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阜阳市是安徽省甘薯种植面积最大、最集中的地区,占全省种植面积30%以上。目前生产上使用的品种多是食用和兼用品种,而高干高淀粉品种较少。以甘薯为原料生产燃料乙醇是世界发展趋势,为了适应形势的发展,育种人员调整了育种目标,将重点转移到高干高淀粉品种的选育上来。阜徐薯20具有高产、高干高淀粉特性,是目前少有的燃料乙醇用甘薯新品种,符合国民经济的需要、能源安全的需求。  相似文献   

浅谈甘薯综合开发利用   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
杨立明  陈赐民 《杂粮作物》1995,(2):44-45,55
浅谈甘薯综合开发利用杨立明,陈赐民(福建省龙岩地区农科所364000)甘薯是高产稳产,营养丰富,用途广泛的作物。我国甘薯常年种植面积在6.6×10 ̄7ha以上,仅次于水稻、小麦和玉米,占世界甘薯面积的80%以上。过去甘薯主要用作粮食,随着工农业生产的...  相似文献   

郭小丁 《杂粮作物》1998,18(1):15-17
通过根癌农杆菌介导获得甘薯转基因植株MariaI.C.S.Gama等著郭小丁伍欣译甘薯在世界许多地区都是一种重要的作物,特别是在中国、印度尼西亚、韩国和巴布亚新几内亚,它是主要的作物。另外,它也是一种能源,可作为燃料生产(甲烷和乙醇)的原材料。因为甘...  相似文献   

能源工业是经济高速发展的源动力,柴油作为一种重要的石油炼制产品,在各国燃料结构中占有较高的份额,已成为重要的动力燃料。随着世界范围内车辆柴油化趋势的加快,未来柴油的需求量会愈来愈大,而石油资源的日益枯竭和人们环保意识的提高,大大促进了世界各国加快柴油替代燃料的开发步伐,尤其是进入20世纪90年代,生物柴油以其优越的环保性能受到了各国的重视,具有环保再生型绿色能源是人类面临新的研究课题。  相似文献   

以生物燃料代替部分汽油,从理论到实践,至今约半个世纪。气候条件适合的地区,第一代燃料乙醇已有成功的经验,如巴西的甘蔗乙醇,但也有不少地区引发了"粮食(谷物、糖等)对抗燃料"的意见。从而主攻方向转为第二代纤维质乙醇。通过本世纪的科研实践,难题不少;话题可能是"植物与燃料的对抗",下面简述。1第一代生物燃料(粮—发酵—乙醇)的发展世界第一个用甘蔗为原料生产燃料乙醇计划,于1975年在巴西建立。随后美国也在1978年开始以  相似文献   

彭源德 《中国麻业》2007,29(A02):415-419
利用微生物及其酶技术,提取茎纤维和发酵燃料乙醇是解决环境污染严重与能源短缺的有效途径之一。本文通过对茎纤维生物提取和发酵燃料乙醇的国内外研究现状和最新进展进行综述,针对茎纤维生物提取和发酵燃料乙醇研究的问题,提出了积极引进国外先进技术;建立规范化的生物脱胶示范工厂。开展生物脱胶精干麻的梳纺工艺技术研究和低木质素和高纤维素能源品种的选育及其高效生产技术研究等建议。  相似文献   

甜高粱——大有发展前途的作物   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
朱翠云 《杂粮作物》1999,19(2):29-32
甜高粱为普通高粱的一个变种,它具生物产量高,茎秆多糖多汁,抗逆性强,适应性广等多种优越性,并具有广泛的用途,它作为一种优良的粮食,饲料,糖料和能源作物已被国内外研究广泛证实,甜高粱是一种大有发展前途的作物,它将会成我国乃至世界各国经济的发展起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

我国甘薯加工利用的现状概述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈信波  戴晓阳 《作物研究》1994,8(4):43-44,48
我国甘薯加工利用的现状概述陈信波,戴晓阳(湖南农业大学长沙410128)甘薯是一种产量高、风味好、营养价值高的农作物。我国常年种植面积约500多万公顷,总产约8000万t,均居世界首位,在我国粮食生产中居第四位。甘薯既是重要的粮食作物,又是良好的饲料...  相似文献   

冯凌云 《杂粮作物》2008,28(6):352-352
甜高粱作为新兴的糖料、饲料和能源作物越来越受到人们的重视,引起一些国家政府和国际组织的关注。在世界能源紧张的情况下,生物质能源的研究与开发日益紧迫。甜高粱作为生物质能源作物无疑显示了诱人的前景。甜高粱茎秆中的糖经生物发酵转化为乙醇,乙醇混合到汽油中成为燃料。已有的生物质能源研究表明,  相似文献   

