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猪源粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌多重PCR快速鉴定方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌是引起猪感染发病的优势肠球菌种,以肠球菌的16 S rRNA基因设计属特异性引物,利用SodA基因多态性设计种特异性引物,同时优化反应条件,建立了能同时测定猪源粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌多重PCR方法。通过对来源于猪的临床菌株、粪便菌株和鲜猪肉菌株进行测定,均能成功扩增出属特异性片段和种特异性片段。经过与快速生化鉴定试剂盒(Vitek-32)和16 S rRNA测序方法比较,多重PCR与16 S rRNA测序方法对猪的临床菌株、粪便菌株和鲜猪肉菌株的鉴定符合率100%;与Vitek-32鉴定符合率为62.3%,其中,与分离于感染猪的临床菌株符合率仅有46.7%,特别是感染猪的屎肠球菌,符合率仅为22.3%。  相似文献   

[目的]建立羊源肠球菌属与屎肠球菌的双重PCR检测方法,对临床分离的菌株进行快速检测。[方法 ]设计肠球菌属特异性和屎肠球菌种特异性引物,建立双重PCR反应体系;评价双重PCR反应的特异性和敏感性;利用混合菌液制备模拟感染样品,确定双重PCR反应对模拟感染样品检测的特异性和敏感性。[结果]建立的双重PCR反应能够特异性的扩增肠球菌属(294 bp)和屎肠球菌(557 bp)DNA片段;该方法对常见的动物源细菌无交叉反应,对肠球菌属的最低检测量为5.71×10-5 ng/μL,对屎肠球菌的最低检测量为5.71×10-4ng/μL;双重PCR反应能够特异性的检测模拟感染样品中的肠球菌属和屎肠球菌,对于模拟感染样品中的屎肠球菌检测量为1×101CFU/m L。[结论]建立的双重PCR检测方法具有特异性强、敏感性高的特点,为快速鉴定屎肠球菌提供了快速、准确的方法。  相似文献   

为了解乌鲁木齐市宠物源粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌对临床常用抗菌药物的耐药性及其耐药基因携带情况,在乌鲁木齐市多家宠物医院、警犬基地、犬养殖基地采集宠物(犬和猫)直肠粪样449份进行粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌的分离鉴定,通过琼脂稀释法测定10种抗菌药物的最小抑菌浓度,利用PCR方法检测11种耐药基因。结果分离鉴定出宠物源粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌共计123株,其中粪肠球菌81株,屎肠球菌42株。宠物源粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌对四环素和庆大霉素的耐药率较高,对阿米卡星、恩诺沙星和环丙沙星呈不同程度耐药,对阿莫西林/克拉维酸、氨苄西林、万古霉素以及利奈唑胺高度敏感,仅部分屎肠球菌对亚胺培南表现耐药。检出aac(6′)/aph(2″)、aph(3′)-Ⅲ、tetM、tetA和optrA耐药基因;其余被检耐药基因未检出。耐药粪肠球菌以同时携带aac(6′)/aph(2″)+aph(3′)-Ⅲ+tetM耐药基因为主;耐药屎肠球菌以携带tetM耐药基因为主。宠物源粪肠球菌与屎肠球菌对被检抗菌药物存在不同程度耐药,均对四环素类药物耐药最严重、对应耐药基因检出率也最高。建议临床治疗应根据细菌耐药性结果进行合理用药,并持续加强对宠物源肠球菌耐药性监测。  相似文献   

为了从猪粪便中分离出肠球菌,采用6.5%NaCl pH 9.6 TSB和麦康凯血平板两种方法分别对80个健康猪源样品和53个流行性腹泻猪源样品进行检测。结果显示,共分离出115株肠球菌,其中健康猪源肠球菌72株,包括粪肠球菌2株,屎肠球菌30株,其他肠球菌40株,检测率为90%;从流行性腹泻中共分离到43株肠球菌,其中粪肠球菌9株,屎肠球菌29株,其他肠球菌5株,检出率为81.1%,前者方法中其他肠球菌的检出率比较高,后者方法屎肠球菌的检出率比较高。两种方法各有侧重,为分离不同菌种的肠球菌提供依据。  相似文献   

