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本试验对典型的亚高山高寒草甸草原--巴音布鲁克草原绵羊寄生线虫的优势种马歇尔线虫进行了成虫寄生量、羊粪便中虫卵排出量和寄生虫体外发育育成率的逐月观察,结合气温、相对湿度、蒸发量和雨量的观察记录,得出了马歇尔线虫各发育阶段在绵羊体内及草场上的季节动态及与气温、湿度变化的关系。马歇尔线虫在体内的寄生量和草场上的体外育成量得出的成虫数量低谷在2006年7月~2006年8月,高峰在2006年11月第1次出现,到2007年2月出现1次明显的下降,而到2007年4月再次明显的升高。寄生性幼虫数量低谷于2006年7月~2006年8月,高峰在2006年9月第1次出现,到2007年2月再次升高。马歇尔线虫寄生性幼虫高峰与成虫高峰相对应。结果表明成虫高峰随体外幼虫高峰而来,粪便中虫卵的峰值则往往跟随成虫高峰而出现。体外育成率的高低又明显受气温及湿度影响,平均湿度低于50%时无峰出现,低于5.6 ℃时育成率为零,湿度在79%以下时育成率很低。本试验对羊体内及草场上寄生性马歇尔线虫季节消长规律进行了研究,为制定合理防制措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   

放牧羊线虫粪检虫卵与虫荷量相关动态的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对一周岁放牧绵羊同步进行为期一年的虫卵、成虫、寄生阶段幼虫动态观察。发现羊只线虫总荷量除7~9月份出现明显低谷、12月份出现显著高峰外,其它月份均在较高水平波动。暖季宿主体内成虫占优势与虫卵排放升高季节吻合;冷季宿主体内寄生阶段幼虫居优势与虫卵排放低潮期吻合。经过对研究结果的分析,初步探索了对羊线虫病预测预报的可能性与可行性。  相似文献   

对亚热带草地模式区──湖北长阳火烧坪草畜示范场绵羊寄生线虫的优势种捻转血矛线虫、环纹奥斯特线虫和粗纹食道口线虫进行了成虫寄生量、羊粪中虫卵排出量和寄生虫体外发育育成率的逐月观察,结合气象资料──气温、相对湿度、蒸发量和雨量的观察记录,得出了这些优势种各发育阶段在绵羊体内及牧地上的季节动态以及与气温、湿度变化的关系。3种线虫在牧地上的体外育成率和在羊体内的寄生量都有2个峰,育成率于4月出现第1个峰,随之在5月成虫出现第1个峰,育成率于6或7月分别出现第2个更高的峰,成虫也于7~9月出现第2个更高的峰。说明成虫峰随体外发育育成峰而来,粪中虫卵的峰值则往往跟随成虫峰而出现。体外育成率的高低又明显受气温及温度影响,平均湿度低于12℃时无峰出现,低于5℃时育成率为零,湿度在79%以下时育成率很低。本文还讨论了防制建议。  相似文献   

用粪便虫卵计数(EPG)和动物体内蠕虫计数法对新疆3个不同地区的16只绵羊直肠粪便中的线虫虫卵和胃肠道线虫进行研究表明,在同一地区,绵羊直肠粪便中EPG与体内线虫荷虫量基本呈正相关;但不同季节、不同虫种的感染以及不同年龄之间卵与虫相关性的比值变化较大;粪便虫卵与体内成虫的高峰期也不完全吻合。  相似文献   

