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抗菌消炎药物特别是抗生素对创伤的局部治疗作用早已阐明。蛋白水解酶局部用于污染创伤能对创伤的抗菌治疗起到良好的辅助作用,这也是近年在外科临床逐渐普及的实践[1]。把蛋白水解酶和抗菌药物结合于基质载体中一同用于污染创,对于创伤的治疗效果如何,酶与抗菌药物,有何交互作用,酶在基质中活性能保持多久,这些方面都有必要进一步探讨。1 试验软膏药物敏感试验1.1 试验软膏 木瓜酶和菠萝酶选用符合临床质量标准与国家药典的商品制剂。抗生素和抗菌药物选用庆大霉素、红霉素、诺氟沙星和丁胺卡那霉素。用市售黄凡士林作载体…  相似文献   

文章研究了用不同比例血球蛋白替代鱼粉对鲤幼鱼肝胰脏和肠道主要消化酶(蛋白酶、脂肪酶和淀粉酶)活性和血清溶菌酶活力的影响。结果显示,血球蛋白可以显著降低鲤幼鱼肝胰脏蛋白酶活力(P0.05);对肠道蛋白酶活力的影响不显著(P0.05),但酶活力呈上升趋势。可以显著降低鲤幼鱼肝胰脏淀粉酶活力(P0.05);对肠道淀粉酶活力影响不显著(P0.05),但酶活力呈上升趋势。对鲤幼鱼肝胰脏和肠道的脂肪酶活力影响均不显著(P0.05)。对鲤幼鱼溶菌酶活力影响不显著(P0.05)。可以得出,用血球蛋白替代2%~8%的鱼粉饲养鲤幼鱼没有很大的负面影响,血球蛋白是一种很好的鱼粉替代品。  相似文献   

低聚木糖梯度添加对异育银鲫生产性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前在水产养殖中,为促进水产动物生长,常使用抗生素和抗菌药物预防和治疗动物疾病,以降低其对动物生长的影响。由于存在药物残留和抗药性问题,开发抗生素和抗菌药物的替代品成为近年来研究的热点。寡糖是一种无污染、无残留且功能独特的新型饲料添加剂。  相似文献   

本文介绍俄罗斯科学院西伯利亚分院细胞与基因研究所科研人员用电子束加速器固定胰蛋白酶的情况,这种固定化蛋白酶制剂有很强的蛋白水解活力,可以分解和杀灭病原体并且对病灶的修复有较大促进作用。因此,用该制剂治疗家畜化脓性疾病有显著疗效,不仅减少使用抗生素造成畜产品药物残留问题,而且还能提高病畜的自身免疫能力。  相似文献   

采用胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶、酸性蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶和碱性蛋白酶酶解乳铁蛋白,通过对酶解产物抗菌活性的测定,确定了胃蛋白酶酶解产物具有较强的抗菌活性。并研究了不同pH值条件和热处理对酶解产物抗菌特性的影响,结果表明,在pH值4.0~8.0范围内和80~121℃加热15min对胃蛋白酶酶解产物抗菌活性的影响均不明显。  相似文献   

国内首创对家禽疾病防治有着显著疗效的科技新成果抗菌酶 ,最近在上海问世。从动物体内和蛋清中提取有效成分制成的抗菌酶 ,具有清炎杀菌、增加家禽抵抗力的明显效果。临床实验表明 ,其对家禽呼吸道、肠胃道疾病的治疗有效率达85 %以上 ,2年内抗菌酶的活力下降不超过1 %。其对家禽疾病临床常见的沙门氏菌等主要11种致病菌 ,以及100多株耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌等病菌的抑制效果明显优于青霉素、链霉素、氨苄青霉素、头孢唑啉等抗生素。其可添加在饲料和饮水中使用 ,每公斤饲料中添加1克抗菌酶就可达到防病治病的目的 ,并具有高效、无毒、无…  相似文献   

