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在金乌贼室内人工育苗过程中,采用聚乙烯线束、网片、海参附苗框、高粱杆、柽柳(新、旧)、黄花蒿(新鲜、隔年)和全人工产卵基等多种材质作为金乌贼附卵基进行对比试验研究。结果表明:附卵效果最理想的是本研究过程中发明制作的全人工产卵基,其次是隔年的黄花蒿和柽柳枝,网片、聚乙烯线、海参附苗框、高粱杆、新鲜的黄花蒿束和柽柳作为金乌贼的附卵基质效果均较差。  相似文献   

金乌贼亲体驯养与繁殖特性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为开发利用金乌贼(Sepia esculenta Hoyle)资源,研究了金乌贼亲体驯养与繁殖特性.结果表明:通过药浴、自然条件模拟、投喂活饵等方法能够提高金乌贼亲体驯养成活率,成活率可达82.5%;繁殖过程中,金乌贼求偶、争偶、交配、挂卵等繁殖行为特征明显;产卵基受精卵附着效果对比试验表明,海参筐架附卵效果较好,附卵量大且集中;繁殖过程结束后,金乌贼亲体逐渐死亡,死亡率为100%;并探讨了金乌贼繁育的难点和解决方法.  相似文献   

2008~2010年,对日照近海金乌贼产卵场的水文状况、生态环境、生殖群体组成、半人工采卵、人工育苗技术及育苗过程中环境条件、适宜附着基的投放、饵料和病害防治等进行了研究,采用海捕金乌贼作为亲体,育成幼乌贼37.85万只;在金乌贼种质资源保护区放流人工培育苗种30余万只,投放人工附卵基150余万具,实施金乌贼资源增殖与保护。  相似文献   

1.东海绿鳍马面鲀产卵群体自从开发利用以来,体长、年龄和体重组成出现了两次增大两次变小的过程。即1974—1976年和1981—1983年的个体较大,1977—1980年和1984年的个体较小,而1985年的个体最小。但性腺成熟系数却在提高,表明资源的密度在降低。 2.绿鳍马面鲀不同生活阶段的性比不一样,产卵期雄鱼的比例最高,越冬期居次,索饵期雌雄比例基本相等。 3.从产卵个体、仔稚鱼和产卵盛期渔获量的分布判断东海绿鳍马面鲀的产卵场在25°30′—30°00′N、122°00′—126°30′E海区,范围较广,主要产卵场在25°45′—27°00′N、122°00′—123°30′E,水深100—120米的海区。 4.东海绿鳍马面鲀的产卵期在3月底至5月下旬,4月中下旬为产卵盛期。 5.从雌鱼性腺V_A、V_B期比例的周日变化判断绿鳍马面鲀产卵的主要时间在23时至翌日11时。 6.从绿鳍马面鲀人工授精卵附着实验的结果和产卵场环境条件的对照,说明海洋里的贝砾类、海藻、海绵体和珊瑚等物体是马面鲀卵的良好附着基。  相似文献   

