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在对农作物病虫观测和气象观测资料进行整理或统计分析时,常常碰到大量有关日期记载的数据.这类数据一般都是由带有两种单位的数字构成的,如:第一代三化螟成虫高峰期5月4日(简记为5/4).“月”和“日”都是日期的度量单位,“月”因包含“日”数的多少而有大月、小月之分,在小月份中2月却是一个特殊的月份,随平年闰年的不同其所含日数也是不同的.因此,由“月/日”构成的表示日期的一类观测数据就不能象十进制数那样可以直接进行数学运算.然而在进行统计分析,如:计算日期平均值、组建发生期预报方程时,则要求日期数据也能进行各种数学运算.  相似文献   

应用山西省东南部11个气象观测站1971-2010年春秋季及年平均气温、初终霜冻日期及无霜期资料,采用数理统计对比法,分析了该地初终霜冻的时域分布特征及成因,气候变暖背景下初终霜冻日期及无霜期的变化特征。结果表明:气温年际变化在1971-1996年属震荡缓慢升温期,1997年开始趋于明显增暖期,气候变暖速率为0.3℃·10a-1;初终霜冻日期的时域分布与特殊的地理环境条件关系密切;在秋季气候变暖前提下,初霜冻出现日期的推后速率为2 d·10a-1,其年际变化趋势表现为正负震荡推后期、偏早期和平稳推后期三个阶段;春季平均气温的增温速率为0.25℃·10a-1,对应终霜冻出现日期呈现为提前趋势,提前速率为4 d·10a-1,年际演变特征可分为偏晚期、偏早期、正负震荡期、偏早期四个阶段;无霜期在气候变暖背景下,年际变化特征可分为延长期、缩短期和平稳延长期三个时期,无霜期的线性变化延长速率为7 d·10a-1。  相似文献   

用1971~2004年甘肃黄土高原39个气象站的气温稳定通过10℃初日和西峰农业气象试验站的苹果生育期资料,分析了其气候特征及对苹果生育期的影响.结果表明,甘肃黄土高原日平均气温稳定通过10℃初日有3个偏早区,分别位于北道、兰州、泾川,有3个偏迟区,分别位于华家岭、东乡、岷县附近;最早的是北道,为4月14日,最迟的是华家岭,为6月5日;其空间分布特征是定西、临夏偏迟,天水、平凉、庆阳早,西北部的白银也较早;总的趋势是日平均气温稳定通过10℃初日越来越早,特别是90年代以来,早的趋势更加明显;70年代大部分地区偏迟,80年代北部偏早,南部偏迟,90年代定西、临夏偏迟,其余偏早.西峰气温稳定通过10℃初日早的3个年份,积温高,日照充足,苹果各平均生育期比3个迟的年份普遍提前了4 d以上,尤其是展叶盛期、开花未期提前了6~8 d;最早的2004年比最迟的1993年各生育期普遍提前了13 d以上,特别是叶芽开放期、开花未期,提前了21~25 d.苹果叶芽开放期、展叶盛期、开花盛期最早的分别是2004年3月20日、2001年4月8日、2001年4月16日,最迟的均为1996年,分别为4月25日、4月30日、5月10日,最早与最迟年相差了36、22、24 d.1984年较早,1985年较迟,1986年突然提早,1987年突然推迟,1988~1992年较早,1993年较迟,1994年以后基本持续提早.  相似文献   

宁夏春季首场透雨出现日期及环流背景分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
选用1961-2005年宁夏20个主要站降水量,分析春季首场透雨出现日期的气候特征,得出其年际、年代际变化特征不明显,在70年代以前、80年代中期到2000年这两个时间段里有4~5年周期变化,1970-1992年,首场透雨出现日期趋势在1982年前后发生了较大的转折,前期透雨出现偏晚,后期出现偏早.研究春季首场透雨出现日期典型偏早年与偏晚年环流背景,发现宁夏透雨出现早晚对海温有很好的响应,同时偏早年、偏晚年环流特征存在明显差异:偏早年前期海温以暖水位相为主,且3~4月宁夏处在500 hPa高度场正负距平交汇处,冷空气可以源源不断地进入,孟加拉湾洋面上水汽向北输送,给宁夏带来充足的水汽条件;偏晚年前期海温以冷水位相为主,受脊前西北气流控制,不利于宁夏冷空气出现,从贝加尔湖伴随冷空气带来的向南输送的水汽影响宁夏,由于量小,不能带来明显的降水.  相似文献   

