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为了解鸭坦布苏病毒感(Duck Tembusu virus, DTMUV)染麻鸭的组织嗜性和排毒情况,应用RT-PCR方法检测鸭坦布苏病毒在麻鸭体内各组织的动态分布及和泄殖腔棉拭子的排毒情况。结果显示最早在感染第1 d于心脏、脾脏、肺脏、气管、胰腺、直肠可检测到鸭坦布苏病毒核酸的存在;至第7、9 d时,在各组织脏器中均仍能检测到该病毒核酸;至第21 d时,仅能在脑、胰腺和直肠中可检测到病毒核酸。病毒在脑和直肠中时间最长(25 dpi),胰腺(21 dpi)和肝脏(21 dpi)次之。对不同时间采集的泄殖腔棉拭子检测结果显示,于感染第1 d即能检测到该病毒核酸,25 d后即检测不到该病毒的存在。以上检测结果表明鸭坦布苏病毒感染雏麻鸭后能迅速入侵麻鸭各组织脏器,主要侵染肝、肺、肾、胰腺和直肠,并可通过粪便等途径向外界排毒。  相似文献   

根据GenBank发表的高致病性猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)变异株Nsp2基因序列设计1对特异引物,以重组质粒作为阳性标准品,采用SYBR-Green Ⅰ嵌合荧光染料建立了1种荧光定量RT-PCR方法用于检测该病毒核酸载量,在101~106拷贝/μL范围内具有良好的线性关系,相关系数为R2=0.999 8,扩增效率为E=0.950,对质粒标准品最低检测限为12.8拷贝/μL,重复性检测的变异系数低于2.0%。用高致病性PRRSV变异毒株人工感染25日龄非免疫仔猪,对不同时间采集的血清进行了病毒核酸定量检测,结果表明病毒血症于攻毒后48 h被检测出,于7~10 d达到高峰,其病毒核酸载量能达到106拷贝/μL。试验猪临床表现为体温升高至40.5℃以上,持续7~11 d;出现嗜睡、打喷嚏、眼结膜炎、偶见一过性的耳尖发绀、皮肤苍白或有小疱疹、被毛粗糙、消瘦、便秘、后躯无力等临床症状。感染猪发生高热期与毒血症消长规律有一定相关性。对人工感染猪体内病毒分布检测结果表明,以多种脏器均有病毒存在,如扁桃体、淋巴结、心脏、肾脏中含量较高,肝、脾脏和肺次之,脑组织中也检测到病毒存在。试验表明,该方法可用于PRRSV变异毒株核酸定量检测,为该病毒致病性、致病机理、疫苗免疫及诊断等方面的研究提供了技术手段。  相似文献   

PRRSV SC-1株在人工感染仔猪体内的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)在感染猪体内各器官组织的分布,用PRRSV SC-1株人工感染健康断奶仔猪,接毒后23 d,无菌采集试验猪器官组织,用RT-PCR检测其中病毒核酸分布情况。结果显示,心脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、支气管淋巴结、肠系膜淋巴结、腹股沟淋巴结、髂内淋巴结内有病毒核酸,在所有试验猪的肺脏、腹股沟淋巴结都检测到了病毒核酸。本研究结果为PRRS诊断及病毒分离鉴定提供了一定参考依据。  相似文献   

为研究云南蓝舌病毒株对绵羊持续性感染特性,分别用云南地方毒株BTV-1、BTV-15和BTV-16三个原始血毒接种绵羊,在BTV感染绵羊后,定期采集血液,测定BTV核酸变化规律。结果表明:动物血液中病毒核酸存在期为90 d左右,在检测期其核酸含量呈周期性变化。研究证明云南BTV毒株存在持续感染的状况,而且血液中病毒核酸呈周期性变化。  相似文献   

为了解小反刍兽疫病毒在自然感染羊体内的分布情况,平行采集临床发病羊的脾脏、肺脏、心脏、肝脏、肾脏、大肠、淋巴结以及眼拭子、鼻拭子、肛门拭子、血清等样品,应用荧光RT-PCR方法对各样品进行平行检测,比较各样品检测Ct值,评估病毒分布和各样品中的病毒含量,结果显示,所有样品小反刍兽疫病毒核酸均为阳性,其中大肠、肺脏、脾脏和淋巴结的检测Ct值较小,表明小反刍兽疫病毒在自然感染羊体内呈全身分布,但在大肠、肺、脾和淋巴结等组织中的含量较高。  相似文献   