高寒牧区牛羊胃肠道线虫病调查与防治试验报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为进一步调查甘南高原牧区春乏期间,牛、羊不明原因死亡严重的情况,制定有效的防治技术方案。方法全州分为三大区域,93 330头(只)牛、羊分为3组,随机抽样,通过流行历史调查、临床症状、病理变化、粪便检查和剖检变化等,进行综合分析研究。结果粪便漂浮法检查出大量虫卵,带虫现象极为普遍,经诊断后,确诊为胃肠道线虫病。其中,寄生在牛胃肠道内的线虫有仰口线虫、辐射食道口线虫、古柏线虫等;寄生在羊胃肠道内的线虫有奥斯特线虫、仰口线虫、夏伯特线虫、食道口线虫、毛首线虫、细颈线虫、毛圆线虫、血矛线虫、马歇尔线虫、类圆线虫等,一般为混合感染。结论高寒牧区牛、羊胃肠道线虫病非常严重  相似文献   

羊消化道线虫病是羊的主要寄生虫病,它是由许多线虫寄生于羊胃肠道内而引起的一种疾病。由于许多线虫寄生于羊的胃肠道内,吸取机体内的营养,损伤消化道粘膜,导致羊体瘦弱、降低羊的抗病能力,严重者还会造成羊只大批死亡,给养殖户造成惨重的经济损失。 春季是羊的消化道线虫的高峰期,体内的各种线虫数量大幅度增加。此时驱虫,可以收到一次用药、全部驱除羊群个体内的消化道线虫的效果。不但可以使羊群快速增重,降低春季羊群的死亡率,而且还有利于羊群夏季抓膘和防止各种寄生虫虫卵污染草场。 目前,驱治羊消化道线虫…  相似文献   

(一)春季羊寄生虫病有什么特点?羊寄生虫病一年四季均可发生,但不同寄生虫的发育规律、季节、饲养管理条件和方式以及羊的营养状况和抵抗力等有差异,因此,羊寄生虫病的发生呈现不同的季节特点。春季则以羊消化道圆线虫病和体外寄生虫病的发生较多。线虫繁殖力强,虫卵和幼虫对外界环境的适应性和抵抗力强,不易被消灭。羊上年秋季感染的线虫,冬季在羊胃肠道内停留在幼虫阶段,呈现"休眠"状态,进入春季,温湿度增高,羊胃肠道的幼虫"苏醒",发育为成虫并出现产卵高峰,虫卵随粪排出并污染圈舍或牧场。冬季寒冷,羊只拥挤,或农  相似文献   

1、病原本病在低湿牧场和多雨季节最易感染。此病的病原体是肺丝虫,肺丝虫又分为大型肺丝虫(丝状网胃线虫)和小型肺丝虫(原圆科线虫)两类。大型肺丝虫成虫寄生在羊气管和支气管内,含有幼虫的虫卵或已孵出的幼虫,随咯痰咯出,或咽下后经粪便排出。幼虫  相似文献   

1病原 散养猪常患寄生虫有:类圆线虫、猪绦虫、猪结节虫、小袋纤毛虫、猪肾虫等。它们中的大部分寄生在猪的胃肠道,部分寄生在肺、肾等部位。虫卵随粪便排出体外,在适宜的温湿度条件下发育、孵化,引起感染。感染后,成虫与猪争夺营养,移行幼虫破坏猪的肠壁、肝脏和肺脏组织,被寄生部位出现炎症、结节、溃疡,甚至穿孔。  相似文献   

1病原 胎生网尾线虫为牛的肺线虫,是引起犊牛和成年牛寄生虫性肺炎和细支气管肺炎的病因。肺线虫成虫寄生在气管和细支气管,成年雌虫产的虫卵在气管内或在排出之前的粪便中孵化,发育为第3期感染性幼虫仅需5天,  相似文献   

A total of 96 abomasa from sheep and goats at the Zagazig abattoir, Sharkia Province, Egypt, were examined, during the four climatic seasons from April 1986 to March 1987, for the presence of adult and larval nematodes. Adults of Trichostrongylus axei were most numerous followed by adult Haemonchus contortus. Adult Ostertagia sp. and Parabronema skrjabini were less prevalent. There was no significant difference between sheep and goats in infection rates, but worm burdens of the nematodes other than Ostertagia sp. were significantly higher (P less than 0.05) in sheep than in goats. The animals were uniformly infected with these parasites throughout the year as there were no significant differences in the incidence or intensity of infections between the four seasons. The numbers of larvae recovered from the wall of the abomasa were small in relation to the total adult worm population throughout the year with a slight increase during the summer. Hypobiosis, therefore, seems not to be important in the life cycle of abomasal nematodes of sheep and goats in Sharkia Province, Egypt.  相似文献   

