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1998年在疫区内某对虾养殖场,用对虾副粘病毒细胞培养灭活疫苗,对日本和中国对虾苗(体长0.8~1cm)进行了侵泡免疫试验。对虾养殖试验结果表明,5月3日放苗后,免疫试验组对虾没有发病,其中单纯用疫苗免疫的日本对虾试验池的对虾规格,养殖73d(至7月15日)平均达95尾/kg,219d(至11月8日)平均达38尾/kg,2次出池合计平均170.9kg/km^2;单纯用疫苗免疫的中国对虾试验池的对虾规格,养殖86d(至7月28日)平均达110尾/kg,221d(至11月10日)平均达22尾/kg,2次出台合计平均167.3kg/hm^2。日本对虾和中国对虾的免疫试验对照池与非免疫试验池的对虾,分别于6月28日和7月15日发生副粘病毒病而死亡。  相似文献   

中国科学院海洋研究所以李光友研究员为主的课题组在中国对虾病害免疫防治研究方面获得重要进展。他们借鉴了高等动物疾病免疫防治的最新成果,结合中国对虾养殖的具体情况,研制出了中国对虾多糖类口服免疫药物。该药物为纯天然的多糖类活性物质,可激活中国对虾免疫系统,提高各种抗病因子的活性及含量;保护对虾肝胰脏,增  相似文献   

对虾养殖业是我国海水养殖业的支柱产业,自1993年全国养殖对虾因感染对虾白斑病毒(WSSV)而发生大规模暴发性流行病以来,对虾养殖业蒙受了毁灭性的打击。到目前为止,已发现有20多种病毒可以感染虾类,而对付这些病毒至今还没有有效的方法。抗生素的使用一定程度缓解了疾病的发生,但由于它在动物体内残留,进而危害人类的健康,目前已严格限制其使用。疫苗对多种疾病尤其是病毒性疾病有显著的预防作用,但特异性能力强,生产上操作可行性差。开发抗菌广谱、食用安全、增强免疫功能的添加剂,成为当前水产饲料研究的热点。  相似文献   

不同养殖盐度对凡纳滨对虾血细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)在不同养殖盐度下对血细胞生理和免疫状态的影响,本研究应用流式细胞术对两个养殖盐度下(5‰和20‰)的凡纳滨对虾的血细胞指标进行了分析。结果显示,20‰盐度组的对虾的血细胞总数(THC)和酯酶活力均显著高于5‰盐度组的对虾,分别是5‰盐度下对虾的1.35倍和1.90倍;与5‰盐度组相比,20‰盐度组对虾的小颗粒细胞和大颗粒细胞的比例均上升,透明细胞的比例下降;血清酚氧化酶(PO)活力显著高于5‰盐度组的对虾。这些结果表明对虾在5‰盐度下血细胞免疫力较低。20‰盐度组对虾的血细胞胞内游离Ca2+含量显著高于5‰盐度组的对虾,是5‰盐度下对虾的1.26倍,可能是为了维持细胞内外的正常渗透压。5‰盐度组对虾的血细胞活性氧(ROS)和一氧化氮(NO)含量均显著高于20‰盐度组的对虾,分别是20‰盐度下对虾的1.49倍和1.55倍,可能是对虾长期遭受慢性低盐度胁迫而导致的。两盐度组对虾的血细胞凋亡率没有显著差异,5‰盐度下对虾可能调动了更多的抗氧化活力,以清除过多的ROS和NO。本研究结果表明,养殖盐度显著影响对虾的血细胞生理和免疫状态,在低盐度下,对虾可能遭受慢性低盐度胁迫,血细胞免疫力较低。  相似文献   

