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肉鸡低血糖--尖峰死亡综合征(Hypoglycemiaspiking mortality syndrome of broiler chickens,HSMS)是一种主要侵害肉仔鸡的疾病。10~18日龄为发病高峰期,有报道称42日龄的商品代肉鸡也发生本病。临床表现为突然出现的高死亡率,至少持续3~5d,同时伴有低血糖症。病鸡头部震颤、运动失调、昏迷、失明、死亡。有些病鸡可以自然恢复,但常会出现生长发育不良、矮小和气囊炎。HSMS最早报道于1986年,发生在美国的Delmarva半岛地区。1991年报道了41个自然发病鸡群和3个实验感染鸡群。之后,该病向美国东南部地区发展。目前在加拿大、欧洲、马来西亚和南非均有本病发生。自1998年以来,我国华北地区多次发生肉鸡突发性高致死性疾病,现已证实是HSMS。1999年在东北的辽宁省也出现了肉鸡群的突然死亡病例,临床症状与病理变化与HSMS极其相似。  相似文献   

肉鸡低血糖-尖峰死亡综合征的发生与防制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 肉鸡低血糖 -尖峰死亡综合征简介肉鸡低血糖 -尖峰死亡综合征 (hypoglucemiaspikingmortalitysyndromeofbroilerchickens ,HSMS )是一种主要侵害肉仔鸡的疾病 ,其病原尚未确定 ,但可以肯定的是该病的发生与某些病毒 (如沙粒病毒样粒子 )、种鸡、孵化、出雏和光照有关。本病的主要表现为突然出现的高死亡率 (>0 .5 % ) ,至少持续 3~ 5天 ,同时伴有低血糖症。HSMS最早报道是 1986年发生在美国半岛地区 ,1991年报道了 4 1个自然发病鸡群和 3个实验感染鸡群 ,之后该病向美国东南部发展 ,目前在加拿大、欧洲、马来西亚和南非均有本病发生…  相似文献   

1肉鸡低血糖-尖峰死亡综合征简介肉鸡低血糖-尖峰死亡综合征(HSMS)是一种主要侵害肉仔鸡的疾病,其病原尚未确定,但可以肯定的是该病的发生与某些病毒(如沙粒病毒样粒子)、种鸡、孵化、出雏和光照有关。本病的主要表现为突然出现的高死亡率(>0.5%),至少持续3~5d,同时伴有低血糖症。HSMS最早报道在1986年的美国半岛地区,1991年报道了41个自然发病鸡群和3个实验感染鸡群,之后该病向美国东南部发展,目前在加拿大、欧洲、马来西亚和南非均有本病发生犤1犦。1998年以来,我国华北地区多次发生肉鸡突发性高致病性疾病,造成巨大的经济损失,现已…  相似文献   

1发病情况太康县某养殖户饲养肉鸡5000羽,从20日龄左右开始发病.病初表现为精神沉郁、采食量下降、饮水量增加,部分病鸡头部震颤,惊叫,然后瘫痪。鸡群发病率10%左右,每天死亡8~10只。  相似文献   

朱宝祥  何庆华  王萍 《中国家禽》2005,27(16):16-16
黑龙江省宝清县五九七农场饲养场于2004年12月3日从孵化厂购人肉雏鸡5000只。畜主采用地面平养方式进行饲喂,垫料为稻壳,饲养密度为每平方米25只,随着日龄的增长,鸡群的密度逐渐增大,当饲养至21日龄时,鸡群中的肉鸡出现了发病和死亡现象,并与日俱增。最高峰每天死亡20-30只。该病从发生到结束,共死亡肉鸡335只,剖检发现60%以上的死鸡出现“烂肺”现象。  相似文献   

低血糖尖峰死亡综合征(HSMS)是一种病原不明的传染病,临诊感染的病例以发病率低,突然出现高死亡率(>0.5%),且至少持续3d,同时出现低血糖症为特征。主要侵害7~14日龄的肉鸡,但最近报道在大到42日龄的商品代肉鸡中也有本病发生。临诊症状主要为头部轻微震颤,明显失明,运动失调和昏迷。有的病鸡常可自然康复,但呈现佝偻、矮小和气囊炎病变。HSMS于1986年美国Delmarva半岛地区首次发现,后于1991年报道了41个自然发病鸡群和3个实验感染鸡群。以后在Delmarva地区本病的发生有所缓解,而在美国的东南部地区发病增多。由于本病…  相似文献   