葡萄越冬双层覆膜技术增产原因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆天山北坡阜康和南麓吐鲁番葡萄双层覆膜越冬试验结果表明,采用双层覆膜的葡萄,单株产量提高5.2-13.0kg;果穗增大3.7-7.8cm,增重114.9-293.9g;果粒增重0.1-0.6g;新枝生长量增长47.3-89.3cm,一级品率提高20%。经分析,主要是膜下最低温度高于临界值上限-16℃不会受冻,在最低气温日都有高于土埋50-90℃·30m的补偿温度和6-9h的补偿时间,整个冬季的补偿温度是840.5-1435.9℃·d。寒冷期后平均温度越来越高于土埋,10℃萌发的日期提前了10-20d。高温环境和长生长期是增产的主要原因。土埋越冬有长期低温的危害。  相似文献   

为替代葡萄覆膜越冬的草团拱架材料和方便快捷,2013/2014年冬季,在新疆吐鲁番进行了架空式双层覆膜的铁丝、树条、草团三种拱架和传统土埋的温度逐日观测。结果表明:冬季寒冷期的最低温度是土埋最高,铁丝、树条、草团拱架依次较低。在-17.5℃的最低气温日,最低温度分别是-10.7、-11.8、-13.8、-7.6℃,土埋最高,铁丝、树条较草团高。经推算,在极端最低气温-25.2℃时,分别是-15.1、-17.1、-17.9、-11.3℃,铁丝、树条较草团更为保险。整个冬季的累计温差分别是998.7、1166.6、1535.5、69.7℃,铁丝、树条较草团小,土埋最小。整个冬季平均温度的累积值分别是-140.6、-59.6、-184.3、-260.8℃,故萌发生长的日期分别是3月9日、3月4日、3月12日、3月27日,铁丝、树条拱架较草团早,土埋比覆膜晚15天以上。萌发日与平均温度累积值相关,与表面直观的架空效果一致,即树条拱架的架空效果最好,铁丝次之,草团较差。铁丝和树条日光温室"春提早"的作用较草团更早,但田间操作铁丝拱架较树条更加简便易行。  相似文献   

中国植物保护学会与中华植物保护学会自1998年以来以轮值召开学术研讨会形式,已召开了4届两岸生物防治学术研讨会。研讨会的召开增进了海峡两岸植保科技工作者在生物防治领域的学术与应用交流,对两岸的生物防治学术研究与生防技术应用的发展起到积极推进作用。"2014海峡两岸生物防治学术研讨会"将于2014年9月17~20日在云南省昆明市召开。本次会议由中国植物保护学会主办,中国植物保护学会生物防治专业委员会、国家植物病虫害生物学重点实验室承办,云南省植物保护学会、云南农业  相似文献   

<正>为深入落实"深化改革,务实发展"精神,进一步加强全国检验检测检疫学术交流,提高检验检测检疫学术水平,推动检验检测检疫科技的繁荣与发展,更好地服务于社会经济发展。经国家质检总局科技司同意,中国检验检疫科学研究院(简称中国检科院)将在2015年举办第三届全国检验检测检疫学术报告会,会议的主题为"改革、创新、发展",现开始征集会议论文。征集论文内容为2013年以来检验检测检疫领域的技术、  相似文献   

<正>为深入落实"深化改革,务实发展"精神,进一步加强全国检验检测检疫学术交流,提高检验检测检疫学术水平,推动检验检测检疫科技的繁荣与发展,更好地服务于社会经济发展。经国家质检总局科技司同意,中国检验检疫科学研究院(简称中国检科院)将在2015年举办第三届全国检验检测检疫学术报告会,会议的  相似文献   

