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淇河鲫鱼无公害养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淇河鲫鱼,是河南独有的地方品种,因产于淇河,故名为淇河鲫鱼。它与普通淡水鲫鱼不同,普通淡水鲫鱼一般鳞色灰黑,淇河鲫鱼则略呈金黄,和鲤鱼相似;一般鲫鱼较扁平,体形清瘦,淇河鲫鱼则脊背宽厚,体形丰满;一般鲫鱼为2倍体鱼类,淇河鲫鱼则为罕见的3倍体鱼类;一般鲫鱼生长速度慢,而淇河鲫鱼则生长速度快,背脊厚度为一般鲫鱼的2倍,因而淇河鲫鱼被称为双背鲫鱼。  相似文献   

异精激发银鲫雌核发育所获后代的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲫鱼是重要的淡水经济鱼类,广泛分布于欧亚内陆水域。在我国的一些大型湖泊、水库里,鲫鱼一般可占产量的20~40%。黑龙江水系产的银鲫(2n=156±),因具有多种优良性状,尤有重要的经济意义。  相似文献   

我国几个水域鲫鱼的主要形态性状和生长比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
我国产的鲫鱼(Carassius auratus gibelio)又称银鲫,是广生性鱼类.分布于亚洲、欧洲、非洲和北美洲的淡水水域中,在我国北自黑龙江南至海南岛的江河,湖泊,泡沼,池塘都有分布。它的优点是适应力强.杂食性.繁殖力强且在静水能够产卵.肉味鲜美。生长速度一般。因此.鲫鱼在我国淡水渔业中占有重要地位.在许多天然水体中.它是主要渔业对象.在尚未放养四大家鱼的水域中(湖泊,水库等).  相似文献   

陈惠 《水产学杂志》1999,12(2):94-99
鱼类生物工程育种技术黑龙江鲫鱼种群的遗传特性鲫鱼是黑龙江水系的主要经济鱼类,具有生长快、适应性强、肉味鲜美等特点,经济价值很高。本研究在鱼类遗传基础上对黑龙江鲫鱼的种群分布。生殖方式、信性、遗传特性和系统分类等问题,提出了有重要学术价值的见解,填补了国内对鲫鱼遗传研究的一些空白,达到同类研究的国际水平;而且在鲫鱼的选种及其开发应用上提供了可靠的依据,并已在生产上取得了显著的效果。由于这一研究查清了黑龙江水系存在两个种群,它们的生殖方式不同,就避免了移殖引种的盲目性,保证了全国十几个省市银鲫的移植…  相似文献   

分布在黑龙江上游呼玛河和额木尔河等水域的北极茴鱼一新纪录种Thymallus sp,种群数量少、分布范围狭小,群体资源面临濒危。本研究采用PCR技术分析了黑龙江上游的北极茴鱼线粒体DNA控制区的序列,共获得了1104bp核苷酸全序列,与分布于勒拿河的该种茴鱼群体进行比较。结果显示:在23尾个体中共检测到3个单倍型(Hap1、Hap2,及Hap3),其中Hap3为黑龙江和勒拿河共享;利用单倍型构建的分子系统树和网络图显示,黑龙江群体可能起源于勒拿河。黑龙江上游群体的遗传多样性较低,单倍型多样性指数(0.530)和核苷酸多样性(0.00053)远低于同域分布的其它种茴鱼;黑龙江群体与勒拿河群体的Fst为38.56%(P〈0.05),已产生一定的遗传分化。  相似文献   

银鱼科鱼类的分类分布和种群生态   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本论及了银鱼科鱼类的分类、分布和种群生态特点。现知世界银鱼科鱼类共6属17种,分布于中国、韩国、朝鲜、日本、俄罗斯远东地区和越南北部湾的沿海。按分布地域和水温状况可把17种鱼类划分为暖温种、冷温种、温水和广温种4种类型。银鱼种群的共同生态特点是:(1)广盐性;(2)对温度适应范围广,多数种适低温;(3)栖息于水域中上层,以浮游动物为主要食物;(4)繁殖适应力强;(5)生命周期短,种群结构简单,群体数量消长变化快。  相似文献   

鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)是一种广生性鱼类,在大型湖泊,水库中,其产量约占自然鱼产量的70%左右。在自然条件下黑龙江的鲫鱼生长较快,食性广,且肉嫩味美,群众喜食,是移植驯化的优良对象。这一野生品种资源,如何转变为池塘养殖品种,是近年来国内外研究的重要课题。1973年以来,我们对黑龙江主要水域进行了调查,在此基础上提出了方正县双风水库鲫鱼是一个较好的移植驯化材料。由此,方正鲫在国内受到重视,  相似文献   

网箱养殖彭泽鲫鱼技术指导谢岳成(湖北省监利县水产局)1.选择养殖水域网箱养殖彭泽鲫与网箱养殖鲤鱼、罗非鱼一样,网箱养殖彭泽鲫鱼所选择的养殖水域非常广泛,包括河流、湖泊。水库、工厂温流水等环境。几种水域环境用网箱养殖彭泽鲫鱼唯一不同点是放养最适密度不一...  相似文献   