虾类免疫机制的特点及其免疫增强剂的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,严重的养殖虾类疾病,使中国水产业蒙受了巨大的损失。由于在预防和治疗对虾流行疾病时使用抗生素等药物存在着诱导病原微生物抗药性和污染环境等潜在威胁,所以研究虾类的免疫机制,有效的提高虾类本身的抗病能力和机体自身的免疫力,是解决虾类病害问题的根本之道。防治虾病的关键之一是提高虾体本身的免疫力,为此必须先了解虾类的免疫机制,而目前这类的报道较少。虾类免疫机制以非特异性免疫为主,在虾类及其它甲壳动物中尚未发现免疫球蛋白,其非特异性免疫包括细胞免疫和体液免疫。1虾类血细胞在免疫中的作用由于虾类所特有的开放式循…  相似文献   

对虾白斑综合症病毒双抗体夹心ELISA方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用将纯化的对虾白斑综合症病毒VP28蛋白免疫BALB/c小鼠,分离免疫鼠脾细胞,与SP2/0细胞融合,经间接ELISA筛选,得到了2株(2G9,3E5)可以稳定分泌抗对虾白斑综合症病毒特异性单抗的杂交瘤细胞株。用纯化的VP28蛋白免疫家兔,按常规方法制备多抗。选用单抗(3E5)包被ELISA板,用兔多抗作为捕获抗体,建立了对虾白斑综合症病毒的双抗体夹心ELISA检测方法。该方法具有良好的特异性和敏感性,为对虾白斑综合症病毒的检测提供了有效工具。  相似文献   

对虾白斑综合征病毒亚单位疫苗研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对虾白斑综合征病毒(White spot syndromevirus,WSSV)是一种可以引起养殖对虾暴发性死亡的传染性病原,由于其强烈的传染性和极高的致死率,使得人们在应对它时,必须侧重于早期的防控。近年的研究表明,对虾存在类免疫(quasi—immune)机制.而WSSV的重组蛋白可以诱导对虾产生抗病保护效应。目前有关对虾白斑综合征病毒亚单位疫苗的研究大多围绕诱导产生高效免疫应答能力的囊膜蛋白进行免疫接种方式来展开。文章对该领域研究成果做一综述,旨在为今后WSSV的防控提供参考。  相似文献   

一种新型对虾饵料——大虾新宝药物饵料研制成功。该饵料从对虾的生态角度和营养学角度出发,以预防和治疗对虾病毒性疾病和细菌性病害为主。经试喂验证,对对虾  相似文献   

免疫增强剂在对虾生产中的研究与应用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
免疫增强剂是指能够通过提高机体的非特异性免疫功能来增强其抗应激和对病原体的抵抗能力的物质。研究表明,对虾的酚氧化酶原激活系统可被免疫增强剂激活,在激活过程中产生一系列活性物质,通过多种形式参与宿主防御反应,在对虾的免疫识别、防卫及细胞信息传递中发挥着重要作用。免疫增强剂具有作用广泛、特性稳定、安全高效、适宜于作为饲料添加剂来替代抗生素等特点,目前在对虾广泛应用的免疫增强剂主要有免疫多糖类、益生菌、草药提取物、营养因子类物质和生物活性物质等五大种类,文章对它们的作用机理及其应用发展趋势进行了阐述。  相似文献   

本文报道了对黄河三角洲地区对虾养殖产量下降原因的调查结果,认为肝胰腺细小样病毒病是导致该地区对虾养殖减产的主要原因。描述了该病的症状和病理变化,并对病因及危害性进行了分析,在此基础上探讨了预防该病的措施,提出采用无病原亲虾和生产无病毒虾苗,结合封闭式人工净化养虾技术可预防本病的发生。  相似文献   

