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为获得毛皮动物源粪肠球菌,并评价其益生特性,本研究从健康成年毛皮动物(水貂、狐狸、貉)粪便中分离粪肠球菌,通过形态学观察、生化试验和16S rRNA序列分析等方法进行种属鉴定。测定分离菌株生长曲线、产酸能力、抗菌药敏感性,并挑取部分菌株测定其对于温度、人工胃液、人工胆盐的耐受能力。结果表明,分离菌株中共5株为革兰氏阳性菌,生化特性与粪肠球菌标准株基本相符,且经16S rRNA序列分析鉴定为粪肠球菌。5株菌均于培养后2 h进入对数期,8~10 h进入稳定期,且具有弱产酸能力。分离菌株对四环素、左氟沙星耐药性强,耐药率为100%,其次为青霉素(80%)、红霉素(80%)、庆大霉素(80%)、氯霉素(40%),对氨苄西林和万古霉素敏感。水貂、狐狸和貉源的粪肠球菌对于60 ℃以下温度处理、pH>3.0的人工胃液、0.3%~0.5%浓度的胆盐耐受能力较强,对70 ℃以上高温和pH<3.0的人工胃液耐受性差。综上所述,本研究共获得5株毛皮动物源(水貂、狐狸、貉)粪肠球菌,分离菌株繁殖较快,适合在毛皮动物肠道中定植并发挥益生作用,且具有较好的益生特性和抗逆性,可作为动物用微生态制剂的候选菌种进一步研究。  相似文献   

研究旨在获得能够高产乳酸的畜源益生菌。试验从新鲜仔猪粪便中筛选得到一批乳酸菌,根据碳酸钙透明圈结果和乳酸含量测定结果得到1株高产乳酸菌株SWS50,对其进行形态特征、生理生化特征、分子生物学结果及系统发育树等鉴定,并进行抑菌试验、抗逆性试验和胃肠道模拟试验。结果显示,菌株SWS50为粪肠球菌,培养48 h后乳酸产量最高可达117.9 mmol/L;菌株SWS50对金黄色葡萄球菌和沙门氏菌表现出较强的抑制作用;菌株SWS50具有较高的抗胆盐能力和耐酸能力,在人工肠液中基本可正常生长,存活率较高。研究表明,菌株SWS50具有较强的抗逆特性和一定的胃肠道存活能力,可发展为畜禽领域应用的潜力益生菌。  相似文献   

一株致仔猪关节炎粪肠球菌的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1株分离自关节炎病仔猪的肠球菌进行鉴定。选用常规方法进行染色特性、培养特性观察以及药物敏感性和致病试验,然后利用Vitek-32全自动细菌鉴定系统进行生化特性鉴定,并用PCR方法扩增分离株的16 S rRNA基因,克隆并测序,与GenBank上登录的相关菌株及3个粪肠球菌标准菌株进行16 SrRNA序列比较、同源性分析并构建系统发育树。结果显示,该分离株形态及染色特性与肠球菌一致,对仔猪具有一定的致病性,并对临床常用的7种药物产生了耐受性;Vitek-32生化鉴定和16 S rRNA基因同源性分析及比对结果均显示其为粪肠球菌(E.faecalis)。试验证实了粪肠球菌可导致仔猪关节炎。  相似文献   

从新鲜仔猪粪便中分离益生菌,筛选出适合养猪生产的益生菌株,为进一步开发猪用微生态制剂奠定基础。采集长春市双阳地区某猪场健康仔猪新鲜粪便,分离纯化粪肠球菌,通过形态学观察、体外耐酸耐胆盐性能和抑菌能力试验,筛选出益生特性的候选菌株,16S rDNA序列分析方法鉴定其种属,并对候选菌株生长情况及其对抗菌药物敏感性进行评价。成功筛选出2株(S-50、和S-4)耐酸、耐胆盐和抑菌能力较强的粪肠球菌,且具有较好的生长性能,为研发微生态制剂提了供理论依据。  相似文献   