应用一步法反转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术检测禽呼肠孤病毒(ARV)在人工感染SPF雏鸡体内的动态分布情况。结果3日龄感染ARVS1133毒株后,12h就可以从关节、肝、脾等组织中检出病毒的RNA,感染后3—7天为检出的高峰期,至感染后27天还可从附关节组织检测到:在11种不同绀织中.均不同程度地检测到病原的核酸,其中以关节组织检出率最高(80.9%),其次为肝(67.6%)、脾(55.9%)、肾(50.0%),肛门棉拭子的检出率最低(13.2%),显示了ARV在感染机体内的动态分布情况。  相似文献   

选用分离于湖北省某2个城市活禽市场的2株鸡源H9N2亚型禽流感病毒毒株(A/chicken/Daye/DY0602/2017)和(A/chicken/Jinmen/JM0305/2017),将病毒以10~(7.0) EID_(50)/100μL的剂量滴鼻感染28日龄鹌鹑,均未见明显的临床症状。组织病理学结果显示,2个毒株均可导致鹌鹑心脏、肺脏、气管、喉头较为严重的病理损伤,且毒株DY0602感染组鹌鹑比毒株JM0305感染组鹌鹑心脏、肺脏组织表现出更严重的病理损伤;免疫组化结果显示,毒株DY0602感染组鹌鹑肺组织中病毒表达量更高。这些数据表明,鹌鹑对活禽市场鸡源H9N2亚型禽流感病毒易感,并且不同地区的H9N2亚型禽流感病毒可以导致鹌鹑表现出明显的致病性差异,建议加强对活禽市场H9N2亚型禽流感病毒的检测,进而及时为鹌鹑禽流感的防控制定有效措施。  相似文献   

犬冠状病毒(CCoV)是一种有包膜的RNA病毒,引起犬胃肠道的感染。迄今,CCoV已鉴定出两种不同的基因型,CCoVⅠ型和CCoVⅡ型。近年来,已检测到与传播性胃肠炎病毒有潜在重组起源的CCoVⅡ型毒株(CCoV-Ⅱb),并鉴定为新亚型,以区别于"经典"CCoVⅡ型株(CCoV-Ⅱa)。本研究在两只出现胃肠道症状后死亡的幼犬体内检测出两株CCoV-Ⅱb型病毒。在粪便中检测到两种亚型(CCoV-Ⅱa/Ⅱb)的混合感染,但在脏器中只检测出了CCoV-Ⅱb。同时,检测到幼犬被犬细小病毒2型(CPV2)感染。两株CCoV-Ⅱb毒株均在细胞培养物中分离出,并进行了序列分析和系统发育分析,通过RT-PCR和实时定量PCR的方法,进行了组织分布和病毒载量分析。本研究首次描述了CCoV-Ⅱb毒株在脏器中的组织分布并进行了定量。CCoV-Ⅱa毒株仅在粪便中检测到,提示了在CPV2共感染的犬类动物中,CCoV-Ⅱb毒株与常见的肠道CCoV-Ⅱa型毒株相比,可能在散播上更具优势。  相似文献   

流行性出血病(EHD)是由流行性出血病病毒(EHDV)感染反刍动物引起的一种虫媒病毒病,为了解中国云南EHDV的感染情况和病毒遗传特征,笔者课题组在云南省师宗县以EHDV血清学和核酸阴性的牛、羊为哨兵动物,拟对流行于云南省的EHDV进行分离与鉴定。将采集于哨兵动物的EHDV核酸阳性血液接种BHK-21细胞进行病毒分离;通过血清中和试验与病毒Seg-2、Seg-3 ORF区的序列分析,确定病毒的血清型与遗传特征;采用C-ELISA和qRT-PCR方法对EHDV感染动物血液中的抗体水平与病毒核酸进行监测。结果如下:从2013年8月采集自云南师宗县哨兵牛的血样中分离出一株EHDV(毒株号YNSZ/V269/2013),血清中和试验结果表明分离的病毒为血清型7型(EHDV-7);Seg-2、Seg-3序列分析表明分离的病毒属EHDV-7 Eastern型,与日本毒株和澳大利亚EHDV-7型毒株具有最近的亲缘关系。哨兵动物病毒核酸转阳后,血清抗体迅速上升,3周后达最高点并能在该水平持续较长时间,而病毒核酸含量却迅速下降,7周后已经检测不到。本研究首次报道了EHDV-7型毒株在中国的分离、毒株序列特征以及在动物上的感染特性。研究结果可为进一步开展中国EHDV-7型病毒的全基因组测序、流行病学调查、诊断方法的建立和致病性等相关研究提供基础。  相似文献   

