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白鲫消化系统胚后发育的组织学研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
用连续石蜡切片方法对全长5~155mm的白鲫消化系统胚后发育进行了光镜观察,描述了其仔鱼、稚鱼、幼鱼摄食器官、消化器官发育的组织结构特征;讨论了腭褶、鳃耙侧突起胚后发育的组织结构特点在摄食中的作用及消化系统胚后发育的组织结构特点同摄食方式和食性转化的关系。  相似文献   

暗纹东方鲀仔鱼期消化系统的组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对出膜后1~18d的暗纹东方鲀仔鱼的消化系统进行了形态学和组织学观察。当水温为23℃时,6日龄仔鱼的上下颌已形成,开始摄食;12日龄仔鱼的卵黄囊已被吸收,此时仔鱼由混合性营养转向外源性营养。描述了消化系统发育过程的组织学结构特征,并采用图像分析比较了卵黄囊与消化器官发育的消长过程。  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼摄食器官胚后发育生物学   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用显微解剖,石蜡切片,光镜的扫描电镜观察等方法,系统观测全长6.0-223.0mm尼罗罗非鱼标本278尾,描述了口径,鳃耙,口腔上腭,颌齿,咽齿等摄食器官的形态学特点和量性胚后发过程中的变化规律;论述了尼罗罗非鱼的摄方式和摄食机能,摄食器发育与摄食方式的转化,摄食器官数量性状发育与适口食物规格和食物组成的转变,摄食器官发育与饲养生物学技术措施。为制定培育尼罗罗非鱼苗种和饲养食用鱼生物学技术措施提  相似文献   

采用形态学与组织切片技术,对哲罗鱼进行胚胎后摄食器官发生发育的观察和研究。描述了口径、鳃耙、口腔上腭、颌齿、舌齿等摄食器官的发生、发育的特征;论述了哲罗鱼摄食方式和摄食机能,摄食器官发生、发育与饲养生物技术措施。为培育哲罗鱼苗种和饲养食用生物技术措施提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

暗纹东方鱼屯仔鱼期消化系统的组织学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对出膜后1~18 d的暗纹东方鲀仔鱼的消化系统进行了形态学和组织学观察.当水温为23℃时,6日龄仔鱼的上下颌已形成,开始摄食;12日龄仔鱼的卵黄囊已被吸收,此时仔鱼由混合性营养转向外源性营养.描述了消化系统发育过程的组织学结构特征,并采用图像分析比较了卵黄囊与消化器官发育的消长过程.  相似文献   

鲇仔、稚鱼消化系统胚后发育的组织学观察研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
通过石蜡包埋切片法对鲇(SilurusasotusL.)仔、稚鱼消化系统胚后发育进行了较系统的组织切片观察。本研究描述了全长5.0~22.5mm的鲇摄食器官、消化器官胚后发育的组织学结构特征。观察发现,1~3日龄为内源性营养阶段,卵黄囊很大,2日龄消化道出现裂缝状腔隙,3日龄基本贯通但未开始摄食;4~6日龄为混合营养阶段,卵黄囊被逐步吸收,主要靠吞食轮虫、小型枝角类等为食;6日龄以后卵黄囊消失,进入外源性营养阶段,捕食能力增强。观察还发现,鲇前咽顶壁始终平直无粘膜皱褶;颌齿和咽齿为斜生尖锥状的同型齿,数量多、排列紧密,与相应的骨骼牢固地骨性固着;后咽、食道的粘膜上皮内粘液细胞极多,深层结缔组织肌肉层发达。这些构造适应于鲇的完全吞食摄食方式。胃腔小,前肠膨大、中肠粘膜上皮细胞纹状缘发达,肝脏和胰脏发育速度较快。胃的消化功能较弱,主要储存、消化场所为前肠,吸收场所在中肠。鱼苗4~6日龄下塘适宜,6~8日龄可开始诱其摄食人工饲料。  相似文献   

白鲫摄食器官胚后发育生物学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用显微解剖、肉眼解剖、石蜡切片、光镜和扫描电镜观察等方法,系统观测全长5.5—260.0mm白鲫标本430余尾,描述了口径、鳃耙、侧突起、腭褶等摄食器官的形态学特点和数量性状在胚后发育过程中的变化规律;论述了白鲫的摄食方式和摄食机能,滤食器官发育与摄食方式和食物组成的转化,摄食器官发育与饲养生物学技术措施。为制定培育白鲫苗种和饲养食用鱼技术措施提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