对仔猪直肠内容物分离的粪肠球菌进行体外耐受性研究。以粪肠球菌体外存活率为考察指标,通过耐酸性、耐胆盐、耐高温试验来研究菌株的体外培养特性。耐酸性试验采用pH为2.0、3.0和7.0培养基培养菌株3h,其存活率分别为2.18%、121.01%和134.02%;胆盐浓度在0.1%~0.3%培养菌株,生长良好且存活率均在70%以上;耐高温实验是在50℃和60℃处理30min后存活率菌小于50%,菌株对高温敏感。结果表明,仔猪肠源粪肠球菌有较好的耐酸性及耐胆盐能力,但对高温敏感。  相似文献   

本试验通过筛选产细菌素的粪肠球菌,研究其体外益生特性,为其在动物生产中的应用奠定基础。利用肠球菌选择性培养基进行分离,孔穴琼脂扩散法进行抑菌活性筛选,并通过形态学和生理生化试验对菌种进行鉴定,然后测定其体外益生性能。研究发现,从猪粪中筛选出9株菌,经鉴定3株为粪肠球菌,通过抑菌试验,菌株DY-F03对大肠杆菌K88、大肠杆菌K99、鸡白痢沙门氏菌和金黄色葡萄球菌抑菌圈直径分别为20.63mm、22.08mm、18.58mm和18.82mm,抑菌性能在各菌株中最强,选取菌株DY-F03进行益生性能评价。通过致病菌共培养、耐酸、耐胆盐及温度耐受试验,发现菌株DY-F03具有较强的益生及抗逆性能,作为潜在的抗生素替代品具有较大开发利用价值。  相似文献   

为评价一株来源于动物肠道的粪肠球菌SX106的益生性能,本试验对其生长曲线、产酸能力、耐酸能力、耐胆盐能力、药敏性以及抗氧化能力等指标进行了分析。试验得出:该菌株37℃厌氧培养2 h开始进入对数生长期,12 h进入稳定期;培养液pH值在第2 h迅速下降,第12 h降至4.15,乳酸产量达到45.56 mmol/L;该菌株在pH 3.0环境下存活率达到50%以上,在0.3%胆盐浓度下存活率达到95%以上;该菌株对氟苯尼考和多西环素敏感,对环丙沙星、左氧氟沙星、头孢曲松、头孢噻肟、氧氟沙星、阿莫西林和恩诺沙星中度敏感,对青霉素、链霉素、甲氧氨苄嘧啶、氨苄西林、阿奇霉素、卡那霉素和庆大霉素不敏感;对DPPH自由基的清除率达到88.24%。综上,粪肠球菌SX106能耐受胃酸环境,且有良好的耐胆盐能力和抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

屎肠球菌属于肠球菌属中的一类,肠球菌是一种重要的条件致病菌,目前已发现的肠球菌种已经增至近32种,常见的是粪肠球菌(E.faecalis)、屎肠球菌(E.faecium)、鸟肠球菌(E.avium)、坚韧肠球菌(E.durans)等,其中具有临床意义的主要是粪肠球菌与屎肠球菌.肠球菌在动物和人的肠道中属于正常存在的菌群,但是异位寄生于各器官时也会引起相应的感染.肠球菌属中的粪肠球菌(旧称粪链球菌)以及屎肠球菌(旧称屎链球菌)一般情况下没有致病性,并且多年来一直用于微生态制剂加以利用,主要配合益生菌制成,可以替代抗生素预防和治疗动物的一些消化道疾病.但是粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌的某些菌株以及肠球菌的某些成员与动物致病性有关,如禽肠球菌(E.avium)、粪肠球菌(E.facalis)、屎肠球菌(E.faecium)、鸡肠球菌(E.gallinarum).肠球菌可以感染各种年龄阶段的禽,其中屎肠球菌临床上能引起禽的败血症.屎肠球菌在鸡的饲养环境中也普遍存在,能够引起各种日龄的鸡发病[5].本次屎肠球菌感染鸽主要表现为精神沉郁、食欲下降、机体消瘦、腹泻、零星死亡,可初步断定为慢性感染的表现形式.  相似文献   