抗生素是治疗细菌感染的有效药物,但由于抗生素在畜牧业中的大量使用导致细菌耐药性问题日益严重,给细菌感染的治疗带来极大挑战,因此开发新型的抗菌策略迫在眉睫。纳米抗菌策略在细菌感染治疗方面表现出巨大潜力,本文对目前纳米抗菌策略中的纳米抗菌材料及纳米抗菌药物在细菌防治方面的研究进展进行总结,以期对细菌感染治疗新策略的研发提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

本文具体分析了羊病治疗中存在的误区,如消毒工作不到位、药物使用不对症、延误治疗时间、过早停药、随意使用抗生素、药物用法用量不准确。针对这些治疗误区提出了相应的解决办法,消毒时不仅对羊只消毒,还需对圈舍、运动场及相关饲养器械等消毒;抗生素治疗羔羊腹泻时首先需为其补液以提升羔羊消化道内酶的活力,有效调节消化道的酸碱度,再用抗生素治疗;在日常养殖中需细心谨慎观察羊只状况,以防病情延误等。  相似文献   

比较蓖麻蚕幼虫、家蚕幼虫和蛹及柞蚕蛹的血淋巴及中肠的蛋白水解酶的活力表明,家蚕幼虫中肠的酶活力较高:幼虫的酶活力高于蛹.测定了柞蚕蛹中几种组织和体液的蛋白水解酶活力,仅发育后期蛹的中肠有蛋白水解酶的活力.脂肪体及血淋巴均来测得明显的蛋白水解酶活力.柞蚕在不同的生长发育时期蛋白水解酶活力不同.成蛹初期,抑制剂活力较高,酶活力很低,随着蛹的发育,抑制剂活力逐渐下降,酶活力逐渐上升.此抑制剂对热稳定,既能抑制胰凝乳蛋白酶,也能抑制胰蛋白酶.将发育后期蛹的中肠匀浆进行层析,可粗分得两种蛋白酶组分,其一能被慈姑抑制剂抑制,而不能被柞蚕抑制剂(由蛹血淋巴中提取,属胰蛋白酶的抑制剂类)所抑制,推断此蛋白水解酶可能是胰凝乳蛋白酶的类似物.  相似文献   

新华社信息上海2月3日电(陈犁书)国内首创对家禽疾病防治有着显著疗效的科技新成果抗菌酶,最近在上海问世。从动物体内和蛋清中提取有效成份制成的抗菌酶,具有清炎杀菌、增加家禽抵抗力的明显效果。临床实验表明,其对家禽呼吸道、胃肠道疾病的治疗有效率达85%以上,两年内抗菌酶的活力下降不超过1%。其对家禽疾病临床常见的沙门氏菌等主要11种致病菌,以及100多株耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌等病菌的抑制效果明显优于青霉素、链霉素、氨苄青霉素、头孢唑啉等抗生素。其可添加在饲料和饮水中使用,每公斤饲料中添加1g抗菌酶就可达到防病治病的目的…  相似文献   

为了研究复合营养舔砖对瘤胃酶活性及消化代谢的影响,选用4头装有永久瘤胃瘘管的公牛(丹麦红牛公与闽南黄牛母的杂种一代),采用反转试验设计,对瘤胃内pH值、氨态氮(NH3-N)和瘤胃液中纤维素酶、蛋白水解酶的活性进行测定。研究表明:(1)饲喂舔砖后,瘤胃液pH值在短时间内下降,随后又缓慢升高。pH值波动幅度较大,这与复合营养舔砖的蛋白降解率较高有关。(2)舔砖对瘤胃内NH3-N浓度有较大影响,舔砖的粗蛋白含量高达38.7%,产生的NH3-N浓度比对照组高且差异显著。(3)舔砖对瘤胃液蛋白水解酶和纤维素酶的活性没有显著影响,这表明每头饲喂500g/d舔砖对牛的消化代谢功能不会产生不良影响。  相似文献   

Studies on enzyme digestion in the precaecal part of the digestive tract show that the pig posesses digestive enzymes that can completely break down dietary substrates to absorbable nutrients. Gastric pepsins, pancreatic proteolytic enzymes and intestinal peptidases are responsible for the hydrolysis of dietary proteins; salivary and pancreatic α-amylases start the hydrolysis of starch, its products being broken down by intestinal carbohydrases; dietary lipids, mainly triglycerides, are hydrolyzed in the intestinal lumen by the complex lipase—colipase—bile salts. Hydrolysis of food components may be complete, depending upon different factors such as the composition of the diet or the nature of the substrate.  相似文献   