鱼类早期发育阶段摄食行为研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柳琪  区又君 《南方水产》2006,2(1):71-75
对鱼类早期阶段的摄食行为研究进行了综述。重点阐述了胃含物分析法、饥饿对摄食的影响、摄食器官的形态发育特征与摄食行为的关系、食物选择及其生理生态因子对摄食的作用。初步探讨了仔稚鱼饥饿后的捕食量和捕食速度的变化,并结合食物保障,分析了食物选择性指数I在鱼类摄食行为研究中的应用。  相似文献   

针对黑点青鳉实验室养殖成活率低的问题,对其摄食行为发育进行研究,了解其早期阶段的摄食行为发育状况,为人工养殖提供理论依据。通过单摄像机结合镜面成像的方法,对黑点青鳉胚后发育阶段90 d摄食行为的观察与分析,研究了投喂卤虫无节幼体条件下黑点青鳉的生长特征和摄食行为发育。结果显示,幼体体长平均生长率为2.579%/d,体长与日龄间关系为y=3.132+0.383x-0.004x^2+0.00003x^3,R^2=0.98。通过各项摄食行为指标将其幼体生长发育分为3期6个阶段:仔鱼期(0~10 d)分为前仔鱼期(0~4 d)和后仔鱼期(5~10 d),稚鱼期(11~30 d)分为前稚鱼期(11~18 d)、中稚鱼期(19~24 d)和后稚鱼期(25~30 d),幼鱼期(31~65 d)。黑点青鳉幼体出膜4 d后开始投喂初孵卤虫,至10 d所有鱼苗均能捕食。黑点青鳉仔鱼期幼体死亡率较高,但摄食能力稳步提升,至该期末,摄食成功率提升至45%~55%,摄食效率达0.5~0.6个/min;稚鱼期幼体的各项摄食指标均有大幅度提升,对饵料的响应时间不断缩短,摄食速率提高,响应距离也逐渐增长,摄食量增大,摄食成功率已提升至90%~95%;幼鱼期各项摄食指标已接近成鱼,摄食效率达9个/min以上,摄食功能已趋于完善。研究表明,黑点青鳉在仔鱼期对卤虫无节幼体的响应距离短、摄食速率低下,摄食成功率与摄食效率均处于较低水平,随着其自身的发育以及摄食能力的稳定提升,摄食成功率和摄食效率逐步提高,成活率趋于稳定。养殖期间,通过密切注意黑点青鳉的摄食行为变化,改变投喂的数量和频次,使更多的仔鱼尽快过渡到稚鱼期,可能是提高养殖成活率的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

锯缘青蟹亲蟹驯养的实验研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
多年来对锯缘青蟹亲蟹的驯养表明,双侧切除眼柄,与单侧切眼柄相比,虽能有效地促进亲蟹性蟹性腺成熟和产卵,但抱卵蟹却有些行为异常,尤其是在孵化前夕常常出现异常蜕壳而死亡。新蟹的日摄食量随生殖活动而变化,其变化幅度很大,性腺已发育成熟的个体在产卵前一段时间摄食量比较低,产卵前后则完全停止摄食。怀卵量与其体重成正相关,一般每尾亲蟹的抱卵量为200万-350万粒。卵每克(湿重)所含卵数随胎胚发育而有明显的不  相似文献   

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the most important cultured species worldwide. The research aims to clarify the feeding characteristics, such as daily feeding pattern of Nile tilapia using a self‐feeding technique. The feeding pattern was conducted under two rearing conditions, indoor treatments under a controlled light regime (LD 12:12) and constant water temperature (25°C), and outdoor treatments under natural conditions which consisted of duplicate trials with two periods each. The outdoor treatment was carried out from early summer through late autumn in Mie, Central Japan. Daily self‐feeding activity of Nile tilapia in indoor treatments was nearly daytime feeding pattern, synchronizing with the given photoperiod (24 hr). However, the self‐feeding activity in the outdoor experiments from early summer to early autumn was almost daytime feeding pattern, but it became less clear and shifted to a nighttime feeding profile in late autumn. The results revealed that Nile tilapia has a dualistic capacity for demand‐feeding both in light and dark phases. These results might have been caused by the seasonal change in light intensity and/or water temperature. Information obtained from the self‐feeding experiments enables us to identify the influence of environmental changes on the physiological condition of farmed fish through their expression of appetite.  相似文献   

