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用牛睾丸细胞,从呼和浩特市某奶牛场病牛脾脏中分离出1株病毒,并对其细胞培养特性、形态特征、核酸类型和对某些理化因素的敏感性进行了观察和检测,均与BVD—MDV一致,进一步用标准BVD—MDV Oregon C_(24)V阳性血清对分离病毒进行中和试验,结果为阳性。表明该病毒为BVD—MDV。  相似文献   

以纯化的BVD病毒细胞培养物免疫家兔,制备抗血清,用对流免疫电泳方法对367份腹泻羔病料检测。结果,BVD病毒阳性率为73.6%,部分病料及电泳沉淀物用电镜观察可见30~80nm的有囊膜病毒粒子。阳性病料离心、除菌后回归羔羊,口服并肌肉注射的3只未发病,口服并静注的1只发生水泻。自腹泻物回收到BVD病毒。  相似文献   

为了保证外调藏系种羊不感染疫病及无疫病病原传播,对筛选出的准备调运的藏系种羊进行疫病的血清学调查,试验分别采用布鲁氏菌试管凝集试验、小反刍兽疫病毒抗体直接竞争ELISA方法、口蹄疫病毒非结构蛋白抗体单克隆抗体阻断ELISA方法和口蹄疫O型液相阻断ELISA方法对藏系绵羊30份血清样品进行了布鲁氏菌、小反刍兽疫、口蹄疫自然感染和疫苗免疫的血清学抗体检测。结果表明:所有被检血清中均未检出布鲁氏菌和自然感染口蹄疫病毒抗体阳性血清。小反刍兽疫和口蹄疫疫苗免疫抗体水平检测显示,小反刍兽疫免疫抗体阳性血清30份,阳性率为100%;口蹄疫免疫抗体阳性血清28份、可疑血清1份、阴性血清1份,阳性率为93.33%,阳性血清免疫抗体效价均大于1∶128(保护率大于99.00%),可疑血清免疫抗体效价1∶90(保护率大于50.00%),阴性血清免疫抗体效价小于1∶2(不保护)。说明此次海北州筛选的藏系绵羊种羊未感染上述疫病,且疫苗免疫抗体效价水平较好,适合作为外调种羊。  相似文献   

应用BVD-双抗体夹心ELISA对内蒙某地区5个农场的1341头奶牛和157头绵羊的粪便进行了检测.结果,牛BVDV阳性率为47.8%(641/1341),羊为14.6%(23/157)。将12份ELISA阳陛和10份ELISA阴性粪样作电镜检查,结果两者的符合率为100%。本研究为该地区BVD/MD的防制提供了依据。  相似文献   

应用猪流行性腹泻(PED)—ELISA直接法(双抗体夹心法)对120头健康猪和5头猪传染性胃肠炎(TGE)病猪粪便标本进行检测,均不出现交叉反应;对15头PED病毒实验感染仔猪粪便标本检测,全部呈阳性;将对3(?)份ELISA阳性粪便标本和3份阴性标本的检测结果与电镜观察结果比较,其阳性符合率为97.37%,阴性符合率为100%;对在PED发病季节从不同地区采集的腹泻病猪粪便标本112份检测结果,阳性率为60.71%,而阴性反应的标本,绝大多数是在病愈后15~20d采集的。  相似文献   

为探讨河南省牛病毒性腹泻病毒的流行情况,用牛病毒性腹泻病毒抗体检测试剂盒(IDEXX)对本省部分地区6个奶牛场、5个肉牛养殖场的181份牛奶样品和395份血清样品进行BVD抗体的检测.结果检出阳性牛奶106份,阳性率最高为93.3%,最低的为5.0%,平均阳性率为58.6%.其中有5个规模化奶牛场牛奶样品阳性率均在75%以上.肉牛血清样品共检出阳性124份,最高阳性率为74.12%,最低5.80%,平均阳性率31.39%.结果表明,该病在所调查地区中奶牛和肉牛均有感染,不同牛场间感染率差异较大,其中规模化奶牛的感染率较高.表明应采取相应的净化措施对该病进行控制.  相似文献   

