸡日粮中添加等量的抗生素和乳酸菌与中药合生元制剂,通过测定肉仔鸡的各项生长指标和饲料利用率指标,探讨乳酸菌与中药合生元在肉鸡生长和饲料利用率方面替代抗生素的优势.结果表明,试验组与对照组在生长性能和饲料利用率上各指标均差异不显著(P〉0.05),说明乳酸菌与中药合生元可以替代抗生素饲喂给肉仔鸡.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi is a soil borne bacterium that causes severe morbidity and death in young foals. The economic costs of the disease include loss of life, treatment expenses, veterinary monitoring expenses and, perhaps most importantly, potential reduction in future athletic performance in horses that suffer severe lung abscessations caused by R. equi. Current standard of care for pneumonia caused by R. equi is treatment with a macrolide antimicrobial and rifampicin. However, the hallmark of pneumonia caused by R. equi is severe formation of pyogranulomas and a walling off effect that can prevent systemic antibiotics from reaching antimicrobial concentrations in lung tissues. It is hypothesized that streptolysin O (SLO) used as an adjunct therapy with antibiotics will reduce the duration and severity of disease caused by R. equi pneumonia compared to antibiotic therapy alone. Addition of SLO to the antibiotic enhanced clinical responses compared to the other groups, including the antibiotic alone group. Of particular significance were lower bacterial counts in the lungs and longer survival time in those foals treated with SLO and antibiotics.  相似文献   

The selection of lipid-soluble antibiotics capable of intracellular penetration is considered critical for the successful treatment of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia and lung abscesses in foals. Two such antibiotics: erythromycin (25 mg kg-1, three times daily) and rifampin (5 mg kg-1 twice daily) have been used in combination for this purpose at the University of Florida since 1981. Positive evidence of R. equi was present on culture of tracheal aspirates in 57 foals, most of which exhibited radiographic evidence of extensive lung abscessation. The duration of therapy ranged from 4 to 9 weeks. Mild diarrhea was sometimes noted, but was never severe enough to require the termination of therapy. No other adverse side effects were apparent. Judged by a return of chest radiographs and hematologic parameters to normal, 50 of the 57 foals were considered to have recovered from the disease; a success rate of 88%.  相似文献   

流感病毒作为一种常见的呼吸道病毒,是人类健康和世界经济的巨大威胁。目前流感治疗遇到病毒高度突变的问题,不断完善已有的控制流感感染方法的同时,也需要开阔视野从宿主反应的角度探索控制流感的新措施,本研究从肠道微生物的角度探索流感造成肺损伤的机制。提前3周将组合抗生素和益生元添加到小鼠饮水中构建不同的肠道微生物环境,小鼠感染流感病毒后运用16S rDNA技术测定结肠微生物组成,蛋白免疫印迹法测定肺部Th17和Treg细胞转录因子RORγT和Foxp3的表达情况,苏木精-伊红染色、荧光定量PCR测定肺损伤状况。结果表明,提前使用组合抗生素和益生元能够改变肠道菌群组成,通过降低肠道菌群数目和增加肠道拟杆菌相对丰度保护肠道,从而反作用于肺部诱导肺Treg细胞分化,抑制Th17细胞分化,改善流感造成的肺损伤。  相似文献   

This case report describes a cat with metastasis of a bronchial adenocarcinoma to the abdominal skin. The cat had been treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids for several episodes of coughing when it acutely developed erythema, pustules and plaques on the abdominal skin. Diagnosis was based on cytological examination of fine-needle aspirates of cutaneous pustules, X-ray examination of the thorax and histological examination of skin biopsy samples. As the prognosis was poor, the cat was euthanased. Necropsy findings confirmed the diagnosis. Cutaneous metastases of lung carcinoma are rare in cats but have been reported in the digits with underlying bone involvement. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of metastasis of a feline bronchial carcinoma to the ventral skin.  相似文献   

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