孙晓锋  冯健  陈江虹  罗波  赵海祥  赵华林 《水产学报》2011,35(11):1677-1683
通过胃排空试验与养殖试验研究了不同投喂频率对尼罗系吉富罗非鱼幼鱼的胃排空、生长性能以及体组成的影响.在试验开始时,观测尼罗系吉富罗非鱼幼鱼的胃内饲料排空情况,胃排空试验结果表明,胃排空率的最佳描述为平方根函数,胃内饲料在饱食投喂后15 h左右完全排空,达到投喂前水平,80%胃排空为9h,也就是投喂后大约9h恢复食欲.360尾试验鱼(初始体质量3.72 g)以不同的投喂频率(1d4次、1d3次、1d2次、2d4次、2d3次、2d2次)分组,每组设立3个平行组,随机养殖于18个网箱中,每箱养殖20尾鱼,按饱食量投饲膨化饲料.养殖期为6周.尼罗系吉富罗非鱼幼鱼在投喂频率为1d4次、1d3次和1d2次时特定生长率和饲料效率显著高于投喂频率为2d4次、2d3次和2d2次时(P<0.05);投喂频率为1d2次、2d4次、2d3次和2d2次时其摄食量显著低于1d4次和1d3次时(P<0.05).随着投喂频率降低,鱼体水分含量逐步上升,脂肪和蛋白质含量逐步下降,其中1d4次、1d3次组鱼与2d2次组鱼有显著性差异(P<0.05).各投喂频率组间的肝体指数无显著性差异(P>0.05).3.7~48.0 g尼罗系吉富罗非鱼幼鱼的适宜投喂频率为1d2次,较2d2次、2d3次和2d4次时明显提高了生长速度和饲料效率,较1d3次、1d4次摄食量显著降低.2种试验结果较为一致.  相似文献   

Fertilization of ultraviolet (UV) irradiated oocytes of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), with sperm from O, niloticus or blue tilapia, O, aureus (Steindachner), and subsequent suppression of the first cleavage of fertilized eggs successfully induced androgenesis in Nile and blue tilapia. The optimal doses of UV irradiation to denucleate a female genome of Nile tilapia prior to androgenesis ranged from 5940 to 6930 erg mm?2 for 54-63 s at a fixed intensity of 110 erg mm?2 s?1. Putative androgenetic fish were created from eggs which were irradiated at various times and several durations of heat-shock. Eggs which were treated for 5 min at 41.6 oC at 2 7.5 min after fertilization were the most successful at suppressing the first cleavage and producing viable androgenetic diploids in Nile or hybrid Nile X blue tilapia. The maximal survivals of putative androgenetic diploids in relation to the control were 1.60% and 0.90% in Nile and hybrid Nile X blue tilapia, respectively. The androgenetic offspring established exhibited active feeding and normal growth.  相似文献   

A histological method was used to describe the ontogenetic development of the digestive tract of laboratory-reared miiuy croaker (Miichthys miiuy) and to evaluate the effects of short-term food deprivation on the morphology and histology of the digestive tract. Larvae and juveniles were maintained at 24 °C in a thermostatically controlled system. Three starvation experiments were conducted during different developmental stages: 1–7 days after hatching (dah; prior to benthic swimming); 26–35 dah (during settling); and 42–53 dah (after benthic swimming). According to the structural changes in the ontogenetic development of the digestive tract, three stages were observed. The first stage was from hatching to 3 dah; the digestive tract was undifferentiated in newly hatched larvae and then showed remarkable morphological changes and differentiation. During this period, larvae depended on endogenous nutrition. The second stage (4–20 dah) was a critical period in which larvae transitioned from endogenous feeding to exogenous feeding and the digestive tract fully differentiated into the buccopharynx, oesophagus, stomach, anterior intestine and posterior intestine. Goblet cells and vacuoles appeared in the digestive tract, and pharyngeal teeth and taste buds developed. During the third stage (20–36 dah), the gastric glands developed and the stomach differentiated into the fundic, cardiac and pyloric regions. At 25 dah, pyloric caeca developed and mucosal folds and spiral valves were clearly distinguishable. After 30 dah, the digestive tract did not undergo any noticeable differentiation, indicating the complete development of the digestive system. The wet weight and SGR (specific growth rate) of miiuy croaker larvae and juveniles greatly decreased when they were deprived of food, and compensatory growth was observed in re-feeding juveniles. The livers of starved larvae and juveniles were atrophied and dark coloured, the intestines were transparent and thin, and the stomach cubages were reduced. The histological effects of starvation were mainly evident in the degeneration of cells in digestive organs, as seen in the shrinkage and separation of cells and the loss of intercellular substances in the liver, pancreas, intestine and stomach. These changes became more severe with increased duration of starvation. In addition, the histological structure of the digestive tracts of starved larvae and juveniles partly recovered after re-feeding, and the effects of starvation on miiuy croaker were age dependent.  相似文献   