彭源德 《中国麻业科学》2007,29(Z2):415-419
利用微生物及其酶技术,提取茎纤维和发酵燃料乙醇是解决环境污染严重与能源短缺的有效途径之一.本文通过对茎纤维生物提取和发酵燃料乙醇的国内外研究现状和最新进展进行综述,针对茎纤维生物提取和发酵燃料乙醇研究的问题,提出了积极引进国外先进技术;建立规范化的生物脱胶示范工厂,开展生物脱胶精干麻的梳纺工艺技术研究和低木质素和高纤维素能源品种的选育及其高效生产技术研究等建议.  相似文献   

Textile fibers were obtained from secondary polyethylene terephtalate (PET) and its mixtures with primary PET at initial orientation of 18000–33000 %, rate of additional orientation drawing 3.5–6.5 times and temperature of thermal fixation 363–413 K. The fibers’ tensile strength was found to decrease and elongation at break to increase with the decrease of their linear density under the conditions of fibers formation. For the fibers based on polymer mixtures, the presence of oxidized fragments in the secondary PET limited the compatibility of the two polymers which resulted in deteriorated tensile properties. The linear density (4–16 dtex), tensile strength (30–50 cN/tex) and elongation at break (20–60 %) of the PET fibers obtained were close to these for the industrially produced polymer fibers. The values of the average diameter of the fibers formed and oriented under laboratory conditions allows classifying them between the fine and the coarse textile fibers which makes them suitable for the textile industry.  相似文献   

Gas-exchange characteristics of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) canopies were determined with crop enclosures under condition of optimal water supply, during soil water depletion, and during recovery from drought-stress. The plants were grown under a rainshelter in large containers with 2-m2 surface area. Control plants received water throughout the growth period. In Expt. 1, transient drought was imposed by interrupting water supply completely for 22 days. During the 33-day period of drought treatment in Expt. 2, the stressed plants received half the amount of water that was given to the control plants (irrigations 2–3 times per week).

During soil water depletion, stomatal conductance of the canopy was reduced earlier and more than photosynthesis. This resulted in a lower internal carbon dioxide concentration in the leaves of stressed plants and a higher ratio between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. The value of that ratio increased as soil water potential dropped.

Water-use efficiency ( ) increased during drought stress. The cultivar Bintje showed a larger ratio between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of the canopy and a higher than cv. Saturna, both for optimal water supply and during drought stress.

Photosynthesis and conductance of the canopy started to recover immediately upon rewatering, even when relative values had declined to 20–30% during the preceding stress period. After release from stress, the leaves in the top layer of the canopy had a higher stomatal conductance in treated plants than in control plants.  相似文献   

介绍了我国麻类标准的现状。通过分析,指出了存在的问题,主要表现在标准体系不完善、标准更新不及时,协调性差及贯彻执行不力等。提出了我国麻类标准应采取的对策。  相似文献   

2017—2018年,在同安镇粮食产能区示范推广水稻病虫害绿色防控与统防统治融合技术模式,取得了显著成效。融合技术示范区比常规区减少用药2~3次,用药量减少37.6%,防治成本降低400元/hm^2;水稻产量增加12.8%,收益增加2 835元/hm^2。  相似文献   


Arbuscular mycorrhizae were inoculated into phosphorus-deficient soil fertilized with either organic or chemical fertilizer with cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) as the first crop and lettuce (Lactu-ca sativa L.) as the second crop but without additional fertilization and AM inoculation. AM increased dry matter and fruit yield of cucumber significantly in the unfertilized, organic-fertilized and P-deficient plants compared with the fully chemical-fertilized plants. AM inoculation increased the available phosphorus in plant and soil by around 30% for all treatments except for those chemically-fertilized. The rate of AM infection did not differ significantly among the fertilization treatments, but the infection intensity was higher in unfertilized, organic-fertilized and phosphorus-deficient treatments than chemical-fertilized treatment. The residual effects of AM-inoculated to cucumber were evident for lettuce in all pre-treatments that were unfertilized and un-inoculated for the second cropping. Without P-fertilization, neither crop could grow optimally even when the soil was inoculated with AM, suggesting that AM could not serve as a substitute for phosphorus fertilizer. However, the other beneficial effects of AM on crop growth and yield could not be fulfilled with phosphorus fertilizer.  相似文献   