1发病简况 我市某肉鸡养殖专业户2011年2月中旬饲养商品肉鸡3000羽,全部为外调鸡苗。至1月龄时,鸡群生产良好,成活率高达97.8%。10日龄首免鸡新城疫疫苗,32日龄二免。鸡群在二免后第2日开始发病,并陆续出现死亡,至3月15日,病鸡共约1000羽,约占1/3,先后死亡近200羽,病死率约达25%。  相似文献   

肉仔鸡非典型新城疫并发克雷伯氏菌病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古通辽市某肉鸡养殖专业户,2004年2月份饲养商品肉鸡3000只,全部为外调鸡苗。初期鸡群生长良好,1月龄成活率为97.8%。新城疫10日龄首免、32日龄二免。二免第二天鸡群陆续发病,哮喘、采食量减少、软颈、口中有黏液、水样便等临诊症状,并陆续出现死亡。至3月15日,发病鸡约1000只,死亡近200只。经投服恩诺沙星和环丙沙星饮水,饲料拌喂叶酸、硫酸锰和VB后,病情未见好转。  相似文献   

1发病情况黑龙江省五九七农场李某的饲养场于2011年12月3日从孵化场购进肉鸡雏5 000羽。畜主采用地面平养的方式进行饲喂,垫料为稻壳,饲养密度为每平方米25只。随着日龄的增长,鸡群的密度逐渐加大,饲养至21日龄时,鸡群中的肉鸡出现发病和死亡的现象,并且与日俱增,最高峰每天死亡20-30只。该病从发生到结束,共死亡肉鸡335只,剖检发现60%以上出现"烂肺",现将具体情况报告如下。  相似文献   

张希兵  刘兵 《中国家禽》2005,27(3):28-28
肉鸡低血糖尖峰综合征(HSMS)最早发生于1986年美国半岛地区,1991年报道了41个自然发病鸡群和3个实验感染鸡群。之后,该病向美国东南部地区发展,目前在加拿大、欧洲、马来西亚和南非均有发生。自2004年5月中旬以来,本地许多鸡场发生一种以病鸡运动失调、头部震颤并在短时间(1-3小时)内出现高死亡率(70.5%)为特征的疾病,初步诊断为低血糖尖峰死亡综合征,现报告如下:  相似文献   

A large S. infantis infection epidemic in broiler chickens was studied during a period of one year. The outbreak affected three broiler producing companies in Finland. The infection spread to breeding farms according to available data during the summer of 1975. The epidemic still prevailed at the end of the studies on the farms of certain companies.The origin of the infection and the means of its spreading could not be ascertained. Some epidemiological evidence suggesting that a hatchery might have spread the infection was found. Contaminated feed may also have been involved, although the findings do not support feed as the principal vehicle in the epidemic. A complex pattern of transmission is most probable.A microbiological preventive method based on the feeding of a culture of intestinal flora of adult chickens to newly hatched broiler chickens was used on many farms in the study. The feeding of the culture lowered the proportion of infected flocks on the farms and significantly lowered the number of infected birds in those flocks, where the prevention was not complete. kw|Keywords|k]Salmonella infantis; k]infection; k]epidemic; k]broiler chicken  相似文献   