屎肠球菌属于肠球菌属中的一类,肠球菌是一种重要的条件致病菌,目前已发现的肠球菌种已经增至近32种,常见的是粪肠球菌(E.faecalis)、屎肠球菌(E.faecium)、鸟肠球菌(E.avium)、坚韧肠球菌(E.durans)等,其中具有临床意义的主要是粪肠球菌与屎肠球菌.肠球菌在动物和人的肠道中属于正常存在的菌群,但是异位寄生于各器官时也会引起相应的感染.肠球菌属中的粪肠球菌(旧称粪链球菌)以及屎肠球菌(旧称屎链球菌)一般情况下没有致病性,并且多年来一直用于微生态制剂加以利用,主要配合益生菌制成,可以替代抗生素预防和治疗动物的一些消化道疾病.但是粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌的某些菌株以及肠球菌的某些成员与动物致病性有关,如禽肠球菌(E.avium)、粪肠球菌(E.facalis)、屎肠球菌(E.faecium)、鸡肠球菌(E.gallinarum).肠球菌可以感染各种年龄阶段的禽,其中屎肠球菌临床上能引起禽的败血症.屎肠球菌在鸡的饲养环境中也普遍存在,能够引起各种日龄的鸡发病[5].本次屎肠球菌感染鸽主要表现为精神沉郁、食欲下降、机体消瘦、腹泻、零星死亡,可初步断定为慢性感染的表现形式.  相似文献   

为分离及种属鉴定引起牛乳腺炎相关的链球菌和肠球菌,本研究于兰州及周边地区采集疑似奶牛乳腺炎乳样382份,通过THB(Todd-Hewitt Broth)固体选择培养基初步分离到67株疑似链球菌或疑似肠球菌。参照已发表文献合成链球菌属16S r RNA和16S~23S r RNA间隔区基因引物序列,扩增分离菌株16S~23S r RNA间隔区序列,产物分别利用AluⅠ和RsaⅠ单酶切消化,并以参考菌株的16S~23S r RNA酶切图谱为参考,对分离株进行限制性片段多态性(RFLP)分类分析;再选取各RFLP类群的任一菌株,扩增其16S r RNA基因并测序,并经NCBI核酸数据库进行比对,结果显示67株疑似链球菌中有53株为粪肠球菌(79.1%)、3株为屎肠球菌(4.5%)、3株为肠道肠球菌(4.5%)、8株为无乳链球菌(11.9%)。结果表明肠球菌属细菌(粪肠球菌、肠道肠球菌、屎肠球菌)与兰州市及周边地区奶牛乳腺炎的发病紧密相关,肠球菌属细菌与链球菌属细菌16S r RNA基因同源性很高,但可以通过分子生物学方法准确区分。  相似文献   

为了解上海地区动物源粪肠球菌、屎肠球菌对常见抗菌药物的耐药及其最小抑菌浓度(minimal inhibitory concentration,MIC)变迁情况,采用微量肉汤稀释法对近五年采集的粪肠球菌、屎肠球菌进行10种常见抗菌药物敏感性测试。结果表明,458株粪肠球菌及283株屎肠球菌对头孢西丁、头孢噻呋及氧氟沙星耐药率较高(均高于60%),对青霉素、阿莫西林/克拉维酸及万古霉素的耐药率较低(均低于11%),粪肠球菌耐药率整体高于屎肠球菌,两者对氧氟沙星、头孢噻呋、氟苯尼考、庆大霉素、利奈唑胺、恩诺沙星的耐药率存在较大差异(耐药率差异为15%~44%)。五年间,粪肠球菌对阿莫西林/克拉维酸、氧氟沙星的MIC50及MIC90均呈下降趋势;屎肠球菌对阿莫西林/克拉维酸、头孢西丁及氟苯尼考的MIC50及MIC90均呈下降趋势。研究表明,近年来上海地区动物源粪肠球菌、屎肠球菌的耐药情况有好转趋势,仍需继续加强肠球菌耐药性监测。  相似文献   