为研究猪流感病毒(SIV)感染后SIV在体内的分布规律,本研究设计针对SIV NP基因保守区引物,建立了SIV SYBR GreenⅠ荧光定量PCR方法。该方法对SIV核酸检测灵敏度为30TCID50,对健康猪肺组织cDNA、猪瘟病毒(CSFV)、猪蓝耳病病毒(PRRSV)核酸呈阴性反应。采用建立的荧光定量RT-PCR方法对人工感染A/swine/Shanghai/1/2007/H1N2(Sw/SH/1/2007)猪进行检测,结果显示:病毒在猪鼻腔粘膜持续存在至感染后第8d;肛门拭子在感染后2d~8d可持续检测到病毒核酸;喉头、气管在感染后第3d可检到病毒核酸,并持续至第10d;肺部淋巴结、脾脏在感染后5d~7d检测到病毒核酸阳性;其它脏器均未检测到病毒核酸,从而确定呼吸道系统及脾脏是SIV定殖的主要场所,SIV感染猪后向外排毒周期约为1周。  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), a member of the subfamily Pneumovirinae, family Paramyxoviridae, is a major cause of respiratory disorders in young cattle. A number of studies were conducted to validate a reliable animal model for the infection, since BRSV inoculation on the natural host is costly and often unsuccessful. Unfortunately, after inoculation of BRSV in Balb/C mice, viral replication may be detected; however, evident pathological alterations are absent on the experimentally infected animals. In order to establish a mice model that could be used further for preliminary studies of pathological and immunological aspects of BRSV infection, three mice inbred lineages (Balb/C, A/J and C57BL6), possessing different genetic backgrounds, were tested about its susceptibility to the inoculation with BRSV. Animals were inoculated through the nasal and ocular routes and were observed after inoculation. At 7 days post-inoculation (dpi) animals were necropsied and virological (virus isolation and viral nucleic acid amplification) as well as histopathological examinations were performed. A/J and C57BL6 showed interstitial pneumonia, when compared to the Balb/C group. These findings shows that mice may constitute a suitable model for the study of BRSV infections, depending on the mice strain used for experimental inoculations.  相似文献   

Puumala (PUU) virus and PUU-related viruses are difficult to isolate in cell culture. To determine whether animal inoculation would be a better alternative for virus recovery, the Sotkamo strain of PUU virus was inoculated into several animal species. Newborn Mongolian gerbils (MGs), mice, and rats were infected with the Sotkamo strain by intracerebral (ic), intraperitoneal (ip), and subcutaneous (sc) inoculation. Antibodies to PUU appeared in MGs at 30 days post-infection (dpi), and in mice and rats at 15 dpi. Interestingly, virus appeared at 7 dpi in lung and brain of MGs inoculated via ic and ip routes. Virus was detected in all tested tissues of MGs at 15 dpi, with a peak level of 1.36 x 10 (5) focus forming units (FFU)/g in brain tissue. The virus titer declined with the onset of the antibody response and became undetectable by 75 dpi, when the antibody titer reached the maximum level. The appearance of the virus in mice and rats was delayed as compared to MGs, and the virus titer was apparently lower, at approximately 4 to 8 x 10(3) FFU/g, at 15 dpi. In addition, lung homogenates of antibody-positive Clethrionomys (C.) rufocanus (captured in Tobetsu, Hokkaido, Japan) were inoculated into MGs by the ic route. PUU-related viral RNA was detected at 16 dpi in the brains of MG inoculated with the lung homogenate, and antibodies were detected at 45 dpi. These findings indicate that newborn MG inoculation is an efficient method to recover PUU and PUU-related viruses.  相似文献   

The viral distribution and lesions in Kunming mice experimentally infected with porcine circovirus type 2b (PCV-2b) were investigated. Seventy special pathogen free mice were divided into 2 groups with 35 mice in each group. The test group (TG) was infected with PCV-2b, the control group (CG) was inoculated with sterile cell cultures. Five mice in each group were sacrificed at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 dpi (day post infection), respectively. Necropsies were performed on all mice and tissues were collected for testing by histopathology, immunohistochemistry, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Apoptosis and necrosis in lymphoid organs were observed in virus-infected mice, and became severe from 14 to 28 dpi. The proportion of PCV-2b antigen-positive cells was moderate in lung, heart, thymus, liver or kidney, and low in brain from TG. In spleen and cervical lymph node, the proportions of PCV-2b antigen-positive cells were low to high from 7 to 28 dpi, and moderate from 35 to 42 dpi. PCV-2b DNA was detected in all tissues examined in TG from 7 to 42 dpi. Viral inclusion bodies presented in the cytoplasm of lymphocytes, macrophages, hepatocytes, podocytes, neurocytes, spermatids and uterine epithelial cells in TG. In CG, no viruses and viral lesions were detected. PCV-2b could replicate in mice, and PCV-2b associated lesions in mice were similar to those observed in pigs. The present results indicate that it is possible to use Kunming mouse as an animal model for PMWS research.  相似文献   