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) held in timed-pulse feeding chambers were provided water dominated either by green algae (Scenedesmus, Ankistrodesmus and Tetraedron) or by cyanobacteria (Microcystis) to compare filtration rates (FRs). FRs were expressed as suspended particulate organic carbon (POC)/kg wet fish weight/h and as phytoplankton units filtered based on counts. Nile tilapia and silver carp filtration significantly reduced phytoplankton number of both taxonomic groups with the larger phytoplankton being filtered proportionally more than the smaller phytoplankton. Nile tilapia FR of green algae was significantly higher than silver carp; however, silver carp FR of cyanobacteria was higher than Nile tilapia. Ivlev's 90% saturation FRs (FR90) in green-algal and cyanobacterial water sources were 702 and 812 mgC/kg/h for Nile tilapia and 414 and 1028 mgC/kg/h for silver carp, respectively. Silver carp were observed to reach these FR90 values at lower POC concentrations than Nile tilapia with both green algae and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   A histological examination was made of the ontogenetic development of the digestive and immune systems of the larval and juvenile kelp grouper Epinephelus bruneus reared in the laboratory. The liver, gall bladder, pancreas and the demarcating region between the intestines and rectum were formed within 3 days post-hatch (dph). During the preflexion phase (within 16 dph), revolution of the intestine concluded, and pharyngeal teeth and the mucous cells of the esophagus were differentiated. In the transitional period to the juvenile stage (25 dph), the blind sac of the stomach, gastric glands and pyloric caeca began to form. From the viewpoint of the differentiation phase of the adult-type digestive system, the kelp grouper is similar to Heterosomata, hitherto reported. The primordial thymus, kidney and spleen were present at 12, 1 and 6 dph, and the small lymphocytes in these lymphoid organs appeared at 21, 30 and 33 dph, respectively. The developmental sequence of the lymphoid organs and the appearance ages of the lymphoid organs and small lymphocytes in the lymphoid organs in the kelp grouper are similar to those of other marine fish previously reported, except for the Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis .  相似文献   

The compensatory growth, productive performance, proximal composition and somatic indices of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultivated in biofloc were evaluated during a 144‐day period under five cyclic regimes of feed restriction and feeding. Five treatment groups, in which the frequency of feed restriction (R) and feeding (F) varied by periods (days) as follows: R1:F3, R3:F9, R6:F18, R8:F24 and R12:F36; each treatment was evaluated in triplicate. The cycles were repeated throughout the culture period. The control group received feed daily. Fish were cultivated in 18 circular tanks (3 m3) at a density of 50 fish/m3 per tank. At the end of the study, the survival of Nile tilapia was greater than 90% in all the treatments. Complete compensation in growth was achieved in R6:F18 and R12:F36. At the end of the feed restriction period, both crude protein and total lipid content of the tilapia muscle tissue taken from fish of the treatment groups were similar to samples of muscle tissue derived from fish of the control group; however, a reduction of more than 40% in somatic indices compared with the control was observed, but these recovered by the end of the feeding phase. The results indicate that cyclic feeding based on 12 days of feed restriction and 36 days of feeding (R12:F36) induced a complete compensation in weight and restoration of energy reserves, with similar measures of productive performance observed when compared to the control treatment during the culture of Nile tilapia in biofloc, and food reduction did not affect proximal composition.  相似文献   

Animal by-product meals (ABM) were substituted for fish meal in five experimental diets for Nile tilapia fry, Oreochromis niloticus (L), with 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% substitution. Two diets with 100% ABM were tested, one with 50:50 animal lipid:soybean oil, and the other with 100% fish oil as attractant. In general, the best growth and feeding performance was obtained with a control diet based on fish meal as the sole protein, but the results were not statistically different from those obtained with 75% and 100% ABM with soybean oil. A simple cost analysis suggested better economic efficiency when tilapia were fed with 100% ABM. It was concluded that animal by-product meal can be used as a sole protein source in commercial diets for Nile tilapia fry, without affecting growth and food utilization of the fish, improving the economics of feeding in comparison with fish meal.  相似文献   

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