用检测人血清乙肝标志物的试剂和方法,检测2823份猪血清,检出HBsAg阳性血清56份(56/2823),阳性率为1.98%,不同地区的检出率在1.0%~4.5%之间.对37份HBsAg阳性血清检测了抗—HBS、HBeAg、抗—HBe、抗—HBe.共检出阳性23份(23/37);100份HBsAg阴性猪血清与37份HBsAg阳性猪血清经双育试验检测谷丙转氨酶,有非常显著性差异,血清HBsAg阳性猪的肝脏有中等度到重度的病理组织学变化(11/11);用ELISA法检测HBsAg阳性猪血清中人聚合白蛋白受体(PHSA—R),21份样品中有19份阳性(19/21),而HBsAg阴性猪血清10份未检出阳性;用生物素—亲和素标记的HBV—DNA探针检测HBsAg阳性猪血清.11份样品有41份阳性(4/11);采用从人血清中提纯Dane颗粒的方法,从8份猪血清中都提纯了类似Dane颗粒的病毒粒子(8/8);提纯的病毒粒子和Dane颗粒与羊抗—HBV作免疫电泳,沉淀线基本一致;用2mL含HBV样病毒颗粒的猪血清接种10头仔猪,有3头感染(3/10).传至第3代,10头仔猪4头感染(4/10).实验证实,猪源HBV样病毒粒子是一种新发现的病毒,和HBV相比,抗原有相关性,基因有同源性.  相似文献   

牛腹泻病病毒感染羔羊的调查   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以纯化的BVD病毒细胞培养物免疫家兔,制备抗血清,用对流免疫电泳方法对367份腹泻盖病料检测,结果,BVD病毒阳性率为73.65,部分病料及电泳沉淀物用电镜观察可见30-80nm的有囊膜病毒粒子,阳性病料离心、除苗后回归羔羊,口服并肌肉注射的3只未发病,口服并静注的1只发生水泻,自腹泻物回收到BVD病毒。  相似文献   

本试验对马传贫血清抗体酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)的耐热性进行了比较研究.对2匹弱毒疫苗免疫马跟踪检测17个月,在接种3周后ELISA检测均呈阳性,其中一匹马ELISA抗体阳性持续到接种后10个月,另一匹马ELISA抗体阳性可持续到接种后一年.对两匹马的所有不同时期采集的血清样品经75℃加热5 min处理后,用ELISA检测均为阴性.另选6匹马传贫弱毒疫苗免疫马血清且ELISA检测抗体呈阳性的30个样品,经75℃加热5min处理后,均由阳性转变成阴性.4匹经马传贫病毒辽毒株(LN-EIAV)实验感染马且ELISA检测抗体呈阳性的血清样品,经75℃加热5 min处理后,结果仍为阳性.23匹ELISA检测抗体呈阳性的自然感染马血清样品,经加热处理后,19匹马血清样品仍为阳性,4匹马血清样品由阳性转变成阴性.结果表明弱毒疫苗免疫马较自然感染马血清抗体耐热性稍差.  相似文献   

本试验建立了检测鸡病毒性关节炎病毒的ELISA双抗体夹心法.取代反应、阻断试验均为阴性,与NDV、MDV和IBDV无交叉反应,对已知阳性标本的检测均为阳性;其敏感性比琼扩试验高80倍以上,这表明ELISA夹心法具有较高的特异性和敏感性.在人工感染后2~27d,关节滑膜、腱鞘和脾脏中病毒检出率为100%;还从肝脏、法氏囊和脑组织中检测到病毒.  相似文献   

本研究建立了检测血清中牛病毒性腹泻-粘膜病(BDV-MD)病毒抗体的双抗体夹心阻断ELISA,并用其检测了长春地区293头奶牛和262头黄牛的血清.结果,奶牛的阳性率为54.9%.黄牛的阳住率为43.5%.本方法是一种敏感、特异、快速的检测抗体方法,可在基层推广应用.  相似文献   