Histomonas meleagridis infection of turkeys is usually accompanied by a severe disease with unspecific clinical symptoms but with distinct pathological lesions in the ceca and liver. In the literature some macro- and microscopic evidence of the spread of histomonads to the other organs has been provided. The aim of the present investigations was to use real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to demonstrate the dissemination of H. meleagridis DNA to different organs after natural and experimental infection of meat turkeys. Samples from several organs were collected from a meat-turkey flock, which proved to be naturally infected with histomoniasis, and examined for histomonad DNA by real-time PCR. Histomonad DNA was detected in all investigated ceca, livers, spleens, kidneys, and pooled brain swabs. Additionally it was found in 75% of investigated samples from bursae of Fabricius, in 50% of investigated duodenums, and in 40% of investigated jejunum samples. After experimental intracloacal infection of 3-wk-old turkey poults with 147,500 histomonads, similar samples were collected from all turkeys that died. After a 3-wk observation period the surviving birds, as well as the noninfected control group, were euthanatized and samples were taken. During the entire experimental period, 10 birds out the 20 infected birds died. Histomonad DNA was detected in all investigated ceca, livers, lungs, and hearts (100%) and almost all kidneys (90%) and bursae of Fabricius (80%). On the other hand, only 30% of examined spleens and 10% of brain samples revealed positive results. Surviving infected birds were euthanatized and necropsied; histomonad DNA was found in one out of 10 livers but not in any ceca. Also, histomonad DNA could not be detected in examined cecal and lung samples from the noninfected control group.  相似文献   

旨在比较ALV-J-SD1005毒株和ALV-J-NX0101毒株感染鸡只致病性、诱发先天性免疫因子和致肿瘤因子表达的差异,用感染剂量为103TCID50的两株病毒分别颈部皮下接种75只1日龄海兰褐鸡,感染后7、14、21 d检测体重、肿瘤病变、死亡率、血液和皮下纤维组织中病毒含量以及肝中鸡TRIM25、MDA5、IRF7、IFN-α/β、14-3-3σP53、STAT1等免疫因子或肿瘤因子的mRNA表达量。结果显示,雏鸡感染ALV-J-SD1005毒株后最早于第10天出现纤维组织增生,14 d致纤维组织增生率为100%(18/18),死亡率为5.2%(1/19);随着感染日龄的增加,增生组织指数和死亡率不断升高,21 d时分别达34.4%(74.5/209.5)和58.3%(7/12)。血液和皮下纤维组织的病毒载量显著升高;同时,显著上调鸡肝中MDA5、IRF7、P53等基因的表达量,下调IFN-α/β和14-3-3σ基因的表达量;而鸡TRIM25基因呈现感染早期(7 d)表达显著下调,后期(14~21 d)表达显著上调。ALV-J-NX0101毒株感染后21 d未检测到肿瘤发生,也没有鸡只死亡,但见鸡血液等组织中病毒载量显著增多,鸡TRIM25、MDA5、IRF7、IFN-βIFN-α基因表达显著下降,STAT1基因表达显著上调。上述结果可以看出,ALV-J-SD1005毒株与ALV-J-NX0101毒株在感染鸡体内诱发不同的抗病毒反应和抗肿瘤反应,导致产生明显不同的病毒增殖和致病特点。本研究为深入理解两株ALV-J病毒致肿瘤机制、探索新诊断标识提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

