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近年来,蛋白酶体的分子组成、亚基、生化机理、胞内功能等方面的研究受到广泛关注,发展迅速.蛋白酶体的主要生物学功能包括:降解细胞内蛋白质、调节细胞周期、促进细胞凋亡、调节转录因子、增加抗原提呈等.在寄生虫中,蛋白酶体不仅参与胞内寄生虫的生长发育调节,同时对宿主造成损伤,并可诱导宿主产生对其的免疫应答.对寄生虫蛋白酶体的研究有助于深入了解寄生虫的入侵机制,为寄生虫病的防治提供新思路.作者对蛋白酶体的结构、功能及寄生虫蛋白酶体的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

基因组测序计划以及有关的转录组和蛋白质组图谱计划已经给寄生虫学的研究带来了一场革命。随着越来越多种类的寄生虫基因组序列被测定,通过系统的比较和分析基因的序列使得预测基因和功能验证的准确性越来越高,也为人们认知寄生虫的生物学特征、为人类和兽医筛选新的候选疫苗和药物靶标提供了重要数据。本文就寄生虫基因组研究进展作一简单综述。  相似文献   

生物体表现出的各种生物学特性,主要是由于基因在不同细胞间及不同生长阶段的选择性差异表达引起的.这些基因的差异表达按特定的时间和空间顺序有序地进行着,决定了生命活动的多样性.而基因差异表达研究的各种分析技术正是在此基础上发展起来并在兽医寄生虫学中得到广泛应用.以mRNA差异显示、抑制消减杂交法和DNA微列阵分析等为代表的基因差异表达分析技术,在基因表达谱的分析及基因生物学功能研究,阐述寄生虫的发病机制,寄生虫疾病诊断,筛选合适的药物靶标和疫苗候选分子有效地防病治病方面发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   

赵翠卿 《北方牧业》2013,(13):27-29
分类篇猪场常见寄生虫种类及危害猪的寄生虫种类繁多,我们可以根据它们寄生的环境分为体内寄生虫和体表寄生虫两个大类,也可以根据生物学分类粗略地分为原虫、蠕形动物和节肢动物等几大类。由于养殖环境和方式的改变及养殖技术的改进,部分寄生虫种类或已基本灭绝,或对生猪生产已经构不成威胁;还有一部分是本来对猪的健康影响就不是很大,而且在预防和治疗其它寄生虫篇  相似文献   

于馨  杨艳  胡双  杨建发  邹丰才 《中国畜牧兽医》2015,42(11):2909-2914
转录组测序(RNA-seq)是通过高通量测序方法全面快速的获悉特定组织或细胞的特定发育阶段或功能状态下所有RNA序列信息的技术。该技术以其准确和高通量等特征,被广泛应用于生物学、医学和农学等基础性研究。寄生虫在体外发育、感染入侵和体内繁殖等不同阶段,发生着一系列复杂的生物变化。采用RNA-seq技术筛选寄生虫发育、感染和繁殖等不同阶段的差异表达基因,阐明其功能,获悉寄生虫-宿主互作的分子调控机制等研究是目前的研究重点和热点。基于此,作者对RNA-seq技术在寄生虫研究中的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

动物抗寄生虫药物主要用于防制动物寄生虫病,是保障畜牧业健康发展和公共卫生安全的有效手段。抗寄生虫药物的药效建立在药物分子与寄生虫或动物机体不同靶组织、靶细胞间相互作用的基础上。由于抗寄生虫药物种类多样,抗寄生虫机理复杂。随着新抗寄生虫药物的开发和科学研究的深入,尤其是化学合成和生物制药技术的发展,抗寄生虫药物的品种和数量都在不断的增加,新的药物结构和作用靶标不断发现,作用机理研究也不断深入。作者主要对抗寄生虫药物的作用机理研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

在寄生虫分子分类学研究中,利用核糖体DNA对寄生虫进行分类学,以及虫种进化关系学的研究,已经成为国际上普遍应用的方法。但由于它具有高度保守性的特点,所以很难在同种异株的区分上有所作为。内转录间隔区ITS是位于寄生虫的遗传物质特别是核糖体DNA(rDNA)上18S和28S基因之间的区域片段,由于它在生物种和亚种间变异较大。从而可以用来进行动物原虫种间以及株间的分类鉴定。因此,在分子分类学领域,越来越多的采用核rDNA的内转录间隔区(ITS)作为分子标记。本文介绍ITS作为分子标记在寄生虫分子分类中的作用及其进展。  相似文献   