本研究以南美白对虾为研究对象,探究饲料中天蚕素抗菌肽的合适添加量。在饲料中依次添加不同浓度水平(0%、1%、2%、3%、4%和5%)的天蚕素抗菌肽,配制为6种配合饲料,用以投喂南美白对虾,饲养周期8周。结果显示:与对照组相比,饲料中添加天蚕抗菌肽对南美白对虾增重率、蛋白质沉积率和特定生长率有显著影响(P<0.05),高水平天蚕素抗菌肽会抑制南美白对虾的增重率和特定生长率,南美白对虾的饵料系数显著下降,但对南美白对虾存活率和摄食率无显著影响(P>0.05)|随着饲料中天蚕素抗菌肽的添加水平不断增加,3%组南美白对虾的ACP、POD和SOD含量达到最大水平,与对照组有明显差异(P<0.05)|随着饲料中天蚕素抗菌肽的添加水平的不断上升,3%组南美白对虾的淀粉酶、脂肪酶和胃蛋白酶含量最高,与对照组存在明显差异(P<0.05)。结果表明,饲料中添加天蚕素抗菌肽显著提高南美白对虾的增重率和特定生长率,提高南美白对虾的生长发育速度,从而增强机体免疫力,提高南美白对虾的抗病能力。 [关键词]天蚕抗菌肽|南美白对虾|抗病力|免疫功能  相似文献   

Mechanisms of recovery from Herpesvirus infections -a review.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A variety of specific immunological mechanisms have been shown to be effective at neutralizing herpesviruses or destroying herpesvirus infected cells. These include both humoral and cell mediated immune responses or combinations thereof. Thus, it is genarlly accepted that humoral immunity is probably responsible for preventing reinfection whereas cellular immunity, mediated by T lymphocytes or by the interaction of antibody and Fc receptor bearing cells, is more important in recovery from infections. In addition to these specific responses to herpesvirus infection, a number of nonspecific cellular and humoral components have been shown to inhibit the progression of virus replication and therefore, have been implicated in assisting the host in the recovery process. The various interactions and counteractions between the various nonspecific and specific components of the immune response are discussed with respect to their role in recovery from both primary and recurrent disease as well as how they may eventually be manipulated so as to control herpesvirus recrudescent disease.  相似文献   

马兴树  宋金祥 《中国畜牧兽医》2019,46(11):3404-3413
非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)是由非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)引起家猪的一种急性、出血性、高度接触性蜱传病毒病,可致家猪网状内皮系统出血及高死亡率,是危害世界养猪业健康发展最严重的传染病之一。ASFV是一种大型的DNA病毒,结构复杂,其基因组编码大量蛋白。该论文介绍了ASFV的特性,免疫应答机制如免疫逃逸、体液免疫和细胞免疫,以及基因工程疫苗如减毒活疫苗、亚单位疫苗、病毒载体活疫苗及DNA疫苗研究的最新进展,并对中国ASF的疫苗研制、防控进行了展望。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate possible genetic influences on susceptibility or resistance of sheep to Johne's disease. DESIGN: A field and laboratory study of two fine-wool Merino flocks with a high prevalence of disease due to Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis infection. PROCEDURE: Adult sheep were phenotypically classified as having severe, mild or no disease on the basis of clinical, pathological and cultural tests for paratuberculosis, and as positive or negative in tests for humoral immunity (agar gel immunodiffusion test) or cell mediated immunity (skin test for delayed type hypersensitivity). Correlations with phenotype were sought for polymorphisms at loci within selected immune function genes (NRAMP, MHC complex, IFN-gamma, lysozyme, leukaemia inhibiting factor). RESULTS: Possible associations of particular NRAMP and MHC alleles with susceptibility or resistance to Johne's disease were detected. CONCLUSION: If the results of this preliminary study are confirmed in further work, then the use of rams with "resistant" genotypes may assist in the control of Johne's disease in infected flocks.  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征的免疫学研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(porcine reporoductive and respiratory syndrome,PRRS)是严重危害养猪业的重要疾病之一。作者综述了近年来PRRS免疫学研究的最新进展,特别对细胞免疫、体液免疫、天然免疫、抗体依赖性增强作用等方面进行了深入的论述,对参与该病免疫反应中相关因子引起的免疫病理学研究做了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