粪肠球菌又称粪链球菌,能在不同环境中生长存活,对外界环境抵抗力较强,部分属于动物肠道中的正常茵群,还有部分在长期的进化中出现了毒力基因。近年来,粪肠球菌感染人和动物的报道日益增加,逐渐得到人们的广泛关注。论文综述了猪、牛、羊、禽和犬粪肠球菌的主要致病性、毒力基因及耐药性,为防制动物粪肠球菌感染提供参考。  相似文献   

猪源肠球菌的分离及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗生素虽在动物保健和畜牧生产中发挥了重要作用,但抗生素的长期使用及滥用所造成的弊端已引起重视。微生态制剂以其绿色安全、无毒副作用、无残留的优点逐步成为替代抗生素类添加剂的主力军。目前市售的益生菌制剂基本都是野生菌株或经驯化培育而成的菌株,并且菌种在不断传代的过程中会发生变异。一般认为,优良的益生菌菌株应来自动物体内,能够耐受肠道的低pH值、胆盐等动物内环境因素,能产酸和抑制病原菌生长的物质,并且能够在肠道内定植〔1,2〕。肠球菌为消化道内正常存在的一种微生物,在肠黏膜具有较强的耐受和定植能力,并且是一种兼性…  相似文献   

利用反向遗传技术,通过基因重排方法,以A/chicken/shanghai/F/98(H9N2)禽流感病毒(Avian influenza virus,AIV)的6个内部基因为骨架,与A/Chicken/Guangdong/SS/94(H9N2)AIV的HA和NA基因组合,产生3株H9N2亚型重排AIVs。动物试验发现A/Chicken/Shanghai/F/98(H9N2)和A/Chicken/Guangdong/SS/94(H9N2)AIV主要在呼吸系统复制,A/chicken/shanghai/F/98(H9N2)株在气管和肺组织的复制能力明显强于A/Chicken/Guangdong/SS/94(H9N2)AIV株。3株H9N2亚型重排AIVs的动物试验发现HA和NA基因对H9N2亚型AIV在呼吸道的复制特性起主要作用。内部基因对H9N2亚型AIV在呼吸道的复制也有一定的作用。结果表明1994年中国首次分离到的H9N2亚型AIV经过4年的宿主适应和基因进化,加强了其在呼吸系统的复制能力,奠定了气溶胶传播的基础。  相似文献   

用SPF鸡胚从广西地区猪群中分离到1株H9N2型猪流感病毒(SIV),经鸡胚接种3代后出现稳定的鸡血红细胞凝集效价为27,且凝集性能被H9亚型阳性血清抑制,而不被其他亚型流感病毒阳性血清所抑制.分离株的HA基因及NA基因扩增结果显示,该毒株HA基因与流感病毒H9亚型同源性最高,NA基因与流感病毒N2亚型同源性最高,说明...  相似文献   

The present study characterized the homologous and heterologous immune response in type-I porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection. Two experiments were conducted: in experiment 1, eight pigs were inoculated with PRRSV strain 3262 and 84 days post-inoculation (dpi) they were challenged with either strain 3262 or strain 3267 and followed for the next 14 days (98 dpi). In experiment 2, eight pigs were inoculated with strain 3267 and challenged at 84 dpi as above. Clinical course, viremia, humoral response (neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibodies, NA) and virus-specific IFN-γ responses (ELISPOT) were evaluated all throughout the study. Serum levels of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α and TGF-β were determined (ELISA) after the second challenge. In experiment 1 primo-inoculation with strain 3262 induced viremia of ≤ 28 days, low titres of homologous NA but strong IFN-γ responses. In contrast, strain 3267 induced longer viremias (up to 56 days), higher NA titres (≤ 6 log2) and lower IFN-γ responses. Inoculation with 3267 produced higher serum IL-8 levels. After the re-challenge at 84 dpi, pigs in experiment 1 developed mostly a one week viremia regardless of the strain used. In experiment 2, neither the homologous nor the heterologous challenge resulted in detectable viremia although PRRSV was present in tonsils of some animals. Homologous re-inoculation with 3267 produced elevated TGF-β levels in serum for 7–14 days but this did not occur with the heterologous re-inoculation. In conclusion, inoculation with different PRRSV strains result in different virological and immunological outcomes and in different degrees of homologous and heterologous protection.  相似文献   

