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针对海南蔬菜流通存在的冷链流通比例低、冷链基础设施不足、流通损耗大等问题,分析海南蔬菜冷链物流现状,借鉴国内外冷链物流运营模式,构建4种主要海南蔬菜冷链物流系统模式。依据目前海南冷链存在的关键问题及发展趋势,海南蔬菜冷链物流系统的发展以批发市场为主导的系统模式发展阶段、多种模式共同发展阶段和多模式下资源整合阶段3个阶段。通过4种主要海南冷链物流系统构建以及其适应性特征分析,为海南地区冷链物流系统的发展起指导作用,为政府在此方面的规划提出参考建议。  相似文献   

陈妮 《福建茶叶》2022,(3):52-54
本文首先介绍了冷链物流的概念和特点,并从茶叶生产环节和销售环节分析了茶叶冷链物流的现状.之后指出了茶叶冷链物流在发展中存在冷链技术、基础设施、冷链物流人才、冷链物流标准、冷链物流企业等方面的问题,并对茶叶冷链物流发展落后的原因进行了分析.最后,针对性地提出了茶叶冷链物流发展的优化对策,为推动我国茶叶冷链物流发展提供了一...  相似文献   

随着流通业的不断发展,冷链物流已成为种子品质与安全保障的重要手段。马铃薯种薯薯块大、含水量高、呼吸旺盛,对贮藏及运输中的温湿度要求严格。因此,冷链物流体系下,马铃薯种薯贮运技术必须从收获定袋、入库贮藏和装卸运输等几方面建立较为妥善的管理与技术流程。  相似文献   

日前,2012中国安徽(合肥)农业产业化交易会在合肥安徽国际会展中心隆重开幕,期间举行的招商项目推介会暨签约仪式上,“中国·黄山茶叶暨名优农产品仓储冷链物流中心”项目作为黄山市唯一现场签约项目上台签约。  相似文献   

Foliar fungal diseases(rust and late leaf spot)incur large yield losses,in addition to the deterioration of fodder quality in groundnut worldwide.High oleic acid has emerged as a key market trait in groundnut,as it increases the shelf life of the produce/products in addition to providing health benefits to consumers.Marker-assisted backcrossing(MABC)is the most successful approach to introgressing or pyramiding one or more traits using traitlinked markers.We used MABC to improve three popular Indian cultivars(GJG 9,GG 20,and GJGHPS 1)for foliar disease resistance(FDR)and high oleic acid content.A total of 22 BC3F4 and 30 BC2F4 introgression lines(ILs)for FDR and 46 BC3F4 and 41 BC2F4 ILs for high oleic acid were developed.Recurrent parent genome analysis using the 58 K Axiom_Arachis array identified several lines showing upto 94%of genome recovery among second and third backcross progenies.Phenotyping of these ILs revealed FDR scores comparable to the resistant parent,GPBD 4,and ILs with high(~80%)oleic acid in addition to high genome recovery.These ILs provide further opportunities for pyramiding FDR and high oleic acid in all three genetic backgrounds as well as for conducting multi-location yield trials for further evaluation and release for cultivation in target regions of India.  相似文献   

Crop yield is primarily seed-filling-limited in production system under field conditions.This study was aimed to determine whether seed filling traits of oil flax(Linum usitatissimum L.)could be controlled by phosphorus(P),nitrogen(N),and phosphorus and nitrogen(NP)supply.Effects on seed filling traits were investigated in 2 years including capsule diameter,capsule height,capsule dry matter(DM),seed DM per capsule,pericarp DM per capsule,protein content and oil content.DM translocation from pericarps to seed,translocation efficiency,and contribution of photoassimilates during seed filling period were also detected.In a randomized complete block design,cultivar'Longyaza 1'was grown under P(33 kg P/ha),N(75 kg N/ha),and NP(33 kg P/ha and 75 kg N/ha)along with a zerofertilizer(CK)treatment in 2013 and 2014.Results suggested that DM translocation efficiency and contribution efficiency increased to different extent due to P,N or NP application.At 42 DAA(days after anthesis),seed DM per capsule reached the greatest,while protein content and pericarp DM obtained the least level.However,the highest oil content was detected at 35 DAA.A significant positive linear relationship was observed between seed DM,capsule DM and DM translocation in both years.Protein content showed inconsistent relation with oil content.The results indicated that appropriate N and P management could be an effective approach to increase oil flax production.  相似文献   

Rice false smut disease, which is caused by the fungus Ustilaginoidea virens, is currently one of the most devastating rice fungal diseases in the world. Rice false smut disease not only causes severe yield loss and grain quality reduction, but also threatens food safety due to its production of mycotoxins. In this review, the most recent progresses regarding the life cycle, infection processes, genome and genetic diversity, pathogenic gene and disease resistance in rice were summarized in order to provide theoretical basis for the control of U. virens. We also proposed some future directions and key questions that need to be addressed for a better understanding of the molecular mechanism that leads to rice false smut disease and the prospects for sustainable control of rice false smut.  相似文献   

本刊讯11月26日,第十届广州国际茶文化节、2009中国(广州)国际茶业博览会在广州琶洲中洲商务展示中心隆重举行开幕式。原中共中央政治局委员、全国政协副主席杨汝岱,中华全国供销合作总  相似文献   

五月的安溪大地,蛰伏着一股巨大力量,来自全国各地的茶商云集,表面被春雨挡住步伐,但一坐下来就是满腹的茶经;我有幸成为其中一员,八年从事茶行业,让我越来越淡定,我想这是茶力量的觉醒,因而我若有所思……  相似文献   