The effects of four topical medications on the rate and character of healing of cutaneous wounds were studied in six common garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) held at an ambient temperature of 30 degrees C. Two sets of five 6 to 8 mm round excisional wounds, four test and one control site in each set, were created on the dorsolateral body wall of each snake. Wounds were examined daily and treated for ten days, then the snakes were killed and sections of all wounds were examined by light microscopy. Composite scores, derived by ranking each treatment group in relation to the control group (control score = 0) for each of 22 characteristics associated with wound healing, were used to compare the overall effects of each treatment. Statistical comparisons were made between groups for 20 characteristics. Wounds treated with a polyurethane film merited a score of +12 and had significantly more advanced healing than untreated controls for three characteristics. Wounds treated with an ointment containing scarlet red scored +6 but healing was not significantly greater than controls. Wounds treated with an antibacterial spray powder and an antibacterial ointment healed more slowly than controls and had scores of -6 and -12 respectively.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical properties of six crude phytase preparations were compared. Four of these enzymes (Aspergillus A, Aspergillus R, Peniophora and Aspergillus T) were produced at commercial scale for the use as feed additives while the other two (E. coli and Bacillus) were produced at laboratory scale. The encoding genes of the enzymes were from different microbial origins (4 of fungal origin and 2 of bacterial origin, i.e., E. coli and Bacillus phytases). One of the fungal phytases (Aspergillus R) was expressed in transgenic rape. The enzymes were studied for their pH behaviour, temperature optimum and stability and resistance to protease inactivation. The phytases were found to exhibit different properties depending on source of the phytase gene and the production organism. The pH profiles of the enzymes showed that the fungal phytases had their pH optima ranging from 4.5 to 5.5. The bacterial E. coli phytase had also its pH optimum in the acidic range at pH 4.5 while the pH optimum for the Bacillus enzyme was identified at pH 7.0. Temperature optima were at 50 and 60 degrees C for the fungal and bacterial phytases, respectively. The Bacillus phytase was more thermostable in aqueous solutions than all other enzymes. In pelleting experiments performed at 60, 70 and 80 degrees C in the conditioner, Aspergillus A, Peniophora (measurement at pH 5.5) and E. coli phytases were more heat stable compared to other enzymes (Bacillus enzyme was not included). At a temperature of 70 degrees C in the conditioner, these enzymes maintained a residual activity of approximately 70% after pelleting compared to approximately 30% determined for the other enzymes. Incubation of enzyme preparations with porcine proteases revealed that only E. coli phytase was insensitive against pepsin and pancreatin. Incubation of the enzymes in digesta supernatants from various segments of the digestive tract of hens revealed that digesta from stomach inactivated the enzymes most efficiently except E. coli phytase which had a residual activity of 93% after 60 min incubation at 40 degrees C. It can be concluded that phytases of various microbial origins behave differently with respect to their in vitro properties which could be of importance for future developments of phytase preparations. Especially bacterial phytases contain properties like high temperature stability (Bacillus phytase) and high proteolytic stability (E. coli phytase) which make them favourable for future applications as feed additives.  相似文献   