We examined the changes in the physical properties of the digesta mat over a period of 24 h after cessation of feeding, in sheep that had been maintained on pasture or fed chaffed lucerne hay. The dry matter content of the digesta mat declined at similar rates in both dietary groups, although it was generally higher in sheep fed lucerne. Median particle size declined in the digesta mats of both dietary groups at similar rates in samples taken after 8 h, but median particle size was significantly greater in sheep fed chopped lucerne hay than in those fed grass. Thus, particles were not reduced to a common size suggesting that factors in addition to particle size governed the rate of breakdown of the rumen mat. The relationship between the elastic and loss moduli was of a consistent pattern in all samples taken from the rumen mat indicating that it behaved as a weak gel. The elastic and loss moduli of the digesta mats of sheep that had been fed pasture or chopped lucerne hay converged to similar values after 12 h and declined broadly at similar rates after this. The relationship between these two moduli and the dry matter content of the rumen mat were of similar curvilinear form for sheep on both diets. These findings suggest that the rate of breakdown of the rumen mat is more likely to be governed by its composite behaviour than by the size of the constituent particles.  相似文献   

为了解我国牛羊弓形虫病流行情况,应用间接血凝试验(IHA)对河南、山东、山西、内蒙古、云南、贵州6省区151份牛血清、50份奶样、490份羊血清进行了弓形虫病血清流行病学调查。结果显示:151份被检牛血清和50份牛奶样品,弓形虫抗体均为阴性。490份羊血清弓形虫抗体总阳性率5.71%,其中母羊、公羊血清阳性率分别为4.03%和9.79%;山羊、绵羊、杂交羊血清阳性率分别为6.58%、4.81%和5.13%;阳性率最高的为公山羊(13.2%),最低的为母绵羊(2.96%)。28份阳性羊血清中,75%的抗体滴度为1:64,25%的抗体滴度为1:256。1岁后的羊,随年龄增长,血清阳性率升高。  相似文献   

Apoptosis in lymphoid follicles of the ileal Peyer's patch (IPP) in 21 sheep of two different age groups was visualized by the TdT-mediated dUTP nick end-labelling (TUNEL) method, and quantified using computer-assisted image analysis. The IPP follicle carbonic anhydrase (CA) reactivity was evaluated in the same samples. No significant differences with respect to apoptosis and CA reactivity were found between sheep aged 5 and 11 months. Individual variation in apoptotic activity correlated with the follicle centre CA reactivity. The group of animals found to have predominantly atypical ileal lymphoid follicles (more than 80% of total number of follicles) with features resembling jejunal Peyer's patch follicles, had lower number of apoptotic cells and reduced CA reactivity compared to the rest of the animals. The differences in CA reactivity in the follicle centres probably represent a variation in the presence of CA rich approximately 50 nm membrane-bounded particles known to be a feature of the sheep IPP. The present results suggest that the particles are involved in the modulation of the lymphocyte proliferation of the IPP follicles.  相似文献   

以隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium spp.)18S rRNA为靶基因,通过巢氏PCR检测发现在采集的101份新鲜粪便样品中18份样本为阳性。不同地区羊场的隐孢子虫感染率分别为:李集镇36%(18/50),新安镇0%(0/30)、堆沟港镇0%(0/21)未检出隐孢子虫。但通过对4羊场的分析发现,有2个羊场(50%)为隐孢子虫感染阳性,且不同的羊场感染率差异显著,因此单纯的以地区来评价隐孢子虫的感染率,是值得商榷的。山羊隐孢子虫的感染率为33.3%,湖羊隐孢子虫的感染率为2%。2~6月龄的育肥羊隐孢子虫的感染率为36%,6~10月龄的育成羊(0%)。对检测为阳性的样品进行了隐孢子虫18S rRNA基因片段序列分析,发现18个样品全部为肖氏隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium xiaoi),不存在泛在隐孢子虫(Cryptosporidium ubiquitum)。在检测隐孢子虫感染阳性的1个山羊场和1个羊湖羊场均存在肖氏隐孢子虫感染,不存在泛在隐孢子虫,更未发现肖氏隐孢子虫和泛在隐孢子虫的混合感染。目前的数据提示肖氏隐孢子虫对2~6月龄山羊(33.3%)和湖羊(2%)具有更高的...  相似文献   