A survey of the gastro-intestinal nematodes in domestic sheep and goats of the Sahelian zone of Senegal was undertaken. Their prevalence and the egg production were estimated by faecal egg count in 2234 sheep and 577 goats slaughtered at the Dakar slaughterhouse during a 12 month period. The highest prevalence (%) and highest mean egg counts (EPG) were recorded at the end of the wet season. Amongst the species of nematodes encountered there are two of potential importance: Haemonchus contortus and Oesophagostomum columbianum. It is suggested that the most effective control can be achieved by a critical treatment at the end of dry season (May–June) when the EPG starts to increase, and when hypobiosis is supposed to be terminating. This would insure the greatest proportion of the existing worm population to be exposed to the anthelmintic.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of doramectin administered intramuscularly at a dose rate of 200 microg/kg to sheep harbouring naturally acquired infections of gastrointestinal nematodes and Oestrus ovis in the southwestern region of France. On day 0, 24 sheep were selected on the basis of positive faecal egg counts (>100 EPG) and positive assessment of O. ovis infection (including positive O. ovis antibody level and positive clinical score). The sheep were randomly allocated to a non-medicated control group (T1) or a doramectin-treated group (T2) of 12 animals each. On day 0, sheep in group T2 received a single intramuscular injection of doramectin (200 microg/kg), whereas those in group T1 received an intramuscular injection of saline solution (sodium chloride, 0.02ml/kg). Individual faecal egg counts were performed on days 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 14. Between days 14 and 16, all sheep were slaughtered, and worm and O. ovis burdens were determined. In doramectin-treated sheep, faecal egg counts had decreased to zero by day 4 for all recovered types of nematode eggs: strongyles, Nematodirus sp., Trichuris sp., and Rhabditidae sp. For strongyles, Nematodirus sp., and Rhabditidae, the percentage reductions in faecal egg counts (geometric means) of doramectin-treated sheep, compared to the non-medicated control sheep were 100% from days 4-7. For Trichuris sp., they were 100, 99.7, 99.9, and 100% on days 4, 5, 6, and 7, respectively. On day 14, percentage reductions were 100% for Nematodirus sp. and Rhabditidae, and 99.8 and 99.1% for strongyles and Trichuris sp., respectively. At necropsy, only adult nematodes and mainly first-stage O. ovis larvae were recovered. Doramectin was highly efficacious against the adult stages of Teladorsagia circumcincta (100%), Nematodirus battus (100%), Nematodirus filicollis (99.9%), Oesophagostomum venulosum (99.8%), and Trichuris sp. (99.3%). It was also 100% efficacious against first-stage larvae of O. ovis. No abnormal clinical signs or adverse reactions in any of the sheep treated with doramectin were observed.  相似文献   