<正>欧盟成员国支持14种农药的批准日期延长10个月,以便有更多的时间进行评估和更新授权。新的截止日期将到2018年7月31日,除草剂包括:氟丁酰草胺,草胺膦,嗪草酮。杀菌剂包括:克菌丹,烯酰吗啉,灭菌丹,霜霉威。杀虫剂:乐果,灭线磷,氟虫腈,伐虫脒,甲硫威,亚胺硫磷,甲基嘧啶磷。原先的终止日期是2017年9月30日,除氟丁酰草胺是2017年11月30日。这一改变在11月份通过欧盟植物、动  相似文献   

In this study,we analyzed the hydrological and meteorological data from the Syr Darya River Basin during the period of 1930–2015 to investigate variations in river runoff and the impacts of climate change and human activities on river runoff.The Syr Darya River,which is supplied by snow and glacier meltwater upstream,is an important freshwater source for Central Asia,as nearly half of the population is concentrated in this area.River runoff in this arid region is sensitive to climate change and human activities.Therefore,estimation of the climatic and hydrological changes and the quantification of the impacts of climate change and human activities on river runoff are of great concern and important for regional water resources management.The long-term trends of hydrological time series from the selected 11 hydrological stations in the Syr Darya River Basin were examined by non-parametric methods,including the Pettitt change point test and Mann-Kendall trend tests.It was found that 8 out of 11 hydrological stations showed significant downward trends in river runof f.Change of river runoff variations occurred in the year around 1960.Moreover,during the study period(1930–2015),annual mean temperature,annual precipitation,and annual potential evapotranspiration in the river basin increased substantially.We employed hydrological sensitivity method to evaluate the impacts of climate change and human activities on river runoff based on precipitation and potential evapotranspiration.It was estimated that human activities accounted for over 82.6%–98.7%of the reduction in river runoff,mainly owing to water withdrawal for irrigation purpose.The observed variations in river runoff can subsequently lead to adverse ecological consequences from an ecological and regional water resources management perspective.  相似文献   

敖淑平 《植物医生》2008,21(1):10-11
水稻秧苗僵苗的症状表现是植株矮小,叶片细瘦,直立不披散,稻丛呈簇立状,根细而稀,新根少。根据秧苗初期因僵苗程度不同,长相长势有所区别,大致可分3个阶段:发僵,为黄化阶段,叶色较淡,矮小萎黄,锈根多,白根少,呈现出营养不良的症状;以后随着生理缺磷程度的加重,进入蓝化阶段,叶色暗绿发蓝,有的黄中带红,叶片沿纵脉呈环状卷曲,老根直伸向下,根毛稀少,这是由于生理缺磷影响能量代谢,使光合作用产物的运输受到严重阻碍导致的;僵苗严重时为红化阶段,老叶变红色,其余叶片除最新抽出叶呈全绿色外,均有不同程度的叶尖枯焦,远看苗色发红。  相似文献   

董达义 《植物检疫》2008,22(3):187-188
国内农业植物检疫(以下简称植物检疫)是以法律法规为依据、检疫技术为后盾、植物检疫行政许可和执法监督为保障来控制农业有害生物传播、蔓延、危害,达到促进农产品流通,保护农业生态,确保农业生产高产、优质、高效的目的。植物检疫行政许可在植物检疫工作中起着关键的作用。现把江山市2005年以来贯彻实施《行政许可法》和农业部有关农业行政许可规定过程中的有关情况概述如下。  相似文献   

在加拿大一枝黄花盛花期,采用剪除花穗、剪除花穗并短截、砍伐植株,以后再采收加拿大一枝黄花种子,于次年进行种子发芽试验.结果表明,3种处理的加拿大一枝黄花种子发芽率均在0.2%~0.4%之间,与对照有极显著差异.  相似文献   

