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Tsetse-transmitted livestock trypanosomosis affects livestock in large parts of sub-Saharan Africa. In southern Africa two epidemiological situations can be distinguished. The disease can have an endemic nature with high morbidity and low mortality in the livestock population. Endemic livestock trypanosomosis is found mainly in areas where cattle constitute the main host of tsetse and reservoirs of trypanosomes. Epidemic trypanosomosis, with high morbidity and high mortality is found in areas where wildlife persist as main reservoir and where livestock come into contact with tsetse flies transmitting trypanosomes from the sylvatic reservoir. Based on the differences in impact of the disease on livestock health in these two epidemiological settings, the appropriateness of the available trypanosomosis control tools differs. In trypanosomosis endemic areas, trypanocidal drug use could be the most suitable approach. Possible problems associated with the development of resistance in trypanosomes to the drugs need to be investigated further. In epidemic situations, vector control seems the most appropriate long-term solution.  相似文献   

Resistance to trypanocidal drugs has been detected in various African countries and is a serious impediment to the control of livestock trypanosomosis. To determine whether drug resistant trypanosome strains are present in the Zambézia Province of Mozambique a study was initiated. To assess the effect of the farming system and the drug-use regimen on the development of drug resistance, trypanosome isolates were collected from cattle from subsistence and commercial livestock production systems. The susceptibility of seven isolates against isometamidium chloride, diminazene aceturate and homidium chloride was tested in mice using a multiple-dose test. In four of the seven isolates high levels of drug resistance to diminazene aceturate and isometamidium chloride were detected. In most cases the observed levels of drug resistance correlated with the drug-use practices in the particular livestock production system.  相似文献   

In large parts of Africa the control of livestock trypanosomiasis relies on the use of trypanocidal drugs. Resistance against the available compounds is developing rapidly in the trypanosome population. The effect of the development of drug resistance on the fitness of the trypanosome is not well known. To determine the effect of the development of resistance to isometamidium chloride on the trypanosome's transmissibility, transmission experiments were conducted. Use was made of three isogenic clones of Trypanosoma congolense with different susceptibility to the drug. The infection rate in Glossina morsitans morsitans differed significantly between clones and was significantly higher in tsetse flies infected with the T. congolense clone with the highest level of drug resistance.  相似文献   

Resistance to the drugs used to control African animal trypanosomosis is increasingly recognised as a constraint to livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. The most commonly used tests for detection of trypanocidal drug resistance are tests using mice or ruminants, but these suffer from lack of standardisation and hence it may be difficult to compare the results of different investigators. Tests in mice are less expensive than tests in ruminants, but while tests in mice they may be useful as a general guide to resistance in a geographic area they should not be extrapolated to cattle on an individual trypanosome level. Moreover, the commonly used protocols are too laborious for their application to large number of trypanosome isolates on an area-wide basis. This paper presents guidelines for standardised testing of trypanocidal drugs in vivo, and introduces a simplified single-dose test for use in mice, which is convenient for use in areas with limited laboratory facilities. The single-dose test is appropriate for characterisation of geographic areas in terms of trypanocidal drug resistance using large numbers of trypanosome isolates, for making comparisons between areas, and for monitoring changes in trypanocidal drug resistance over time. Multiple-dose tests may be used to determine the degree of resistance of individual stabilates to be determined precisely in mice are also described, but for logistical reasons these will rarely be conducted on more than a few stabilates, and testing of a larger number of stabilates in the single-dose test will generally provide more useful information. Finally, we describe tests in cattle that may be used to determine the efficacy of recommended curative doses of trypanocidal drugs for the treatment of infection with individual trypanosome isolates, including Trypanosoma vivax, which is rarely infective for mice.  相似文献   

Trypanosomosis is a major impediment to livestock production and economic development in those areas of Africa where it is endemic. Although small ruminants appear to perform better than cattle in various agro-ecological zones, the importance of trypanosomosis has not been extensively investigated in these livestock. This study was designed to investigate the prevalence of trypanosomosis in sheep and goats in an endemic area and to evaluate the performance of different breeds under high tsetse challenge and the potential role of chemoprophylaxis in the control of the disease. The results showed that tsetse flies feed readily on small ruminants, and that these animals are susceptible to trypanosomosis. The Small East African goats acquired fewer infections than the Black Head Persian and Dorper sheep used in the study. In both sheep and goats, chemoprophylaxis with isometamidium chloride (Samorin, Rhone Merieux, Annecy, France) was protective, resulting in fewer infections and higher body weight gain. Trypanosomosis caused anaemia in both sheep and goats, and animals whose PCV fell below 15% rarely recovered, even with trypanocidal drug treatment. The peak transmission period was between 1 and 3 months after the peak tsetse fly density, which raises the possibility of effective strategic prophylaxis.  相似文献   