对影响我国热区主要蔬菜产前、产中、产后的质量安全相关因素与现状进行调研,获取基础数据与有关信息。对比分析国内不同生产区质量安全存在的差异与差距,研究我国热区蔬菜从生产至市场各个环节的质量安全评价方法,提出建立我国热区蔬菜质量安全评价体系方案。  相似文献   

经过多年实践,探索总结出抗病虫品种、频振式太阳能杀虫灯、糖盆诱蛾、黄蓝板诱虫、生物多样性控虫等绿色防控技术,形成了切合库尔勒实际的棉花病虫全程绿色防控技术模式。介绍了上述技术措施及其在当地棉田的推广应用效果。  相似文献   

百香果是海南省的新兴产业,也是我国多个省区扶贫攻坚的重要产业。病虫害是影响百香果产业的重要因素,随着海南百香果种植面积越来越大,病虫害对百香果产业的不利影响越来越凸显。由于缺乏百香果病虫害种类调查鉴定的基础性研究,许多种植户对田间发生的病虫害种类识别不足,从而影响了百香果病虫害的防控效果。为了摸清海南百香果种植区的病虫害种类,于2019—2021年对海南省儋州市、乐东县、屯昌县、文昌市、三亚市、东方市、保亭县、白沙县、海口市等百香果种植区的病虫害进行了系统调查与鉴定,并对其发生危害特点进行了研究。鉴定发现海南百香果种植区的病害有11种,分别是病毒病、茎基腐病、炭疽病、疮痂病、疫病、灰霉病、果腐病、褐斑病、烟煤病、藻斑病和缺镁。重要病害为病毒病和茎基腐病,危害程度分别为4级和3级,炭疽病和疮痂病危害也较重,危害程度均为2级,其他病害危害较轻。害虫有28种,分别是黄胸蓟马、茶黄蓟马、红带蓟马、美洲棘蓟马、普通大蓟马、咖啡木蠹蛾、美洲斑潜蝇、橘小实蝇、斜纹夜蛾、双线盗毒蛾、绿丽刺蛾、白带锯蛱蝶、烟粉虱、温室白粉虱、柑橘粉蚧、木槿曼粉蚧、藤壶蜡蚧、茶角盲蝽、樟颈曼盲蝽、稻绿蝽、中稻缘蝽、茶小绿叶蝉、丽球瓢蜡蝉、绿鳞象甲、眼斑芫菁、白条豆芫菁、甘薯梳龟甲和朱砂叶螨。重要害虫为黄胸蓟马和咖啡木蠹蛾,危害程度均为3级,茶黄蓟马和美洲斑潜蝇的危害也较重,危害程度均为2级,其他害虫危害较轻。软体动物3种,分别是灰巴蜗牛、同型巴蜗牛和一种尚未鉴定的蛞蝓。本研究明确了海南百香果种植区病虫害具体种类,新发现百香果病害1种和害虫24种,为海南百香果病虫害的精准防控提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

从自然生产条件、龙头企业状况和产业经济效益3方面论述了云南省“双高”甘蔗发展的优势条件.分析了现阶段“双高”甘蔗发展中存在的主要问题,即甘蔗产业科技落后、蔗园建设投入不足、加工企业规模较小,产品单一.从“双高”甘蔗优势产业带建设,甘蔗种子工程体系,“双高”甘蔗科技、甘蔗产业化经营发展与科技培训等方面提出了“双高”甘蔗发展的建议和措施.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):281-285

Two cultivars of spinach and one cultivar of komatsuna were sand cultured using a nutrient solution with Na and K in various combinations. The growth (fresh weight of shoot) of spinach cv. Atlas was significantly increased when 1.4 mM KC1 of the 7 m M KO was replaced with 1.4 mM NaCl, although the growth was reduced when more KC1 was replaced with NaCl. In another spinach cv. All Right, however, NaCl substituting for 20% of KC1 showed no significant effects. In komatsuna, Na used in place of K at any ratio reduced the growth. The growth of spinach cv. Atlas was increased by applying 20 mM NaCl, irrespective of K dose (480 - 2400 mg K2O per 1/2000 a Wagner pot). The growth of spinach cv. All Right was also increased by 20 mM NaCl when K was at a deficient level (480 - 960 mg K20 per pot), but was not when K was at: an excessive level (1920 - 2400 mg K2O per pot). In komatsuna, 20 mM NaCl reduced the growth. In spinach, Na prevented the decrease of the photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance caused by K deficiency.  相似文献   

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