【目的】了解猪源性肠球菌分离株的耐药情况及毒力因子携带情况,为肠球菌的耐药监测提供数据支持并为制定合理的治疗方案提供科学依据。【方法】本研究对广州市某大型屠宰场屠宰环节156份猪小肠样品进行肠球菌的分离培养、革兰染色、PCR鉴定,采用琼脂扩散法对菌株进行14种抗菌药物和2种消毒剂的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)测定,利用PCR技术检测耐药基因、毒力基因和消毒剂抗性基因的携带情况。【结果】本研究分离到84株肠球菌(分离率为53.85%),包括44株粪肠球菌和40株屎肠球菌;分离培养可见菌落边缘光滑整齐、圆形或卵圆形排列、菌落周围培养基呈现黑色的菌落;疑似菌落革兰染色后呈圆形的革兰阳性球菌,单个或成堆排列在一起。对疑似菌落DNA进行PCR扩增,其中粪肠球菌引物扩增出大小约941 bp的条带,16S rRNA引物扩增出大小约1 500 bp的条带。药敏试验结果显示,44株粪肠球菌对克林霉素、多西环素、头孢噻呋、庆大霉素、红霉素、苯扎氯铵和氟苯尼考的耐药率较高,分别为97.7%、90.9%、88.6%、88.6%、81.8%、81.8%和77.3%;40株屎肠球菌对克林霉素、头孢噻呋、多西环素、庆大霉...  相似文献   

为了探讨粪肠球菌明胶酶E(gelE)基因对粪肠球菌生物膜形成能力的影响,试验取鸡源粪肠球菌50株,设计特异性引物,通过PCR扩增粪肠球菌毒力基因gelE;利用96微孔板结晶紫染色法在595 nm波长下测定其OD值,对gelE基因和生物膜进行相关性分析。结果表明:有78%(39/50)的粪肠球菌呈生物膜阳性,22%(11/50)的粪肠球菌呈生物膜阴性;82%(41/50)的粪肠球菌呈gelE基因阳性,18%(9/50)的粪肠球菌呈gelE基因阴性,粪肠球菌毒力基因gelE和生物膜具有一致性。说明粪肠球菌gelE基因能够调控生物膜的形成。  相似文献   

正屎肠球菌是人类和动物体内的正常菌群之一,也是仔猪生产中常用的益生菌之一,对维持猪肠道菌群平衡、调节小肠绒毛发育、促进养分吸收、增强抗病能力等有多种益生功效。目前,屎肠球菌和粪肠球菌是最常用的益生肠球菌,也是猪肠道中的主要肠球菌,粪便中以屎肠球菌为主。我国《饲料添加剂品种目录(2013)》允许使用的饲料级微生物菌种也包括这两种菌。本文主要对屎肠球菌功能特性及其在养猪生产上的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

We investigated the prevalence of the esp gene and the susceptibility to gentamicin in Enterococcus faecalis and E. faecium strains obtained from pet animals. Nine of 30 E. faecalis and 2 of 38 E. faecium strains from the pet animals had the esp gene. Three esp-positive E. faecalis strains, which were isolated from two dogs and a cat, showed gentamicin MICs of > or =256 microg/ml and harbored the high-level gentamicin resistance (HLGR) gene, aac(6')-Ie-aph(2')-Ia. Of the nine esp-positive E. faecalis strains, five, including the three strains with the HLGR gene, were closely related by numerical analysis of PFGE patterns. Longitudinal investigation needs to elucidate whether the HLGR gene was incorporated into a subpopulation of the esp-positive E. faecalis.  相似文献   