1)本刊2011年杂志仍可订阅,年价48元,如需挂号邮寄,每订户全年另加挂号费18元。2)本刊1996—2010年合订本有售,单价(含邮费)分别为:1996,1997,1998和1999年各25元,2000,2001和2002年各30元,2003,2004和2005年各40元,2006,2007,2008,2009和2010年各60元。  相似文献   

白茶总是弥漫着神秘的气息,卓剑舟在《太姥山全志》中解释:今呼为白毫,香色俱绝,而尤以鸿雪洞产者为最。性寒凉,功同犀角,为麻疹圣药。这棵长  相似文献   

最近,有媒体报道2010年西湖龙井新茶价格将出现上涨,每斤将有200到1000元不等的涨幅,不少人看到新闻后惊呼这西湖龙井喝不起了。为此,本刊电话联系采访了浙江省茶叶产业协会秘书长胡迪钧,他对这样的报道表示吃惊,他说近几年西湖龙井新茶上市之初,除了个别企业  相似文献   

2008年11月,是华祥苑茗茶丰收的一个月。在第四届中国茶业经济年会上,华祥苑不但继续蝉联百强,董事长肖文华行业"投名状"被评选为2008中国茶叶行业年度经济人物:在产品上,华祥苑  相似文献   

太平猴魁简介:太平猴魁创制于1900年前后,是中国十大名茶之一,创制的时间虽不长,其茶树却是一个古老的原生品种——柿大茶。柿大茶承云天之甘露,黄山之灵秀,加以传统的植茶之法及独特的制作工艺,便成太平猴魁。《南京市茶商业历史资料》中评论的徽茶分南北二路,南茶又名尖茶,以猴魁为最佳,全国名茶之极。其外形两叶抱一芽,俗称两刀一枪,平扁挺直,魁伟重实,有猴魁两头尖,不散不翘不卷边之称,色泽苍绿匀润,素有绿金王子的美誉.白毫隐伏,叶脉绿中隐红,俗称红丝线。入杯冲泡。缓缓开展,或沉或浮,犹如刀枪云集、龙飞凤舞,叶底嫩绿匀亮,芽叶成朵肥壮,汤色清绿明净,兰香高爽,滋味甘醇,有独特的猴韵,  相似文献   

梁逸鹤 男 1963年9月生于建武平.1981年10月入伍,在空军部队从事后勤工作.1990年10月赴北京师承欧阳中石教授学习行草书创作研究,1996年10月应中国文联邀请出席世纪之交中国基层作家之路研讨会,1998年元月参加人民日报社培训中心培训.……  相似文献   

Leaf rust(LR) and stripe rust(YR) are important diseases in wheat producing areas worldwide and cause severe yield losses under favorable environmental conditions when susceptible varieties are grown. We determined the genetic basis of resistance to LR and YR in variety Borlaug 100 by developing and phenotyping a population of 198 F6 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross with the susceptible parent Apav#1. LR and YR phenotyping were conducted for 4 and 3 seasons, respectively, at CIMMYT research stations in Mexico under artificial epidemics. Mendelian segregation analyses indicated that 3–5 LR and 2 YR genes conferred resistance in Borlaug 100. Lr46/Yr29(1 BL), Yr17(2 AS) and Yr30(3 BS) were present in the resistant parent and segregated in the RIL population based on characterization by molecular markers linked to these genes. When present alone, Lr46/Yr29 caused average 13% and 16% reductions in LR and YR severities, respectively, in RILs. Similarly, Yr17 and Yr30 reduced YR severities by 57% and 11%, respectively. The Yr30 and the Yr17 translocation were also associated with 27% and 14% reductions, respectively, in LR severity, indicating that the 3 BS and 2 AS chromosomal regions likely carry new slow rusting LR resistance genes, temporarily designated as Lr B1 and Lr B2, respectively. Additive effects of Yr30*Yr17, Yr29*Yr17 and Yr29*Yr30 on YR and LR were significant and reduced YR severities by 56%,55%, and 45%, respectively, and LR severities by 34%, 40%, and 45%, respectively. Furthermore, interaction between the three genes was also significant, with mean reductions of 70% for YR and 54% for LR severities. Borlaug 100, or any one of the 21 lines with variable agronomic traits but carrying all three colocated resistance loci, can be used as resistance sources in wheat breeding programs.  相似文献   

制约黄、红麻纤维生产发展的主要因素与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对国内外黄麻及其纤维 2001-2005 年生产情况、纤维产量的分布特征和以黄红麻纤维及副产品为主要原料开发的新产品概况分析,结合多年从事研究工作的经验,提出制约黄红麻纤维生产的主要因素为原料生产过程中的收获、沤洗加工劳动强度大、耗工多、脱胶沤洗污染严重,纤维品质受气候及水质等条件影响大;产业链接缺乏协调、产业政策扶持力度不足;育种目标单一,种植者自我定位错位,难以适应加工业日益增长的多种需求;副产品利用程度低,影响植庥整体效益的提高.对解决这些问题提出建议增加黄红麻生产机械研究的投入,加快黄红麻纤维工厂化快速脱胶技术的研发、应用;加强产业内部协调合作,加大产业政策扶持力度;应用现代生物技术,结合行之有效的育种手段,加快多用途品种选育;充分利用成熟的副产品利用技术,提高植庥的整体效益.  相似文献   

香型超级杂交稻新组合淦鑫688   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
淦鑫688(原名昌优11号)系江西农业大学农学院用天丰A与自选的香稻新恢复系昌恢121配组育成的香型杂交水稻新组合,2005年通过广东省梅州市品种审定和广西桂林市品种认定,2006年通过江西省品种审定和湖南省引种许可,2007年通过广西区引种许可,且于2007年5月通过农业部超级稻品种认定。该组合具有高产稳产、米质优(国标2级)、抗性好、适应性广等特性,适合华南早、晚季种植和南方稻区作中、晚稻种植。  相似文献   

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