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Summary None of the tested cultivars of lettuce was found resistant to Stemphylium leaf spot, a common disease in Israel. Within a Lactuca saligna population collected in wild lettuce in Israel, resistance was traced. Interspecific crosses of L. saligna x L. sativa were made and the mode of inheritance of resistance to this disease was studied. Resistance is apparently controlled by two genes: one dominant (Sm1) and one recessive (sm2).Contribution No. 1176-E 1984 series, from the ARO.  相似文献   
Angle-resolved photoemission experiments reveal evidence of an energy gap in the normal state excitation spectrum of the cuprate superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. This gap exists only in underdoped samples and closes around the doping level at which the superconducting transition temperature Tc is a maximum. The momentum dependence and magnitude of the gap closely resemble those of the dx2-y2 gap observed in the superconducting state. This observation is consistent with results from several other experimental techniques, which also indicate the presence of a gap in the normal state. Some possible theoretical explanations for this effect are reviewed.  相似文献   
Summary Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) were grown in nutrient solution culture in a controlled environment. Growth rates of individual tubers were determined daily by measuring the increase in their volume. Decreasing the source:sink ratio of individual plants by removing half of the leaf area, decreased tuber growth rate per plant by 50%. Increasing the source: sink ratio of individual plants by cooling to 8°C, or by removing individual tubers of known growth rate, increased the growth rate of non-cooled, remaining tubers within 2–4 days. The potential of the tubers to increase their growth rates was not related to the date of tuber removal after tuber initiation. It is concluded that during the phase of linear tuber bulking, tuber growth is neither limited by pathway nor sink, but by the source capacity of the plant.
Zusammenfassung Kartoffelpflanzen (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) wuchsen in N?hrl?sung unter kontrollierten Umweltbedingungen (14 h Tagesl?nge, 22°C/18°C Tag/Nachttemperatur, 60–80% relative Luftfeuchtigkeit, Licht-intensit?t in Pflanzenh?he ≈380 μE m−2 s−1). Die Wachstumsraten der einzelnen Knollen wurden t?glich aus ihrer Volumenzunahme bestimmt. Die Auswirkungen von Source- und Sink-Manipulationen auf die Wachstumsraten der Knollen wurden w?hrend der Phase linearen Knollenwachstums untersucht. Eine Reduzierung der Source-St?rke einzelner Pflanzen durch Entfernen jedes 2. Fiederblattes oder eines von 2 gleichwertigen hauptstengeln pro Pflanze bewirkte eine sofortige Abnahme des Knollenwachstums pro Pflanze um 50% (Abb. 4). In den meisten F?llen nahm auch die Wachtstumsrate der einzelnen Knollen an den Pflanzen um etwa 50% ab (Abb. 5). Durch Kühlung einzelner Knollen auf +8°C wurden deren Wachstumsraten im Durchschnitt von 4,5 auf 1,6 cm3 d−1 gesenkt, w?hrend gleichzeitig die Wachstumsraten der ungekühlten Knollen von 2,8 auf 5,2 cm3 d−1 anstiegen (Tab. 1). Das Entfernen einzelner Knollen, die bis dahin durch-schnittlich zu 60% am Gesamtknollenwachstum pro Pflanze beteiligt waren, führte innerhalb von 2–4 Tagen zu einem mehr als doppelt so schnellen Wachstum der an den Pflanzen verbliebenen Knollen, so dass das Gesamtknollenwachstum pro Pflanze nicht signifikant ver?ndert wurde (Abb. 1). Hierbei wurden die Wachstumsraten aller an der Pflanze verbliebenen Knollen erh?ht, wobei Wachstumsraten von mehr als 8 cm3 pro Einzelknolle und Tag erreicht wurden (Abb. 3). Die F?higkeit der Knollen, ihre Wachstumsrate dem jeweiligen Assimilatangebot anzupassen, war nicht davon abh?ngig, zu welchem Zeitpunkt nach der Knolleninduktion (10–30 d) einzelne Knollen entfernt wurden (Abb. 2). Aus den Untersuchungen wird gefolgert, dass in der phase des linearen Knollenwachstums eine Limitierung des Knollenwachstums weder durch den transportweg noch durch die Speicherf?higkeit der Knollen bewirkt wird, sondern durch die F?higkeit des oberirdischen Sprosses, Assimilate zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Résumé Des plantes de pommes de terre (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Ostara) sont cultivées dans une solution nutritive sous atmosphère contr?lée (longueur de jours 14 h; températures jour/nuit 22°C/18°C; humidité relative de l'air 60 à 80%; intensité du rayonnement photosynthétique à hauteur de la plante ≃380 μF m−2 s−1). Le grossissement des tubercules est déterminé chaque jour en mesurant l'augmentation de leur volume. Les effets de la source d'assimilation et du puits d'absorption sont analysés pendant la phase linéaire de grossissement des tubercules. Une diminution du rapport source: puits d'absorption est obtenue en supprimant la moitié de la surface foliaire de chaque plante. Le grossissement des tubercules diminue en conséquence de 50% (figure 4). Mis à part quelques exceptions, les taux de croissance des tubercules individuels baissent également de 50% (figure 5). Le refroidissement de certains tubercules d'une même plante à 8°C entra?ne une diminution moyenne de leur grossissement de 4,5 à 1,6 cm3/jour. Dans le même temps, les autres tubercules voient leur croissance augmenter de 2,8 à 5,2 cm3/jour (tableau 1). La suppression de certains tubercules qui avaient contribué pour 60% au grossissement total obtenu par plante, entr?ne une augmentation de croissance de plus de 100% des tubercules restants, ceci en moins de 2 à 4 jours. De ce fait, la croissance totale, par plante n'est pas significativement inférieure (figure 1). Après suppression de certains tubercules, on constate que pour tous les tubercules restants leur grossissement augmente et le taux maximum de croissance atteint 8 cm3/jour (figure 3). Les tubercules ajustent leur grossissement en fonction de l'apport effectif de photosynthèse sans liaison avec la date de suppression de certains tubercules après leur initiation (figure 2). En conclusion, pendant la phase linéaire de grossisement, la croissance des tubercules n'est pas limitée par le puits d'absorption, mais par la capacité de la source d'assimilation de la plante.
D2型细胞质与有些普通小麦材料的细胞核互作,可产生特异核质互作不育现象,其中有的表现为长光照敏感型雄性不育。文章研究了具有D2型细胞质的光敏不育系Ae.crassa—Norin26、核质杂种NC2134及克引11、克引12在黑龙江省克山地区自然条件下的育性表现,并以NC2134为细胞质供体,与20个小麦品种(系)杂交,获得一些核质代换系材料,对其育性及主要性状进行观察研究。结果表明:(1)在自然条件下,播种期对育性有影响,随着播种期推迟,Ae.crassa—Norin26不育度增加,1 999年4月22日播种达到全不育,Norin26则在所设播种条件下表现正常可育;(2)NC2134表现可育,这与其可能携带雄性不育的恢复基因有关,克引11、克引12在正常播种情况下表现高度不育甚至全不育;(3)不育系的不育性表现为不同程度的雄蕊心皮化;(4)不同普通小麦材料其核质杂种育性表现不同,有些材料其核质代换低世代分离出一定比例的高不育、半不育及可育株,通过进一步的核置换,可转育成相应的D2型细胞质不育系。  相似文献   
Quantitative measurement of cerebral ventricle volume of eight English bulldogs was performed using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The mean ventricular volume was 14.8 ml. with a range of 8.6 m1.-38.1 ml. The mean ventricular volume of two beagles was 2.2 ml with a range of 0.7 m1.3.7 ml. The percent of intracranial volume occupied by ventricle was found to be significantly larger in bulldogs (14.0%; S.D. = 7.9%) than in beagles (Range = 1.048%). The relationship between the percent of intracranial volume occupied by ventricle and measurements of body weight, age, sex, and various measures of skull anatomy of the bulldog was also determined. The relationship between ventricular volume and neurologic dysfunction was examined. There was a possible trend between high percent of intracranial volume occupied by ventricle and low body weight. This study will serve as a pilot study for examining the relationship between ventricular volume and neurologic disease in bulldogs.  相似文献   
植被在边坡生态系统中有着非常重要的作用,具有涵养水源、保持水土的功能.选择四川省成昆铁路沿线不同坡向的土质路堑边坡和岩质路堑边坡,对边坡植物群落的植被类型及其结构特征、边坡植被恢复物种组成及其特征进行了调查研究.结果表明:铁路边坡自然定居物种共103种,隶属48科,全部植物中,常绿灌木2种,落叶灌木9种,藤本植物7种,1 a生草本20种,2 a或2 a以上草本植物49种;蕨类植物15种.群落物种的丰富度虽然较高,但是主要由草本植物构成,结构层次简单,应该适当的在边坡上栽植灌木或小乔木,形成坡面上乔、灌、草或草、灌相互映的群落景观.  相似文献   