黑龙江鲤是分布于黑龙江流域的重要经济鱼类,它生长速度快,食性广,耐低温,越冬成活率高,是北方的主要养殖品种之一。江鲫是鲫鱼的二倍体种群,它肉质鲜美,抗病力强,倍受消费者青睐,尤其是大规格鲫鱼(0.4kg以上),市场上供不应求。为满足市场需求,促进质量效益型渔业的发展,绥滨县水产技术推广站同黑龙江水产研究所合作,  相似文献   

网箱养殖彭泽鲫鱼技术指导1.选择若因水域网箱养殖彭泽鲫与网箱养殖鲤鱼、罗非鱼一样,网箱养殖彭泽鲫鱼所选择的养殖水域非常广泛,包括河流、湖泊、水库.工厂温流水等环境。几种水域环境用网箱养殖彭泽鲫鱼唯一不同点是放养最适密度不一样,贫营养型水体放养密度高,...  相似文献   

The karyotypes of both Oreochromis mortimeri (Trewavas) and Sarotherodon melanotheron (Rüppell) are shown to consist of 22 pairs of chromosomes (2n = 44). In O. mortimeri, the karyotype is composed of 9 sm/st and 13 t chromosomes. In the case of S. melanotheron, the karyotype is composed of 15 sm/st, 2 m and 5 t chromosomes. The karyotypes of these species are therefore similar to those of the majority of other tilapia species, with that of S. melanotheron being considerably different from that previously reported for this species.  相似文献   

洞庭青鲫产于湖南省澧县北民湖,因个体大且背部青灰而得名,其快速生长的特性和异于普通鲫的体型令作者怀疑前人报道的"二倍体群体"结果。为此,从银鲫微卫星文库中筛选9个位点构建微卫星鲫倍性鉴定体系,同时采用流式细胞术和染色体核型分析完成了洞庭青鲫倍性鉴定。结果显示,建立的微卫星鲫倍性鉴定体系能够100%区分二倍体、三倍体和四倍体鲫,微卫星基因分型结果显示136尾洞庭青鲫均为三倍体,各位点的等位基因数为1~3,样本基因型包括AAA、AAB/ABB、ABC 3种类型;洞庭青鲫血细胞DNA平均含量为159.42±5.64,与二倍体红鲫的血细胞DNA平均含量(102.43±3.54)比值(DI)为1.56∶1;流式细胞术与微卫星体系判定结果匹配度100%;染色体核型分析显示洞庭青鲫染色体数为3n=156±,核型公式为3n=39m+36sm+81sta,NF=231。建立了适用于鲫倍性鉴定的微卫星标记体系,且系统地证实了洞庭青鲫为三倍体鲫品种。  相似文献   

刘鑫  张东  林听听  周丽青 《水产学报》2020,44(6):907-914
为了解灰海马的细胞遗传学特征,便于今后开展灰海马的种质评价与鉴定、规模化人工繁育、亲缘关系研究及人工选育等工作,实验以雌雄灰海马的背鳍为材料,采用秋水仙素浸泡和常规热滴片法制备染色体标本。借助Photoshop图像软件,将同源染色体配对、拼贴,做出染色体核型图。采用Image J软件的自定义曲线测量功能,以着丝粒的中心位置为起点,顺着染色体弯曲的形态,到染色体臂末端为终点,测量线段长度,得出图片中染色体的臂长,根据相同放大倍数下标尺的测量值,换算出染色体的实际臂长。根据臂比值,将染色体进行配对、分类后,得出灰海马的染色体核型公式。结果显示,灰海马的背鳍组织可作为其染色体制备的理想材料,实验选用的染色体制备方法能获得图像清晰、形态良好的细胞分裂相。此法简单、效果好,解决了海龙科鱼类染色体制备的难题;灰海马具有22对染色体,二倍体染色体数目2n=44,雄鱼的染色体核型公式为2n=2sm+20st+22t,雌鱼的染色体核型公式为2n=1m+2sm+20st+21t,雌鱼存在性染色体异型的现象,因此灰海马的性染色体为ZW/ZZ型。  相似文献   

The karyotype of the Atlantic halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus, (Linnaeus, 1758) consists of 24 pairs of chromosomes (2n= 48) all of which are subtelocentric or acrocentric. The number and morphology of the chromosomes of the Atlantic halibut is therefore similar to most other pleuronectid fish studied.  相似文献   

Pikeperch (Sander lucioperca L.) is a percid fish species of high commercial value and potential for being aquacultured in Europe. As such, pikeperch needs to be karyologically studied with special attention dedicated to arrangement of the homologous chromosomes into pairs and chromosomal location of the chosen DNA sequences. The karyotype of the pikeperch consists of 48 small chromosomes: One pair of metacentric chromosomes, 15 pairs of submetacentric chromosomes and eight pairs of subtelo‐acrocentric chromosomes (FN = 80). Original data on the chromosomal distribution of early and late replication regions, segments resistant to AluI, DdeI, HinfI and HaeIII restriction endonucleases and identification of the C‐banded heterochromatin presented herein have been used to arrange pikeperch chromosomes into the karyotype. After Primed in situ labeling (PRINS) technique with primers enabling amplification of 5S rDNA sequences, hybridization spots observed on the short (p) arms of two the largest pikeperch submetacentric chromosomes (no. 2). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with telomeric PNA (Peptide Nucleic Acid) probe enabled recognition of the conservative telomeric DNA sequences on the pikeperch chromosomes. No interstitial signals were observed. The specimens studied did not show any morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