The epidemiology of infectious bursal disease (IBD) was studied by serology and sometimes by visual examination of the bursa of Fabricius in poultry flocks in Queensland during 1976–1979.
Ten flocks, each of approximately 30,000 meat breeding chickens, were surveyed. All chickens had maternally-derived antibody against IBD virus (IBDV) at hatching and active antibody was not detected while the chickens were brooded on rearing farms. When distributed to breeding farms, 7 of the flocks developed antibody when 11 to 25 weeks of age. The remaining 3 flocks were vaccinated by infection of 10% of the birds and within 4 weeks more than 80% of the chickens had developed precipitating antibody to IBDV.
Blood samples of 20 to 30 broiler chickens were collected at slaughter (7 to 9 weeks of age) from each of 312 broiler flocks raised on 37 contract farms. While the samples from 21 flocks were without detectable antibody to IBDV, all serum samples for 263 flocks contained antibody. The ratio of bursal weight to bodyweight was significantly lower in birds from 144 flocks having antibody to IBDV than in birds from 10 flocks that were without detectable antibody. In sequential studies, IBDV antibody became demonstrable in 27 of 30 flocks when the chickens were one to 6 weeks of age and was accompanied by bursal atrophy.
Serological investigation of 4 flocks of layer breeding chickens on a multi-age farm at approximately monthly intervals resulted in antibody to IBDV being detected at every examination.
Serological tests and bursal examinations were carried out weekly in 2 flocks each of 4000 layer chickens between one and 20 weeks of age. Serum antibody developed in one flock at 4 weeks of age and in the other at 17 weeks of age. In both flocks, bursal atrophy occurred concurrently with the development of antibody.  相似文献   

Subgroup J avian leucosis virus (ALV-J) causes great economic losses in the poultry industry. One in 3 grandparent farms was closed due to ALV-J infection in 1998 in Taiwan. The remaining 2 farms were forced to import breeding chicks from different breeding companies afterwards. We report on the ALV-J infection status among these breeders, their progeny and Taiwan native chickens during 2000-2002. The weekly mortality for the male line among the infected breeders was higher than that for the female line. Sixty-three percent (5/8) of the broiler flocks were infected with ALV-J. The surface (SU) portion of the env gene from the ALV-J field isolates was cloned and sequenced. The phylogenetic results show that all of the isolates fell into 2 clusters. Unexpectedly, the isolates from the same breeds fell into different clusters, with a cluster including isolates from different breeding companies. ALV-Js from native chickens crossbred with imported chickens were placed into the same clusters as those from the imported breeds. The high similarities observed in different ALV-J isolates suggest that different ALV-Js were mixed in the pedigree generations in different breeding lines.  相似文献   

The presence of Eimeria spp. oocysts in fecal samples collected from 1,108 broiler houses in six regions, representing about 12% of all broiler farms in Turkey, was studied using the modified McMaster method. The age of the chickens in the 1,108 pens varied from 1 to 50 days. Oocysts were found in 602 (54.3%) of these broiler houses, and the mean OPG (oocysts per gram of feces) in those samples was 36,498.7 (50–952,000). No indication of clinical coccidiosis or other clinically evident infection or wide mortality was encountered in any of the pens studied. Further study showed that the age of the chickens, the occurrence of diarrhea on the houses and the density of broiler breeding in the area correlated with subclinical coccidiosis prevalence.  相似文献   

随机抽取安徽省3个肉种鸡场种鸡及3个地市农贸市场商品鸡的血清样本和泄殖腔拭子,采用ELISA进行鸡白血病检测,并对J亚群鸡白血病病毒抗体阳性鸡群中病鸡的肝组织、全血及上毒细胞提取DNA进行PCR扩增和基因测序。检测结果表明,3个肉种鸡场中J亚群鸡白血病抗体阳性检出率分别为:0、73.50%和15.22%;3个农贸市场商品鸡抗体阳性检出率分别为:12.00%、2.22%和9.10%。3个肉种鸡场A、B亚群鸡白血病的抗体阳性率分别为0、17.93%和1.08%,ALV抗原阳性率分别为2.17%、17.93%和15.22%。PCR检测结果表明,从可疑发病鸡的肝组织和全血中均能扩增出ALV-J gp85特异性片段。结果证实安徽省鸡群中有ALV-J感染,并呈不同程度的流行,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

为掌握禽偏肺病毒(aMPV)在安徽省鸡群中的感染状况,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对安徽省合肥、亳州、定远、舒城等地区的9个鸡场、7个不同品种(系)鸡群的296份血液样本进行了aMPV血清抗体检测。结果表明,所有被检鸡场均有aMPV感染,鸡场阳性率最高达100%,最低为20%;各品种(系)鸡均有感染,感染率最高的是青脚麻肉鸡,其次分别为科宝肉鸡、海兰蛋鸡、禽粤黄蛋鸡、淮南麻黄鸡、黄羽土鸡和新广麻肉鸡;其中蛋用型鸡血清样本总体阳性率为88.7%,明显高于肉用和兼用型鸡;公鸡和母鸡血清抗体阳性率均较高。研究结果表明,安徽省鸡群aMPV的感染已广泛存在,且不同地区、品种(系)、用途和性别的鸡群均较严重,应根据感染状况尽早制定相应的防控对策。  相似文献   