The dynamics of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) transmission vary widely between livestock production systems. This paper describes the development of a homogeneous, stochastic, compartmental model for CBPP transmission in pastoral herds of East Africa. The model was built using parameter estimates based on data published in the literature and on observations of livestock owners obtained through participatory research. The basic reproduction number for CBPP in southern Sudan was estimated to range from 3.2 to 4.6. The homogeneous model indicates that the critical community size for the persistence of CBPP falls within the typical herd sizes for pastoral communities in East Africa suggesting that individual isolated herds are capable of maintaining infection indefinitely. Vaccination alone with currently available vaccines was unlikely to eradicate the disease.  相似文献   


African animal trypanosomiasis (AAT) continues to inflict heavy losses on livestock production especially cattle in terms of decreased production and productivity in Uganda. AAT is a disease complex caused by tsetse fly-transmitted Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, Trypanosoma congolense, and Trypanosoma vivax. The disease is most important in cattle but also known to cause serious losses in pigs, camels, goats, and sheep. Several control measures including live bait technology, mass treatment of cattle with trypanocidal drugs, and deployment of tsetse traps have been used in the past 10 years, but the problem still persists in some areas. This necessitated an exploration of the factors associated with continued trypanosome infections in cattle, which are also known reservoirs for the zoonotic trypanosomiasis. A structured questionnaire was administered to 286 animal owners from 20 villages purposively selected from Lira, Kole, and Alebtong districts of Lango subregion to obtain information on the factors associated with persistence of infection. Over 50% of the respondents reported trypanosomiasis as a major challenge to their livestock. Land ownership (P = 0.029), type of livestock kept (P = 0.000), disease control strategy employed (P = 0.000), source of drugs (P = 0.046), and drug preparation (P = 0.017) were associated with persistent AAT infection. We recommend continued farmer sensitization on the threat of AAT and the available prevention and control options. The use of isometamidium chloride for prophylaxis against trypanosomiasis is highly recommended. There is also a need to foster qualified private veterinary drug supply in the region.


Biological control of parasitic nematodes of livestock is currently under development and represents another tool that may be integrated into helminth parasite control strategies. This paper presents a brief introduction to commercial sheep farming in South Africa and currently available nematode parasite control methods. These include the FAMACHA clinical assay, strategies of pasture management, dilution of resistant worm species by introduction of susceptible worms, breed resistant sheep and nutritional supplementation. The purpose of this paper is to outline the principles of biological control using nematophagous fungi and how it may be applied on sheep farms in South Africa.  相似文献   

Small ruminants represent an important component of the Ethiopian livestock production system, providing 12% of the value of livestock products consumed at the farm level and 48% of the cash income generated. Ethiopia is second in Africa and sixth in the world in terms of sheep population. The country has, however, benefited little from this enormous resource owing to a multitude of problems, disease being the most important. Disease alone accounts for mortalities of 30% in lambs and 20% in adults. Productivity losses attributable to helminth parasites are often substantial. A loss of US $ 81.8 million is reported annually due to helminth parasites. In a country confronted with challenges of an ever-rising human population and food shortage, such enormous losses caused by helminth parasites, 'the silent predators', are intolerable. Therefore, helminth control should receive special attention in poverty reduction strategies through improved productivity of livestock if the present and future challenges of food shortage are to be addressed. Productivity loss due to helminth infections can be substantially reduced through implementation of effective disease control strategies, which require an understanding of the epidemiology and ecology of parasites and parasitic infections under local conditions. This paper reviews extensive evidence demonstrating that helminthosis is a major constraint to productivity of sheep in Ethiopia. It also discusses epidemiology and ecology of major helminth parasites in the country and suggests strategies for improved control in various agro-ecological zones and production systems.  相似文献   

The harm for livestock and poultry production caused by Mycoplasma infection has got widespread attention of researchers in the world. The practical ways to control the disease in order to reduce economic loss through Mycoplasma infection is the extensive use of antibiotics. Many groups of antibiotics including tetracyclines, macrolides and quinolones have been shown to be effective to Mycoplasma. Clinical practice shows many Mycoplasma isolated from livestock and poultry are characterized not only by single drug resistance but also by multiple antibiotic resistance due to the legacy of past decades of antimicrobial misuse, which threat the livestock and poultry production health. This paper reviews the mechanism of anti-Mycoplasma medicines through the alterations in the targets, the formation of efflux pump system, and the generation of inactivated enzymes of antibiotics, which provide theoretical basis and strategies for establishing resistance testing system, rational drug use and development of new drugs.  相似文献   