外泌体(exosomes)是一类由多种细胞分泌的纳米级的膜性小囊泡,内含蛋白质、脂质、核酸等生物活性成分,其在物质与信息的传递中起着重要作用。现有研究已经证实,在寄生虫感染过程中寄生虫及其感染的宿主细胞均能分泌外泌体,其携带有来自分泌细胞的多种特异性蛋白和iRNA等,在寄生虫感染和免疫调控中发挥着重要作用。而且,这些外泌体特异性分子在循环系统中能稳定存在,使其有望成为寄生虫病诊断与治疗的新靶标。本文概述了寄生虫来源的外泌体的生物学特征,重点阐述了外泌体在寄生虫感染与免疫中的作用,展望了其在寄生虫病诊断与治疗中的应用前景。  相似文献   

随着免疫技术的发展和深入,近年来已经开始重视免疫病理工作。一系列的动物实验业已证明在免疫病理中,免疫因素起着重要的作用。自20世纪中叶,随着免疫学的发展,寄生虫致病的免疫学机理也逐渐被揭示,形成了寄生虫病的免疫学病理。20世纪70年代以后,随着分子生物化学的发展,动物寄生虫致病的分子机制得到较深入的阐明,动物寄生虫病理学提高到了分子水平。寄生虫对动物的致病作用早已被人们发现,早期人们对动物寄生虫的致病作用归纳为5方面,即吸取宿主营养,吸食宿主血液、体液和组织细胞,产生对宿主有害的毒素,机械性障碍与破坏,以及引入其他病原体。  相似文献   

随着分子生物学技术的日臻完善,尤其是人类基因组计划提出以后,人类及各类生物包括动物、植物和微生物的基因组研究得到迅猛发展。近年来,寄生虫的基因组计划也引起了人们特别是寄生虫学家的极大兴趣。通过实施寄生虫基因组计划,我们将会对生物学中令人着迷的寄生现象有一个更加全面的理解,同时为人类的健康和经济的发展提供技术保障。[第一段]  相似文献   

The future of veterinary parasitology is discussed at a time when R&D funding from the pharmaceutical industry is declining, yet the opportunities for veterinary parasitologists to diversify their activities has never been greater. Emerging and re-emerging areas requiring input from veterinary parasitologists include: veterinary public health; conservation and wildlife diseases; emerging and exotic infectious diseases; surveillance strategies; economic effects of parasitic diseases; aquaculture; molecular epidemiology; dietary and biological control of parasitic diseases; animal welfare; organic agricultural systems; novel vaccination strategies; drug target characterisation and rational drug design. Without change, the survival of veterinary parasitology as a viable, distinct discipline is under threat. In this environment, veterinary parasitologists must be adaptable, imaginative and pro-active in terms of setting the agendas for establishing strategic alliances, promoting research needs and developing research programs.  相似文献   

Advances in immunoparasitology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A selective review of the advances in immunoparasitology is presented. It is selective simply because it is not feasible to embrace the whole field of parasitology within the compass of a single review paper, for if it were attempted, it would suffer undue abbreviation. Emphasis is placed on the advances in helminthology and especially the gastro-intestinal parasites of ruminants, an obvious selection because of the interests of the author. Reviews are always somewhat retrospective in outlook; to write a review at the present time is especially foolhardy since developments in biology are such that totally new concepts can arise almost overnight, as it were. This is a particularly healthy state, and the discipline of parasitology is caught up in the application and interpretation of molecular biological considerations. "Parasitism" is a field of increasing importance and challenge.  相似文献   

分子生物学技术在隐孢子虫研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
隐孢子虫是顶复门原虫,主要寄生于人或动物的消化道上皮并引起腹泻,是寄生虫学、环境微生物学研究热点之一。分子生物学技术给隐孢子虫研究注入了强大动力,本文就其在隐孢子虫检测、分子流行病学调查、分类学以及药物设计等研究领域的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