鱼类染色体核型和系统进化分析在鱼类种质资源保护和利用等方面发挥着重要作用,为丰富苏丹鱼(Leptobarbushoevenii)种质资源研究内容,本研究以苏丹鱼为研究对象,采用染色体冷滴片制备法分析了染色体核型特征,运用线粒体16S rRNA基因序列比对分析了其系统进化关系,探讨了鲃亚科鱼类种属间亲缘关系。染色体核型分析结果显示:苏丹鱼二倍体的染色体数为2n=50,其中包含中部着丝粒染色体(m)8条、亚中部着丝粒染色体(sm) 14条、亚端部着丝粒染色体(st) 2条和端部着丝粒染色体(t) 1条,核型公式为2n=16m+28sm+4st+2t,染色体臂数(NF)为94。14种鲃亚科鱼类的线粒体16SrRNA基因比对分析结果表明:鲃亚科鱼类的种间遗传距离为0.016~0.134,平均遗传距离为0.074;苏丹鱼与粗须白甲鱼(Onychostomabarbata)的种间遗传距离最大(0.134),与泰国短吻鱼(Sikukiastejnegeri)的种间遗传距离最小(0.090);系统进化关系结果显示:苏丹鱼位于进化树的基部,与四须鲃属亲缘关系较近。本研究结果可为苏丹鱼种质资源鉴定、品种改...  相似文献   

The crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), is a small fish of restricted distribution in the UK, which is probably only native to central and eastern England. The crucian carp is endemic to northern Europe. It has been widely confused with the introduced and congeneric goldfish, Carassius auratus (L.), and forms hybrids with that species and the introduced Cyprinus carpio L. The status of this fish has become confused with the presence of the congener and its hybrids, and it is now thought to be less frequent in occurrence than formerly.  相似文献   

Goldfish (Carassius auratus) was one of the first fishes to be domesticated and has been widely introduced across the globe, but is now considered one of the world's worst invasive aquatic species. Surprisingly, there is a dearth of information on its spatial and temporal movement patterns, which hampers the development of effective control programmes. We examined the movement patterns of an introduced population of C. auratus in a south‐western Australian river using passive acoustic telemetry. The study population had a high residency index within the array (i.e. proportion of all days at liberty that, on average, each fish was detected by a receiver) with fish being detected on 64% of days. The individuals were also reasonably mobile, travelling a mean of 0.30 km (linear river kilometres).day‐1 within the array, and one fish moved 231.3 km over the 365‐day study period (including 5.4 km in a 24 hr period). Importantly, C. auratus displayed significant seasonal movement patterns including a clear shift in habitats during its breeding period with most mature individuals being detected in an off‐channel wetland during that time. The results of this study strongly suggest that C. auratus undertook a spawning migration into a lentic habitat. These results have important implications for developing control programmes for the species, such as targeting connections to off‐channel lentic systems during its breeding period.  相似文献   

To investigate the emotional reactivity of fish in a novel environment, the swimway test was developed. The swimway apparatus consists of a shaded start chamber and an open, illuminated swimway. Fish were first introduced and habituated to the start chamber. A door partitioning the start chamber from the swimway was then opened, and behavioral responses of the fish in the apparatus were measured. By using the swimway test, behavioral responses to a novel environment of bluegill Lepomis macrochirus, crucian carp Carassius langsdorfii, and goldfish Carassius auratus were quantified and compared. The emotional reactivities in blue gill were found to be the lowest and crucian carp the highest, indicating bluegill are relatively active or ‘bold’, and that the crucian carp are relatively passive or ‘shy’, in a novel environment. It is suggested that the swimway test is applicable to examning inter-species differences in relative emotional reactivity or boldness in a simplified novel situation.  相似文献   

With the continued popularity of pet aquaculture and concurrent demands for advances in veterinary medicine of fish species, a need exists for a reliable, safe, and environmentally noncontaminating method of sedation. With appropriate sedation, fish can be more safely transported or handled for veterinary care. Sedation can minimize stress or physical damage caused by handling and capture, and prepare fish for the deeper planes of anesthesia necessary for more extensive handling, longer transport, or invasive procedures. This study assessed the efficacy of ketamine as a sedative when administered orally to three species of fish: common goldfish, Carassius auratus, ocellated river stingray, Potamotrygon motoro, and hybrid striped bass, Morone saxatilis×Morone chrysops. A practical application opportunity that became available at the end of the study demonstrated the use of oral ketamine in the transport of a single arapaima, Arapaima gigas.  相似文献   

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