Seventy-six Enterococcus isolates (43 E. faecalis, 30 E. faecium, two E. durans, and one E. hirae) recovered from fecal samples of poultry in a slaughterhouse (one isolate per fecal sample and one fecal sample per lot of animals) were studied for bacteriocin production and for the presence of genes encoding bacteriocins and virulence factors. The presence of genes encoding virulence factors (cpd, geE, fsr, ace, agg, and esp) and bacteriocins (entA, entB, entP, entQ, entAS-48, entL50A/B, cyl, and bac31) were studied by polymerase chain reaction in all enterococci. At least two virulence genes were detected in all 43 E. faecalis isolates, cpd and gelE being the most frequently detected genes (97.7%) followed by ace (62.8%), agg (39.5%), fsr (27.9%), and esp (2.3%). No virulence genes were detected in the other enterococcal species with the exception of one E. faecium and one E. durans isolates that harbored the gelE gene. Antimicrobial activity against eight indicator bacteria (including Listeria monocytogenes) was assayed in the enterococci, and 23 (30.3%) showed inhibitory activity against L. monocytogenes, the other 22 enterococci showing activity against indicator bacteria other than L. monocytogenes. Only the entA, entB, and cyl genes were detected in our study (entA + entB in nine E. faecium isolates and the cyl gene in seven E. faecalis isolates). A wide variety of virulence genes have been detected in fecal E. faecalis isolates from poultry, but not in the other enterococcal species. However, the presence of known bacteriocin structural genes is associated more with the E. faecium species.  相似文献   

The species population of enterococci isolated from four poultry houses for six grow-outs on one farm was determined. Two houses on the farm were control houses and did not use any antimicrobials, while two other houses on the farm used flavomycin, virginiamycin, and bacitracin during different poultry grow-outs. Litter, chick boxliners, feed, and poultry carcass rinses were obtained from each house and cultured for the presence of enterococci. Nine species of enterococci (Enterococcusfaecalis, E. faecium, E. avium, E. casselifiavus, E. cecorum, E. durans, E. gallinarum, E. hirae, and E. malodoratus) were identified from the study. Enterococcus faecalis was isolated more frequently from chick boxliners (n=176; 92%) and carcass rinses (n=491; 69%), whereas E. faecium was found more frequently in litter (n=361; 77%) and feed (n=67; 64%). Enterococcus faecalis (n=763; 52%) and E. faecium (n=578; 39%) were isolated most often from the farm and houses, regardless of antimicrobial treatment. Fifty-two percent of E. faecalis and 39% of E. faecium were isolated from both control (n=389 and 295, respectively) and treatment (n=374 and 283, respectively) samples. This study indicates that antimicrobial usage on this farm did not alter the resident population of enterococci.  相似文献   

Enterococci are well-known producers of antimicrobial peptides--bacteriocins (enterocins) and the number of characterized enterocins has been significantly increased. Recently, enterocins are of great interest for their potential as biopreservatives in food or feed while research on enterocins as alternative antimicrobials in humans and animals is only at the beginning. The present study provides a survey about the occurrence of enterocin structural genes A, P, B, L50B in a target of 427 strains of Enterococcus faecium (368) and Enterococcus faecalis (59) species from different sources (animal isolates, food and feed) performed by PCR method. Based on our results, 234 strains possessed one or more enterocin structural gene(s). The genes of enterocin P and enterocin A were the most frequently detected structural genes among the PCR positive strains (170 and 155 strains, respectively). Different frequency of the enterocin genes occurrence was detected in strains according to their origin; the strains from horses and silage showed the highest frequency of enterocin genes presence. All possible combinations of the tested genes occurred at least twice except the combination of the gene of enterocin B and L50B which possessed neither strain. The gene of enterocin A was exclusively detected among E. faecium strains, while the gene of enterocin P, B, L50B were detected in strains of both species E. faecium and E. faecalis. In conclusion, a high-frequency and variability of enterocin structural genes exists among enterococci of different origin what offers a big possibility to find effective bacteriocin-producing strains for their application in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