Worm egg counts were compared with nematode worm burdens from data collected from greater than 400 sheep killed in experiments on the epidemiology of nematode parasites in the Overberg, in the winter rainfall area of the southern Cape Province. Data were analysed in several ways but no method could be found to accurately estimate the number of nematodes present from the faecal egg count in respect of individual sheep. However, the mean natural log egg count (epg) can roughly predict the mean natural log nematode count in groups of sheep.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to determine the prevalence and seasonal abundance of the egg and adult stages of nematode parasites of sheep and goats in the semi-arid zone of north-eastern Nigeria between January and December 2002. Faecal samples collected from 102 sheep and 147 goats and examined by the modified McMaster technique using saturated solution of sodium chloride as the floating medium revealed that 44 (43.1%) and 82 (55.8%) of the samples, respectively, contained at least one nematode egg type. Three nematode egg types were recovered with strongyle egg type (22.5% in sheep and 35.4% in goats) being the most prevalent followed, respectively, by Trichuris (5.9% in sheep and 4.1% in goats) and Strongyloides (4.9% in sheep and 4.1% in goats) egg types. Mean faecal egg counts were generally moderate in both sheep (1052+/-922 strongyle, 1000+/-590 Strongyloides and 380+/-110 Trichuris eggs, respectively, per g of faeces) and goats (2092+/-3475 strongyle, 958+/-854 Strongyloides and 683+/-512 Trichuris eggs, respectively, per g of faeces) and showed the same trend irrespective of the age or sex of the animals. The prevalence and counts of strongyle nematode eggs showed a definite seasonal sequence that corresponded with the rainfall pattern in the study area during the period. In both sheep and goats, counts of strongyle egg type increased with the rains and reached peak levels at about the peak of the rainy season in September. The other egg types encountered during the study did not show much variation with the season of the year. Out of the 45 sheep and 75 goats examined at necropsy, 27 (60%) and 39 (52%), respectively, contained adult nematode species. Seven genera of adult nematodes including Strongyloides, Trichostrongylus, Haemonchus, Trichuris, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Bunostomum species were encountered during the study. Bunostomum species were recorded only in sheep. Adult worm burdens were generally low and showed seasonal variation that corresponded with the rainfall pattern in the study area during the period. Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus species attained peak counts together in both goats (June) and sheep (August). Strongyloides species were encountered throughout the year in both sheep and goats irrespective of the season. Other genera of nematodes encountered occurred in very low numbers and did not allow any meaningful comparison of seasonal sequence. The results suggest that Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus and Strongyloides species may be the major contributors to small ruminant helminthiasis in the study area.  相似文献   

The potential of the chitin synthesis inhibitor diflubenzuron (DFB) to alter the development of the parasitic nematodes (Ascaris suum and Haemonchus contortus was investigated. DFB given orally (10 mg kg-1 per day for 30 days) to sheep inoculated with H. contortus infective larvae did not prevent the establishment of adults or affect fecal egg output. However, there was a significant (greater than 90%) decrease in the number of infective larvae recovered from fecal cultures derived from lambs harboring H. contortus adults that were treated with DFB. DFB did not affect egg hatching. Oral administration (10 mg kg-1 per day for 20 days) of DFB to swine harboring adult A. suum adults had no effect on the adult worm burden or on egg morphology, but eggs removed from worms obtained from DFB-treated swine contained less chitin than eggs removed from untreated control swine. DFB also inhibited chitin synthesis in vitro in the isolated reproductive tract of A. suum adults. These results indicate that DFB at high doses can inhibit the subsequent development of H. contortus larvae in the feces. Since H. contortus larvae lack chitin, DFB may act on these larvae by a mechanism independent of a direct effect on chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

The control of gastro-intestinal nematodes in sheep has almost entirely been based on the use of anthelmintics and pasture management. Therefore anthelmintic resistance escalated in the past. One way of reducing this problem may be the limitation of anthelmintic treatment to those animals with clinical symptoms only. The FAMACHA Eye-colour-chart is based on the principle knowledge that the colour of mucous membranes are correlated with the anaemiae situation of an animal. To monitor anaemic animals they are identified and classified in a 1 to 5-color scale based on the colour of the conjunctiva, and anaemic animals can be selectively treated. It helps to reduce treatments and therefore the development of drug resistance. The objective of this study was to estimate the correlation between FAMACHA-scores, haematocrit values, faecal egg counts, plasma albumin level and worm burden following an experimental infection with Haemonchus contortus in lambs. The estimated correlations have been low. This proofs the limits of the FAMACHA system under a situation of low parasite pressure.  相似文献   