用斑点杂交法同时检测鸡群中的CAV MDV和REV   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
为研究鸡传染性贫血病毒(CAV)在鸡群中的感染状况以及马立克氏病病毒(MDV)和网状内皮细胞增生病病毒(REV)在鸡群中的发病率,用斑点杂交法对山东省4个肉鸡场和2个肉种鸡场进行CAV、MDV和REV的检测,结果表明除一个肉种鸡场没有检测出REV以外,其他鸡场均同时检测出CAV、MDV和REV,并且发现直接从病科中检测CAV的阳性率(20%)远远低于将病科接种SPF鸡胚后的检出率(80%)。  相似文献   

From January 2009 to June 2010, many broiler chicks suddenly died without clinical signs. The mortality rates were from 1.2% to 17.0% in affected flocks. Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) was detected in 13 prefectures (northern, eastern, western, and southern areas) in Japan. The livers were enlarged and pale. The bursa of Fabricius and thymus had not atrophied. Multifocal necroses of hepatocytes with basophilic intranuclear inclusions were seen in the liver. Eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in hepatocytes were rare. Focal necrosis of acinar cells with basophilic intranuclear inclusions was found in the pancreas. Basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were detected in intact surface epithelial cells of gizzard and epithelial cells of the small intestine. The intranuclear inclusions of liver, pancreas, gizzard, and small intestine were stained positively for immunohistochemistry of fowl adenovirus (FAV) antigen. Ultrastructurally, basophilic intranuclear inclusions consisted of viral particles approximately 70 nm in diameter and arranged in a crystalline array. FAV was isolated from the liver of chickens affected with IBH. The serotype of most isolates was 2. This study suggests that IBH produced by FAV is epidemic in broiler chicks in Japan and that the present cases occurred as the primary disease without the association of infectious bursal disease virus or chicken anemia virus.  相似文献   

Straight-run chickens of the Ross broiler hybrid were experimentally infected with the skin homogenates of sound broilers, broilers conditionally edible, and broilers confiscated for alternations in skin. The chickens infected with the homogenates of healthy skin were negative in the Marek's disease test. In 17% of the chickens infected with the skin from the conditionally edible broilers, macroscopically observable cutaneous lesions were induced and 60% of the infected chickens had microscopic changes in the skin; visceral organs were always affected by the infection. In the chickens infected with the skin of a confiscated bird, the long storage exerted its unfavourable effect and the infected birds were negative in the Marek's disease test. Our results indicate that the active form of Marek's disease was induced.  相似文献   


In this study, the prevalence and spatial distribution of Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, and avian influenza have been evaluated in commercial broiler farms in 31 provinces in Iran. In this survey, a total of 233 affected broiler chicken farms were sampled. The infectious bronchitis virus (alone) was detected with highest frequency in 60 farms, and separately or combined with other agents, in 110 farms; Newcastle disease virus, separately, was detected in 28 farms, and in 63 farms separately or combined with other infectious agents; and avian influenza H9N2 was detected in 22 farms separately and in 51 farms separately or concomitant with other infectious agents. The sample tested negative for all H5 serotypes. The results of the present study show that the most prevalent avian viral infectious disease contributing to respiratory syndromes in broiler farms in Iran was infectious bronchitis due to infectious bronchitis virus serotypes variant 2 and 793/B. On the other hand, combined with the alternation of dominant viruses and circulating strains, flocks are exposed to unremitting anamorphic viral infections. Thus, the permanent monitoring of cases that have occurred and the review of vaccination plans of affected flocks every year are some of the necessary measures needed for strategic control of respiratory syndrome in broilers. It is noteworthy that execution of epidemiologic examinations on the cogent factors of prevalence of this syndrome and defeat of vaccination strategy in the flocks is urgent and has to be fulfilled on the definite causes of time.


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