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1株难以定型的鸭疫里默氏菌分离株   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用未经过吸收和经过吸收的抗血清,通过凝集试验和沉淀试验对1999年从河北某鸭场分离到的1株鸭疫里默氏菌(编号为C515)进行了研究。玻片凝集试验可将C515鉴定为19型,试管凝集试验表明,C515与19型参考菌株只有单向低度交叉凝集反应;C515不在10型抗血清中凝集,但C515抗血清可与10型参考菌株发生凝集反应;交互吸收可消除C515与10型和19型之间的交叉凝集反应,但不影响同源凝集反应和同源沉淀反应。C515与1~19型中的其他17个型的参考菌株没有可见的凝集反应,c515与1~19型参考菌株均不产生可见的沉淀反应。单独比较c515与1~19型参考菌株的关系,可将它鉴定为不同于1~19型的血清型,但该菌株还与10型的4个亚型菌株存在不同程度的交叉反应,尤其与亚型4(代表菌株为C598)存在高度交叉凝集反应和清晰的交叉沉淀反应;若将C515定为10型的亚型,又不符合10型分离株的共性。因此,该菌株属于难以定型的一类,可将它暂时鉴定为C598菌株的一个变异株。  相似文献   

血清10型鸭疫里默氏菌4个亚型的分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
采用琼脂扩散沉淀试验,对只与血清10型鸭疫里默氏菌参考菌株H2199的抗血清发生凝集反应的58株分离株进行了抗原性分析。根据沉淀反应模式,可将这些分离株分成4类:第1类是以C2为代表的30株;第2类是以C449为代表的3株;第3类是以C459为代表的6株;第4类是以C598为代表的19株。第1类分离株与H2199具有相同的热稳定抗原模式,其他类型的分离株与各类代表菌株的热稳定抗原具有同一性,但彼此之间以及与H2199之间存在明显的抗原差异。用未经吸收和经过吸收的抗血清经玻片凝集试验和试管凝集试验对H2199和4类分离株彼此之间的抗原关系进行了进一步的分析。以C2为代表的分离株属于真正的10型;以C459为代表的分离株与H2199存在显著的抗原差异,它们除了与H2199拥有共同抗原外,还有自己的特异性抗原成分,因此,H2199与C459之间的抗原关系可描述为ab.bc。类似的抗原关系还分别存在于H2199与C598、C598与C449之间。但是,在试管凝集试验中,分别相对于C449、C459和C459而言,菌株H2199、C598和C449缺乏自己的特异性抗原成分,因此,H2199-C449、C449-C459、C598-C459之间的抗原关系可分别描述为b-bc。基于上述结果,可将只与10型抗血清发生凝集反应的分离株分成4个亚型,分别以菌株H2199(或C2)、C449、C459、C598作为亚型1~4的代表菌株。  相似文献   

用3种分型方法研究鸭疫里默氏菌的血清型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用玻片凝集试验、试管凝集试验和琼脂扩散沉淀试验3种方法,检测了鸭疫里默氏菌的19个参考菌株和部分分离株与同型和异型抗血清的反应。结果表明,3种分型方法具有很好的相关性,但在检测异型菌株之间的交叉反应时表现出不同。玻片凝集试验适于对大量分离株的快速筛选,但不能作出准确定型。以各型参考菌株为参照,根据试管凝集试验可将被检菌株分型,但当分离株与一个以上血清型的抗血清产生差异较小的凝集效价时,则难以定型。琼扩试验也适合于对分离株进行进一步检测,但要求制备较高效价的抗血清。对血清进行吸收可消除3种分型试验中的所有交叉反应,并制备出单因子血清。但这些单因子血清只是相对于已知血清型具有特异性,某些分离株虽然只与某型单因子血清发生凝集反应,仍可能属于新的血清型或某个已知型的亚型。  相似文献   