In arid areas,ecological degradation aroused by over-exploitation of fresh water,expansion of artificial oasis and shrinkage of natural oasis,has drawn attention of many scholars and officials.The water and ecological footprints can be used to quantitatively evaluate the water consumption of social-economic activities and their influence on the eco-environments.In addition,increase of the water footprint indicates the expansion of artificial oasis,and the influence on the natural oasis could be reflected by the variation of the ecological footprint.This study was conducted to answer a scientific question that what is the quantitative relationship between the expansion of the artificial oasis and the degradation of the natural oasis in the arid environments of Xinjiang,China.Thus,based on the social-economic data,water consumption data and meteorological data during 2001–2015,we calculated the water and ecological footprints to express the human-related pressure exerted on the water resources and arid environments in Xinjiang(including 14 prefectures and cities),and explore the relationship between the water and ecological footprints and its mechanism by using the coupling analysis and Granger causality test.The results show that both the water and ecological footprints of Xinjiang increased significantly during 2001–2015,and the increasing rate of the ecological footprint was much faster than that of the water footprint.The coupling degree between the water and ecological footprints was relatively high at the temporal scale and varied at the spatial scale.Among the 14 prefectures and cities examined in Xinjiang,the greater social-economic development(such as in Karamay and Urumqi)was associated with the lower coupling degree between the two footprints.Increases in the water footprint will cause the ecological footprint to increase,such that a 1-unit increase in the consumption of water resources would lead to 2–3 units of ecological degradation.The quantitative relationship between the increases of the water and ecological footprints,together with the intensities of water consumption both in the natural and artificial oases of Tarim River Basin,have approved the fact that the formation and expansion of 1 unit of the artificial oasis would bring about the degradation of 2 units of the natural oasis.These conclusions not only provide a technical basis for sustainable development in Xinjiang,but also offer a theoretical guide and scientific information that could be used in similar arid areas around the world.  相似文献   

Water shortage is one bottleneck that limits economic and social developments in arid and semi-arid areas.As the impacts of climate change and human disturbance intensify across time,uncertainties in both water resource supplies and demands increase in arid and semi-arid areas.Taking a typical arid region in China,Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,as an example,water yield depth(WYD)and water utilization depth(WUD)from 2002 to 2018 were simulated using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs(InVEST)model and socioeconomic data.The supply-demand relationships of water resources were analyzed using the ecosystem service indices including water supply-demand difference(WSDD)and water supply rate(WSR).The internal factors in changes of WYD and WUD were explored using the controlled variable method.The results show that the supplydemand relationships of water resources in Xinjiang were in a slight deficit,but the deficit was alleviated due to increased precipitation and decreased WUD of irrigation.WYD generally experienced an increasing trend,and significant increase mainly occurred in the oasis areas surrounding both the Junggar Basin and Tarim Basin.WUD had a downward trend with a decline of 20.70%,especially in oasis areas.Water resources in most areas of Xinjiang were fully utilized and the utilization efficiency of water resources increased.The water yield module in the InVEST model was calibrated and validated using gauging station data in Xinjiang,and the result shows that the use of satellite-based water storage data helped to decrease the bias error of the InVEST model by 0.69×108m3.This study analyzed water resource supplies and demands from a perspective of ecosystem services,which expanded the scope of the application of ecosystem services and increased the research perspective of water resource evaluation.The results could provide guidance for water resource management such as spatial allocation and structural optimization of water resources in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

Drought-prone grasslands provide a critical resource for the millions of people who are dependent on livestock for food security.However,this ecosystem is potentially vulnerable to climate change(e.g.,precipitation)and human activity(e.g.,grazing).Despite this,the influences of precipitation and grazing on ecological functions of drought-prone grasslands in the Tianshan Mountains remain relatively unexplored.Therefore,we conducted a systematic field investigation and a clipping experiment(simulating different intensities of grazing)in a drought-prone grassland on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains in China to examine the influences of precipitation and grazing on aboveground biomass(AGB),soil volumetric water content(SVWC),and precipitation use efficiency(PUE)during the period of 2014–2017.We obtained the meteorological and SVWC data using an HL20 Bowen ratio system and a PR2 soil profile hydrometer,respectively.We found that AGB was clearly affected by both the amount and seasonal pattern of precipitation,and that PUE may be relatively low in years with either low or excessive precipitation.The PUE values were generally higher in the rapid growing season(April–July)than in the entire growing season(April–October).Overall,moderate grazing can promote plant growth under water stress conditions.The SVWC value was higher in the clipped plots than in the unclipped plots in the rapid growing season(April–July),but it was lower in the clipped plots than in the unclipped plots in the slow growing season(August–October).Our findings can enhance the understanding of the ecological effects of precipitation and grazing in drought-prone grasslands and provide data that will support the effective local grassland management.  相似文献   