Two hundred and fifty-five biological samples (106 aborted foetal tissue samples and 149 blood samples from aborted sheep and goats) were collected from 188 animals during the lambing season from September 2009 to April 2010 from the Mafraq region of Jordan. The sampled animals belonged to 93 goat and sheep flocks that had cases of abortion. A total of 169 (66.3%) biological samples were collected from sheep and 86 (33.7%) from goats. Seventy-six (29.8%) biological samples (45 blood and 31 tissue samples) were positive for Toxoplasma gondii by PCR assay. The positive samples were obtained from 43 sheep and 23 goats. The overall toxoplasma-specific prevalence rate was 35.1% (66/188). Forty flocks (43%) had at least one T. gondii PCR-positive animal. The risk factors related to flock health status and farm management that are hypothesized to be associated with T. gondii PCR positivity were also assessed using multiple logistic regressions. The presence of cats (OR = 4.74), a large flock size (OR = 2.76) and the method of disposing the aborted foetuses (OR = 3.77) were all statistically significant (P < 0.05) risk factors that were positively associated with toxoplasma positivity in goat and sheep flocks.  相似文献   

An epidemiologic study was undertaken by means of the SNT on three sets of sheep sera and one set of goat sera to evaluate for the occurrence of antibodies against strain WC11. Out of 791 sera of a sheep breeding organisation 57 samples (7.2%) showed positive titers. The positive samples originated from 24 farms (36.4%) out of 66 farms under test. Out of 118 sheep sera sent in from different parts of Austria 35 (29.7%) showed positive titers. 73 sheep sera out of a farm where MCF had clinically occurred were also tested. 20 samples (27.4%) scored positive. Also 40 goat sera (20.3%) out of 197 samples showed positive titers. The results are in accordance with publications from other countries. Special reference is made to goats as possible carriers and transmitters of MCF.  相似文献   

用犬新孢子虫的重组蛋白GST-NcSAG1t作为ELISA诊断抗原,进行了青海省海西地区山羊和绵羊群中犬新孢子虫病的血清学调查。经过对所收集的120份绵羊血清和531份山羊血清抗体的检测,共检出绵羊阳性血清10份,山羊阳性血清36份,其阳性率分别为8.33%和6.78%。说明青海省海西地区的绵羊和山羊群中存在犬新孢子虫的感染。  相似文献   

Fecal samples from 544 beef cattle and 140 sheep were investigated by PCR for verotoxin (VT)-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) without and with an enrichment step. 6.1% (after enrichment 14%) of cattle samples and 10% (after enrichment 29.2%) of sheep samples were VT-PCR-positive. Moreover, a noticeable age-depending prevalence in cattle was found. Eleven VTEC strains isolated from fecal samples of 5 cattle and 6 sheep were taken for further characterization. None of the strains belonged to serogroup O157. But, as reported previously, we also found in this study strains with virulence genes that are associated with increased pathogenicity. The importance of slaughter hygiene and of bacteriological monitoring of carcass contamination has to be pointed out.  相似文献   

A commercially available ELISA for detecting antibodies to liver fluke was evaluated for use in Australia. Milk and serum samples from cattle and sheep in which infection with Fasciola hepatica was confirmed by detection of eggs in faeces were used to estimate sensitivity. Similar samples collected from cattle and sheep outside the F. hepatica-endemic area were used to estimate specificity. The ELISA was also evaluated for detecting antibodies to F. hepatica in milk from sheep and antibodies to Fasciola gigantica in sera from cattle and buffaloes, but with small numbers of samples. In cattle, the sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA were 98.2% and 98.3% using serum and 97.7% and 99.3% using milk. In infected herds, 41.4% and 41.5% of animals were positive in the serum and milk ELISAs, respectively, whereas F. hepatica eggs were found in faecal samples from 26.5% of animals. In sheep, the sensitivity of the ELISA was 96.9% and the specificity was 99.4%. In infected flocks, 60.2% of animals were positive in the serum ELISA and F. hepatica eggs were found in faecal samples 52.2% of animals. There was perfect agreement in the ELISA between paired serum and milk samples collected from ewes. The assay detected antibodies in sera from cattle and buffaloes with natural and experimental F. gigantica infections. In the experimentally infected animals, antibodies were detected 2 weeks post-infection. We conclude that the ELISA will be a valuable tool for diagnosing F. hepatica infections in cattle and sheep. The assay may also be useful for diagnosing F. gigantica infections but further studies are required to establish sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   

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