从湖南分离得到一株H5N1亚型禽流感病毒(AIV),首先设计合成两对HA和NA基因特异性引物,采用两步法RT-PCR,对鸭流感病毒株 A/Duck/HunanWugang/2/2004(H5N1)(简称DK/HNWG/2/04)的表面蛋白基因进行序列测定,并与国内外已经发表的H5N1亚型毒株表面蛋白基因进行序列分析和比较.结果表明,HA和NA基因全长分别约为1.7 kb和1.4 kb,分离株与14个参考毒株HA基因的同源性为95.9%~98.0%,NA基因的同源性为87.0%~98.4%.根据HA基因核苷酸序列推导HA裂解位点氨基酸,发现分离株的裂解位点包含多个碱性氨基酸,符合高致病性禽流感的特征.  相似文献   

The effects of formaldehyde, betapropiolactone (BPL), acetylethylenimine (AEI), and a deprived ionic environment on haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) bound to PIV-3 were tested. Formalin elicited an increased NA activity and a significant decrease in the HA titres on three PIV-3 strains tested. The formalin-treated PIV-3 could be used in the neuraminidase inhibition (NI) test. The increased NA activity was due to an increased stability of the enzyme active sites of PIV-3. AEI and BPL did not affect the HA, but BPL caused an increased NA activity of a neuraminidase-weak strain.Following dialysis of PIV-3 against distilled water, an increased affinity of the virus-bound NA to the substrate sialolactose was found. The infectivity titres of PIV-3 were not altered by the dialysis, and virus preparations treated in this manner could be used in the NI-test. UV-treatment of PIV-3 resulted in a loss of infectivity and a loss of HA and NA activities.  相似文献   

N-glycosylation and glucose trimming of the influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) were studied by using glycosylation inhibitor (tunicamycin; TM) and glucosidase inhibitors. TM treatment of MDCK cells infected with a reassortant virus NWS-N8 resulted in reduced transport of the viral glycoproteins to the cell surface. The degree of the effects differed between the HA and the NA (80% reduction for the HA and 97% reduction for the NA), indicating a difference in dependency on N-glycosylation between these glycoproteins. Differential dependency on glucose trimming was clearly demonstrated when the surface transport of the glycoproteins was compared after treatment of the virus-infected cells with glucosidase inhibitors. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis revealed that the surface transport of the NA reduced to 50% after castanospermine (CST) treatment but not did that of the HA. An anti-viral effect of a glucosidase inhibitor on the NWS-N8 strain was also demonstrated. The correlation between the expression of the NA on the cell surface and virus yield suggests that CST may interfere with virus release through its effect on the NA.  相似文献   