Fossil cephalopods are frequently encrusted by epibionts; however, determining whether encrustation occurred prior to or post‐mortem to the host, and whether the final environment of deposition corresponds to the habitat of encrustation is complex. The present paper describes cirripede epibionts, their calcareous bases and their attachment scars on 6 post‐mortem shells of Nautilus macromphalus, collected from deep water off New Caledonia. The cirripedes have left both cemented calcareous bases of Hexelasma and scars associated with bioerosion and discoloration produced by verrucomorph barnacles. Live cirripedes included a Metaverruca recta, with articulated opercular plates and organic tissue (on a shell that had been exposed on the sea floor for at least 150 years), and specimens of Hexelasma velutinum, one of which was partly attached to an internal surface of a shell. The disposition of verrucomorphs indicates that most Nautilus shells were colonized post‐mortem rather than during a floating stage. However, as cirripedes are known to have colonized living Nautilus, some Hexelasma, preserved only as calcareous eroded bases, may represent specimens that settled on a living Nautilus. The degree of bioerosion and discoloration induced by verrucomorph barnacles varies according to the surface preservation of Nautilus shells, with deeper and discolored traces preserved on old and degraded shells. Traces made by verrucomorphs described here are ellipsoidal and a new ichnotaxon, Anellusichnus ellipticus, is proposed to accommodate them. Importantly, verrucomorphs and other cirripede taxa with membranous bases that were attached to pristine shells may not leave any substantial scars, and, thus, will be difficult to detect in the fossil record.  相似文献   
Post‐weaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS) are two recently described conditions of pigs at the late nursery and fattening stages. The aim of this short communication was to describe the first reported occurrence of these conditions and of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection in Greece. The clinical signs, gross post‐mortem changes and histopathological changes observed in affected pigs, were similar to those previously described for both PDNS and PMWS. As in previous reports, the lesions were associated with PCV2 infection, which was demonstrated by immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization methods.  相似文献   
附红细胞体病是由立克次氏体引起的一种散在的热性、溶血性入畜共患传染病,病猪以急性黄疸性贫血和发热为特征。弓形体病是由刚地弓形虫在多种动物和入的有核细胞内寄生引起的一种入畜共患的原虫病。本文通过对某猪场发生猪附红细胞体与弓形体混合感染的诊治,从发病情况、临床症状、剖检变化、实验室诊断、治疗等方面对该病进行了阐述。  相似文献   
CASE DESCRIPTION: A 4-year-old sexually intact female French Bulldog was evaluated because of lethargy, anorexia, and chronic rhinitis-sinusitis. The dog had nasal discharge of 18 months' duration; dorsal rhinotomies were performed 3 months and 2 weeks prior to referral. CLINICAL FINDINGS: On initial evaluation, intraventricular pneumocephalus and sinusitis were diagnosed; CSF analysis revealed high total protein concentration and mononuclear pleocytosis. The dog's condition improved with treatment. Two weeks after discharge, it was treated by a local veterinarian because of upper airway obstruction; 3 days later, the dog was referred because of seizures. Computed tomography revealed a large fluid-filled, left lateral ventricle and a soft tissue mass protruding through a cribriform plate defect. The mass was histologically consistent with brain tissue. Findings of clinicopathologic analyses were unremarkable. Results of cytologic examination of a CSF sample were indicative of septic, suppurative inflammation, and bacteriologic culture of CSF yielded Escherichia coli. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Amputation of the herniated olfactory bulb and antimicrobial treatment resolved the septic meningoencephalitis, but neurologic deficits recurred 6 weeks later. Definitive correction of the cribriform plate defect with bone and fascial grafts was attempted. Postoperative rotation of the bone graft resulted in cerebral laceration and hemorrhage, and the dog was euthanized. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Findings suggest that following dorsal rhinotomy and nasal polypectomy surgery, the dog developed herniation of the left olfactory bulb, intra-ventricular pneumocephalus, and septic meningo-encephalitis because of a cribriform plate defect. Care must be taken to prevent rotation of bone grafts used in cribriform defect repair.  相似文献   
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