Antibiotic susceptibility was tested in 140 non-selected enterococci (73 Enterococcus faecalis, 45 E. faecium and 22 of other species) recovered from faecal samples of 77 wild animals in Portugal. Susceptibility testing for 11 antibiotics (vancomycin, teicoplanin, ampicillin, streptomycin, gentamicin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, erythromycin, quinupristin-dalfopristin and ciprofloxacin) was determined by disk diffusion and agar dilution methods. Forty-four isolates (31.4%) showed susceptibility to all the antibiotics tested (5.5% of E. faecalis; 62.2% of E. faecium; and 78.6% of E. hirae). Neither ampicillin-resistance nor acquired-vancomycin-resistance was detected and 1.4% of the isolates showed high-level-resistance for gentamicin or streptomycin. Tetracycline and erythromycin resistances were shown in 28.6% and 20.1% of the isolates, respectively. Antibiotic resistance genes were studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing and tet(M) + tet(L), erm(B) or aac(6')-aph(2') genes were detected in most of tetracycline-, erythromycin- or gentamicin-resistant enterococci respectively. Genes encoding virulence factors were studied by PCR and a wide variety of virulence genes were detected in most of E. faecalis isolates but were rarely found in E. faecium and not detected in the other species. The prevalence of genes encoding virulence factors in E. faecalis was as follows: cpd (98.6%), gelE (75.3%), agg (30.1%), fsr (17.8%), ace (9.6%) and esp (4.1%). Low percentages of antibiotic resistance was found in the faecal enterococci of wild animals but a wide variety of virulence genes were detected among E. faecalis isolates although were rare in the other species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of acquired antimicrobial resistance in the resident intestinal microbiota of cats and to identify significant differences between various cat populations. Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, E. faecium and Streptococcus canis were isolated as faecal indicator bacteria from rectal swabs of 47 individually owned cats, 47 cattery cats and 18 hospitalised cats, and submitted through antimicrobial sensitivity tests. The results revealed that bacteria isolated from hospitalised and/or cattery cats were more frequently resistant than those from individually owned cats. E. coli isolates from hospitalised cats were particularly resistant to ampicillin, tetracycline and sulfonamide. Both enterococci and streptococci showed high resistance to tetracycline and in somewhat lesser extent to erythromycin and tylosin. Most E. faecium isolates were resistant to lincomycin and penicillin. One E. faecalis as well as one E. faecium isolate from hospitalised cats showed 'high-level resistance' (MIC > 500 microg/ml) against gentamicin, a commonly used antimicrobial agent in case of human enterococcal infections. The results of this research demonstrate that the extent of acquired antimicrobial resistance in the intestinal microbiota of cats depends on the social environment of the investigated population. It is obvious that the flora of healthy cats may act as a reservoir of resistance genes.  相似文献   