目前流行的甲型H1N1流感病毒是一个复杂的基因重配病毒。对病毒的分子生物学研究,尤其是病毒囊膜蛋白血凝素(haemagglutini,HA)基因和神经氨酸酶(neuraminidase,NA)基因的研究,为控制和预防H1N1流感病毒具有重要的意义。本研究对中国流行的2009甲型H1N1猪源流感病毒的HA和NA基因与疫苗株A/California/07/2009(H1N1),以及不同国家和地区的病毒株进行核苷酸和氨基酸序列分析。从NCBI的GenBank数据库下载所需要毒株的序列,采用Lasergene 6.0软件包中的EditSeq和MegAlign进行序列分析,进化树分析采用MEGA4.1软件。进化分析表明,中国流行的2009 H1N1流感病毒与疫苗株的核苷酸同源率分别在98.8%~99.7%和98.6%~99.6%之间;裂解位点处为I/VPSIQSR↓G,不具备高致病性流感病毒的特征;有1株NA抗性病毒。尽管与疫苗株相比,中国流行株2009甲型H1N1猪源流感病毒的HA和NA基因有部分突变,但这些突变并不是重要的。本研究首次详细分析了中国流行的2009甲型H1N1猪源流感病毒株与疫苗株的HA和NA基因的分子特征,对实时监测流感病毒HA和NA基因的变化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A dramatic rise in the number of resistant Campylobacter to quinolones has been documented in human patients and domestic animals. In this study, the mechanism of acquisition of quinolone resistance was studied by detecting point mutations in the gyrA gene of Campylobacter strains obtained from broilers and strains with in vitro-induced resistance. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of norfloxacin (NFLX) and ofloxacin (OFLX) for the strains that had no point mutation were slightly increased from the source strain (Campylobacter jejuni ATCC 33560). The MICs of nalidixic acid (NA), NFLX, and OFLX for the strains that had the point mutation at Thr-86 were 100 or 200 microg/ml, 50 microg/ml, and 25 microg/ml, respectively. The MIC of NA for the strain that had a point mutation at Asp-90 higher than those for the strains that had the point mutation at Thr-86, but the MICs of NFLX and OFLX were relatively lower than those for the strains that had point mutation at Thr-86. These findings suggest that the degree of antimicrobial resistance against NA, NFLX, and OFLX in the in vitro-induced C. jejuni strains was associated with the location of the point mutation in gyrA. On the other hand, a point mutation in all seven resistant strains isolated from broilers was located only at Thr-86, while the MICs of the three quinolones varied in each wild strain. This suggests that another mechanism might also be involved in the acquisition of quinolone resistance in C. jejuni wild strains.  相似文献   

To analyze the contribution of neuraminidase (NA) toward protection against avian influenza virus (AIV) infection, three different recombinant Newcastle disease viruses (NDVs) expressing hemagglutinin (HA) or NA, or both, of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) were generated. The lentogenic NDV Clone 30 was used as backbone for the insertion of HA of HPAIV strain A/chicken/Vietnam/P41/05 (H5N1) and NA of HPAIV strain A/duck/Vietnam/TG24-01/05 (H5N1). The HA was inserted between the genes encoding NDV phosphoprotein (P) and matrixprotein (M), and the NA was inserted between the fusion (F) and hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein (HN) genes, resulting in NDVH5VmPMN1FHN. Two additional recombinants were constructed carrying the HA gene between the NDV P and M genes (NDVH5VmPM) or the NA between F and HN (NDVN1FHN). All recombinants replicated well and stably expressed the HA gene, the NA gene, or both. Chickens immunized with NDVH5VmPMN1FHN or NDVH5VmPM were protected against two different HPAIV H5N1 and also against HPAIV H5N2. In contrast, immunization of chickens with NDVN1FHN induced NDV- and AIV N1-specific antibodies but did not protect the animals against a lethal dose of HPAIV H5N1. Furthermore, expression of AIV N1, in addition to AIV H5 by NDV, did not increase protection against HPAIV H5N1.  相似文献   


Over the last two decades, the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus has gained a lot of attention due to its zoonotic and mutative nature. Iran is among the countries significantly affected by the virus as it hosts migratory birds during seasonal migration. In this study, the molecular characterizations of hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes and proteins of H5N1 strain A/chicken/Iran/8/2015 detected in backyard poultry, Mazandaran province, were investigated. Phylogenetic analysis classified this virus as a member of subclade, with the cleavage site motif of “PQRERRRK-R/GLF”. HA carried a few mutations altering affinity to mammalian cells; however, the virus was categorized as avian. NA protein had the 20-amino acid deletion at aa position 49–69 similar to those isolated since 2000. Mutations of H253Y and H274Y contributing to antiviral resistance were present in NA. From this analysis, it can be concluded that the wild migratory birds flying from Western Asia to Eastern Africa are probably the main carriers of seasonal H5N1 in the country.


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