畜禽支原体耐药性及耐药机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
支原体感染给畜禽养殖造成的危害已受到国内外科研人员的广泛重视。目前控制畜禽支原体感染、降低畜禽养殖经济损失的切实有效方法是大量使用抗生素,其中四环素、大环内酯类及喹诺酮类药物是现阶段临床兽医首选的3类抗菌药。但短短几十年的临床实践表明,滥用抗生素已经严重威胁畜禽健康,许多畜禽支原体临床分离株不仅仅对单一抗生素产生耐药性,而且同时对多种抗生素耐药。作者从药物靶位点改变、外排泵系统形成、抗菌药物灭活酶产生等方面对上述抗畜禽支原体药物的耐药机制进行阐述,以期为建立支原体耐药性检测体系、指导临床合理用药、开发新的药物等提供理论依据和策略。  相似文献   

边界病(border disease,BD)是由边界病病毒(border disease virus,BDV)引起绵羊和山羊感染的一种传染性疾病,在世界范围内给畜牧业生产造成巨大的经济损失。该病临床表现为母羊生殖障碍,羔羊畸形、震颤、多毛等。BDV在绵羊、牛和猪的种间传播经常发生,给该病的诊断带来困难。目前,尚无有效的疫苗用于边界病的防控,因此,了解不同区域的边界病流行情况有助于防止其传播并优化控制措施。结合国内外近期研究报道,从病原学、流行病学、诊断措施等方面对边界病进行综述,以期为该病的防控工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal parasitism is one of the most important disease complexes of sheep and goats impacting on the resource-poor livestock farmer. Of the responsible nematodes, Haemonchus contortus, a blood-sucking worm of the abomasum, poses possibly the greatest threat. Over the past several decades, the worm has been controlled through the use of anthelmintics, but the emergence of anthelmintic resistance has threatened this chemotherapeutic approach. In Africa, the overall prevalence of anthelmintic resistance has not been extensively investigated, particularly within the resource-poor farming sector, but resistance has been reported from at least 14 countries with most of the reports emanating from Kenya and South Africa and the majority concerning H. contortus. While levels of resistance under commercial sheep farming systems in South Africa is considered to be amongst the worst in the world, resistance has also been reported from the resource-poor farming sector. Increases in productivity and reproduction of livestock and the development of markets for sale of animals are seen by international funding bodies as a way out of poverty for communities that keep livestock. This must lead to the greater need for parasite control. At such times, the risk of levels of anthelmintic resistance escalating is much greater and there is therefore a need to look at alternatives to their use. Proposed strategies include the appropriate, but judicious use of anthelmintics by application of the FAMACHA system and the use of alternatives to anthelmintics such as strategic nutrient supplementation. It is also very clear that there is a strong demand for knowledge about animal diseases, including helminthosis, and their effective management in the resource-poor livestock farming communities. This is an important challenge to meet.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟流行病学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)主要在非洲大陆流行,它通过偶然机会侵入到欧洲和美洲,之后进一步侵袭到了东欧和高加索地区,且到目前也未完全控制。非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)可通过软蜱传播,感染野猪和家猪,其在特定生态系统中的生存能力由它所在的野生宿主种群和畜牧生产系统来界定。ASF是可导致家猪和野猪死亡率极高的病毒性疾病,且因缺少有效的疫苗和治疗方法而造成巨大的经济损失。除了预防和扑杀,暂无其他更好的应对方法,所以需要很好地了解ASF流行病学,预防和控制其传播,以便实施更多有针对性的措施。  相似文献   

African swine fever (ASF) is mainly occurred in Africa.It invades into Europe and America by chance,then invades in to Eastern Europe and the Caucasus area.And it has not been controlled until now.African swine fever virus (ASFV) can spread by soft tick vectors and affect wild and domestic pigs.The ability of the virus to survive within a particular ecosystem is defined by the ecology of its wild host populations and the characteristics of livestock production systems.African swine fever is viral disease of domestic and wild pigs which leads high mortality and causes great economic losses due to absence of available vaccine and treatment.Apart from prevention and culling,there are no other control measures.Prevention and control of the infection require good understanding of its epidemiology,so that targeted measures can be carried out.  相似文献   