为探索黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)繁殖时期对人工鱼巢的偏好性, 2018年6—7月开展了不同水温条件下黄颡鱼对不同鱼巢颜色和材质产卵偏好性的对比实验。实验用产卵鱼巢为半球形棕榈空鱼巢(直径25 cm,深12 cm);同规格内部放置4~6枚碎石块的棕榈鱼巢和塑料鱼巢;折叠6层尼龙渔网(30cm×40cm)和棕榈片(30cm×40cm)鱼巢,于水泥池(290 cm×120 cm×100 cm)内开展两种温度区间条件下产卵偏好性实验。实验用黄颡鱼亲本雌雄比例为1:1,雌鱼体长(167.8±19.0)mm,体重(99.9±21.7)g;雄鱼体长(235.1±18.8)mm,体重(188.5±38.1)g。结果表明,在24~26℃水环境下,半球形棕色棕榈(无石子)鱼巢内个体平均附卵量为628.49粒/m2,个体单位面积平均附卵率为2.77%;28~32℃水环境下,半球形棕榈(无石子)个体平均附卵量为225.48粒/m2,个体单位面积平均附卵率为1.40%。结果分析发现, 24~26℃是黄颡鱼产卵的最适水温区间;黄颡鱼对棕色鱼巢产卵偏好显著(P0.05),而对灰色、粉色、黄色和绿色无明显偏好;黄颡鱼对半球形棕榈(无石子)鱼巢产卵偏好显著(P0.05),而对其他材质鱼巢的偏好性依次为:半球形棕榈(有石子)平铺棕榈片悬挂棕榈片半球形塑料水泥池。可见,黄颡鱼产卵的最佳偏好为24~26℃水环境下棕色半球形棕榈鱼巢。本研究结果对黄颡鱼的人工繁殖、产沉黏性卵鱼类产卵场的修复和资源增殖有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

目鱼(乌贼)肉质鲜美,经济价值高。每年春末夏初,水温回升到16℃左右时,目鱼就陆续洄游到沿海受高盐度海水影响的岛屿、岩礁旁交配产卵,产下的卵粒成串地附在海藻、珊瑚等物上,自然也附着在渔民用于生产的目鱼笼上。但由于过去在群众中,对水产资源的繁殖保护问题没有引起普遍的、足够的重视,目鱼  相似文献   

利用青岛近岸海域连续监测数据,分析金乌贼繁殖群体及补充群体结构特征,比较不同洄游时期繁殖亲体的绝对生殖力与卵子规格,以及补充群体的扩散迁移过程,为金乌贼繁殖亲体筛选、增殖模式优化及放流海域合理规划等提供参考。结果显示,5—7月陆续洄游至青岛近岸的金乌贼繁殖亲体的胴长、体质量及其怀卵量随采样时间推移均呈逐渐下降趋势,前期繁殖亲体成熟卵细胞的卵径和卵重显著高于中期和后期亲体。金乌贼产黏性卵,通常将受精卵黏附于海藻或其他附着物上,其幼体生长迅速。受繁殖亲体结群期长及分批产卵等繁殖习性影响,补充群体的胴长、体质量离散水平亦随秋季采样时间推移不断升高。补充群体规格的离散可促进空间生态位分化,增加营养生态位宽幅,该生殖策略有利于减小种内摄食压力。基于金乌贼繁殖生态学特征,建议集中采集前期洄游亲体开展人工苗种繁育,以提升繁育效率,保证大规格苗种供应;依据其分批产卵习性,大规模增殖放流可分批进行,以减小种内饵料竞争,提高放流群体成活率;5—7月在近岸水深15~20 m的缓流区投放人工产卵附着基,也是一种有效的资源原位修复手段。今后应进一步探究金乌贼受精卵放流技术,优化其资源修复模式,降低增殖成本,提高资源增殖效率。  相似文献   

为提高毛蚶(Scapharca subcrenata)人工育苗技术,在滨州无棣沿海开展毛蚶人工育苗试验,摸索出了适合本地区的毛蚶亲贝培育、催产孵化、幼体培育和稚贝培育的技术方法。采自滨州海区的毛蚶亲贝经过一个月的培育,95%个体性腺发育成熟,经过阴干流水刺激后自然产卵,在水温25.0~28.0℃的条件下,孵化率90%以上,毛蚶幼体18 d左右平均壳长320μm,进入变态附着期。附着阶段采用海泥作为附着基,附着效果好,附着变态率在50%以上,稚贝最适生存盐度为20‰~35‰。育苗试验共获得毛蚶稚贝5 980万粒。  相似文献   