Studies on the ecosystem service value(ESV)of gardens are critical for informing evidence-based land management practices based on an understanding of the local ecosystem.By analyzing equivalent value factors(EVFs),this paper evaluated the values of 11 ecosystem services of gardens in the Yellow River Basin of China in 2019.High-precision land use survey data were used to improve the accuracy of the land use classification,garden areas,and spatial distribution of the ESVs of gardens.The results showed that garden ecosystem generally had high ESVs,especially in terms of the ESV of food production,which is worthy of further research and application to the practice of land use planning and management.Specifically,the value of one standard EVF of ecosystem services in 2019 was 3587.04 CNY/(hm2·a),and the ESV of food production of gardens was much higher than that of croplands.Garden ecosystem provided an ESV of 1348.66×108CNY/a in the Yellow River Basin.The areas with the most concentrated ESVs of gardens were located in four regions:downstream in the Shandong-Henan zone along the Yellow River,mid-stream in the Shanxi-Shaanxi zone along the Yellow River,the Weihe River Basin,and upstream in the Qinghai-Gansu-Ningxia-Inner Mongolia zone along the Yellow River.The spatial correlation of the ESVs in the basin was significant(global spatial autocorrelation index Moran's I=0.464),which implied that the characteristics of high ESVs adjacent to high ESVs and low ESVs adjacent to low ESVs are prominent.In the Yellow River Basin,the contribution of the ESVs of gardens to the local environment and economy varied across regions.We also put forward some suggestions for promoting the construction of ecological civilization in the Yellow River Basin.The findings of this study provide important contributions to the research of ecosystem service evaluation in the Yellow River Basin.  相似文献   

重庆地区水葫芦上发现一种叶部病害,通过对病原菌分离、纯化获得一种真菌,再根据科赫氏证病律步骤进行病害诊断,确定了病原菌.病害的典型症状是在被侵染的植株叶片上出现黄色小圆斑,以后病斑扩大为椭圆形,或多个病斑合并成不规则形.病斑中央黑褐色,周围有明显的黄色晕圈带.病原真菌为链格孢(Alternaria sp.),在马铃薯蔗糖琼脂(PSA)上菌落生长良好,表面气生菌丝绒毛状,后期菌落黑褐色.常规培养条件下约20d产生少量分生孢子.分生孢子深褐色,分1~3横格,短喙或无喙.接种初步观察,该病原真菌的致病性很强,在水葫芦的生物控制中可能具有重要的应用前景.  相似文献   

Investigating the relationships between vegetation dynamic and edaphic factors provide management insights into factors affecting the growth and establishment of plant species and vegetation communities in saline areas.The aim of this study was to assess the spatial variability of various vegetation communities in relation to edaphic factors in the Great Salt Desert,central Iran.Fifteen vegetation communities were identified using the physiognomy-floristic method.Coverage and density of vegetation communities were determined using the transect plot method.Forty soil samples were collected from major horizons of fifteen profiles in vegetation communities,and analyzed in terms of following soil physical and chemical characteristics:soil texture,soluble Na+concentration,sodium adsorption ratio(SAR),electrical conductivity(EC),pH,organic matter content,soluble Mg2+and Ca2+concentrations,carbonate and gypsum contents,and spontaneously-and mechanically-dispersible clay contents.Redundancy analysis was used to investigate the relationships between vegetation dynamic and edaphic factors.The generalized linear method(GLM)was used to find the plant species response curves against edaphic factors.Results showed that plant species responded differently to edaphic factors,in which soluble sodium concentration,EC,SAR,gypsum content and soil texture were identified as the most discriminative edaphic factors.The studied plant species were also found to have different ecological requirements and tolerance to edaphic factors,in which Tamarix aphylla and Halocnemum strobilaceum were identified as the most salt-resistant species in the region.Furthermore,the presence of Artemisia sieberi was highly related to soil sand and gypsum contents.The results implied that exploring the plant species response curves against edaphic factors can assist managers to lay out more appropriate restoration plans in similar arid areas.  相似文献   

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