Helminths cause great economic loss in livestock in Africa, and can be categorized as either direct or indirect losses. Arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) in Kenya comprise 71% of total land area and harbour the largest population of cattle, sheep and goats. However, little information on the distribution and impact of gastro-intestinal (GIT) parasitism in these animals is available. This survey was conducted to establish the prevalence of GIT parasites infecting calves, sheep and goats and their relative importance in Magadi division, which is semi-arid. Faecal samples were obtained directly from the rectum of 109 calves, 133 goats and 20 sheep and submitted to the laboratory for faecal worm egg counts, and coccidial oocysts examination using a modified McMaster method. The significance of differences in mean egg count per gram (epg) between animal species and herds (farms) were assessed using analysis of variance. The overall prevalence of nematodes in the calves, sheep and goats was 69.2%, 80% and 82%, respectively. About 10% of sheep and goats had epgs higher than 1 000, the remainder having light to moderate infections. The overall prevalence of coccidial oocysts in calves, sheep and goats was 30%, 44% and 45%, respectively. Poor productivity in ASAL areas, where nutrition is often poor, is likely to be pronounced in the presence of parasite infections. These findings indicate that viable internal parasite control should be implemented in the study area in order to increase the productivity of the livestock there.  相似文献   

In light of rapidly spreading triclabendazole resistance alternative fasciocidal drugs are urgently needed. Following up on promising results obtained with artemether in Fasciola hepatica infected sheep, we here report the efficacy and safety of artesunate in sheep with a natural F. hepatica infection. Artesunate was administered intravenously and intramuscularly, adverse events were monitored and drug efficacy was elucidated by means of faecal egg and worm burden reductions. A single 40 mg/kg intravenous dose of artesunate induced an egg count reduction of 68.9% and a worm burden reduction of 77.4%. Intramuscular artesunate at 40 mg/kg reduced faecal egg count and worm burden by 97.6% and 91.9%, respectively; whereas at 60 mg/kg it caused 93.2% and 87.1% reduction in faecal egg count and worm burden, respectively. Three sheep died 24-72 h post-treatment with a double dose of 40 mg/kg intramuscular artesunate, showing lethargy, sialorrhoea, reduced rumination and tremors. Egg and worm burden reductions of 93.3% and 83.9%, respectively, were calculated in the three surviving sheep. In conclusion, the interesting fasciocidal properties of artesunate in sheep warrant further investigations with an emphasis on toxicity studies.  相似文献   

Nematode parasite infections of semi-domestic reindeer grazing in their natural habitat in northern Finland were monitored for approximately 2 years. This was achieved by monthly faecal egg counts of male and female calves and adult females from an experimental reindeer herd, in addition to estimating the acquisition of nematode infection from pasture using tracer reindeer calves. The most abundant parasite was Ostertagia gruehneri in the worm counts of tracer animals and in faecal egg counts of adult female reindeer. Capillaria sp. eggs were detected in calves and adults, but Nematodirinae eggs were only recovered from calves. Faecal egg counts showed variations between months for each nematode species, with male and female calves shedding similar numbers of eggs. During each year, calves shed more Capillaria sp. eggs than adult female reindeer, but similar numbers of O. gruehneri eggs. Egg counts of O. gruehneri were more abundant in late summer-autumn (July-September), whereas Capillaria sp. and the Nematodirinae dominated the winter months (November-February). The seasonal trends of adult worm burdens of O. gruehneri in the tracers paralleled the egg count patterns. Capillaria sp. was not detected in tracer worm counts. Tracer worm burdens showed that the proportion of inhibited larvae of O. gruehneri and Nematodirinae steadily increased from spring to early winter, followed by a decline and a commensurate increase in the number of adult parasites in the second summer. This investigation showed that parasite transmission occurs continuously throughout the year for nematode parasites of reindeer in northern Finland.  相似文献   

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