石狮深沪湾是福建省最主要的葡萄牙牡蛎采苗和养殖区之一,海区天然蛎苗资源十分丰富.每年3月份,牡蛎进入繁殖期,通过观察其性腺成熟度及精卵排放情况,拖网采集海区水样、镜检牡蛎幼虫发育阶段及数量的变化,掌握眼点幼虫变态附着高峰期,科学指导养殖户及时投放附苗器采集蛎苗.2010-2012年度,共开展11次人工采苗工作,其中2010年5月18日、2011年5月4日、2012年5月3日拖网镜检的壳顶期幼虫和眼点幼虫分别为258个/m3和114个/m3、218个/m3和74个/m3、56个/m3和236个/m3,并于近期形成附苗高峰.综合各年度镜检结果和海区附苗情况,初步推断深沪湾天然蛎苗附着高峰期在5月5日-25日期间,即每年农历立夏前后.  相似文献   

本文对青蛤工厂化育苗,高产技术关键进行了阐述.结果表明;自然发育成熟的亲贝和促熟强化培养的亲贝,催产率可达100%;水温26~29℃时,受精率达88%~93%左右;受精卵密度30~35个/ml,孵化率达82%~90%,D形幼虫培养密度6~11个/ml,5~6d,附着变态.用250~300目筛绢过滤海泥,附着率达80%~82%.工厂化育苗.对亲贝选择,育苗密度,饵料供应,选优培养,"倒池"扩苗和附着基选用,作了重点说明.在150个育苗池内,每池规格45 m3水体(7.5m×4.0m×1.5m),平均池育苗量19.35 kg,共培育出80~200万粒/kg的稚贝2902.50 kg.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea is a stratified, semienclosed sea typified by a low-salinity surface layer and a deep saline layer of varying volume, salinity, temperature and oxygen concentration. The relationships between these oceanographic factors and the distribution of Baltic cod are presented, utilizing results from a survey carried out during the 1995 spawning period in the Bornholm Basin, at present the main spawning area of this stock. Cod distribution, abundance and population structure were estimated from hydroacoustic and trawl data and related to hydrographic parameters as well as to bottom depth. In the central basin, cod were aggregated in an intermediate layer about 15 m thick. This area of peak abundance was defined at its upper limit by the halocline and at the lower limit by oxygen content. The majority of individuals caught in the basin centre were in spawning or pre-spawning condition with a high proportion of males to females. On the basin slopes, aggregations of cod were found near the bottom. These individuals were mainly immature and maturing stages with an increasing proportion of females to males with size. Salinity and oxygen conditions were found to be the major factors influencing the vertical and horizontal distribution of adult cod. Abundance of immature cod was also positively related to decreasing bottom depths. The effect of temperature was minor. The observed size- and sex-dependent spawning aggregation patterns, in association with habitat volume and stock size, may influence cod catchability and thereby the assessment and exploitation patterns of this stock.  相似文献   

可口革囊星虫生殖周期的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对可口革囊星虫体腔生殖细胞的发育和形态特征的周年观察,逐月统计体腔卵母细胞的数量,研究其变化趋势。结果表明,可口革囊星虫雌雄异体,性比为1∶1,无可见的生殖腺结构,原生殖细胞在体腔液中发育。体腔内全年都有生殖细胞存在,排卵期与产卵期出现重叠现象,卵母细胞分批成熟,分批产卵。根据卵母细胞的形态特点和存在方式可分为5个发育阶段:细胞增殖期、细胞质生长期、胶质膜形成期、成熟前期和成熟期。雄性生殖细胞在成熟之前,以细胞团的形式存在于体腔液中,其发生和产出过程,在时间上与卵母细胞同歩。成熟的生殖细胞经肾管排出、体外完成受精。宁德地区可口革囊星虫的生殖季节为5~9月,其中7~8月为繁殖盛期。体腔卵母细胞的长径与短径呈线性关系:Y=1.14X-0.7316(R2=0.9711)。  相似文献   