微孢子虫的蛋白水解酶类不仅参与代谢活动,而且可能作为一种潜在的侵染宿主的毒力因子。为了研究家蚕微孢子虫蛋白水解酶的种类及蛋白质结构特点,将家蚕微孢子虫总蛋白经非变性凝胶电泳后与底物酪蛋白孵育,检测到可水解酪蛋白的蛋白酶类的活性。采用质谱法分析该类蛋白酶主要是锌离子依赖型的细胞质型亮氨酰氨肽酶和丝氨酸蛋白酶。细胞质型亮氨酰氨肽酶序列是由1 515个碱基编码的505个氨基酸组成,无信号肽,有2个潜在的锌离子结合部位,属于金属蛋白酶M17家族;丝氨酸蛋白酶具有肽酶S8结构域和跨膜域。通过序列比对发现在兔脑炎微孢子虫、蝗虫微孢子虫、蜜蜂微孢子虫、肠道微孢子虫和比氏肠道微孢子虫中均有这2种酶,且相似度较高,其进化较为保守。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the property of antibacterial, production of enzymes, tolerance and in vitro digestibility of 11 Bacillus subtilis strains.9 Bacillus subtilis strains were screened out according to antibacterial property and production of enzymes. After tests of heat, pH tolerance, artificial gastrointestinal fluid and pig bile salt,6 Bacillus subtilis strains had good performance in simulation of animal digestive tract and strong heat tolerance in the process of production. Meanwhile, 5 strains BLCC1-1, BLCC1-2, BLCC1-3,BLCC1-4 and BLCC1-6 had good digestion effects on different combinations of feeds. Based on the above results,it suggested that BLCC1-1, BLCC1-2, BLCC1-4 and BLCC1-6 had excellent production of enzymes, tolerance and in vitro digestibility, which might be suitable for using as feed additives and further research.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究11株枯草芽孢杆菌的抑菌、产酶、耐受性和体外消化率等益生特性。从11株枯草芽孢杆菌中初筛得到9株体外抑菌特性和产酶特性均较好的芽孢杆菌;经过热、人工胃肠液、胆盐等耐受性复筛,结果表明9株芽孢杆菌中有6株对胆盐、胃酸、肠液等人工模拟的消化道内环境和生产过程中的热耐受性较强;经模拟动物体消化道的试验结果表明,9株芽孢杆菌中有5株(BLCC1-1、BLCC1-2、BLCC1-3、BLCC1-4、BLCC1-6)对不同组合饲料的消化效果较好。综合以上试验结果,既表现出较好的产酶、抑菌和耐受性,又对组合饲料有良好的消化效果的枯草芽孢杆菌有BLCC1-1、BLCC1-2、BLCC1-4和BLCC1-6,这4株枯草芽孢杆菌具有作为饲料添加剂应用于畜禽饲料中的潜力,可进一步开展研究。  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity has long been regarded as an important characteristic for distinguishing between different types of Clostridium botulinum. While all strains of Clostridium botulinum type A examined so far possess proteolytic activity, the types B and F have both proteolytic and non-proteolytic varieties. Clostridium botulinum types C, D and E were generally regarded as non-proteolytic, but different investigators have shown proteolytic activity in certain strains of these types. A summary of the classification of proteolytic enzymes in general is given and further, investigations are reviewed on the proteolytic activity in Clostridium botulinum.  相似文献   

Effect of age, weaning and diet on digestive enzyme levels in the piglet   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Thirty-seven pigs were used to evaluate the effects of age and weaning on the level of protease in the gastric mucosa and trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase and lipase in the pancreas. There was a positive allometry of the pancreas and gastric mucosa associated with age and with weaning to a solid diet. Increases with age in total activity of chymotrypsin, trypsin, amylase and gastric proteases were due to increases in both tissue weight and enzyme activity per gram of tissue. A general depression in pancreatic enzymatic activities, but not in gastric proteolytic activity, was found during the first week following weaning. Forty pigs were used in a second trial to evaluate the effects of age and weaning diet on the same digestive enzymes. Total activity of all enzymes assayed increased with time postweaning. Increases in total activity of lipase and chymotrypsin were due primarily to increased pancreatic weight postweaning. Amylase, trypsin and gastric protease increases were due both to increased tissue weight and increased activity per gram of tissue. There were no effects of diet on the weight of gastric mucosa or the level of activity of the gastric proteases. Pigs fed a diet containing 20% whey had larger pancreases (P less than .10) at slaughter and a greater, but nonsignificant, mean activity per gram of pancreas for all pancreatic enzymes. It appears that the pig has sufficient pancreatic and gastric enzyme activity so that performance should not be limited, with the possible exception of the period shortly after weaning. However diet digestibility and subsequent pig performance may be more directly related to the extent of release of these enzymes into the intestine and the conditions that exist therein.  相似文献   

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