对河北省故城地区送检的疑似鸭疫里默氏杆菌感染发病的病鸭进行病原菌的分离鉴定,根据培养特性和生化鉴定结果鉴定出13株鸭疫里默氏杆菌,并对分离菌进行了血清型鉴定和药物敏感试验;经玻片凝集试验和琼脂扩散试验得出血清1型5株,血清2型4株,血清6型1株,血清10型1株,还有2株未定型。试验证明血清1、2型是目前故城地区鸭疫里默氏杆菌的主要流行血清型,分离菌株对雏鸭有很强的致病性且耐药谱较广,但对氧氟沙星、盐酸恩诺沙星和氟苯尼考较为敏感。  相似文献   

苏中地区鸭疫里氏杆菌血清学调查及多价疫苗的研制   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
通过玻板凝集试验,对72株鸭疫里氏杆菌(RA)分离株血清型进行了鉴定,血清1、2、3、7和10型分别为11、28、10、7和4株,12株未能鉴定出血清型。选择其中3种优势血清型菌株,制成了三价油乳剂灭活苗,并进行了田间免疫保护试验,结果表明,其对鸭疫里氏杆菌病有较好的预防效果。  相似文献   

鸭疫里默氏菌一个可能新型的鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用玻片凝集试验、试管凝集试验和琼脂扩散沉淀试验,对13个鸭疫里默氏菌分离株进行了血清型鉴定。玻片凝集试验中,这些菌株只与8型抗血清发生强凝集反应,试管凝集试验中,其代表菌株C882与8型参考菌株之间仅存在单向低度交叉凝集反应,且与1~19型中的其他18个血清型参考菌株无可见的交叉凝集反应;用C882吸收可消除8型抗血清与C882等菌株之间的交叉凝集反应,但不影响8型抗血清的同源凝集反应和沉淀反应能力。琼扩试验中,C882与1~19型参考菌株之间不产生可见的交叉沉淀反应。沉淀反应模式表明,以C882为代表的13株细菌的热稳定抗原具有同一性。结果表明,13株待检菌株可能属于一个新的血清型。  相似文献   

为了解本地区鸭疫里默氏杆菌的流行血清型及耐药情况,笔者采集了各地疑似鸭疫里默氏杆菌感染的病鸭病料。无菌采集脑、心血、肝等组织接种于血清营养琼脂,进行细菌的分离培养。将疑似菌株进行革兰氏染色镜检。提取细菌DNA进行PCR鉴定和序列测定。通过玻片凝集试验和药敏试验,确定分离菌株的血清型和耐药性。结果共分离到37株鸭疫里默氏杆菌。玻片凝集试验显示,分离的鸭疫里默氏杆菌属于1型、2型、6型、7型、10型、11型及未知血清型,其中1型和2型所占比例最高。药敏试验结果显示,分离到的菌株对头孢类、喹诺酮类和氯霉素类药物敏感性较高。  相似文献   

广东地区鸭疫里氏杆菌的血清型及抗药性情况调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对2006~2008年间从广东省规模化鸭场罹患鸭传染性浆膜炎的病鸭中分离的鸭疫里氏杆菌的血清型和抗药性流行情况进行了调查和分析。在122个鸭场中共分离鉴定出鸭疫里氏杆菌86株。平板凝集试验结果表明血清1型菌株有81株,占总分离株的94.18%;其他血清型有8型2株,4型、3型和10型各1株,提示血清1型仍是广东省流行的优势血清型。以纸片法测定所分离菌株对氟苯尼考等13种常用抗菌药物的敏感性,结果显示广东地区鸭疫里氏杆菌抗药性严重,其中仅对阿莫西林、氨苄青霉素、头孢噻吩和氟苯尼考相对敏感,敏感菌株的比例分别为82.55%、77.91%、82.55%和81.39%,对其他抗菌药物均有抗性,75.58%的菌株同时对5种以上的抗菌药物具有多重抗药性,且不同地区鸭疫里氏杆菌分离株的药物敏感性也存在明显差异。  相似文献   

鸭疫里默氏杆菌的分离鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从广州市郊区几个鸭场发病或死亡鸭的脑、心血、肝、脾等组织中分离到6株革兰氏阴性杆菌,经形态学检查、生化试验、动物实验等鉴定均为鸭疫里默氏杆菌。通过凝集试验和琼脂扩散试验鉴定:2株为鸭疫里默氏杆菌Ⅰ型,4株为鸭疫里默氏杆菌Ⅱ型。  相似文献   