丹江口水库太湖新银鱼不同繁殖群体的繁殖特征比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年6月—2011年6月,对丹江口水库太湖新银鱼(Neosalanx taihuensis)不同繁殖群体的繁殖生物学特征进行了比较研究。结果表明:太湖新银鱼在该水库产卵时间为1—5月(春群)和9—10月(秋群);其中春季群体的体长(65.79 mm±6.05 mm)、性腺成熟指数(17.26±6.42)、繁殖力(1851粒±342粒)和成熟卵径(0.62 mm±0.05mm)均显著高于秋季群体(体长(55.04 mm±3.18 mm)、性腺成熟指数(11.72±5.01)、繁殖力(1 067粒±190粒)和成熟卵径(0.53 mm±0.04 mm))(P<0.05);但是两个群体的丰满度指数(101.43±19.71,101.87±11.85)差异并不显著(P>0.05)。春群是丹江口水库太湖新银鱼种群的主要补充者,春群管理与控制应是银鱼种群管理的重点。  相似文献   

尤颖哲 《福建水产》2016,(6):481-485
在人工育苗的过程中,对亲贝进行促熟培育获得高质量受精卵是开展规模化育苗的关键。波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)亲贝存在性成熟同步率低、产卵不集中的问题,研究对波纹巴非蛤亲贝分别进行室内水泥池和室外土池人工暂养促熟培育,经5、10、15、20 d的暂养促熟培育后,采用阴干、流水刺激的方法诱导产卵,比较不同的暂养促熟方法和促熟培育时间对亲贝的性腺发育及催产效果的影响。结果表明:用室外土池人工促熟法,波纹巴非蛤亲贝性腺发育的成熟情况比室内水泥池促熟法好、死亡率低;且经室外土池人工促熟培育10 d,亲贝的性腺发育情况及催产效果最佳。  相似文献   

Most reports on the distribution of spawning areas of sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the northern Benguela originate from the 1970s and 1980s. The northern Benguela system was in a high upwelling regime during those decades. Since the early 1990s upwelling favourable winds have decreased and a trend of increasing sea surface temperature (SST) has been observed. Changes in the structure of sardine stock in the northern Benguela have been observed and it has been suggested that a reduced biomass and changes in stock structure has led to decreased spawning in the favourable southern locations, thus preventing a recovery of the sardine stock. The present paper on the contrary shows that there has been a shift in spawning location from the less favourable northern areas in the early 1980s to spawning areas further south in the 2000s. Thus, the failure of the northern Benguela sardine stock to recover since its collapse in the late 1960s cannot be explained by spawning in less favourable areas. The shift in preferred spawning location to more southern areas since the 1980s was to be expected with a general warming of the northern Benguela system. Alternative explanations for the failure of the sardine stock to recover such as a reduction in average length as well as length at 50% maturity, leading to a reduction in reproductive output, increased predation pressure, and increased low oxygen waters are proposed.  相似文献   

To optimize broodstock management for Seriola rivoliana, a survey over 5 years was performed to evaluate the effects of successive hormonal inductions with GnRHa or dietary regime on spawning quality. Running males and females with an oocyte diameter > 500 μm were injected with GnRHa. The spawning quality was compared among consecutive years and different moments along the spawning season. Besides, three different feeding regimes were tested. Spawning quality parameters were not significantly affected by time along the spawning season, whereas they were clearly influenced by diet. Particularly, broodfish fed the mackerel regime (M) showed a significantly higher number of eggs than other treatments. Besides, dietary protein content significantly improved broodstock fecundity of S. rivoliana. Moreover, hatching rates were also higher in broodfish fed mackerel and the dietary docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) levels significantly increased this parameter. Despite polar lipids were not significantly affected, neutral lipids fatty acid composition of S. rivoliana eggs showed higher 18:2n‐6 in eggs, whereas ARA content was not affected. The results of this study denoted the high fecundity and good spawning quality of S. rivoliana broodfish and suggested the importance of high protein, energy and DHA levels in broodstock diets.  相似文献   