The prevalence of strains of Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative (CN) staphylococci, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, E. faecium and Bacillus cereus, was investigated in 111 bulk milk samples. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from 38 samples, CN staphylococci from 63 samples, E. coli from 49 samples, E. faecalis or E. faecium from 107 samples, and L. monocytogenes from two samples. Bacillus cereus was not found in any of the samples and three samples were free of any of the selected species. Sensitivity to the anti-microbial drugs amikacin, ampicillin, ampicillin + sulbactam, cephalothin (CLT), cephotaxime, clindamycin, chloramphenicol (CMP), co-trimoxazole, erythromycin (ERY), gentamicin, neomycin, norfloxacin, oxacillin, penicillin, streptomycin (STR), tetracycline (TTC) and vancomycin was tested using the standard dilution technique. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) characteristics (MIC50, MIC90, MIC range) were determined for each microbial species. Resistance against one or more anti-microbial drugs was found in 93% of S. aureus, 40% of CN staphylococci, 73% of E. coli, 88% of E.faecalis, 55% of E.faecium, and one L. monocytogenes strain. Most of the strains, particularly enterococci, were resistant to STR, TTC, and ERY (MIC50 4 microg/ml). A high percentage of staphylococci were resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics. High resistance to CLT was found in 11 strains of E. coli (MIC 256 microg/ml) and strains resistant to CMP (MIC90 16 microg/ml) were detected. The highest numbers of resistance phenotypes were found in E. coil (16) and CN staphylococci (12). Eighteen identical resistance phenotypes were demonstrated in indicator bacteria (E. coli, E. faecalis, E. faecium) and pathogens (S. aureus, CN staphylococci) isolated from the same bulk milk sample. The obtained resistance data were matched against the herd owners' information on therapeutic use of the drugs. This confrontation could not explain the findings of strains resistant to ERY or CMP. Our findings are evidence of selection of resistant strains among not only pathogenic agents, but also among indicator bacteria which can become significant carriers of transmissible resistance genes.  相似文献   

The detection of gelatinase and beta-haemolysis activities was carried out in 83 faecal enterococci (43 Enterococcus faecalis, 33 E. faecium, five E. durans and two E. hirae) of poultry origin. In addition, the presence of genes of the gelE-fsrABC locus and of the cyl operon (cylL(L), cylL(S), cylA, cylB and cylM) were studied by polymerase chain reaction and correlated with gelatinase and beta-haemolysis production, respectively. Most of our E. faecalis isolates were gelatinase-positive (88%), being this activity not frequent in the other enterococcal species (2.5%). Only one of the 33 E. faecium isolates showed a positive gelatinase reaction. All enterococci that showed gelatinase activity harboured the gelE and fsrABC genes, although these genes were also detected in four E. faecalis and one E. durans gelatinase-negative isolates. Most of our non-E. faecalis gelatinase-negative isolates did not harbour gelE-fsrABC genes. A high proportion of faecal enterococci of poultry origin harboured genes of the cyl operon (71%), although only 7% contained the five cyl tested genes (all of them E. faecalis). Only one isolate of our series could express beta-haemolysis, harbouring the whole cyl operon. The cylL(S) genotype was the most prevalent in our enterococci (39%) and also the most prevalent among our E. faecalis isolates (60%). Other genotypes detected were the following ones (% of enterococci): cylA + cylB + cylM (13%), cylL(L) + cylA (4%), cylL(L) (4%), cylL(L) + cylA + cylB + cylM (2%), cylL(L) + cylA + cylM (1%) and cylA + cylM (1%). Both phenotypic and genotypic assays are important to evaluate the virulence potential of enterococci.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial activities of 139 Enterococcus isolates (48 E. faecium and 91 E. faecalis) obtained from canine feces, boiler meat samples, swine feces, wild waterfowl feces, and human feces were examined against respective bacteria, including Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis, and Escherichia coli. Bacteriocin (BAC) production assay revealed that the antimicrobial activity against at least one of 6 indicator strains (BAC+ phenotype) was found in 51 (37%) isolates (29 E. faecium and 22 E. faecalis). Twenty-four of 46 isolates positive for at least one of the enterocin structural genes (entA, entB, entL50AB, and cylL) showed a BAC+ phenotype. The existence of other enterocins or nonenterocin factors was implied because the BAC+ phenotype was detected in a total of 27 Enterococcus isolates that had none of the enterocin genes tested. The antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative strains (Salmonella Enteritidis and E. coli) was detected in the 6 Enterococcus isolates that had either the entA, entB, entL50AB or cylL genes. Moreover, the proportion of the antimicrobial activity against L. monocytogenes among the cylL-positive E. faecalis isolates showing beta-hemolysis (10/16) was significantly (p<0.01) higher than among those lacking beta-hemolysis (2/15). The results suggested that certain characteristics are likely to be associated with the antimicrobial activity against specific organisms.  相似文献   

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