对2008~2010年从云南宜良县鸭传染性浆膜炎病鸭中分离的鸭疫里默氏杆菌的血清型和抗药性进行了调查和分析。在89个鸭场中共分离鉴定出鸭疫里默氏杆菌67株。平板凝集试验结果表明血清1型菌株有61株,占分离株总数的91.04%,是宜良县鸭疫里默氏杆菌的优势血清型。以纸片法测定了所分离菌株对18种常用抗菌药物的敏感性,仅头孢噻吩、氟苯尼考和阿莫西林相对敏感,敏感菌株的比例分别为100%、82.90%和62.69%。此外,多重耐药现象严重。  相似文献   

A total of 90 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae field strains from pigs were serotyped by slide agglutination and analyzed for the presence of the apxIV gene by polymerase chain reaction. Of the 90 isolates serotyped, serotypes 2 (47 isolates) and 5 (25 isolates) were the most common, followed by serotype 6 (10 isolates). Three isolates belonged to serotype 7, and 5 isolates could not be typed. All 90 A. pleuropneumoniae field isolates tested carried the apxIV gene. This gene is species specific rather than serotype specific. Therefore, the ApxIV toxin has potential value for use both in vaccines and in diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

K Min  C Chae 《The Veterinary record》1999,145(9):251-254
A total of 100 field isolates of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae isolated from lung tissues of pigs with severe pleuropneumonia were serotyped by slide agglutination and precipitation tests. Polymerase chain reactions for apxICA, apxIICA, apxIIICA, apxIBD and apxIIIBD genes were used to determine their genotype prevalence. Serotypes 2 (56 isolates), 5 (28 isolates) and 6 (11 isolates) were the most common; only two isolates belonged to serotype 7, and three were untyped. Among the 97 isolates identified by serotype, 70 had the same apx genes as their respective serotype reference strains, but 27 did not have any of the apx genes present in the corresponding serotype reference strain. Among these 27 isolates, 10 were serotype 2, 12 were serotype 5, three were serotype 6 and two were serotype 7.  相似文献   

我国鸭疫里氏杆菌血清型的鉴定   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:42  
1997年1月-1998年3月,从北京市20个商品鸭场自然病死的北京白鸭和河南省与上海市部分鸭场的樱桃谷鸭分离到276株鸭疫里氏杆菌,采用凝集试验和琼脂扩散沉淀试验,对其进行了血清型的研究。其中70株细菌为1型,64株为2型,其余142株怀1,2,型参考菌株的抗血清发生反应。  相似文献   

A serotypic survey of Pasteurella multocida isolated from poultry   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
One hundred forty-eight Pasteurella multocida isolates from four southeastern states and California were serotyped by a gel diffusion precipitin test. The isolates were predominantly from turkeys and chickens. Sixty-eight percent of the isolates had antigenic characteristics of serotypes 3 and 4 (3 X 4). In turkeys, 76% of the isolates were 3 X 4, and serotype 3 was second (17%) in frequency. In chickens, 54% of the isolates were 3 X 4 and 19% were serotype 1.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were evaluated for their ability to serotype 108 isolates of Haemophilus paragallinarum. One MAb (E5C12D10) was raised against a Page serovar A strain and the other (F2E6) against a Page serovar C strain. In both dot blot and hemagglutination-inhibition tests, MAb E5C12D10 recognized the type strains of Page serovar A and Kume serovars A-1, A-2, A-3, and A-4. MAb F2E6 recognized the type strains of Page serovar C and Kume serovars C-1, C-2, and C-3. Neither antibody recognized the type strains of Page serovar B or Kume serovars B-1 and C-4. When evaluated with 97 field isolates in a dot blot test, the MAbs serotyped 81 isolates, which was better than agglutinin typing by the Page scheme (69 isolates serotyped). The field isolates that did not react with the MAbs were either Page serovar B/Kume serovar B-1 (three isolates), Page serovar C/Kume serovar C-4 (12 isolates), or nontypable by either the Page or Kume scheme (one isolate).  相似文献   