东海绿鳍马面鲀群体及其分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁民权 《水产学报》1994,18(1):45-56
本文根据江苏省海洋渔业公司(1974-1989年)在东海的绿鳍马面渔获量(约18.2万吨),结合东海水温等资料分析绿鳍马面在东海的群体分布,并作初步探讨。经分析表明:(1)东海的绿鳍马面冬季分布存在着明显的地理差异;(2)在冬季东海的该鱼种存在着三个地方群体,即东海群体、黄海群体和日本海群体;(3)在捕捞东海群体的马面纯时从渔获物中反映出它的组成结构变化,70年代捕获的主要是剩余群体,80年代后期捕获的则是补充群体;(4)钓鱼岛水域是该鱼种的东海群体的产卵场,保护该产卵场乃当务之急。  相似文献   

The stock size of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the East China Sea and the Japan/East Sea has shown a continuous decrease, with fluctuations, from 1975 to 1990. After a remarkable increase in 1992–96, the stock size fell to its lowest level in 1997–99. The spawning success (number of recruits/spawning biomass) fluctuates periodically with a period of several years, although there are no clear relationships between the spawning biomass and the number of recruits. Spawning success was inversely correlated with sea surface temperature (SST). On the contrary, the catch amount and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) of spotted mackerel (Scomber australasicus) has increased since 1997.  相似文献   

Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is one of the commercially most important fish species in the North Atlantic and plays a central role in several ecosystems. Fishing pressure has been heavy over a prolonged period and the recent decades have shown dramatic decline in abundance of many stocks. The Arcto‐Norwegian (or North‐east Arctic) cod stock in the Barents Sea is now the largest stock of Atlantic cod. Recruitment to this stock has varied extensively during the last 60 yr. There is evidence for fluctuations in climate, particularly sea temperature, being a main cause for this variability, higher temperatures being favourable for survival throughout the critical early life stages. Our studies of time series present compelling evidence for a strengthening of the climate–cod recruitment link during the last decades. We suggest this is an effect of the age and length composition of the spawning stock having changed distinctly. The age of the average spawner has decreased by more than 3 yr from between 10 and 11 in the late 1940s to 7–8 in the 1990s, average length from just above 90 cm to around 80 cm. The number of age classes contributing to the spawning stock has also decreased, while the number of length groups present increased slightly. Significant decrease in age of spawners has frequently been described for other heavily fished stocks worldwide. We therefore find it likely that the proposed mechanism of increased influence of climate on recruitment through changes in the spawning stock age and size composition is of a general nature and might be found in other systems.  相似文献   

Capelin (Mallotus villosus) is the largest commercial fish stock in Icelandic waters and also an important forage fish. Every winter pre‐spawning capelin migrate 500–1000 km from their offshore (>200 m bottom depth) northern feeding areas (67–71°N) to inshore (<200 m bottom depth) southern spawning areas (63–65°N). The major migration route is east of Iceland. The route consists of both offshore and inshore phases. The migration begins offshore as capelin skirt the shelf edge north of 65°N, then abruptly veer inshore between latitudes 64° and 65°N. Hydro‐acoustic data from 1992–2007 demonstrated that the timing of the offshore phase migration varied by as much as 1 month, from 22 December to 21 January. A combination of larger spawning stock and colder feeding ground temperatures (August–December) resulted in earlier offshore migration. The timing of the inshore migration phase was not dependent on the offshore migration timing, and never began prior to the first week of February. Many cohorts arrived at latitudes 64–65°N in early January but staged offshore at latitudes 63.8–65.8°N until early February. The longest observed delay in the staging area was 5 weeks. Timing of the inshore migration was controlled by gonad maturity, with migration beginning when roe content attained 12–14%. Staging limited the time capelin spent on the continental shelf before spawning to 3 weeks. We suggest that offshore staging evolved to minimize temporal overlap with predatory gadoids, especially Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).  相似文献   

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