Betanodaviruses are the causative agents of viral nervous necrosis (VNN), a serious disease of cultured marine fish worldwide. Virus-like particles (VLPs) are one of the good novel vaccine candidates to control this disease. Until now, betanodavirus vaccine studies mainly focused on the humoral immune response and mortality after virus challenge. However, little is known about the activation of genes responsible for cellular and innate immunity by vaccines. In the present study, VLPs of orange-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (OGNNV) were produced in prokaryotes and their ability to enter Asian sea bass cells was the same as native virus, suggesting that they possess a similar structure to OGNNV. VLPs immunogenicity was then determined by intramuscularly vaccinating Epinephelus coioides at different concentrations (1.5 or 15 μg g?1 fish body weight, FBW) and immunizing frequencies (administration once, twice and thrice). A single vaccination with the dosage of 1.5 μg g?1 FBW is enough to provoke high titer antibodies (average 3 fold higher than that of negative control) with strong neutralizing antibody titer as early as 1 week post immunization. Furthermore, quantitative PCR analysis revealed that eleven genes associated with humoral, cellular and innate immunities were up-regulated in the liver, spleen and head kidney at 12 h post immunization, correlating with the early antibody response. In conclusion, we demonstrated that VLP vaccination induced humoral immune responses and activated genes associated with cellular and innate immunity against betanodavirus infection in orange-spotted grouper.  相似文献   

Immunoprophylaxis of bovine dermatophytosis.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The literature on immunoprophylaxis as control method for ringworm in cattle is reviewed. Scientific papers on immune response to dermatophyte antigens and vaccination against ringworm were obtained from personal files and computerized search in 4 relevant databases. Vaccines with antigens of Trichophyton verrucosum stimulate a humoral and cellular immune response. In animals vaccinated with inactivated vaccines, some protection is observed after challenge. However, the protective immunity is inadequate in most cases. Vaccination with live vaccines elicits an immune response that prevents the development of clinical disease. The protective immunity is based mainly on the cellular branch of the immune system. The efficacy and safety of live dermatophyte vaccines have been demonstrated in both challenge experiments and field trials from different countries. Effective control of ringworm in cattle has been achieved in regions implementing systematic vaccination.  相似文献   

The immune mechanisms of defence against fungal infections are numerous, and range from protective mechanisms that were present early in evolution (innate immunity) to sophisticated adaptive mechanisms that are induced specifically during infection and disease (adaptive immunity). The first-line innate mechanism is the presence of physical barriers in the form of skin and mucous membranes, which is complemented by cell membranes, cellular receptors and humoral factors. There has been a debate about the relative contribution of humoral and cellular immunity to host defence against fungal infections. For a long time it was considered that cell-mediated immunity (CMI) was important, but humoral immunity had little or no role. However, it is accepted now that CMI is the main mechanism of defence, but that certain types of antibody response are protective. In general, Th1-type CMI is required for clearance of a fungal infection, while Th2 immunity usually results in susceptibility to infection. Aspergillosis, which is a disease caused by the fungus Aspergillus, has been the subject of many studies, including details of the immune response. Attempts to relate aspergillosis to some form of immunosuppression in animals, as is the case with humans, have not been successful to date. The defence against Aspergillus is based on recognition of the pathogen, a rapidly deployed and highly effective innate effector phase, and a delayed but robust adaptive effector phase. Candida albicans, part of the normal microbial flora associated with mucous surfaces, can be present as congenital candidiasis or as acquired defects of cell-mediated immunity. Resistance to this yeast is associated with Th1 CMI, whereas Th2 immunity is associated with susceptibility to systemic infection. Dermatophytes produce skin alterations in humans and other animals, and the essential role of the CMI response is to destroy the fungi and produce an immunoprotective status against re-infection. The resolution of the disease is associated with a delayed hypersensitive response. There are many effective veterinary vaccines against dermatophytoses. Malassezia pachydermatis is an opportunistic yeast that needs predisposing factors to cause disease, often related to an atopic status in the animal. Two species can be differentiated within the genus Cryptococcus with immunologic consequences: C. neoformans infects predominantly immunocompromised hosts, and C. gattii infects non-immunocompromised hosts. Pneumocystis is a fungus that infects only immunosupressed individuals, inducing a host defence mechanism similar to that induced by other fungal pathogens, such as Aspergillus.  相似文献   

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