This is the first report of molecular characterization of US erysipelas field isolates and vaccine strains of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Erysipelas in pigs is mainly caused by E. rhusiopathiae serotypes 1a, 1b, and 2. In 2001, erysipelas reemerged as a clinical problem in pigs in the midwestern United States. In this work 90 erysipelas isolates (58 recent and 28 archived field isolates as well as 4 live-vaccine strains) were genetically characterized. Because of the limited availability of antiserum, 74/90 isolates (44/58 recent isolates) were serotyped. The serotype of the majority (79.6%) of the 44 recent isolates tested was determined to be 1a, 13.6% were serotype 1b, and 6.8% of recent isolates were serologically untypeable. Among all 90 isolates, 23 different PFGE patterns were identified. There were 43 isolates identified as serotype 1a with 4 genetic patterns: 38/43, 1A(I); 3/43, 1A(III); 1/43, 1B(V); and 1/43, 3B. Sixteen serotype 1b isolates had 11 unique genetic patterns: 4/16 were genotype 1B(III), 2/16 were genotype 3A(I), and 1/16 was in genotype groups 1A(V), 1A(VI), 1A(VII), 1B(I), 1B(IV), 1B(VII), 2, 4, and 5. Six genetic patterns were distinguished among the 10 serotype 2 isolates: 1A(IV) (1/10), 1A(V) (1/10), 1B(VI) (1/10), 2 (4/10), 7 (1/10), and 8 (2/8). Erysipelas vaccine strains (modified live) were similar to each other but different from current field strains, sharing 78.6% identity with the most prevalent genotype 1A(I) based on the PFGE-SmaI pattern. Compared with serotyping, PFGE genotyping is a more distinguishing technique, easy to perform and not dependent on the limited availability of antiserum.  相似文献   

从疑似副猪嗜血杆菌病发病猪场采集58份病料,分离到2株革兰氏阴性短小杆菌.对分离菌株进行培养特性、生化特性、血清型分型研究以及PCR检测和测序分析,结果表明,分离的两株细菌均为血清4型副猪嗜血杆菌.对分离菌株进行药敏试验分析,结果显示分离株对头孢噻肟、头孢噻吩、替米考星高度敏感,对四环素、丁胺卡那、恩诺沙星、环丙沙星中度敏感,对甲氧苄氨嘧啶、复方新诺明、链霉素、阿莫西林、新霉素均耐药.  相似文献   

Over a period of 20 years, a total of 207 Mannheimia haemolytica samples were isolated from calves affected with pneumonic pasteurellosis and serotyped by the indirect haemagglutination test. Serotypes A1 (102 isolates), A2 (47 isolates) and A6 (42 isolates) were most common; in addition, 16 isolates were serotypes A7, A13, A14 or untypable. The relative prevalence of serotype A6 has increased recently in Japan, as has been reported from other countries. The results of this study provide useful information towards the design of efficient vaccines for the prevention of M. haemolytica infection in Japan.  相似文献   

Four hundred and forty-three Dutch field isolates of Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae were serotyped by rapid slide agglutination (RSA) using specific antisera against serotypes 1 to 5 and against the recently proposed types 6 to 9. The predominant serotypes were 9 (49%) and 2 (32%). Serotypes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 were isolated in small numbers: together they accounted for 3% of the total. Five percent of the isolates were not typable either due to autoagglutination or because they were not agglutinated by any of the available antisera. The remaining 49 strains (11%) agglutinated in more than one antiserum and could therefore not be properly classified. Forty-four of these 49 strains agglutinated in both anti type 1 and anti type 9 serum. Antigenic relationships between serotype 1, serotype 9 and isolates reacting with both antisera were studied using immunodiffusion and RSA with adsorbed sera. Serotype 9 strains appeared not to be a homogenous group. Isolates agglutinating exclusively in anti type 9 serum can be divided into two groups: one closely related and another hardly related to serotype 1. Serotype 9 reference strain 13261 belongs to the latter. Type 1 + 9 strains have antigens in common with serotypes 1 and 9, but they also have their own specific antigenic material. Such strains are proposed as a new serotype 10.  相似文献   

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