Pastoral cattle live in highly structured communities characterized by complex contact patterns. The present paper describes a spatially heterogeneous model for the transmission of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) developed specifically for pastoral communities of East Africa. The model is validated against serological data on the prevalence of CBPP infection in several communities of southern Sudan and against livestock owner information on community structure, livestock contact and cattle exchange. The model is used to assess the impact of alternative control strategies including mass and elective vaccination programmes, potential treatment regimes and the combination of vaccination and treatment in a single unified strategy. The results indicate that the eradication of CBPP using mass vaccination with currently available vaccines is unlikely to succeed. On the other hand, elective control programmes based on herd level vaccination, treatment of clinical cases or a combination of both vaccination and treatment enabled individual livestock owners to capture a large benefit in terms of reduced animal-level prevalence and mortality experience. The most promising intervention scenario was a programme which combined the vaccination of healthy animals with treatment of clinical cases.  相似文献   

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a disease of economic importance that is widely distributed in sub-Saharan African and contributes significantly to cattle morbidity and mortality. Lack of resources to implement eradication measures has led to the disease becoming endemic in most areas in sub-Saharan Africa where governments have little resources and the majority of the people are poor. Usually, control and eradication of such diseases as CBPP is treated as a public good by governments and to achieve this, governments are usually assisted by nongovernment organisations, bilateral government programmes and international donors. The private sector, which usually is companies that run businesses to make profit, although not very well established in sub-Saharan Africa could play a big role in the eradication of CBPP in the region. This could play a dual role of promoting investment and also eradicate livestock diseases which have proved a menace in the livestock sector. This paper highlights the role played by the private sector in the control of CBPP in Zambia.  相似文献   

Heartwater, caused by the rickettsial organism Cowdria ruminantium, is a serious constraint to livestock development in much of sub-Saharan Africa. Traditionally, the disease has been controlled by the use of chemical acaricides to control the vector tick. The University of Florida/USAID-supported heartwater research project (based in Zimbabwe) is developing a new inactivated vaccine to control the disease. In order that the vaccine is used effectively, the project has been studying the epidemiology of the disease in different livestock production systems of Zimbabwe, and evaluating the economic impact of the disease and of its future control using a vaccine such as the one under development. Initially, field studies were conducted to characterise the communal and commercial livestock-productions systems at risk from heartwater and to understand the epidemiology of the disease. The data from these studies were then applied to an infection-dynamics model of heartwater, which was used to provide estimates of disease incidence and impact under various scenarios over a period of 10 yr. Two principal outputs of the epidemiological model (cumulative annual heartwater incidence and infection-fatality proportion) were key inputs into an economics model. The estimated total annual national losses amount to Z$ 61.3 million (US$ 5.6 million) in discounted value terms over 10 yr. Annual economic losses per animal in the commercial production system (Z$ 56 discounted values) are 25 times greater than the losses in the communal system (Z$ 2.2). The greatest component of economic loss is acaricide cost (76%), followed by milk loss (18%) and treatment cost (5%). Losses in outputs other than milk (beef, traction and manure) appear to be minimal. A new vaccine has the promise of a benefit: cost ratio of about 2.4:1 in the communal and 7.6:1 in the commercial system. A control strategy based on a new vaccine would yield additional non-financial benefits to farmers and the government resulting from reductions in the use of chemical acaricides.  相似文献   

扼要回顾了我国兽用生物制品半个多世纪以来的发展历史 ,特别是在质量管理上的变化和产生的影响。针对近年来由于以畜禽为主的养殖业迅猛发展 ,导致预防兽用的生物制品流通失控 ,而影响到疫病防治的问题。建议国家应从体制上特别是从质量管理体制和流通管理体制上进行改革 ,以适应养殖业持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

Several prominent and economically important diseases of livestock in East Africa are caused by multi-host pathogens that also infect wildlife species, but management strategies are generally livestock focused and models of these diseases tend to ignore the role of wildlife. We investigate the dynamics of a multi-host tick-borne disease in order to assess the efficacy of tick control from an ecological perspective. We examined the efficacy of a widespread measure of tick control and developed a model to explore how changes in the population of ticks due to control measures on cattle impact dynamics of Theileria parva infection in a system with two primary host species, cattle and Cape buffalo (Syncerus caffer). We show that the frequency of acaricide application has a significant impact on the tick population both on the host and in the environment, which can greatly reduce the pathogen load in cattle. We also demonstrate that reducing the tick population through cattle-related control measures is not sufficient to diminish disease transmission in buffalo. Our results suggest that under current control strategies, which target ticks on cattle only, T. parva is likely to remain a significant problem in East Africa, and require the continued use of acaricides, which has significant economic and ecological consequences.  相似文献   

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