The American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP) initiated a study of parasitology curricula in veterinary schools in the US and Canada in November 1989. An ad hoc committee (Task Force) and then the Education Committee developed a position paper on teaching parasitology in veterinary colleges. In addition to confirming the importance of parasitology as a discipline they recommended a set of general learning objectives and proposed topic-specific titles rather than parasite-/group-specific titles. Another problem observed in teaching parasitology was a significant reduction in time available to teach parasitology. One way to compensate for the lost classroom time is to utilize some of the technological advances in presenting the material to students.  相似文献   

The undergraduate teaching of veterinary parasitology in an African perspective is reviewed. Information was gathered from 8 of approximately 20 veterinary schools/faculties in Africa. In order to compare teaching in the different schools a standard questionnaire was designed for collecting data on different aspects of the curriculum, including the curriculum structure, the year(s) in which veterinary parasitology is taught, the contact hours allocated to teaching and the methods of teaching. The results of the eight faculties/schools reveal that veterinary parasitology is taught in a disciplinary approach allocating a total of 90-198 h to lectures (46-75%) and practicals 38-196 h (25-54%) during the full curriculum. There are considerable differences in structure of the curricula and methods of teaching undergraduate veterinary parasitology between the various schools/faculties. Availability of teaching staff and the cost of running practical classes are the most limiting factors in teaching of veterinary parasitology. There is a need to constantly review the curriculum of undergraduate veterinary parasitology and to standardise the materials and methods in light of new knowledge.  相似文献   

The history of Italian parasitology can be subdivided into two periods: pre-Redi and post-Redi. The first period includes the contributions to parasitology by savants who operated during the Roman, medieval and Renaissance eras; the second period started in 1668 when Francesco Redi published his experiments to debunk the theory of spontaneous generation; the work of Redi was subsequently continued by Vallisnieri, Spallanzani and others. The latter period includes classic contributions in the field of parasitology provided by veterinarians such as Ercolani, Perroncito, Piana and Rivolta, and by physicians such as Bassi, Grassi, Golgi, and Celli. Also, two outstanding pages of medical parasitology were written during this period--the unraveling and defeat of St. Gotthard's disease and the conquering of malaria on Italian soil--both accomplished through the generous efforts of dedicated individuals.  相似文献   

A World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology tradition for its conference is to present some highlights of the country hosting the event, and with an emphasis on the history of, and research in, veterinary parasitology. A review of Canada's peoples, physiography, climate, natural resources, agriculture, animal populations, pioneers in veterinary parasitology, research accomplishments by other veterinary parasitologists, centres for research in veterinary parasitology, and major current research had been presented at a World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology Conference in Canada in 1987, and was published. The present paper updates the information on the above topics for the 22 years since this conference was last held in Canada.  相似文献   

The history of veterinary parasitology in France can be divided into three parts. (1) The early period of veterinary education, and development of sections on parasites and parasitic diseases, immediately following the creation of the veterinary colleges in France in 1762-1765 by Cl. Bourgelat until the beginning of the 19th century. This was the period of academics, naturalists and zoologists, with the exception of P. Chabert who, as early as 1782, directed attention to the harmful effects of parasites on animals and tried to control them. (2) Identification and establishment of the field of veterinary parasitology and the development of specific research work, mostly in veterinary colleges, on the biology and systematic control of parasites. This period was dominated by the tremendous amount of work carried out by L.G. Neumann and A. Railliet in every topic of veterinary parasitology. (3) The modern period of veterinary parasitology (before and after World War II). This period is characterized by the increasing development of the most sophisticated techniques in fundamental and applied research to provide efficient cheap and practical means for the diagnosis and control of parasitic diseases in animals.  相似文献   

A short history of the various contributions to the development of veterinary parasitology in Spain is given by considering five periods: (a) from the earliest times to the establishment of the first Veterinary Examination Board (Protoalbeiterato, A.D. 1500); (b) from 1500 to the creation of the Schools of Veterinary Medicine (1792-1793) and unification of the Veterinary profession (1850); (c) from 1850 to the appearance of parasitology as an autonomous discipline in the curricula; (d) from 1912 to the creation of Departments of Parasitology and Parasitic disease in the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine (1976); (e) from 1976 to the present day. In each period, the main contributions are considered and commented on, both from the parasitological and professional points of view. Finally, the role of veterinarians in modern Spanish parasitology is considered.  相似文献   

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