猪繁殖-呼吸综合征活疫苗对仔猪的安全性试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本试验用猪繁殖-呼吸综合征(PRRS)活疫苗和国内分离的PRRS强毒CH—1a株接种PRRS阴性的断奶仔猪,分别在接种后的3、7、14d各剖杀1头,取各脏器分别做冰冻切片和病理切片观察。用间接免疫荧光法检测各脏器PRRS病毒的分布。结果表明,PRRS活疫苗在免疫初期,抗原主要分布在脾脏、淋巴结,其次是肾脏和肺脏,少见于肝脏和心脏,第14d时在脾、淋巴结和肾脏有一定量的抗原,而肺脏相比则数量很少,肝脏和心脏未检到PRRS病毒抗原的存在,表明接种PRRS活疫苗随着时间的推移抗原分布呈下降趋势。而强毒抗原分布以脾脏最多,依次是肾脏、肺脏、淋巴结、肝脏、心脏,接种后第14d仍能在各脏器检到PRRS病毒抗原。病理组织学检测结果表明,活疫苗产生以下颌淋巴结、脾脏增生为特征的免疫应答,组织损伤轻微,对肺的病变较少,且仔猪生长良好。强毒则引起以大面积的肺泡隔增宽为特点的间质性肺炎和微循环障碍的病理变化,淋巴小结、脾脏滤泡发生崩解与周围界限不清,个别淋巴细胞核浓缩,组织损伤严重。本试验表明弱毒疫苗对仔猪是安全的。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An experimental infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) and low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) was carried out in red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) in order to study clinical signs, gross and microscopic lesions, and viral distribution in tissues and viral shedding. Birds were infected with a HPAIV subtype H7N1 (A/Chicken/Italy/5093/1999) and a LPAIV subtype H7N9 (A/Anas crecca/Spain/1460/2008). Uninoculated birds were included as contacts in both groups. In HPAIV infected birds, the first clinical signs were observed at 3 dpi, and mortality started at 4 dpi, reaching 100% at 8 dpi. The presence of viral antigen in tissues and viral shedding were confirmed by immunohistochemistry and quantitative real time RT-PCR (qRRT-PCR), respectively, in all birds infected with HPAIV. However, neither clinical signs nor histopathological findings were observed in LPAIV infected partridges. In addition, only short-term viral shedding together with seroconversion was detected in some LPAIV inoculated animals. The present study demonstrates that the red-legged partridge is highly susceptible to the H7N1 HPAIV strain, causing severe disease, mortality and abundant viral shedding and thus contributing to the spread of a potential local outbreak of this virus. In contrast, our results concerning H7N9 LPAIV suggest that the red-legged partridge is not a reservoir species for this virus.  相似文献   

Viral distribution and lesions were compared between calves born with persistent infection (PI) and calves acutely infected with the same bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) isolate. Two PI calves from 1 dairy herd were necropsied. The PI viruses from these calves were isolated, characterized by sequencing, and found to be identical. This virus strain, designated BVDV2-RS886, was characterized as a noncytopathic (ncp) type 2 BVDV. To establish acute infections, BVDV2-RS886 was used to inoculate clinically healthy, seronegative calves which were 3 weeks to 3 months old. Nine calves received 10(6)-10(7) tissue culture infective dose of BVDV2-RS886 intranasally. Four additional age-matched animals served as noninfected controls. Infected calves were necropsied at 3, 6, 9, or 13 days postinoculation (dpi). Viral antigen was detected by immunohistochemistry in frozen sections, and lesions were evaluated in hematoxylin eosin-stained paraplast sections. In the PI calves, a wide distribution of viral antigen was found in all tissues and was not associated with lesions. In the acutely infected calves, viral antigen was widespread in lymphoid tissues at 6 dpi but had been mostly eliminated at 9 and 13 dpi. Depletion of lymphoid tissues was seen at 6, 9, and 13 dpi and repopulation at 9 and 13 dpi. In 1 of the calves at 13 dpi, severe arteritis was present in lymph nodes and myocardium. This comparison shows that an ncp BVDV strain that causes no lesions in PI animals is able to induce marked depletion of lymphoid tissues in calves with acute infection. Therefore, the failure to eliminate PI cattle from a herd causes problems not only in pregnant cattle but may also affect other age groups.  相似文献   

Yu J  Wu J  Zhang Y  Guo L  Cong X  Du Y  Li J  Sun W  Shi J  Peng J  Yin F  Wang D  Zhao P  Wang J 《Veterinary microbiology》2012,158(3-4):316-321
This study was aimed at determining the effect of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) on Haemophilus parasuis (HPS) in co-infection. A quantitative real-time PCR targeting infB gene, which is conserved among different HPS serotypes, was developed to improve the accuracy and speed of the detection of HPS. A total of 32 four-week-old conventional pigs were distributed randomly into four groups: pigs in group I were intranasally infected with HP-PRRSV first, and were then intraperitoneally inoculated with HPS on 5 days after HP-PRRSV infection; pigs in group II were intranasally inoculated with HP-PRRSV alone; pigs in group III were intraperitoneally inoculated with HPS alone; pigs in group IV were intraperitoneally inoculated with physiological saline. The amount of HPS in serum on 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days post-inoculation (dpi) with HPS were detected using the established quantitative real-time PCR. Clinical signs, pathological changes and histopathological lesions were observed. The amount of HPS in serum reached 10(6)copies/μl at 3 dpi with HPS in pigs of group I, while it arrived 10(5.7)copies/μl at 9 dpi with HPS in pigs of group III. The HPS loads in hearts and lungs were much higher than in other tissues. The study showed that HP-PRRSV was able to accelerate HPS infection and loads.  相似文献   

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